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Posts posted by tayto

  1. 4X100. That's Viagra?

    Latest news.

    It is now agreed amongst top cabinet officials that the species known as Farng is connected to and responsible for the Southern unrest.

    At the weekly cabinet meeting top ranking military personnel have confirmed this fact.

    A new department will now be formed with the sole purpose of erradicating this problem, it will be known as KFO, kick farang out.

    Most venerable leader has been quoted as saying, this problem will solved in

    19 days.

  2. The land that was being cut was large, about 50 rai and was cut in about 6 hours.

    The problem I see was that all the paddy was left on the land and only the rice taken away.

    I suppose they don't have any cattle to feed and don't need the paddy.

    This farm was completly flooded 3 years ago and they lost the lot.

    On the economics side , if the labour was expensive then the combine probably worked out cheaper.

  3. do you know of a bar in bangkok where english folk songs are being sang?

    i hope you can help me.

    Dear Jens,

    For a newbie it is not always easy to find the way in this forum and to hit the right buttons.

    Chiang Rai is about 800 kms from Bangkok.

    If I would be you I would ask the question to the Bangkok members of this forum. They are closer so to say.

    Most of them you find in the Bangkok Forum.

    Good luck!


    PS: You wouldn't mind if I send your question about filmhouses in the Philippines to the Phillipines?

    If you want to hear Dutch folk songs, the Somtan lady says Limbo sings in the bath every evening.


  4. from one belfast boy to another...thanks George for all the great memories and inspiring millions...

    "Georgie, Georgie they call him the BELFAST BOY.."

    thanks George..RIP

    R.I.P George.

    Ireland will sadly miss you.

    He was a great inspiration for many young lads who left Irelands shores to play in the English leagues and though he didn't handle the fame very well, he will definitly be known as one of the first football superstars.

  5. Betel Nut use is a common sight in rural Issan. The ingredients and utensils are easily found in the markets.

    The village elders tell me chewing betal nut numbs toothache and other aches or pains associated with old age. Unfortunately it appears the practice of chewing the leaf/nut/lime combination actually rots the teeth. I’m told the long term use of betal nut becomes mildly addictive.

    The social interaction and toothache numbing benefits of chewing betal nut appear to cancel out any negative health concerns amongst the users.

    Betle Nut is indeed still very popular in Isaan.

    In my wifes village nearly all the old people eat it ,even the monks in the temple.

    I often leave the temple with a heaving stomach at the sight of the monk spitting into a plastic bag.

    My wifes grandmother uses it and it seems it is mostly women that continue to do so in spite of the black,rotten teeth.

    When she visits, which is not often thankfully,so goes outside to perform her disgusting habit.

    Cigarette users aint so bad.

  6. No, i'm not Irish, if the last comment was aimed at me.

    You got a duplicate image, too, Tayto! :D

    Another (off-topic) try:

    A village 'carnival' (june 2, 2005)

    PS: Best part of an hour and only one edit! Works like a flash...

    Bye,bye, pics. :o

    zzap.I think your seeing double........lost the glasses or have you been at

    zzap.I think your seeing double........lost the glasses or have you been at

    the Saengsom

  7. post-8092-1132662875_thumb.jpg

    Well, I had to click on the textline to download and look at rong khun.bmp

    and it took a few minutes on my inedaquate connection.

    Smaller size jpeg files seem to work better for attachments.

    My problem before seems to have been that I choose to "add into post" , which made the pics appear twice.

    There seems to be two different ways of posting photos,

    1. by using the browse button below+Add this attachment and then a button will appear ''add into post'' which you do.

    This is farly straightworward but you have to have the photo in your own computor photos.

    2. By getting the photos URL, dragging and adding it into IMG above.

    This is difficult and lots of times it doesn't work.

    So any experts please help

    us .

  8. Well, it took me 20 minutes to compose and correct my previous post, and it still isn't right.

    I won't post pics again.

    The pic at the bottom belongs further up of course.

    Hi zzap.

    I know the feeling about the photographs.I have spent hours and still cant get the hang of it.

    Dont give up,keep practising, try posting some on the pinned area for photos at the top of the page.

    I have made many errors, so you cant be any worse.

  9. Hey you guys.....you are off topic....this topic is supposed to be a place to announce what things are happening in CHiang Rai....if you want to discuss the pros and cons of doing something else why don't you go start your own topic and stop trying to hijack this one.  Limbo...why don't you start a new topic and move all of this off topic stuff over to that one?...and leave this one for people to inform everyone about what is happening in CR?

    Agreed Chownah.

    This posting or a similar one could be pinned to the top of the page and any events in Chiang Rai or surrounding area could be added to it.

    What about it Limbo?

  10. Limbo :o

    My friend Limbo, let me disagree with you.

    The Chiangrai Classic Car Weekend appeared two month in a row as a preview

    in Good Morning Chiangmai News, it also appeared three weeks before the event in Chiangmai Mail, and about one month before the event in Bangkok Post.

    The agenda of 9Art Gallery also appears in Good Morning Chiangmai News.

    Now, being based is CM, these are certainly not the easiest source of information, I admit.

    Whilst I agree with Gerry about Good morning ChiangMai news or other publications in Chiang Mai, being good sources of information, they are for Chiang Mai not for Chiang Rai even though they occassionally will put in something about Chiang Rai.

    We need information about Chiang Rai, what on , and one of the best ways to do it is here.

    This week from 25th Nov to end of the month is Chiang rai food festival.

    There will be a lanna style show/dance in front of Sammarki school/Saenphu Hotel on Friday..........more details to follow

  11. Hi.It was mentioned to me some time ago, by a certain dr. that we have no source of news and information about whats happening around Chiang Rai.

    I am sure that there are plenty of events going on that we would like to be informed about.

    I would suggest that we post a heading of some kind on this page, and add to it as we get information.

    For instance, for the last few days we have had a large multicultural festival with participants from Laos, Burmah, China, and Thailand.

    Wednesday was Loy Kratong day and yesterday was Lady Kratong day with beautiful ladies parading through the town on floats.

    Anything happening tomorrow?

  12. Some of y'all mentioned the Dutch in Chiang Rai.  So y'all know the old one with the white hair and droopy eyes.  He's called me a nigger and white nigger on at least 3 occassions.  I've never responded.  He's dying of cancer anyway.  Somebody tell him the AA meetings are at the church on Mondays.

    Know lots of Dutch people here but nobody white hair and droopy eyes.

    A white nigger?

    Cancer? You a specialist?

    A.A if you have a problem, you are welcome but dont force people.

    Nice sort of bloke aren't you......................not.

  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Annan unveils plans for wind-up laptops

    November 17, 2005 11:24

    The United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, has announced plans for making cheap laptop computers available to children in the world's developing nations.

    A prototype costing about $100 can be recharged by turning a handle.

    Brazil, Thailand, Egypt and Nigeria are among the countries due to receive the first wave of laptops early next year.

    Mr Annan and leading US IT expert Nicholas Negroponte unveiled the wind-up computer at a UN World Summit on the Information Society in the Tunisian capital of Tunis.

    This page : http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/1117/laptop

    Thailand: The hub of Asia


  14. OK, Erqwin, here comes the test-question concerning the identity of Chiang35Baht.

    First: Raise the bonus to three small LEO (!) beer.

    Second: Ask him with who he (and his brother) was drinking so much beer at Don Muang 2,5 years ago that his plane got a delay of one hour before taking off to London. :D

    Limbo  :o

    Ah ha! so he's a Brit.

  15. It looks like the orang mobile phone co. are closing down.

    The signal is deteriorating every day and will soon disappear .

    Any mobile phone companys other than Orange or AIS in Chiang Rai.

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