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Posts posted by kaorop

  1. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Not likely. Look closely at the wreckage. It's much more than that.

    If your claim was correct, there would have been nothing left of the van and much of the structure  would have been sheared off as the vehicle went under the truck. Instead we have  crumple consistent with a lower speed type collision.


    Yes, there was tailgating, yes there may have been excessive speed, but sadly the  damage you see is in large part due to the type of construction of the vehicle. That's an impact of perhaps as low as 40 kmh . That van has no reinforcement sufficient to withstand a front impact and its brakes and tires  were probably not in good shape.  In Thailand, vehicles need not be built to the same safety standards as a vehicle sold in Germany or California. What we see is consistent with tin can design common to vehicles in built for the SE Asian market.

    Yes lots of the mandated impact protections etc. in the west are not on the otherwise same/similar local product.

  2. 4 hours ago, rickb said:

    I certainly agree with the other comments about how wrong this road rage is.  But what I can't understand is why the people with the dash cam didn't drive away from the violence as soon as it started.  I would never have stayed around to possibly be involved in the violence.


    Ever seen the site of a large just happen crash, dozens of cars stopped and many people out of their cars filming it. And a massive traffic jam of rubber neckers....schradenfreude? No idea but the whole concept is strange to me. 

  3. The problem is for the junta, they know it, everyone knows it, in a fair election the reds will win no matter who they front it with...and they vote that way, not cause of some 500bht handout but cause they know the bkk 'gentry' look down their noses at them. So they give them a big "we are more than you f u" at the voting booths, when they actually get to one, which is now the crux of the matter.

  4. 8 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    Why not? In a country where you can get a paratrooper tag for jumping 12 m on a rubber rope. What's next? 3 stripes golden epaulets for honest cab and tuk tuk dtivers?

    Hey anyone can become a 'general' here..just look at whos running the show. People that should be sitting around all day "busy" running the corner mom and pop store.

  5. 17 hours ago, Thechook said:

    All these go fund me campaigns, they must be very lucrative.  Appear to be a completely legal way to scam people.  Might have to start one myself

    You, of free will and full mental capacity, do not have to give them anything. The charge for this service can be forwarded to....??. There are plenty of deserving 'go fund me' things but please, trivalize them all.

  6. I recently bought an old Bkk university year book at a secondhand market and in it was a numbered commemorative photo of the King with details on the back, and an additional information sheet, all from the 50s.

    Some of my Thai friends think it maybe of value they were certainly impressed and somewhat annoyed that I, a frang had found it. They also said to be very careful with it and who handles it, its in good condition for its age. They weren't able to suggest who I could take it to.

    Wondering how I would go about getting it fairly assessed?

    Its a tricky one



  7. 9 hours ago, attrayant said:


    Not talking about regional dialects. Native speakers can usually deal with those by paying attention to context.

    My Thai brothers in law told me something similar a few years ago, but I thought they were just joking. Now that I’ve seen the same thing mentioned in this discussion, I went back to ask them for more detail. They say they spend a lot of time in their conversations “mopping up” misunderstandings and explaining themselves three or four times in different ways because they often don’t ‘get’ each other’s meanings well enough the first or second time.

    That must be exhausting. I’ve always wondered what my in laws are talking about for hours at a time. Now I understand the language becomes cumbersome whenever fine points and details are needed.


    As an aside, (this subject interests me ) one reason English is difficult. A theasaurus shows some things have many ways to be described but they can also be distinct and very specific meanings. So there should be less misunderstandings. Not sure if Tai has a thesaurus. 

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