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Ulysses G.

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Posts posted by Ulysses G.

  1. Secondly; as an employer, I have yet to have a good experience employing Khon Muang. As a rule, the locals I have employed are lazy, selfish and frequently dishonest. Most of my long term staff are from the South, Central region or Esarn.

    I have two businesses in the suburbs of Chiang Mai and all my employees, except one, have lived in Chiang Mai all of their lives.

    They are some of the most honest, hardworking people that I have seen anywhere, without exception.

    I knew the manager slightly for many years and was very impressed by her work ethic. I let her hire all her friends (she had worked for another business that was similar to mine), until we needed another employee with excellent English skills. We hired a 70 year old friend's 20 year old wife from Isan.

    Everybody is great. Everybody gets along. We have the best workplace that I have ever experienced myself.

    I am thankful every day.

    What don't I like about Chiang Mai?

    The nightlife isn't as good as Bangkok.

  2. Over the last weeks Georgie Porgie became extreme, no more contribution, just attacking and flaming

    The Gentleman still responds in a way that one could say he was using his brain before using his fingers. Only on occasion replied in kind to G-P.

    Never mind if one agrees to what the gentleman has to see, he usually says in a constructive way while G-P only brings expletives.

    They both do a lot of flaming, but someone got the thoughtful part backwards. Perhaps it depends on one's political leanings? Compare some typical posts.

    Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13 

    I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

    I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

    However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

    Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

    By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. 

    Georgie-Porgie Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 14:27:13

    Actually, I really enjoy the food and culture in Europe, but I have read a good number of travel stories by Europeans describing what they love about American culture. The words that I used are more theirs than mine. 

    the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34 

    I love the warts on society  , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

    Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

    I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

    I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

    I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

    I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

    I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

    I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

    I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

    I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

    I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

    I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

    I would meet you, you would hide

    I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

    I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

    Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

    You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

    You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing! 

    Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day 

    This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

    the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:27:34 

    you read about it and we will live it - it must be hard to save on that monthly salary    - "dumb" and rich or "smart" and poor - work it out Dr Evil and you might find you are the dumb one.

    I now give you permission to post more crap, my little puppet! 

  3. GP says that New York City has better restaurants than Melbourne, Australia, that Hollywood has a more succesful movie industry than Bollywood in India, and that the gent is a touch slow.

    He gets called a troll, a thick septic, Doctor Evil and a lot worse. Basher gets teary eyed. The gent offers to teach him a lesson that he won't forget, in person.

    What is wrong with this picture?

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