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Posts posted by Sarge

  1. However she has to be home by 10.30pm-11pm the latest.

    Probably has to be home to the Husband by that time.

    Just kidding, however this girls family/background in no way make it a sure thing that you won't get ripped off again.

    ....or a sponsor calling her at night time from abroad, also she may have a young child to look after, who knows. I tend to be weary with Thai lasses who speak perfect / good English, it may mean 2 things: either she lived abroad or she has been exposed to farangs for long time. As somebody else said earlier, do not repeat the same mistake, learn from it. Do no let money enter into the equation, at least not before marriage, if she's a gold digger, she'll soon reveal her hand, if not then maybe you get lucky this time around. Play safe.

  2. well, most of the shameful play-acting is to win an advantage, be it a penalty, free kick, wasting time and so on ... the English have a say: "Rugby is a ruffian game played by gentlemen while Football is a gentlemen game played by ruffians". There's a grain of truth in it.

    I'm surprised that nobody (yet) picked on silly goal celebrations, they're in a class of their own. Just a couple of examples here, from Liverpudlian players, they lead the world in this particular category :o

    Fowler sniffing his way to the corner flag

    Bellamy can't play football so he tries his hand at golf, with predictable results



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