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Posts posted by Sarge

  1. Got a mother-in-law already, can't thing of a single reason why I would want another one.

    (typo intentional)

    I think the mother-in-law's that they are providing are all between 19 and 27. Still can't think of a reason? :D

    can I bring the mother in law and instead get a wife (for the day)? :o

  2. I am impressed ....

    don't be, as matter of fact I quite like the Brits (well, the ones living in Britain). I've made made (one of) my home(s) there, so I should know. Here just taking the mickey out of plonkers seen in Pattaya, maybe I touched a raw nerve there :o one of the things that were impressed on me in Blighty is that one shouldn't take oneself too seriously. But neither getting wasted so early in the day is a clever thing to do.

  3. Where To Find The Most British People In Thailand

    best bet would be under any tables in Pattaya's beer bars or alternatively found them at any bars with giant TV screens showing Premiership football matches.

    Never understood what is the attraction of swigging beers at 8.30am outside bars manned by cleaners and the odd BGs. Only in Pattaya.

  4. Would You Support Another Coup?

    yes I would ..... a peaceful coup that would bring a ban for life from politics that symbol of wishy washy liberalism, hypocrite khun Abhisit Vejjajiva and any member of his party. A coup that would instal a government charged to look into visas held by some expats, especially the decrepit, garrulous pensioner/fake-teacher variety. Get rid of them and Thailand would be better for it.

    Would it be ok if they also got rid of the decrepit, garrulous retired US "servicemen" pensioners while they're at it? :o

    why, do you have anybody in mind?

  5. Would You Support Another Coup?

    yes I would ..... a peaceful coup that would bring a ban for life from politics that symbol of wishy washy liberalism, hypocrite khun Abhisit Vejjajiva and any member of his party. A coup that would instal a government charged to look into visas held by some expats, especially the decrepit, garrulous pensioner/fake-teacher variety. Get rid of them and Thailand would be better for it.

  6. yonks ago someone told me that the perfect woman would have the qualities of:

    Italian in the kitchen + raising kids

    Brazilian in the bedroom

    English rose to go out socialising

    Japanese for grace & femininity

    now if I can consolidate all the above, in a sexy looking Isaan uni student then I found my nirvana :o

  7. Sarge said;

    See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with.

    You don't have to be no knight in shinning armour to see that these comments are appalling.

    mate, you running around in circles. You taking exception to those remarks while disregarding the context in which they were said and the underlined meaning of the post. There is life outside TV, ya know?

  8. someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

    what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

    English teachers complaining again and again and again.......we get it, you guys cannot afford a good time here, so just accept the fact and wander the bars searching for the endless happy hours which supply free food to boot.

    alas I'm not a teacher, and not even English. But thanks for the compliment. I agree with your sentiment about them, especially the CM fauna but that's another story. In terms of good times, travelling up and down the country with your own brand new car, family on tow, affording 4 & 5 stars hotels nationwide, lunching & dining at good restaurants every single day, shopping until you drop, all of this for months and months on end and of course property investments, and best of all supporting neighbour kids education and seeing them running to you with huge smile on their faces, and much more besides.

    Maybe you can show us how is done but prolly not. That's one way of having good times. what's yours?

  9. someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

    what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

    The reason why people 'jump the gun' at your last post was because of your disturbing attitudes towards Thai women. I couldn't care less what you say about westerners as none of it applys to me.

    look my point was about those farangs I see in the provinces and most of them are coupled with women coming from the lower echelon of society (as themselves they are). Most of them have kids from previous (failed) marriages/relationship with Thai men. It wasn't a sweeping statement about all Thai women. Now, if you chosen to believe that, and came galloping with your shiny armour to defend their honour, it says more about yourself than anything else. Disturbing may be your state of mind.

  10. someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

    what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

  11. What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?

    those are pretty strong words that I never felt in Thailand. However I can use the adjective; dislike towards some (mostly older but not all) farang I bump into in Isaan.

    See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with. They seem so oblivious to people glances, sneer and gossiping, looking around pleased with themselves while their partner help herself stuffing the trolley with groceries and kids' toys.

    They just reinforce the notion, to Thais' mind, that all farang in Thailand are old fat, low standard, gullible walking ATM machines to be taken advantage of. Some of these human relics seem to congregate in Thai forums extolling the virtues of Thais, proudly stating that they're fully integrated into their host society and flaming anybody who dares criticise Thai women's virtue.

    If they only knew, if they only knew ...... :o

  12. Sure the Brits, Germans and Americans are the more visible farang tourists here but its quite surprising to see in those stats so many diggers (more than US nationals) able to afford these trips in such high numbers (blame it on little Johnnie and the far too low OZ airport tax). I seldom come across them maybe because I don't frequent squalid, cheapo drinking dens.

    Recently I have noticed, here in Isaan, a large number of Swiss living/visiting and settling down, wonder why

  13. us getting roma prediction from me came true.

    arse and liverpool should be a cracking quarter final, and we cannot meet another english side to the final.

    i cannot see a repeat of 7-1 over roma they will be well up for revenge.

    yes and you can bet your own arse on that one; C. Ronaldo will be a guest of honour and treated accordingly when he'll grace the Olimpico (particularly after a derisory newspaper interview). Having said that, Man U is a clear favourite to get thru, much a stronger team and more experienced at this level. But we'll be mentally and physically geared towards the challenge, now we know them well and know what to expect at the Old Trafford ...... and who knows sometimes the underdog surprises the favourite.

    It's a pity we've missed on the Reds (and their hooligans, aka Kops), we'll meet again eventually. Maybe in Moscow or much, much better still in next year final's venue; Rome 2009.

    whaddaya fink, Kopite? :o

  14. yes for the trouble on the bridge the last game over there,admittedly uniteds main firm went over mob handed which not many teams do, but the lads lifted where just shirters who decided to go over the same time when it went off they where just the unlucky ones caught,funny how roma fans can carry knives and not get pulled, heard they are in with the police.

    there is a web site for these lads called roma4. many donations and fundraising going on.

    absolute scum the Roma fans mate and Lazio, and the police are even worse. Liverpool have had problems over there in recent years. You also had problems last year as well didnt you?

    well that takes the biscuit, a Liverpool fan (or English fan of any allegiance for that matter) calling other fans scum. Let me remind for the benefit of people, who haven't had the pleasure to meet this drunken human sewage from Merseyside, an event where they were at their finest behaviour: Heysel. Maybe a suggesting snapshot may refresh their drunken memory

    Gosh, let's meet again reds!


  15. I'm in the market for a new car and narrowed down my choice to the Vios E 4 speed auto, visited a Roi Et branch and asked their best price for cash sale. I was quoted 614K for the standard model inclusive of 3 years warranty, all taxes paid and 1 year free insurance (20% of any repairs as excess). I noticed that 614K was exactly the price advertised on cars' windows displayed in the showroom. I asked again for their best price as I was paying cash and not using their finance company, I was told that they do not discount as Thais never pay cash for their vehicles, totally unheard of. I did my best not to laugh or look down on them for such idiotic comment, and politely bid farewell. I will now take my business elsewhere.

  16. Thais seem to get very mellow after a few drinks -


    Yes, I've noticed this too. Perhaps I've just been lucky so far but although they appear to become drunk sooner than the average Westerner, they behave a lot better. Sure, I realise that I've only been here 18 months and so have only just begun to scratch the surface. But when I think of how stroppy some people get back home when they've had a few and how they are here... Maybe it's the "losing face" scenario at work again.

    I take it you guys never been to a morlum concert

  17. As a farang who spends time in both cultures (Australian and Thai) the biggest difference I have noticed is how people react when they are drunk. Thais seem to get very mellow after a few drinks - Aussies can be very obnoxious, loud and aggressive.


    The latter are very loud and aggressive without the jungle juice :D

    so so true, it must be their fine heritage (not!) :o

    never understood why Thais make a big show in eating fierce spicy hot foods, sniggering at farang who don't like it, but then can only drink few drops of spirits diluted in tall glasses full of soda water and ice. You should see how they grimace when tasting whiskey straight up. That's where my fun begins .... :D

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