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Posts posted by Toronto

  1. 6 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    US invasion of Iraq is the whole reason that we see problems with ISIS around the world today same with US arming the Mujahedin in Afghanistan as they came to form Al-Qaeda but there is no way that US will ever take responsibility for those things.

    Saddam killed Iraqis so he was a bad man...
    Assad kills Syrians so he is a bad man...

    Erdogan kills Turks but he is in NATO so he is a good man...

    Don't forget Gaddafi.

  2. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You know, most people wouldn't want to boast of their ignorance of world/political events where they supposedly have a sincere interest in the "facts.'"   But Trump supporters seem to be a consistent exception to that pattern. It's easier for them to just close their eyes and ears, and pretend the real world and actual facts don't exist.


    And that's probably fitting because in Trump's world, there are no facts or realities or history.  Just whatever B.S. happens to spew out of his mouth on any given day, regardless of what he's said or done in the past, or may say or do in the future.


    My most recent response was an attempt to bury the hatchet.  You failed to pick up on that, and accused me of boasting of my ignorance. Democrats talk endlessly of bringing ourselves together despite those things which separate us. You need to stop accusing me of ignorance and stupidity as far as politics and our present situation. I'm, like , not as like , you seem to, like perceive me.

  3. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    What supposed fallacy would that be?  That Trump was a longtime, leading voice in the birther movement, because that's all I posted on here.


    If you do have an interest in the "facts," as you claimed above, then why do you seem to keep denying them?  You didn't like the NY Times as a news source, fine, I gave you Fox News in addition. Same account: Trump was a leading birther.


    Morch and Jingthing gave you a thumbs up. Whò would have guessed. When all is said and done, Trump is the president of America. Thanks for the links, but I don't watch FOX either. I don't have any sources to see foreign broadcasts. In fact, I am sure we could get along if we drank a few together,. Truth is, I actually voted Obama (twice). 

  4. How about Thailand wants polite or respectful Chinese  (insert any nationality). Do the people who make such pronouncements not consider how they come across as elitists? Yes, you have many fine attractions, and some very nice people, but the civil servants behind such campaigns are, to put it lightly, snobs. 

    Quite frankly, this recent Thai obsession with grading tourists by their spending habits comes across as selfish and ungrateful. Be thankful that as it stands, tourism (no matter who, or from where) constitutes 11% of your GDP. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    How many other different mainstream media sources would you like me to quote that are going to provide exactly the same political history?


    You'd have to have been a political caveman to not know Trump's long association with the birther movement, and that long predated his presidential candidacy.


    Feel better now??? From a source you probably love:





  6. 14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Apparently you have no knowledge of or interest in the actual facts. Before he became a formal Presidential candidate, Trump was a prominent voice among the so-called "birther" movement that questioned whether Obama was really a U.S. citizen by birth and thus eligible (or not) to be U.S. president.





    Sorry... I missed that. But then, I don't read the NYT. Even were that true, it doesn't  negate my observations concerning the post-election Liberal outrage. BTW, contrary to your sarcastic comment, I really do have an interest in the facts. That goes some way towards explaining why I avoid the "Times."

    P.S. How tall are you? 

  7. On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:21 AM, mike324 said:

    I find Trump and those that support him hypocritical - Trump did not accept Obama as a legitimate president, now he can't accept the fact that people say the same about him! Amazing!

    I can't recall Trump's questioning of Obama's legitimacy. Was that during the first or second term? I'm not sure Trump had any such comments going back eight years. Did he even voice any political aspirations back then, or was he just a businessman and minor celebrity? Recall the outrage when Trump was not specific about whether or not he would accept the legitimacy of the election outcome. After his victory, Lefties have gone overboard trying to delegitimize an election he won fair and square. I shouldn't have to recall specifics as they are well documented. Hypocrisy indeed!

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