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Posts posted by Jaydillon

  1. It’s worth a try to apply for the Thai Licence.

    I applied a month or so ago.

    I had the type B Visa, the Letter of Residence from my Embassy, the Medical certification, British driving licence and International Permit.

    The Department of Land Transport processed me rather quickly. I’m sure they didn’t pay attention to the photocopies of my visa page and wanted a copy of my British licence only (not interested in the Int’l licence).

    I would suggest to the OP to get his letter of residence, get his medical certification, and go down to the Department of Land transport and make the application.

    I obtained a letter of Residence from my Embassy and a quick medical at the nearest hospital.

    Richard mate did you get the letter of residence from the embassy over the counter and what documents did they wanted to see?

  2. Was she wearing a Thai Visa shirt or cap? Perhaps we could check that all the mods are accounted for? :D Just kidding of course.........

    must be hard to get a bit of attention being an old 60 y.o english lady in a land of plenty, my guess is her hourly rate wouldnt be real high. :)

    NEVERDIE good to hear from you bro,it's been a while how is your Ducati doing?

  3. Yes your right all Avis and some of the others are rip offs Go back don't take NO for an answer tell them that you want your fuc_king deposit back ASAP,don't leave with out it.There are hoping that you will go back to your country of origin so that they can keep the deposit.

    PS: 20,000 Deposit is far to much.

    Good luck

  4. I had a look at the customs web site OWNERSHIP is 15 months Have a look at this:-

    New vehicles of all types not yet registered abroad are allowed to be imported without applying for an import permit from the Ministry of Commerce. However, for the vehicles with the weight less than 3500 Kgs., an importer needs to obtain an import permit from the Industrial Standard Institute, telephone number 02-2023331.

    Used/secondhand vehicles need to obtain an import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, telephone 02-5474804. For the vehicles with the weight less than 3500 Kgs., an importer needs to obtain an import permit from the Industrial Standard Institute as well.


    For the importation of used/secondhand vehicles, an importer needs to obtain an import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce before the arrival of the vehicles; otherwise he/she shall be liable to a fine equal to 10 percent of the price of vehicle but not less than 1,000 Thai Baht, or exceeding 20,000 Thai Baht.

    Criteria for a Permanent Import of Used/Secondhand Vehicles


    An importer is eligible to import only ONE used/ secondhand vehicles for personal use.


    In case where the importer is a nonresident, he/she is required to stay in Thailand for at least ONE year and present a non-immigrant visa issued by the Immigration Bureau, the National Police Office together with a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare at the time of importation.


    In case where an importer is a Thai resident marrying a foreigner, he/she is required to present documentary evidence of marriage and proof of changing residence to Thailand. Also the importer has to own and possess the imported vehicle for at least one and a half year while staying abroad, from the date of transferring the ownership to the date of arrival into Thailand.


    In case where an importer is a Thai resident, he/she is allowed to import a vehicle only when such vehicle is accompanied the owner on the change of residence and he/she has owned and possessed the imported vehicle together with the valid driving license for at least one and a half year while staying abroad.



    General Documentation:

    An Import Goods Declaration and 3 duplicates;

    A Bill of Lading or Air Waybill;

    Proof of vehicle purchase (if any);

    A Release Order (Kor Sor Kor 100/1);

    An insurance premium invoice; and

    Other relevant documents (if any) e.g. a power of attorney.


    Additional Documentation for the used/secondhand personal vehicles:

    A House Certificate and an Identification Card;

    A passport in case of changing residence;

    A Vehicle Registration Certificate indicating that the imported vehicle was used abroad;

    An import permit from the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce

    Import Clearance Procedures


    An importer/agent submits an Import Goods Declaration together with all supporting documents to the Customs office/house at the port of entry;


    Customs verifies the documents, allocates a Goods Declaration number and calculates liable taxes and duties;


    The importer/agent pays liable taxes and duties at a Cashier Office; and


    The importer/agent presents the receipt issued by the Cashier Office to a Customs Inspection Office to bring the imported vehicles from Customs custody.

    Tax and Duty Assessment:

    The Customs value of the imported vehicles is determined on the basis of the CIF value (Cost & Insurance & Freight).


    Customs Value

    Purchase prices of new vehicles imported or exported by an authorized dealer.

    If the purchase price in 4.1.1 is not available, the price listed in the Parkers Car Price Guide, Japanese Car and What Car ?

    Costs of any modification or improvement of parts or accessories done on the vehicle are also taken into account.

    In case where the vehicle is damaged by any incidents other than normal use e.g car accidents, fire, etc. the price of the vehicle is discounted as appropriate.

    The Customs value for used/secondhand vehicles is discounted according to the registration period as shown in the given table below:

  5. Yes you can I think the car needs to be in your Thai partners name for 15 months .You can go to Thai customs web site and have a look.She might also be entitled to duty- free import,She will also have to apply for a import permit,if this is the case it might well be worth taking the care to LOS specially a Bmer.

    I know a very good import agent in Thailand that I have used if you are interested PM I will forward you his details.

    Good luck

  6. Note to a Mod---surely, after 6 pages of comments, some showing genuine and warranted sympathy for the girl tourist, but with many illiterate, unpleasant and unnecessary postings of zero news or positive value--isn't it about time this thread was closed????

    Incidentally, I feel genuinely sick and sorry for the [brit] tourist--but do we really need all the useless negativity.

    Yes you have a point but unfortunately the truth is always painful hear.

  7. Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.


    shit happens no matter where you live

    its not just Pattaya

    [u]True enough, but in this case it WAS Pattaya...happening elsewhere doesn't make it more acceptable...


    Very good point The crime rate in Pattaya is very high it's the local property developers that manipulates and work very closely with the local and national media so that they can control and maintain good publicity and can carry- on building and selling apartments.

    If you know what real pattaya has to offer you apart from prostitution,drugs,all sorts of con man and many more nasty things NO one in they right mind will put a penny down on property.Pattaya is good for a weekend of fun and it end there.

  8. Thanks for the replies, folks.

    She hasn't been returning my calls.

    I sent flowers on Monday morning, but no response either.


    My friend, don't torture yourself. Remember what you wanted with her and play it forward. She has told you she thinks it's over, and her actions, or inactions, prove it.

    By continually going over every nuance and action of the past only cements you to that past. All relationships end sometime, and many end before we're ready for them to end. But, at the end of the day, we must accept that EVERYONE has a right to make the decision that is best for them. She is clearly showing you that she is finished.

    Don't beat yourself up, and definitely don't go for the grog to recover; instead, do whatever you must to build up your self-esteem and get back in the fray.

    I just went through a similar situation with a lovely Colombiana. We were living together in Medellin, and she stole away in the night....Gut-wrencher. It happened 6 months ago, and, after a horrible few months, I am now better than before. As many have said, in time, you will look back and see this was meant to be.

    Remember, everything is perfect just as it is............even though it may not feel like it.

    My wild Irish prayers are with you, mate.


    Good post spot on

  9. I'd say you should be grateful that she has been up front with you, told you how things are and not carried on leading your hopes up a dead end.

    I also suspect you are projecting too much of your own needs/hopes onto her in what has been a distant relationship - That's perhaps something to think about for the future.

    Meanwhile - Edinburgh. ... You lucky lad.

    Get yourself down the Barrony Bar, sink a couple of jars of Cally 80 and enjoy the blessing of living in one of the finest cities on the planet.

    Halfway through the second jar think to yourself..... 'All things come to pass'.

    House is right you are very LUCKY pal,move on life goes on,if this is her attitude she doesn't deserve you.If she loves you so much what was she doing looking for another man on the net.

    With regards to Edinburgh I am not sure on this point,all I can say is save up and get your arse to Pattaya this Christmas.

  10. To answer the op's question seriously.......when my wife was at school she was in a class of thirty kids and only 5 were boys. She tells me that most classes would consist of one third boys and two thirds girls, in all schools, junior and high.

    So although I have no idea of population figures, that would suggest that there are more girls born in Thailand.

    HL :)

    I think you got a good point,you ask any bar girl that has a kid it's always a daughter the answer

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