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Posts posted by jjablonsky

  1. If it upset you so much that you posted here then maybe her assessment of you was pretty close to the mark.

    Wrong Mr Nesbitt, the OP is right to ask about a 15% increase.

    Dear Bass Playing Member;

    While it may be OK for him to ask about the increase (politely of course) she certainly does not have to offer an explanation. It's her shop/business. As said many times on this thread her shop/business her prices. Not happy shop elsewhere.

  2. First you didn't mention what is was you were buying, so who is really to say that the costs for it did not increase. You also did not mention/or are unaware if that was an across the board increase or an increase just for foreign buyers.

    The Thai food vendor is probably the toughest to make a living at. That's why you see so many start up today and in two weeks they are gone.

    My wife and I also had a Thai restaurant in NY, I really only managed the finances she did most of the day to day operations. When we arrived here she wanted to open a little restaurant here, she gave me a prospective menu, we found a little place to rent for the business (yes it needed some work) so after running the numbers I said OK. I broke things down for here and priced out the menu for her. She insisted that my prices were to high that everyone else around didn't charge that much (we live up north on Khon Kaen) I told her OK charge what you want and I would help for a bit (yes I paid for the first rent, security, food purchases etc...) but told her it had to be self sustaining within four months. 5 months later she closed it. Working from dawn to dusk for minimal profit was not what she had in mind.

    The baht against the dollar is not very good right now, the Thai economy is in the crapper, oil prices are again on the increase as OPEC has agreed to slow production, the rate for electric in Thailand has gone up a bit. As a former computer business owner in the US I often avoided trying to increase prices but sometimes due to circumstances beyond your control, to maintain profitability you must. Perhaps she simply could not afford to absorb her increased costs any longer and still maintain profitability.

    Your post is far to vague to possibly comment on with any degree of certainty.

  3. Just to be clear; unless it is a website directly hosted by Google they can not take the website “down” they simply filter your search results making it harder for you to find the site. Kind of like removing your listing from the phone book, your still there and you still have a phone number it’s just harder for people to find it.

    And unless it’s in violation of the law of the country it is hosted in it probably won’t get taken down.

    But there are a ton of other search engines out there.


    as well as using Google through a VPN or a service like tor.

  4. Geez....just find another condo or apartment to rent.

    Bangkok and Thailand in general is well known for having an abundance of accommodations for every budget.

    Why would you want to be fighting with the condo owner and possibly have to be leaving in 6 months anyhow and have to find new accommodations and move everything and do everything entailed.

    Just find a better deal out there.


    Actually he's not fighting with the condo owner.

    He's fighting the condo owner.


    Just so, if you are planning on staying longer than 6 months why would you want to stay there anyway on the off chance it could be sold and you would have to move again?

  5. Access to show a property is by no means unusual in almost any lease anywhere in most civilized countries. Usually it is done through appointments. i.e. The owner/agent would call you to let you know that he/she would be bringing a prospective buyer to look at the property say next Tuesday at 3:00 pm

    but immediate anytime access is not a usual way to handle the showcasing of a property listed for sale.

  6. 1. The clock was set for 2012.

    This is probably because the bios date is 2012 you can change the date either in the bios or inside Windows. If the date does not stay to the current date the bios battery is probably dead. Not likely though just change the date and that should be OK

    2. Programs had been installed from 2009 to 2015.

    This is probably because it comes from a previous image (backup) and it is not unusual to find many programs pre installed although in Thailand they are probably hacked or bootleg programs.

    3. Loaded Windows 7 Ultimate with no genuine Windows disk included

    If you don't have the CD Key Genuine Windows sticker on the bottome of the laptop you got a bootleg version of Windows, again not unusual in Thailand

    4. I did a cmd systeminfo | find /i "install date" and it spit back Jan 1. 2009

    Again from Image

    5. Didn't go through normal windows setup that you go through when you purchase a brand new laptop or even when you wipe your HD clean

    Again because you OS was loaded from a previous image (backup) either bootleg or pre activated. You will also find if you do the windows updates it may render your operating system useless as the updates will undo the crack that was installed to activate your windows

    6. A bunch of programs that don't normally come with a new laptop like ccleaner, vlc media player, photoshop, etc.

    see above

    7. There is 1TB of HD space but it's odd. Only 100GB is under the c drive. Then you have 400GB in 2 other particions which makes no sense as programs are typically installed at the root drive C:

    There is a 100MB partition that windows 7 sets up for system files, and it is not unusual to find that your hard drive is partitioned leaving 100GB for you windows instalation, programs, additional fonts and other programs you may install and the other partitions containing the bulk of your space for your personal files like movies, music, pictures etc... etc... I have my computer set up some what the same way, 100GB for my windows drive and swap file, the D:\ drive for programs files that I install the E:\ for my data, pictures, movies, music etc... That is not an unusual set up at all. Also if you have one large drive you will lose a lot of space due to what we call "slack" due to cluster size and physical geometry of the drive. Smaller partitions actually give you more usable space than one large drive

    Hope this helps

  7. This reply is purely about the bank account and may not be relevant to anyone else. But when I opened my bank account which was several years ago I was here on a tourist visa, simply went to Siam bank and opened a savings account with a thousand baht. No problem, no forms or questions. Last year though I'm no longer on a tourist visa I opened another account at KrungThai bank and again no problem or questions so I am not sure why some people have trouble opening accounts and some do not.

  8. Yep. I have to agree with the Thai lawyers because there are so many foreigner lawyers that read, write and speak Thai fluently, they will surely take over the legal profession here.

    You should read my post below, other countries don't tell Thais they can't practice in their countries why should Thais tell them they can't practice here. If that is the case we should all have that rule. If we can't practice in your country you can't practice in ours. Boy that would be devastating for the thousands of Thais in America using Thai lawyers in America trying to get green cards.

  9. I would hope that none of the following firms are protesting this move as these firms along with many other Thai firms have offices, partnerships,attorney's or other dealings in many other countries. You don't see these countries telling Thais they can't practice there.

    Siam Legal

    1600 E Desert Inn Road

    Suite 296

    Las Vegas, NV 89169

    2nd Floor 145-157 St

    John Street

    London EC1V 4PY

    2 Blacklion Place,

    Kensington, Sydney

    NSW 2033 Australia

    AAA Legal

    United States of America

    New York





    Allen & Overy


    Czech Republic





    Luxembourg Netherlands






    United Kingdom

    Asia Pacific



    Hong Kong









    Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates

    United States



    And these are just 3 of the many firms that have either offices, partnerships, practicing lawyers or other legal services in other countries. Seems a little two faced to me. Your opinion ??

  10. My unsolicited opinion;

    Now I am living in the Norther Country so this may not be relivant to everyone. But Thailand already has many laws on the books to help prevent traffic fatalities. By the way Thailand has the 4th highest death rate in traffic fatalities in the world according to the World Health Organization 2012 data. So some things to consider in reducing those numbers.

    1. Traffic signs and lights. Again this may not pertain to you but where I live they are almost non existand and where there is one they seem to be optional to obey just like the one way signs.

    2. Enforce the traffic laws

    3. Stop letting 8,9,10,11, and 12 year olds to operate motor vehicles

    4. Enforce helmet laws

    5. Stop letting people ride in the back of open trucks

    6. Stop letting 4 and 5 people ride on a scooter, they are ideally designed for 2 riders 3 at most

    7. Stop letting infants ride on motorcycles, it is inherently dangerous

    8. Stop letting school children to ride on top of buses.

    Look at the images below and see if you see anything wrong.


  11. Yeah it amazed me when I first arrived as well. The ones that most surprised me though was an walkway overpass in Bangkok. As I was walking up the steps holding onto the rail I start to wires all over the place, then a sing both in Thai and English "Warning Electrical Hazard. Don't tough metal rail"

    Guess that was easier than moving the wires

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