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Posts posted by Toronto

  1. 7 hours ago, lgking said:

    "The exodus is partly out of concern they will be deported under U.S. President Donald Trump, whose crackdown on illegal migrants and travel restrictions against some Muslim-majority countries have alarmed asylum seekers."


    This is good news!


    Canada has a sparse population and lot's of land.

    I used to live there. You're right, but almost everyone goes to Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver. Saskatchewan is empty.

  2. I'm actually a dual citizen but here on my Canadian passport. I'm married to a Thai woman and want to change my visa from tourist to residency based on my marriage.

    Any Canucks out there who've done this? (I'm sure there are many). I have enough money, but it is in  Canadian and American banks. I don't want to deposit it in a Thai bank. I have no guaranteed income, but I transfer money from overseas as I need it.

    Will I be asked for proof of income? What is needed to verify it? Is there any Thai consulate which is better for doing this? And, finally, what other documents would you recommend bringing along?

    Hope somebody can advise me. Thanks guys!

  3. 16 minutes ago, toenail said:

    As an American, can I beg everyone not to post photographs proving Trump had less attendance at his inauguration than President Obama's inauguration; also, please do not post photographs of the Women March in various American cities (including world wide) protesting against Trump's negative comments on women's rights, human rights,  medical care for all, and prejudice against the handicap and Muslims and immigrants. And please quit mocking him on the evening talk shows and Saturday night's SNL. President Trump finds it offensive and it hurts his feelings. Such images or satire about him takes him away from making important decisions. Instead, he stays in his room switching too all the various TV channels. Please, do not hurt Trumpy-Dumpy's feelings.

    He's in his room flicking through tv channels?  Grow up. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    I do not believe you but that makes no difference. If I take you at face value, then I can assure you that the sources are legitimate and the concerns in the LGBT community are very serious. The issue of Trump being a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite are probably moot given his complete lack of character. Psychologists will be analyzing him for centuries. He is, however, an enabler of others with these biases and prejudices. If you think blacks are thugs, hispanics are illegals, women should not be taken seriously, then look to the LGBT community for evidence of the impact of Trump's enabling of prejudice and hate.


    Am perfectly happy to debate an honest broker without vitriol. Such people are few and far between in this environment.

    What don't you believe? My battery is at 21 %. That's a jingthing. I have enough power to write this, but not enough to read the links and respond. I can tell you this though. I'm not interested in the LGFTQBRLW community. Hope they're okay, but is not my concern. Again, I'll check the links when battery is charged. Like you, I'm perectly okay with exchanging ideas without rancour. But my battery is now at 18%.

  5. 1 minute ago, Toronto said:

    I'll get back to you later on the links. Battery is low, and I'm not in the mood. When I asked for links, I was totally serious. I've not come across them before. Only hostility from your comrades. We'll see how it stacks up after I read what you sent me. 

    Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


    BTW, do you not see the connection between "legitimate" and "under the law"? Is it necessary that I should provide proof that these are synonymous terms?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


    Do you own searches. There are plenty of reports of such incidents, particularly targeting LGBT people. There are plenty of LGBT related news sources and websites that report these regular assaults. Your faux outrage is clearly bogus.






    Plenty of stuff there that cannot be denied by your huffing and puffing.

    I'll get back to you later on the links. Battery is low, and I'm not in the mood. When I asked for links, I was totally serious. I've not come across them before. Only hostility from your comrades. We'll see how it stacks up after I read what you sent me. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    And we are expected to believe this load of crap why? Because you say so. It seems that the Alt Right feel that they can insult the intelligence of people on a daily basis with sheer nonsense, lies and alternative facts. The particular rubbish that you have just posted is particularly egregious and a flagrant denial of reality.


    I really wish you lot of BS artists would back up your stupid assertions.

    I can't waste my breath on this nonsense.  It's really simple. If you and your like-minded cohorts want to effect change, or have some sort of ground (s) to reverse the election results, they must be predicated upon legal means. Hundreds of thousands of people engaged in a freak show is insufficient grounds to mount a legal challenge to Trump's legitimate win. Libs lost. Period. Get on with your lives. I wish you well.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You're wrong. There has been a huge spike in trumpist inspired hate crimes against the groups that his most deplorable supporters feel it is now open seasons on.

    I am American.

    Total rubbish. Back up these claims of Trump supporter's hate crimes. Tell us a few. I'm serious... I'd really like to know.

  9. 7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    You seem to be repeating yourself.  Demonstrating is a legitimate channel and is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  In the 50's and 60's African Americans demonstrated against segregation.  Are you saying that their demonstrations were not legitimate?  Or that they were not effective?  And what do you mean by "currently legitimate.?" Has the First Amendment been abolished in the past few years?

    I'm repeating myself because it appears that my message wasn't clear enough. You can read my response to another poster below. If I were to answer your query about American Africans, I fear I may be repeating myself. Hint: it has sometthing to do with legitimate protest.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    What are you on about? Peaceful protest is grounded in law. Efforts to Impeach are grounded in law. Of course any violence related to the anti trump resistance is illegal unless in self defense against trumpist goons.

    Wierd logic. Yes, of course peaceful protest is lawful. However, it does not constitute grounds for impinging on legally instituted policies. Even if 50 million persons walked on Washington, it is not sufficient to overturn a presidential election. Likewise, efforts to impeach are recognized. But proper grounds for impeachment must also be based on sufficient ang legal grounds. Please don't confuse efforts to impeach, and grounds to impeach as anything other than the use of the word impeach. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Really? So are you asserting that the Tea Party (circa 2009-2017) didn't accomplish anything?

    No. I didn't follow it that closely. What I  meant was that to effect political change, it must be done within the confines/constraints of existing law. A certain poster posited that a political movement is needed to oppose "trumpist" policies outside Congress. I'm only saying it must be done through currently legitimate channels. What, for example, would constitute a political movement to weaken this administration? 

  12. 22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes which means a political movement is needed to oppose trumpist policies outside Congress. Nobody said it was going to be easy or fast. This is the tea party from the other side.

    Any political movement must have legal standing. Knitted pink head gear and crude posters with vaginal imagery won't cut it. Never paid much attention to the tea party, although I read about the original back in high school. Bottom line is any movement to reduce or forestall Trump's policies need to be grounded in law. Good luck.

  13. On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 9:21 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Yet you have the time and inclination to continually bait people who express legitimate concerns. Clearly you have little idea bout what opposition means. Calls for time? What a bogus dodge that is. We have had nearly 2 years to examine they way donald acts as a politician. We have seen the immature, vainglorious and demanding actions of his White House on the very first day of operations.


    Time's Up. No more time. Time to put that in-artful dodge to rest.


    The worldwide expression of resistance to Trumpism on the 21st was emphatic.


    Procedures for the removal of a President are well established. If enough members of both houses believe that donald's mandate is not legitimate, then he is history.


    Time's up.

    Republicans control both houses.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sorry, can't get behind a U.S. president that enjoys the support of Putin, white supremacists, the KKK, the "alt-right", and actual Nazis. I plead full on GUILTY to intolerance against all of that. I know not all trump voters are like that ... but you tolerated supporting a man that gave constant dog whistles to them ... and I can't respect that, one little bit. 

    "When they go low, we go high." Michelle Obama. It's okay, I have neither the time nor the inclination to address what you wrote. I asked you for some patience and hoped for some recognition of opposing viewpoints, but you don't appear to be very compromising. Bitterness is such a sorrowful emotion. But I'm only guessing about that.... Cheers.

  15. 10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


    You're right.  I have been name-calling recently, more than I have since I was a skinny kid running around the schoolyard.  I've been dragged down almost to Trump's level.  If someone is throwing mud cakes at you, you might as well throw some back.  One thing I think all of us can agree upon:  HE SURE IS A DIVIDER.



    "nothing wrong with that" ....if you'd like to see the US go bankrupt and possibly engage in a few unwarranted wars.   ....and if you like seeing oil spills off seacoasts, nothing wrong with The Divider as prez.  Certainly he, his family, and his associates will get richer.  Nothing wrong with that, if you're one of his buddies.

    At the very least, let's give him a chance. People haven't stopped jumping over him since even before he was sworn in. I voted for him, but I'm prepared to call him an a#*hole if he proves to be one. Just like I did with Obama. I also voted for him. It's not the end of the world. Have a beer, kiss your wife, watch a movie, pet the dog...Chill!

  16. 1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:


    Same way they tabulate everything else !   They guestimate a figure for last year and then, despite household debts and the need for savings, they simply add on a certain percentage so as to give the illusion that everything is progressing nicely and that everybody is happy.  After the Chinese New Year, if not during it, they will announce that they have exceeded their target.

    Probably something like that, but it's impossible to know the value of purchases made by Thais of Chinese extraction. I think they just kind of throw out some positive sounding numbers. Kind of a "feel good" thing. It's a bit silly. Like guesstimating how much Muslim Americans will fork out during Ramadan. But the again, Thai tourism officials seem to have some sort of fixation on which tourists spend a lot. I've seen stories along that line recently. 

  17. 2 hours ago, DM07 said:

    Let me explain it to you: the picture shows a WOMAN, an AMERICAN and a MUSLIM at the same time!

    That would be 2 MINORITIES, the Pussygrabber in Chief insulted repeatedly and the NATION, he stole!

    It would only be clearer, if she also wore a sombrero!

    Got it now?

    Actually, it's one person: A Muslim American women. In the U.S. neither women nor Americans are minorities. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:


    Actually you will find the one main story about the so called Muslim banning of pork has been blow out of proportion by the usual fascist groups and right wing press. 


    Scratch the surface and actually look at facts and the fake news stories always fall apart. Also, next time you real these anti-Muslim reports etc. try replacing the word Muslim or Islam with Jew or Jewish, takes you right back to the 30s and 40s... ahh the good old days when you could be a fascist and get away with it. 

    Okay. But if I replace Muslim with Jew, the stories would be false. I.e. police have shot a Jewish man who drove a truck into a crowd of revellers in Nice, France. Thanks for the advice, but I am pretty good at discerning truth from falsehoods. BTW, there have been some pretty good stories lately of Muslim hate hoax crimes. I'm sure you can find them if you want.

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