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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. Some very interesting claims and info on a few social media sites, Its looking and sounding like a family face off more and more in the last couple of days, the interesting thing is although the girls are in the Suthep camp and been very public about it, seems finally the lad has also come out of his shell and putting his own influence and position to work now. The strange thing is it seems the sisters of mercy are not so sincere as the record would have us believe and it could be the black night after having a 3 hr meeting with a certain general may come to madam Yinglucks rescue and change the cards somewhat.

    Been waiting for this to go mainstream for a while, since xmas in fact, too much meddling by those who are supposed to have been neutral to be ignored forever by the other and legitimate camp, it is now forcing things into the open on both sides. Im sure those in the know will understand the rest will have to just take an educated guess.

    I'll be curious to see how long the above post is allowed to stay. My guess is, not long.

  2. Definitely contact the mortgage insurance company to see what the policy rules are. In fact, I would recommend you get a written copy and have a trusted Thai family member read the policy as the company may leave out some important info if just talking to them on the phone. Mortgage insurance policies can vary greatly...some are written just to cover the bank if the person owing the money can no longer pay, but many times this don't go into affect until the bank reclaims the house. Other polices are written to help the person owing the money make the payment if they lose their job, disability, death, etc. But one thing for sure the policies have very specific rules as to when and why they pay out and tend to protect the bank more than the individual. Get a copy of the policy. Good luck.

    Thanks for the replies. I've found a mover (thanks to Thaivisa) to move everything out of the house in Chiang Mai to Si Saket. We're going to do this when I go in April. Unfortunately, my MIL doesn't understand all this insurance stuff very well. At least that's the impression I get from my wife. I'll probably just have her keep paying the 8k a month loan payment until we go then try to find someone there to sort it all out.

    Talking to my wife more about it, she says the sister paid 1.2 million THB cash for the house, and then later went and got a 600k loan against the house to open a restaurant, which of course went down the toilet. The MIL has been paying for a year, so the loan is down to 500k. Thinking about it, it would be good if I could sell the house for 1 million, pay off the loan, and then use the other 500k for my niece's education etc., since no one is living in the house anyway. I didn't realize the sister had that much equity in the house when I first posted the question.

    Seems like this 3 week "vacation" I have planned in April is turning into alot of work. :)

  3. .

    It's the ever present threat of a coup that suppresses the development of real democracy in Thailand. That's the reason that the main opposition party don't feel the need to take part in elections. I ntheir way ISever cease to be amazed that there are people who believe that Suthep and his fascist backers would do a better job of running the country. That's just delusional.

    Thailand will never be an example of good governance, but at least with democracy the people get to express their view every four years. What's needed is a democratically elected government with the will to pull the military into line.

    Problem is Thaksin's cronies will be re-elected by promising their base some token handout so they can rob the country blind. The only thing standing in their way IS the military. They obviously don't respect the courts (see the pastry box full of money incident a few years ago) I'm not saying that Suthep and his council are the answer, but the answer sure isn't the criminal Thaksin and his puppet sister. None if this would be happening right now if it wasn't for the 4 AM bill to absolve the big man in Dubai of his crimes.

    Thailand has it's political problems, but things would sure be better if Thaksin would stay out of politics like he's promised about a 1000 times.

    • Like 1
  4. Blatant tabloid trash, about as opinionated as it gets... opinion all one sided of course... this paper is about as credible and unbiased as the SUN back home .... except it peddles itself as a broadsheet intellectual paper... pathetic really cant even quote people in full and has to hack out snippets and realign them...example.... Mr Navy nutjob game changer said things very differently in the original interview lol

    Sounds like the western media's coverage of Thailand


  5. What kind of grilling?

    In the visa interview, they didn't ask specific questions about where she is staying/going, etc. Will they do this when she lands in the USA? If she already has a visa, why give her another grilling?

    For all intents and purpose the visa only lets you board the plane and gives guidance on how long you can be let in for. The immigration officer still has ultimate discretion to let you in or not ( this goes for all non us citizens who don't have some sort of PR) so be ready with truthful and honest answers on your itinerary and your finances for the trip. Most importantly they need to b convinced that you are leaving before your entry is up.

    This is key. Alot of people make the mistake of thinking that the visa means automatic entry into the U.S. It does not. As Samran pointed out, it's up to the CBP officer to allow entry into the U.S. at the airport. Also, as Samran said the biggest thing they will look for is any indication that she doesn't plan on returning. Just be clear there are no plans to stay in the U.S. permanently, and that she has every intention of returning to Thailand. I've read stories of people having to fly all the way back after being denied entry. It's pretty rare, but it does happen.

    • Like 1
  6. This may be of help.....


    There is a difference between visa stamp duration, and allowed to stay duration. The allowed to stay is determined at port of entry via form I-94 given by immigration. (Afaik).

    Generally, if a person stays 5-6 months, they should wait another 6 months before returning, thats just a rough guide as circumstances and reason for stay vary.

    There's is no more paper I-94. It is all online now. They will however put an "admitted until" stamp in the passport


    So she needs to complete the I-94 form first?! Before coming? Fill it out on the plan?

    Sorry for these newbie questions. We are just very worried about screwing her visa up or trip up by accident.

    BTW, she will be entering/leaving via Portland, Oregon.


    There is no more I-94 to fill out. However, you'll both need to fill out customs declaration forms.

  7. No they're not.

    lol yes they are or no incoming gov would ever be trusted, this is the case all over the world with bad policies they have to be honoured but can be halted from there on. This is the real world not fantasy land

    You can lol all you want. There's 1000s of examples worldwide and I'm sure quite a few in Thailand where new governments don't honor agreements made by previous governments.

  8. This may be of help.....


    There is a difference between visa stamp duration, and allowed to stay duration. The allowed to stay is determined at port of entry via form I-94 given by immigration. (Afaik).

    Generally, if a person stays 5-6 months, they should wait another 6 months before returning, thats just a rough guide as circumstances and reason for stay vary.

    There's is no more paper I-94. It is all online now. They will however put an "admitted until" stamp in the passport


  9. My sister in law owns a house in Chiang Mai. She's been sick for years, and is probably not going to make it. My mother in law has been paying the mortgage on this house every month even though no one lives there. My mother in law went to the bank to make another payment yesterday, and the bank mentioned that she has mortgage insurance that should cover the payments since my sister in law is disabled and that my MIL should contact the insurance company. Has anyone heard of this? Does anyone have any experience with filing a claim?

    I know they have this type of disability insurance in the U.S. but didn't realize they have it in Thailand.

  10. The rice farmers must be mad. The unelected electoral commission are responsible for this not the government. If they think the PRDC are going to support rice farmers they are sadly deluding themselves

    I believe the govts. hands are tied. They can't spend the money while an election is pending per the rules. Granted the election commission could allow it, but why should they? The whole rice pledging scam was just one big vote buying enterprise in the first place.

    they can't spend money they don't have - the EC has nothing to do with this debacle

    Let me rephrase. They can't borrow money while an election is pending.

  11. The rice farmers must be mad. The unelected electoral commission are responsible for this not the government. If they think the PRDC are going to support rice farmers they are sadly deluding themselves

    I believe the govts. hands are tied. They can't spend the money while an election is pending per the rules. Granted the election commission could allow it, but why should they? The whole rice pledging scam was just one big vote buying enterprise in the first place.

    • Like 1
  12. The other problem is that having jumped through all the hoops the mother in law might decide the USA is not for her.

    Friends,family,language and culture are a big part of an older persons life.

    Hence my question has she spent time there before?

    Funny you mention that. My Thai wife became a U.S. citizen about 1.5 years ago. I mentioned to her that she could now bring her parents (they're in their 60s) here from Si Saket if she wanted. She started laughing her a$$ off. I took that to mean she didn't think the U.S. is the place for them.

  13. This process does NOT require a lawyer. In fact if you can file your own taxes, you can do this. It's actually simpler than that. In my case I made the mistake of hiring a lawyer. Not only did it cost $1800 USD, it delayed my case for 3 months or more. Remember even when using a lawyer, you have to submit all the information to a lawyer, and then they submit it to USCIS. So there's that delay. Also, what if they take their time and file your forms when they feel like it? Not much you can do after you filed the G-28. Granted there are some special cases where a lawyer is a good idea. A straight forward IR-5 case is not one of them.

  14. Since your wife is U.S. a citizen, her mother would qualify to apply for an IR-5 visa after an I-130 is filed and approved in the U.S. by your wife. It takes roughly the same time as it would a spouse. The paperwork is virtually identical. As a previous poster stated, check out VJ. This forum specifically:


    My guess is it would be 9 months to a year start to finish. Of course the processing times fluctuate.

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