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Posts posted by spaceshipcrew

  1. What Sort Of Music Do You Listen Too In Thailand, What sort and where do you go to download.

    Me I don't listen to Thai music anyway :) too high puke factor. Exept few traditional sweet Isan songs that are ok.

    But Thai music and Thai TV is banned from my home.

    Usually I listen to this great webradio player that I can really recommend to you http://radioget.com/

    It plays ALL worldwide music genres flawless, with one click of the button it also starts to download and store the songs separately in a folder. Radio Paradise is very good, can also be listened via their own website.

  2. I'm still hoping to find a home for these kittens/cats, we've got 4 here now and they're making my wife go mental, we really need to find a home for them, they're healthy and clever...

    Someone please help :)

    Hi I live near Chiangmai and I was just thinking of taking 1 or 2 cat's again, always had few cat's in the past..

    We have a real large garden and they will have a good life here for sure. Let me know if you are still searching !

    PS, I'm not willing to pay for them as I am against animal trade, but eventual vaccinations can be refunded ofcourse.


    Hi, thanks for your reply, I tried to PM you but I wasn't allowed for some reason, please try to PM me and we can arrange something :D

    Hi, same with me I can't find out how to pm you get some error warning, however you can contact me using this mailform


  3. That is not a question, Honda Accord ofcourse...

    Since the Vigo era all models of Toyota look and drive like crap.

    Toyota Camry has got no class, it's for middleclass braggers with a small penis who pretend to be upperclass. It's just big but inside it looks so cheap !

    Honda Accord has got class, just keep it modest and forget that 3 liter version (unless you have a small penis)

  4. Wanna get a car, currently no savings so like to finance. With 80.000 bath income per month no problem. Have ED year visa & workpermit, and need a Thai local to guarantee (like if a Thai want to finance he need a guarantee as well) Beside I don't like to bother someone to guarantee for me, most of the Thais I know have no sufficient income to do this. Perhaps is there another way to get a car eg. via a lease contact or else, does anyone know ?

    If you dont have a significant deposit ie 20%-30% no finance company will touch you, with or without a Thai guarantor, so it seems you have two problems.

    You can try Ford, as seem to remember something about a zero percent down, but fear you will require the guarantor as well.

    To be honest in this postion why dont you just rent

    I did not say I have no deposit, the thing is the guarantee...

  5. Wanna get a car, currently no savings so like to finance. With 80.000 bath income per month no problem. Have ED year visa & workpermit, and need a Thai local to guarantee (like if a Thai want to finance he need a guarantee as well) Beside I don't like to bother someone to guarantee for me, most of the Thais I know have no sufficient income to do this. Perhaps is there another way to get a car eg. via a lease contact or else, does anyone know ?

  6. Hi, thanks for the effort of searching this !

    First website is a nice on, funny what they link to 'intelligent dogs ranking' with bordercollie on top, even more suprisingly is poodle on number two, hahaha,,, never knew this things have brains lol...

    2nd website has a lot of kennels and phone numbers, will contact few of them.


  7. I'm still hoping to find a home for these kittens/cats, we've got 4 here now and they're making my wife go mental, we really need to find a home for them, they're healthy and clever...

    Someone please help :)

    Hi I live near Chiangmai and I was just thinking of taking 1 or 2 cat's again, always had few cat's in the past..

    We have a real large garden and they will have a good life here for sure. Let me know if you are still searching !

    PS, I'm not willing to pay for them as I am against animal trade, but eventual vaccinations can be refunded ofcourse.


  8. Hi,

    Anyone got any top tips on good sites for downloading english TV programmes from abroad? Or tips on good tv torrent sites?

    Ta :)

    thebox.bz is a torrent site the only supports English TV,

    It has everything from coronation street to so some really good stuff. Even sports progs are uploaded about 24 hours after being shown

    However you will need an invite to get an account. PM me if you are interested.

    This is one very good link, I enjoy it already, thanks !

    (just downloaded the 6 uncut episodes of 'Trouble in Thailand')

  9. This experiment is designed to test whether you can spot the difference between a fake smile and a real one. Most people are surprisingly bad at spotting fake smiles. One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling.

    A must for those surviving in 'the land of smile' !

    Spot the fake Smile

    If you score less then 50% - Go Home !


  10. I could not use my Maestro ATM card in Laos last week, now not in Thai either, never had this before.

    My Dutch bank explained there have been technical updates in the international ATM networks, but some banks have still not updated their system onto line with this changes, problems seem to appear worldwide especially in developping countries.

  11. 20 motorcycles for shorttime rent need to be transferred to a new owner, it is a good option to set up a company to register them ?

    What is a reasonable fee to have a company setup ? Lawyers vary from 25.000 to 50.000 are this reasonable prices or can it be done cheaper ?

    What are monthly and yearly fees for and accountant, tax etc. and are there private persons who do this (like someone retired)

    How about taking over a company from someone, does it have more cons or benefits ?

    Many thanks in advance for your advise, suggestions etc. !

  12. suggestions for related topics

    Why do farang like Thai girls with white skin

    Why farang don't like Thai girls

    Why do farang like Thai boys with dark skin

    Why do farang like Thai boys with white skin

    Why farang don't like Thai boys

    Why do farang like Thai ladyboys with dark skin

    Why do farang like Thai ladyboys with white skin

    Why farang don't like Thai ladyboys

    Why do Thai girls like farang men (hey that's an easy one!)


  13. Here we go again. They care even less than your embassy does.

    Is this a joke. :D They don't even care about the Thai folks, why would they care about Farang :)

    So, and how much do 'farang' care about that nobody cares about them ?

    Not that I care too much, just don't understand whey there are no interest groups.

    So only 'farang' discussing pro- con- [or somewhere inbetween] Thai culture and thats it ? We are same as them, totally maypenrayed !

    Shiiiiiiiiiiiit :D

    I need a double dose of 3in1 now.

  14. Here's my take on dual pricing, one of the most discussed and debated topics among farang. It's an indefensible practice, because there is no good explanation or justification made. It just comes down to skin color and a belief that white people have more money so they should pay more. Plus, it is easy to make farang pay by concealing what is going on. One can come up with all sorts of spurious defenses: Thais pay taxes; it's still cheaper than home; it's beneath me to quibble; etc, but none of these stand up under cross-examination.

    However, I see no point in getting upset about it. It's just one unfair practice in a society founded on exploitation of the weak. The logic of our arguments against dual pricing-- that people should be charged the same price regardless of race, that rules should be made known and fairly applied to all, that it is wrong to exploit others for money-- is simply inaccessible to most (definitely not all) Thai people. They are, for the most part, victims of a feudal political system that never evolved, an absolutely lousy education system, and a culture that prizes material wealth regardless of how it is gotten.

    So on any given day, at any given place, maybe I'll pay the 30B if I feel like it, maybe I won't. Either way, in the big picture I'm still undisturbed, because at least I know the difference between right and wrong. For the purveyors of dual pricing, all I can do is hope that they can work their way out of greed and ignorance.


  15. are only thai people buddhist ? is the temple only for thai people and tourists are of other religions? maybe a donation box would be more appropriate? obviously people are offended by this and its no way to promote buddhism.

    1 price for all black or white green or blue we are all human beings sharing this earth and no person should be judged different from another.

    peace and love :)

    Good words.

    And those who don't even shame the shit out of them when praying to win the lottery and for a new Toyota Fortuner should not call themselves Buddhist after all, they are not. 10 years ago I bought a dark blue truck with my own money but Oh HelI, the monk at the temple told my ex gf clearly that dark blue will bring bad luck, to avoid accidents it should be gold metallic. And she paid for this information so it was true. A serious argument followed and she locked herself up in the bahtroom for 3 hours, totally confused. The mental stability of a Thai Buddhist who every Sunday spends hours at the temple.

    Sometimes if you look at the backside of a temple where you're not supposed to be, you can see strange things like monks sitting on their expensive cars smoking and a talking trough a mobile. <deleted>...

    But the fundamental ethical behaviors for all practicing Buddhists ? Never heard of.


    (with all respect ofcourse for those lovely Thais who have more understanding)

  16. It's not about the money, you understand, it's the principle. How many times have we heard that?

    I love it and find it all amusing. What do you think - is it sad, stupid, or just plain pathetic?

    Beware of gettin 'maipenrayed' by living here too long ! :)

    I'm not jealous of all those expats who live here too long and become like the Thai...

    Racist insult and scam is basically wrong my friend.

  17. The double pricing of EVERYTHING in Thailand has never really bothered me. If I want something at the price it is being offered at then I buy it. If something costs more than I'm willing to spend then I don't buy it. That includes the dual pricing in national parks, the cost of entering temples or going to the zoo.

    I've gone to Doi Suthep many times and I always hike up the stairs... and back down the same way. I take all my visitors there if they have time. There's much to see and do in Chiang Mai that doesn't cost money so the few times I have to pay double pricing I don't mind.

    By contrast, here in Canada we have national parks that I've supported with my taxes. Many of those parks were formerly wilderness areas open to everyone. Now that they are under the parks branch they've added exorbitant parking fees to all the places of interest and prevent parking anywhere else.

    So, after you spend a half hour climbing and reached the platform of Scam Suthep you pay money while locals can go free ?

    Or you just walk on, ingoring the annoying 'hey you, hey you' ?

  18. If you do not mind living far from the ocean the answer is absolutely yes! Fantastic place, good roads, lots of things to do, not expensive, easy life and not so hot.

    My gosh, when have you been in Chiangmai for the last time, but be 12 years ago... :)

    Good roads, hehe if you used to live in Moghadishu yes.

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