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Posts posted by jboras

  1. Somethng smells! How did these guys know that so much money was in the vehicle?

    Sounds like they are all up to something including the victim. What was he doing with so much cash? Was it the money he took from these guys for a "drug deal"?

    Sounds like a deal gone bad to me?

    Oh and the cops only rcovered 200 thousand! What a laugh!!!! I'll bet they know where the money is!!!!

  2. I cannot ask her mother as we have no way to contact her directly and she does not speak english in any case. But no way was he taken away to be in better hands, the reason is perfectly clear, her mother is angry with me/us and is trying to get whatever she selfishly wants or feels she deserves.


    Martin, so do you know the reasons your son was taken away....did you ask your wife or her mother.....was he taken away to be in a better hand and care...

    Are you sure she is the real grandmother?

    My in-laws that I first met were all stand in accomplises.

    I met the real parents when all the shit hit the fan!!!!

  3. I don't believe my wife is involved in taking our son away or in trying to get something from me, for a start she knows better than anyone we don't have anything substantial to give right now even if we wanted to. She was the one who made the report at the police station after getting no where trying to talk her family into giving him back at first. But I do understand her position in all this, if we take this all the way with the police then there is a chance her mother could be facing jail time, which as a good Thai daughter she cannot begin to see how she could do that but on the other hand she needs her son back.

    I think your wife is full of baloney... "My mother stole my son for money", but I want to protect her as a "good Thai daughter"

    Come on get real! In other words, my mother is more important than you or your child, haha Wake up!


    I was in the same denial stage for a few months. When I "opened my eyes" and seriously started looking for my son without the distraction of the "wife" things started to happen. YOU and only YOU can take your son from the grandmother, the mother or any one else that has your son. BUT you got to find him first.

    Sorry pal but reality hurts when it settles in... I hope this will not be your case... but I remind you again ... these ladies are great actors....

    So great that the months my son was missing... my "wife" was the best ever in bed... what a way to convince me that she had nothing to do with it.... BUT I have already told you my outcome...

    again I hope this is not your case...

  4. Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

    Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

    You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

    If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

    Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

    Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

    You may want to do some research prior to posting.

    Positive, I had to redo the Thai court orders in Australia to make them valid world wide!

    .......... and make sure you get the kids paasport when you do and when and if you get him back..... I had to wait months to get the orders redone in Australia so that I could get a new passport. The Thai court orders are not even worth the paper they are writtenj on,....

  5. Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

    Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

    You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

    If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

    Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

    Are you sure? that Thailand has not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties???????

    You may want to do some research prior to posting.

    Positive, I had to redo the Thai court orders in Australia to make them valid world wide!

  6. Martin forgot to mention.... forget interpol, police etc.

    Thailand is not signed up to any Hague Convention or any other Treaties so there is no such thing as Child abduction there as there is in other Countries that have signed up to the treaty.

    You and the mother (whoever is on the birth cert) can ask the local police to help, but they will not as they have no powers in family matters.

    If your wife has not actioned so far I stand by my earlier post.....

    Start looking for your kid alone .... without your wife.... be cause beleive me.. these families even if you pay the first lot it will keep on going on and on.. they will not hand over the golden goose....

  7. Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

    He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.



    I went through a very similar situation in 2004 when my 3 year old dissapeared.

    I was asked for 1 million baht to see my son. The asking party was the in laws.....

    To cut a long story short... it was an extortion plan from my wife's family and included my wife; even though she was by my side every day pretending to cry.

    I was "wisened" by a police officer who advised me not to believe my wife. This was hard for him to do and for me to believe.

    In the end it turned out that my wife was keeping a tab on me while my son would be moved around every time we (I) got closer. Even though I had arranged to pay the money, nothing happened. I did not hand the money over as I insisted that only when I saw my son they would get the money. My wife knew I had the money ready but she also knew that I would not hand it over until I saw my son. I did not give in and held on.....

    Eventually I got away from my wife and tracked them all down myself. It took me six months but I did it. These would have had to be the worst 6 months in my life....

    I got my son back, divorced my wife and took my son overseas where he has been schooling now for the last 5 years. AND he/we is very HAPPY!

    Some notes:

    The police officer that made me open my eyes said to me;

    1) In Thailand the father has a right to the chidren just as much (if not more) as the mother (not like in our western countries where mums get their way).

    2) I was told if I ever saw my son to pick him up in my arms and just walk away. Don't fight, don't argue just walk away! WITH MY SON. In his words who has has. If I had my son no one could take him away NOT EVEN THE POLICE! Same if she had him.

    3) Make sure that no friend helps me to carry my son. I was to do it alone. My friends if any helped could be charged with kidnaping. I could not as I am the father.

    4) Arrange for a divorce settlement and if there is property involved the wife would be more interested in the property than the child. THEY were 100% correct. She signed away her rights of my son and I walked away with 0% of the house. Not that we foreigners have any right to property as we are made to sign that land is purchased entirely with funds of the wife and 0% contribution form us (foreigners). You can own the house but not the land. I prefered to carry my son away rather than the bricks and tiles...

    This is my story and I hope your is really different.....

    BUT I tell you these ladies are great actors right to the end.... this is not to imply all Thai ladies but the ones that get up to it they are bloody good at it!


  8. Well......

    Pattaya has always ben the home for loonies that can't make it in their home Countries.

    It is mostly these foreigners that carry guns and run all the SHIT in Pattay, Phuket you name it, under the guise of their "Thai wifes".

    Get rid of them and Thailand will be beautiful once again.

    I hope they catch this guy.

    I have lived in Thailand for more than 25 years and the errosion of their culture started when wannabe gangsters such as this looney take advanatage of the lax Thai laws that allows them to be the best people in the world.

    Suppose the laws must be tightened to stop the rot....!!!

    What was this guy thinking. Not enough action in Pattaya, he had to loot the gold from Bangkok stores.

    GUILTY AS hel_l, lucky this guy caight him on video... that is how stupid he really is...

  9. Stay away from the trouble spots and everything should be fine...

    Where are they? All over Thailand....???

    We flew in to Thailand on Monday and the palne was empty, so was the arrval hall.

    We left today (Wednesday) the departures were full with long ques. All flights fully booked... even Air Asia and Tiger Air were charging more than Thai airlines to get out... All flights full!!!

    I wonder why the mass exodus!!


  10. Let's hope it's not just one more "crackdown" which will go nowhere. This one is needed.

    In recent weeks the BIB raided a town house a few doors from us and arrested a guy who it turns out was a Korean mafia guy on the run from the police. He has since been turned over to the Korean police.

    About 2 months ago the BIB arrived in force late one night and dragged off 3 black African guys who were living in an apartment block in the same complex as our town house. They had been in possession of and distributing fake $US banknotes.

    Interesting that the color of the three men was so important as to warrant mentioning!

    YES IT IS!

    I have 3 Nigerians living in our complex. All dress really well, lots of gold jewelery.

    They have shown me notes US$100 covered in coffee that they wash to reveal a "real note". They say they have 20 nillion more notes. The are covered in coffe to avoid detection at the airport. They can bring them in if I can pay US$10,000 to bribe the pilot and I get 20%...

    Should I take it? :)

    They bring a different foreigner to their apartment everyday, I am sure they to go through the same process...

    Wonder how many payments they have collected.

    Please clean all the scum out... even if it leaves 1% of foreigners behind!

    Thailand has had enough.

    Would you like your house used by criminals to run their, scams, hide from murders, etc... No? Well Thais don't like it either. They were known as the land of smiles until we wiped it off their faces!

  11. could be russian, chinese, japanese, white, black, baddies

    dont assume its just ol whitey pattaya phuket


    personally i would start with the ones that tattoo their heads


    as this is a sign of a baddie

    Hey! I have my head Tatooed! I have never smoked, never taken alchohol (in my life), never even got a parking ticket.... so please!

    A tatoo make me a criminal element!? Some of us like the art... and a way of covering up the baldness.

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