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Posts posted by reason1

  1. This train is off the track! Simply put there are working Girls who should know better; there are "nice girls and ladies" who have made a mistake (haven't we all! and us Guys have no responsibility do we? We paid the bar fine etc.) and there are a worrisome number of exploited. Education and access should fix some. Making a fuss about it wont help, making clean easy legal abortions available will, however unpalatable the thought maybe to some/many

  2. Surely no one likes abortion; we seem a bit short on compassion for the lady here who appears to be getting screwed more than once. Is “The Morning After Pill” a solution?

    “Depending on the drug, they are licensed for use for up to 107 to 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure.”

  3. “ report in 2008 that 80,000 female students became pregnant, about 700 infants were abandoned per year, and 46.8 per cent of women undergoing abortion were under 25”

    I struggle with all the issues here having paid for time with Bar/Play Girls without any responsibility for the results. I have also paid for a termination which fortunately didn’t happen and produced a wonderful girl. There is no easy answer and the problems are not going away. Making abortion more difficult, more criminal, or more expensive are not solutions. Education and easy access to contraception seem to me to be the best ways forward. We Guys almost always defer to the Gal to fix the problem. It is not right but that is the reality.

  4. I wouldn’t even use the energy to press the remote to watchit as all wasted on me personally; just a bit kinky mostly normal. Can anyoneexplain why Gay gets so much attention? Only 5% of all folks are supposed to begay so how come they get so much publicity? Bothers me that there maybe aconversion attempt in the process especially towards younger ones.

  5. Having been in SE Asia for last 30 years I long ago gave uptrying to be wise about the age of consent concluding that whatever I was toldI would believe if there wasn't proof to the contrary and no evidence of coercion however my previous post and this info below found on the net addresses my concerns about the growing number of published cases involving young boys and the worry that they cannot be getting enough treatment to prevent themfollowing suit:-

    Children and adolescents: victims who become perpetrators Arnon Bentovim &Bryn Williams Adolescent boys who sexually abuse otherchildren represent an important challenge for mental health professionals andfor those working within the child protectionsystem. Adolescent abusers are estimated to be responsible for 30%of reportedabuse.

    Given that adolescence is a time when sexual preferences arematuring, it represents a window of opportunity for psychiatrists and othermental health professionals to intervene at this developmental stage with theintention of interrupting any potential escalation in sexually offendingbehaviour.

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