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Posts posted by mauGR1

  1. I think it's in their blood. I sometimes get asked if I'm going back to my falang ex-wife, after being divorced for 35 years!

    Another rule I've learned by hard experience - never give any information about past partners. No margin in it at all for you, and just gives her a hook to hang her negative fantasies. . .

    Spot on, done the same mistake a few times, but i guess if you answer evasively they get even more suspicious.

  2. It seems some people here are really obsessed with sex...Like some previous poster said, the old guys which some despise so much, are looking for company more than anything else.

    Some younger people here should consider the fact that getting old sucks, but it's still better than the alternative.

    If you are clever and lucky enough you'll get old too.coffee1.gif

  3. My favourite Thai habit is to leave the shoes out of one's home.

    For many habits, Thai or not Thai, it's a matter of respect and good manners.

    The sniffy thing.. Well, honestly, it seems a bit ridiculous to me..A girlie thing anyway,smile.png

  4. I think people are reading too much into how they perceive the way "Thais think".

    yep, in general, people who are busy with their life don't think too much about strangers, unless they get directly involved.

    I remember sitting in a bus close to a huge, fat, smelling and sweaty guy who was falling asleep on my shoulder.

    I poked him gently twice, the third time not so gently, i could hear the distinct knock of his head against the window glass.

    He stared at me and i stared at him, i hope he learned something.

  5. . One of the big reasons I came to Thailand was to get away from all of this kind of nonsense in the West. . Leave Thailand alone. It has existed without your European Christian values for centuries and does not need them now.

    I agree.

    Once i used to believe in monogamy, but that didn't save me from being cheated.

    I realised that loving someone has nothing to do with building a cage around her/ him.

    • Like 2
  6. But as an aside I do think it most productive to enjoying my time here to go along with the view that we should be respectful of our host culture's idiosyncrasies, and even its idiocies.

    And I'm of the opinion that as I pay to be here, they have to go along with my culture and idiosyncrasies.

    My recipe is to mix different ingredients to get a dish that suits my needs.

    • Like 1
  7. It's just having a nickname just the same as all Thais have a nickname. What's the problem with that?

    Sent from my GT-P1000T using Thaivisa Connect App


    Uh.. did i miss something ? Plenty of people have nicknames in their countries of origin, what's wrong with that ?

    i don't recall being asked my nickname, the thread title specifically asks if anyone has a thai name

    yep. my nickname is my Thai name.

    my name made short, easy for Thais, means " drunk " a typical case of " nomen omen " or " destiny in a name.

  8. Agree, but obviously drunk people actions are more predictable, thus easier to control.

    Uppers, hallucinogens, PCP et al sure, but I'm sure everyone here's come across wildly unpredictable and very violent behaviour caused exacerbated by alcohol.

    Opiates, not so much pretty harmless. . .

    No. Sure I've come across drink-fuelled fights, but nothing particularly untoward. I guess I'm lucky to have led a sheltered life. I've really never seen the violence in the UK that people on this forum go on about.


    Well. alcohol, like other drugs can exacerbate bad traits in people's personalities, it seems for the governments though, an alcoholic populace is preferable in comparison.

  9. yes true im not saying that alchos dont steal rob ext but you are more than likely to get robbed by a junkie than a drunk,drunks get drunk pass out junkies are far more dangerous on a high bouncing of walls add syndrome who would you trust a harmless drunk or a junkie just saying?? i did state that alcohol and ciggys are the 2 most deadly and dangerous drugs out there,and have there different social problems but anyone hooked on hard drugs are a lot more dangerous than the average drunk.

    I don't understand how you haven't absorbed the fact that what you're talking about is true only because of the prohibition factor. If these other drugs were legal like alcohol then they would be cheap like alcohol, in some cases much cheaper, and then those addicted to drugs other than alcohol would also not need to resort to crime to get their fix.

    And the violent crime and corruption of the distribution networks would be gone.

    Treating it as a medical problem, even supplying it for free and providing food and shelter to the addicts would be a tiny fraction of the costs spent on prisons and other "war on drugs" tactics, which aren't working anyway.

    Agree, but obviously drunk people actions are more predictable, thus easier to control.wink.png

  10. After the disaster that was my marriage, i grew a beard, as a reminder not to trust any woman.

    Soon as i was on my merry way in Thailand i met a nice, clever lady who persuaded me to shave my chin.

    After the disaster that was that relationship, the distrust was so sharply carved in my soul, that i'm flabbergasted whenever i discover that my girl friend is telling me the truthblink.png

    • Like 2
  11. I hope the young farang does not seduce your wife and have a threesome because that happened in a movie I saw once.

    Yeah. Sure. Most women want to get naked and have a threesome with their sister. Seriously......

    Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I have to give you kudos here. You've stayed really calm through all of the, let's say non-essential posts. You also seem to be staying pretty calm and resolved with your family issues. Congrats.

    Yes, my respect for the OP too.

  12. If they don't have tattoos I'm not interested in them. Everybody knows all the best Thai girls have tattoos. They are also highly educated cos they can speak English very well, some even speak some German and Swedish too. Best of all they like to drink, smoke and play pool.

    What else could a man ask for? coffee1.gif

    I have met one on a dating site, which has no tattoos, but speaks English and some Italian too,

    She says she's a skilled table-tennis player, so i invited her to come to meet me, but she's reluctant to bring the table coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  13. Well, not necessarily brown people, i remember as a young boy, being stuck in my deep feelings when i saw the picture of the young Vietnamese girl being burnt by napalm bombs, walking naked and crying desperately among indifferent , full geared American soldiers.

    I read later she was adopted and given an education by some wonderful American family.

    I still think Europeans and Americans have a lot to be forgiven.

    The girl was not Thai

    The country was not Thailand

    The troops were not from Europe

    The troops were not all white

    Tell me again why I need to be forgiven (I'm from the UK).

    Tell me again why I should feel guilty for something I didn't do nor given the choice to do.

    It's all ok for me..

    Personally, my father was in the Colonial Police in Ethiopia, and i know Italians committed atrocities against the population there.

    I don't think my father was directly involved in committing atrocities, but no way he would have told me.

    Few years ago i met a guy from Ethiopia, i told him i was sorry about what some Italians did to his people, he said never mind it's not your fault.

    Still i can say my consciousness embrace my body,my family, my friends, my country, my race and all the humankind..

    Sometimes i can be proud or ashamed to be simply human too.

    Maybe this is nonsense, i am still working at it.smile.png

    • Like 1
  14. Well, not necessarily brown people, i remember as a young boy, being stuck in my deep feelings when i saw the picture of the young Vietnamese girl being burnt by napalm bombs, walking naked and crying desperately among indifferent , full geared American soldiers.

    I read later she was adopted and given an education by some wonderful American family.

    I still think Europeans and Americans have a lot to be forgiven.

    Methinks your memory/imagination is playing tricks on you.

    That would be Phan Thi Kim Phuc. She was bombed by the South Vietnamese Air Force and those were SVN troops in that picture. No doubt US troops were at times as bad or worse but not in the picture you saw. (And she was not walking but running -- along with much of her village).

    She was never adopted by Americans. She was used by the government of Vietnam for years as a propaganda tool and as an adult she was a student in Cuba from whence she departed for a honeymoon in Moscow. She and her husband defected while laid over in Canada, and she was given asylum. She is now Canadian.

    Europeans and Americans indeed have a lot for which to be forgiven. But what of the rest of the world? How many countries can you name that have no crimes against others or their OWN people in their history? (If you want to speak of Vietnam, obviously the US has much to answer for. What about the Vietnamese, the Chinese, or the Koreans in that war?)

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    Thanks for clarifying, yes indeed that pic was used as a propaganda tool by the left wing Parties in Europe too, but i am going to look at the picture again, i am not sure about the soldiers being Vietnamese.

    Anyway, my point was trying to explain some reason why the " white people " act in such a naively way when travelling in third world countries.

  15. IMHO, lots of white people come to Asia with a sense of guilt, a sort of karmic debt for the colonialism of the past.

    I was deep into it until i came to live in Thailand, to discover that the poor lady i was buying the drinks from, despite being more pricey than elsewhere, is the owner of countless houses, boats, cars and plots of farmland.

    She's my landlady now, and she looks as poor as ever.

    Any white person that is in Thailand feeling guilty about colonialism is an IDIOT.

    Thailand has never been a colony of any country.

    The kind of guilt he's referring to is a more diffuse one toward brown people in general.

    And the fact that Thailand has never been a colony isn't nearly as important as the Thais would like to think, except to their over-inflated nationalistic pride.

    Well, not necessarily brown people, i remember as a young boy, being stuck in my deep feelings when i saw the picture of the young Vietnamese girl being burnt by napalm bombs, walking naked and crying desperately among indifferent , full geared American soldiers.

    I read later she was adopted and given an education by some wonderful American family.

    I still think Europeans and Americans have a lot to be forgiven.

  16. IMHO, lots of white people come to Asia with a sense of guilt, a sort of karmic debt for the colonialism of the past.

    I was deep into it until i came to live in Thailand, to discover that the poor lady i was buying the drinks from, despite being more pricey than elsewhere, is the owner of countless houses, boats, cars and plots of farmland.

    She's my landlady now, and she looks as poor as ever.

    Any white person that is in Thailand feeling guilty about colonialism is an IDIOT.

    Thailand has never been a colony of any country.

    Yes, technically you are right, but i was meaning the subtle guilty feeling many ( including me ) , carry with them when thinking about past history.

    For me, it quite explains why many of us behave so naively in third world countries.

    ( now, you can start a debate whether Thailand is a third world country or not )

  17. Yeah, the correct solution, but maybe one the OP doesn't like.

    I would change the topic title if i could :" Another sad story from Isaan "

    When will they learn ? .. Ah, well, another plane load is coming.coffee1.gif

    Dude. Lame post. Great value add. Just move along Ol' Wise One.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Well, i like people with good hearts, i also like the way Thais share everything with their extended families.

    But i hate to see naive foreigners being taken advantage of from a bunch of lazy people ( i' ve seen too many )...

    These situations normally end in tears and regret, and i sincerely hope this is not your case.

    Apologies if i have offended you.

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