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Posts posted by Jaydillon

  1. My buddy is well over weight , so much so that instead of a neck he has an exended torso . However , being HUGE isnt a problem , the ladies love his double beer barrel stomach and he never has problems with getting a lady. He recently married a beautiful woman , stunning in fact and no one can understand why she would chose him rather than a younger healthier and fitter looking man . The Answer is that he is one of the nicest genuine guys you would want to meet. Its not always the looks and money that attract the girls as he hasnt got much dosh but obviously being who he is makes up for what he hasnt got.

    Its not always the looks and money that attract the girls

    Buddy I you are living in a dream world Only thing that works in LOS is MONEY you can get anything buddy

  2. LTD has nowdays computer system linking all the offices country wide so you should be able to register the car in any office you choose. At least you can renew you licence everywhere nowdays and not only you "home" office.

    Also you do not need immigration certificate on your address, you have option to submit certificate of recidency from your embassy instead. That mean trip to bangkok but easier to get than immi docs.

    MJo thanks fir the info mate,do I need to make a appointment first with the embassy in my case ( British) to get a certificate of residency or will they issue the certificate over the counter and what do I need to take with me apart from my passport. Thanks pal

  3. Pattaya, September 12 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : Late on Friday Night, Khun Ootaiwan aged 43, the owner of a Gold Shop located inside the Carrefour Shopping Center in Central Pattaya made a Police Report at Banglamung Police Station following the apparent theft from her vehicle of jewelry and cash totaling 250,000 Baht. Police Colonel Somnook, the Chief of the Station heard about the case and oversaw the questioning of the victim who explained she had returned to her home at the Suensai Village in Nong Pla Lai and had parked her Silver Toyota Camry in front of her Luxury Home. She left the vehicle and approached her front gate and rang the bell so she could drive in. While she was out of the vehicle, two fair skinned men, thought not to be of Thai Nationality, pulled up beside the unlocked vehicle, opened the passenger door and removed the jewelry and money from the front passenger seat. Police are investigating and have crucial evidence in the form of fingerprints taken from the vehicle to help them with the investigation.



    What a load of <deleted> put the blame foreigner sounds like a insurance job to me.Just boycott her golf shop

  4. You can purchase a car or bike in your name in Thai,on a 1 yr Non-O visa.

    Traps and hints:

    1. Big bikes can be a problem,if imported (about) more than 3 yrs ago,as they were imported in parts,re-assembled here,and registered after using a recycled book/overstamped engine frame numbers to match a dodgy book.(reason being that parts are taxed at 30% and vehicles and bikes are taxes at around 104% depending on value,sliding scale).

    2. Another big problem to be aware of is,if bike/car is purchased in a province outside of where you reside/own property the Immi dept will not issue a residence certificate needed to transfer a car or a bike as you dont live there.Don't hand over any money until your name is in the book.

    This doco is needed at rego office for falang only.

    3. Probably a good idea to engage legal assistance if you are not familiar with the system here.

    There is no such organisation as the RAC or anything similiare here...caveat emptor

    After all that happy and safe riding/driving


    Thanks Rich for the info

  5. I am in Phuket so those coming from the north of me I will have to meet in Krabi or something.
    Yep, Krabi's a good place to meet.
    We need to get RusticCharm to lead us. He did it last year, check it out:



    Not sure about that. I did <deleted> up the paperwork for the Malay side.  :)

    But I do know the way to the hotels.

    Rustic will you be on a Ducati mate??

  6. Hi Can a foreigner purchase a car/motorbike in thailand?I purchase a freehold apartment last year and the deeds are in my name. The utility bills are also under my name.When I visit Thailand I travel on a one year multiple entry visa.

    I am thinking of purchasing a used car 2 or 3 years old,will I be allow to register and insure a car in my name?Before purchasing the vehicle I will also get Thai driving licenses.

    And also can someone let me know if there are any motoring organizations like the AA or the RAC to carry out checks on the vehicle for example to check for:-

    (1)Outstanding finance (2) Authenticity of the registration document (Blue Book) and vehicle ect.

    Or will I need to employ a brief to carry out these checks and when buying private at what stage do I release the funds.

    I would be grateful if you guys can forward me any information.


  7. Well hear we go again another one as they say "a standing cock ain't got no conscience" end result another unwanted pregnancy and sleepless nights. Welcome to LOS it could all end up in tears,she could be pregnant off her Thai boyfriend and could be using our man to pay for the aftermath.

  8. This young European guy you are talking about, is 28 years old?

    He has obviously been here for more than a year.

    He is not confident enough to post anything here, so you do it on his behalf?

    Where has this guy been since he still can not write at least some English at age 28 (Im also European), and need strangers to tell him what to do?

    What would he do where he comes from?

    Probably the same thing suggested here.

    Maybe this guy you write for is actually you.


    If this guy actually does exist, I ask him to step forward, and reply to my post here.

    Almost 30 years old and too shy to post on a site where nobody can see you?


    I think you are 100% right mate I think author of this post is the mysterious 28 year old European

  9. Lot of people seem to have jumped on this guys back without full facts.

    Let's face it US divorce system is often highly biased to women. Who's to say that he didn't lose his home, and virtually all he had to his wife and kids when she divorced him even though divorce was not what he wanted? He may have wanted custody of the kids and not got it. Wife could be living with another man now, deliberately not marrying so he still has to pay maintenance. Meanwhile he quits his job and moves to Thailand with a broken heart, missing his kids. Then he remarries, having only enough money to support his new family (including possibly kids here), so he stops maintenance. Anyone like to climb off there high horse or should I say donkey under that scenario? :)

    Well if that is the case it's simple all he has to do is to explain is stand point on this matter to the embassy,they will clarify his story and return his passport back,then he will be a happy bunny.let's face it buddy it's NOT going to happen is it because he has run out of excuses and he is on the run now.

  10. This guy abandons his children and fails to live up to his responsibilities. He takes off to a foreign country fathers even more children, and after (how many?) years just pops into the Embassy and says, "I'd like another passport please." What a loser! He didn't think he would get caught?! Now he wants to continue being a fugitive on the run here? And you want to know if we can help?

    This loser is taking the advice of another loser who let his passport expire here while skirting around the law now for three years. That guy has had no proper visas (obviously) and he's eventually going to be deported at his own expense.

    These guys are idiots.

    I like the above your 100% right buddy,these cun_t's got the balls to ask us for advice so they can carry on fathering more kids and running away.

  11. Not if he had a Thai passport.

    They should just go one step further and put him on a plane.


    Sorry but I gotta say this. The thing that ultimately really upsets me is people who father (or mother) kids and then don't support, love, and nurture them

    This sort of irresponsibility gets me really hot and angry.

    Some pople never grow up, and they go through life leaving a trail of destruction behind them.

    If I had my way this character would be compulsarily working three jobs or whatever to at least ensure the kids in both countries have a roof and food and education.

    Yes I agree this guy should do the right thing by supporting his kid/s NOT running away from responsibilities.I hope the US embassy will report him to the police and immigration and he will be deported back to the US to face up-to his responsibilities period.

  12. it only really bothers me if the person saying it actually knows my name... you know my name, use it!

    Really i view it like the word Asian, yes i would use it to describe someone i was talking about, but if i knew their name i wouldn't ask his wife "Hi, how is the Asian?".

    I don't care what they call me as long as they won't stop me fuc_king

  13. Many of my friends who like myself have been living in Thailand for many years find the word Farang to be at times offensive perhaps even racist?

    Farang supposedly refers to a foreigner but when I look up the Thai dictionary I find the following;


    chaao dtàang châat

    foreigner ; alien



    alien ; foreigner


    chaao dtàang bprà-têt

    foreigner ; alien


    dtàang daen

    exotic ; alien ; foreign ; remote

    foreigner ; alien ; immigrant ; non-native


    kon dtàang châat

    foreigner ; alien


    kon dtàang dâao

    alien ; foreigner


    kon dtàang daen

    foreigner ; alien


    dtàang châat dtàang paa-săa

    foreign ; alien ; outlandish ; another nationalist or race foreigner ; alien


    dtàang dâao

    alien ; foreigner ; outsider ; stranger foreign ; alien



    foreigner working in the ;


    kon jon

    stranger ; alien ; foreigner

    Call me tetchy if you wish but the word Farang from lips of many Thai's to me has the essence of a derogatory curse word and I think we demean one another from using the expression amongst ourselves and that we should find another word that expresses our status more eloquently! Anybody any suggestions?

    Funny you should say that! I tell My thai Wife, that anyone who asks her, she should tell them, ''My husband Don is, an old English gentleman.''

    It's OK for people to call the Asians Pakki and Afro Afro-Caribbean people Niggers back hear in the UK since I can remember what's the matter with you Thai's calling you Farang,if you don't like it you know wear the door is just use it mate.

  14. Thai roads are dangerous, but if you're bent on doing it, go for it :D

    A couple of guys on this forum have done it. Wait awhile, they'll come on and comment.

    I did it on a bicycle so it should be more relaxing on a scooter.

    The biggest headache is getting out of BK. If it were me, I'd jump the train from Hua Lampong and get off once I see the countryside (you can take a scooter on the train). Another option is hire a motorbike taxi to lead you out (make sure he's a local guy people know, and get his license/ID number to leave with your friend, just in case he gets tempted to relieve you of your motorbike :D )

    The roads are fairly decent from around Cha-am southward. You'd be better off staying off the Petchkasem hwy. Note that the Ranong Andaman side gets lots rain in Sept/Oct (actually it rain year round, the rainiest spot in Thailand). If you're going the Surat-Gulf of Thailand side, it's worth a hop onto the ferry to see Koh Samui/Phagan/Tao if you haven't been there already.

    I'd take at least 3 days to do the ride. Enjoy the view. Remember that exhaustion is a huge factor in rider's error and judgment.

    Good riding :)

    I am thinking of doing something simile on my Ducati 998S.What do you guys think of it?

    Now that sounds like fun. I would think a Nouvo or similar bike would allow you to do easily over 100km on open stretches just watch out for obstacles. If I were leaving Bangkok I'd simply do it very early around 4 or 5 in the morning. Should be a great ride... report back if you do it!

    I cant wait... I will make a trip report on it

  15. There are so many different possible answers ranging from the innocent to the not-at-all innocent ... based on the little you have provided we can only speculate ... for e.g.

    - after 4 dates she considers that you ARE still only friends

    - she is not sure enough about you yet and/or her feelings about you (or she does know and she's planning a runner in the near future)

    - her friends know she has another guy tucked away (in UK or more likely back in Thailand) and she doesn't want them to let anything slip

    - she is only around for a short time and doesn't want anything serious to develop

    - etc

    Until you get real warning signals I would relax and enjoy her company, get to know her (and let her get to know you). Focus on her and not her friends and don't get too serious at this early juncture. Most Thais like to have fun and not think too much. Do otherwise and you may, how shall i say, 'freak her out'

    PS. Oh, there is another possibility ... she is really a katoey and is just waiting for the right time to give you the 'heads up' :)

    What's a KATOEY??

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