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Posts posted by Toronto

  1. I have just received my receipt from Kap Cheong. When I phoned after 10 days or so, they said they had not received it. I knew they had because of the trace I put on it with Thai post. Maybe by phoning, they felt prompted to send me a return slip. However, they wrote on the envelope "Next time you must come here." So, it does appear they are not keen on accepting it by mail.

  2. Shortly, I shall be leaving the country for about one month. It's been four years since I've left Thailand. At that time, I flew out of Don Muang. I had to hand in a form, photo and 1,000 baht for the re-entry permit which I filled out at the airport and had stamped and proccessed at a small booth there. I've been told by two people that this can no longer be done at the airport, and the form must be completed and taken to one's local immigration office, or perhaps at Bangkok immigration. It seems strange to me that the new airport does not have a similar office where a person could file for the re-entry permit. Anyone out there know the routine? Again, different experiences depending on who you talk to. Surely Suvarnabhumi Airport has an office where a person could hand in the TM.8 form and get the proper stamp, since anyone leaving for an international location is likely to pass through their gates.

  3. I've been sending it (90-day stay form)for 5 years in Kap Cheong, and only had two problems with claims of non-receipt. Otherwise, they always respond and never seem averse to my mailing it in. However, in typically Thai fashion, they treat people differently. That is; they don't seem to have one rule that applies to all. BTW, I ran my EMS recepit on Thai Post and found they had received my notice, despite the fact that they never responded, and told me when I phoned that it had not arrived. In fact, it had arrived about 10 days previously. How hard is it to stamp my receipt and mail it back? I even provide the self-addresses, stamped envelope for them!!! This saves them a whole 3 baht. I'm sure they're not swamped in work. Just inefficient,and non-caring about their duties.

  4. Thanks for the replies. I did send it EMS, and am heading to the post office to find out the details on receipt (or not). I have sent the form in by mail to Kap Cheong 4 times/year for 5 years. I guess 18 out of 20 isn't too bad, but nobody likes to be cheated, if that is indeed the case.

  5. I have just been informed by Immigration in Kap Cheong (Surin) that they did not receive my 90-day report concerning my whereabouts. I always mail it in because the drive of 150 km. on a small motorbike is not convenient. This happened last year at which time I was instructed to visit them. On arrival, I had to pay a 2,000 baht fine. I am curious to know if any others have had similar problems, particularly in Surin. It doesn't matter that I sent them timely notice on both occasions. They simply have to say "We didn't receive it", and I have no recourse.

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