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Posts posted by mauGR1

  1. I have stopped to help at several accidents and have never been more than thanked. What if your wife was the one who had an unfortunate accident ? Would you want people to simply ignore her and just drive past or try to help her ? It takes a hard person to simply ignore the distress of others on a What if basis. sorry.gif

    Yep, despite hearing bad stories, it would be hard for me not to stop to help..

    So far, the worst experience i've ever had, was being verbally abused by a fat Swedish lady which had comically fallen down from the motorbike rolleyes.gif

  2. Well, if you're going to build a palace for your wife in Nakhon Nowhere, and your inlaws live in a bamboo shack, it would be tasteless and insensitive not to improve their housing conditions.

    Anyway, it seems that you cannot expect gratitude from helping the people, but it can happen everywhere, not only in Thailand.

  3. Jesus !! From reading the posts it seems something is going to happen for sure..

    I had my paranoia moments 2 years ago, after reading nearly all of the " doomsday sites ", and checking those who sell survival kits as well.

    Yes, it seems the Poles have shifted a few times already in the past, scary thought blink.png

    After sharing my paranoia with a few very tolerant friends, i was carefree again.

    Whatever will be will be coffee1.gif

  4. Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

    Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

    I would respectfully like to disagree.

    A taxi- driver should take this job, because he likes to drive taxi.

    What you are saying is a little, like a waiter in a restaurant might not serve me a pizza with mushrooms, because he doesn't like mushrooms.

    Secondly: if they don't want to drive me...why ask me?

    Thirdly: goin back to the depot? Turn the frogging sign off!

    I respectfully disagree too..

    Imho your example does not fit well..The taxi-driver is the owner...Of the restaurant..let's say..

    As a owner of the restaurant he can refuse to serve a customer he doesn't like..for whatever reasons..

    That said, i don't live in BKK, but i fully understand it's a stressful environment..People are always in a hurry and they can get upset sometimes.

  5. Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

    Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

    I also find the new law unfair towards the taxi drivers and as there is usually another taxi just moments behind its never an issue.

    It wouldn't have been an issue for the Op if the second taxi accepted the fare. However, 5 taxi's in a row refused him - I can understand his frustration.

    One good thing about the renewed interests in enforcing this law is that its a step in the right direction for customer service... If it was ever going to work that is !...

    But in fact the new law is there because, the other taxi behind and the one behind that one and the one.....will all refuse to drive to certain locations at certain times of the day.

    I'm not a regular taxi user in bkk, but I don't understand the logic of the taxi drivers not to go to a certain location when there is heavy traffic.The meter also runs while sitting in a traffic jam, isn't it?

    And I understand that the meter runs at a slower pace when not moving, but so is the fuel usage, at the end I guess it gives a similar result in profits.

    Not really, if you consider the time spent inhaling toxic fumes, while the meter is still and the engine is on.

    Not to talk about the boredom.

  6. Well, i may be going agaist the current here, but i never got upset with a taxi driver for not accepting to go where i wanted to go.

    Also, i find the new law unjust, a taxi driver should have the right to reject a customer, whatever his motives.

    • Like 1
  7. and now think how confusing it is for a German who have English as their second language.

    Not really, I ( try to ) speak English, not American...Although i find the English should stop being so eccentric with those yards and pounds, and adopt the metric system smile.png

    yes but my English improves and modifies itself by reading books/news/texts which are often from USA and movies which are almost only from USA. So automatically it get more American.

    My English isn't good enough to recognize the differences....I am already happy if I keep out my staffs English.....but it even happens that I uses that "no" instead of "not" and complete disregard of any grammar and times....

    Hahaha, the same happens to me, if i speak " Thaiglish " for 10 minutes, it takes another 10 minutes to switch again to passable English blink.png

  8. Italian footballers have a lot to answer for.

    They introduced hugging and kissing after scoring a goal, into the game.

    " sweeping generalisation "

    So is it fair to say the English invented hooliganism ?rolleyes.gif

    btw, i prefer sober celebrations too, a handshake is enough for a goal, and a hug should be given only to a goakeeper who scores a goal from behind the midfield linecoffee1.gif

  9. Sorry to get bac on the topic, but the original post about this bari own goal, i take it that its been proven that the defender scored it on purpose?

    I cannot be 100% sure, but i think the player in question confessed everything...

    A few years ago there was a blatant own-goal at the World Cup, a defender from Colombia scored an amazing shot into his net..The fact was completely ignored by the world press, but the guy was shot dead about 1 month later in Colombia.

  10. I have a good friend who is a Liverpool fan ( he is a good boy..)

    Once i asked him why England as a national team is performing so poorly.

    His explaination was that the rivalry among English Clubs is so strong, that players from different Clubs don't even talk to each other...

    So the solution it's simple, just line up the worst team in the Premier League ( the best players are already rich, thus not motvated ) and the results will be better :D

  11. Every time I come across one of these threads, which is actually fairly regularly, I'm always left wondering why so many people feel the need to comment on, or even judge other relationships. I'm more than happy with my life, wife and kids to feel the need to put someone else down for what I may perceive to be a "flaw" in their relationship.

    You've never commented or had an opinion on someone else's relationship?

    A man that does not have an opinion is not a man.

    Everybody with a brain have opinions, men and women too..One may change opinion as well, it's a sign of development.

    However, some people may choose not to express their opinion because they respect other people choices, it's a sign of politeness.

    In short, " live and let live "

    Just saying..wai.gif

  12. basically i wear whatever i feel like, i love fashion.

    i spend far to much on clothes, but I really dress by mood not occasion and dont really worry if it does not suit the occasion.

    look good feel good.

    "look good feel good" = lack of self-confidence / self-esteem dry.png

    if im lacking confidence why im i the only one with my pic up, think about that for a moment.

    no reasons for me to lack confidence my friend.

    Not having a go at you eh, just for the sake of discussion..But one may argue that if your self-confidence is based on your appearance, it might be a rather shallow self-confidence coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  13. do you realise that good thai girls in real relationships are judged and looked down on often by people simply because they are thai.

    this is a direct result of the behavior of bar girls and girls who use men and act like leeches, and men who support it.

    its not about being unhappy in a relationship, mines been going strong for years, but peoples actions are reflecting on good thai people, and many westerners push tose actions right along because they are deviates.

    so why should it not annoy me, to many good thai girls, and there are many are misjudged.

    when a fool enters a relationship thats not real, he feeds the thai stereotype, nothing to do with age,same are real as i said, but most are not.

    again to the real ones like pigeon jake, more power to you.

    IMHO. happy people are not so judgemental, and between the "good " and the "bad " people there are infinite shades of grey.

    Before pointing the finger, have a look in the mirror, and be sure you are perfect..whistling.gif

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  14. tongue.png

    Thing is, you guys that are saying you dont care what people think you look like etc,which is fair enough.. BUT, on the flip side, i bet you would care if the women walking around you shared the same attitude!

    Actually I prefer women who don't dress up or wear makeup smile.png

    Yep, beautiful women don't need that, and for " beautiful " i don't mean just the body whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  15. Every time I come across one of these threads, which is actually fairly regularly, I'm always left wondering why so many people feel the need to comment on, or even judge other relationships. I'm more than happy with my life, wife and kids to feel the need to put someone else down for what I may perceive to be a "flaw" in their relationship.

    Maybe because those people are not so happy after all whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  16. I assume this is hogwash for the great majority of the Forum members, but, according to the Theosophists and the Anthroposophists, who wrote various books on the topic, the so-called Mongolian race and other different branches of it, were the dominant races at the time of Atlantis, a Continent once situated between East America and the coasts of Western Africa and Europe.

    They are said to have migrated in various parts of the Planet before the final catastrophe, which it's said to be happened around 12.000 years ago.

    Recent and not so recent Archeological discoveries suggest that there must be something consistent with these theories.

  17. There's a Ban Don Daeng in Amphur Arkat Amnuay in Sakon Nakorn Province. It has a reputation for woven goods and would be about 8 hours drive from Bangkok - could that be it?

    I think i have been there, it's about half way between Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon.

    It was in 2007, but i noticed a couple of Foreigner's owned small Guest houses not far from the village itself..Bigger towns around are Baan Doong and Kam Tha Kla, noticed some foreigner's owned Bars there, as well as a couple of Guest Houses.

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