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Posts posted by tayto

  1. Again Joel has stired the hornets nest.

    I have to say I admire Joel and some of his writtings and indeed would agree a lot with most of his postings but come on, this pasting of text and long winded articles really has to stop.

    I really think his books are the place for these articles or as a member suggested, on his own webpage.

    Joel, heres another place you could post your articles

    /link removed/


    If you google to 'Chiang Rai' (or Chiangrai) you will find a lot of Joel's work out there in space. He has been on the first google-page for a couple of years, but now you might find him on the second page.

    Good luck!

    Limbo :o

  2. Hi

    I took someones advice here and went to MBK, found them for 80 Bt each! Cool!!

    Hope you bought all of them.

    In Chiang Rai people were looking for 200baht for them and that was 1 week after issue.

  3. There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya.

    It's only 5 days until it's supposed to hit the news stands.

    Any chance of providing the forum members with an advance copy?

    I would safely guess, no chance.

  4. Any body who feels like contributing cash, there is a very worthy cause here and I guarantee your money will be spent wisely.

    Account name; Tayto.sort no:3433667712 . Bank of Neverland:


    I knew you weren't hiding in Bahrain or London any more, but why Chiangrai. I knew the ranch

    was big too, but you got your own bank there too?? Welcome to CR, and i hope people contribute to

    your request. I know the money flow to you isn't what it used to be. How about a freak concert here someday??? :o


    I will give you one, if you let me sleep over.

  5. I wonder how I am imposing on certain crybabies who have posted above.


    must suspect folk who feel need to contribute nothing but cash

    Any body who feels like contributing cash, there is a very worthy cause here and I guarantee your money will be spent wisely.

    Account name; Tayto.sort no:3433667712 . Bank of Neverland:

  6. There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//

    Communithai Magazines first issue will be out in the beginning of August distributing 5000 copies of which 3000 copies will be distributed throughout Chiangrai. This is a free Magazine supported by Local Business.

    The first issue will feature the top 10 Restaurants in Chiangrai, Local NGO's and what there doing. A few funny articles like my Thai wife?, information on Tap Sap 600 english words used by Thai and intesting fact on and or about Chiangrai.

    Communithai Magazine is interested in personal stories about your experiences in Chiangrai and articles promoting the wounderful life style Chiangrai has to offer.

    The Magazine is Non Political and not a platform for Religion! it if a lifestyles Magazine for Chiangrai.

    Communithai is also developing a local Community Center in Bandu Chiangrai to better serve the Expat community. Soon to offer DVD Exchange, Book Exchange, Teaching Material exchange and more. We feel that there are many Expats living in Chiangrai that have a lot to offer fellow expats, but due to lack of any media or information system they cannot share there knowledge.

    Communithai is also preparing to launch it's web based community portal that will help bring people together.

    So you asked what is Communithai Magazine about? Well it's about Chiangrai and all the wounderful people and the Business Community.

    Thank you

    Thank you for the explanation, pity it took so long.

    Some good ideas there but do you know that Bandu is not even in Chiang Rai city and for most foreigners it will be too far.

    Imagine going to Bandu to get a DVD or a book, I don't think so.

    Anyhow,good luck. I think everyone would like to see it up and running.

    :o Thank you all your negative and positve support for the magazine.

    For all of you who think a glass is half empty or like to spend most of your time in thailand complaining, crying in your TomYum or Thai bashing Please take a pill!

    Whoa........Touchy, ain't you.

    Listen mate, you're the one that has to grow up.

    You're the guy that posted about a new magazine coming to Chiang Rai and therefore invited reaction to it, positive and negative.

    Your original lack of explanation invited critism.

    I really fear for the future for your enterprise when you fail to take advice or critism at this very early stage and knock the people giving it.

    Mostly, on this webpage you will find very helpful, considerate people who will, at no expense share their many years of experience.

    Take it and don't be a grouch.

    In spite of your reaction, you will find most people are interested in what you are doing and will be supportive .

    Now.Please stop taking the pills.

  7. Joel , the first time you posted your drivel I was respectfullly bored.

    Now, I think you are using this board just to piss people off and judging by previous posters you are boring the cr** out of everybody here.

    Keep your linguistic drivel to your books and give us a break.

  8. No, no problems with that. In fact I hardly care but you do and that´s fair enough with me. I´m well aware of Rajabhats history and the western teachers there. Back to topic perhaps?


    please do tell us more about your wise crack on Rachapat University.. It is a very good University and I happen to know many students that go there and they are all intelligent people. I also know a few of the western teachers that teach there during the terms (not summer courses) and they are good teachers.

    I really dont want to digress of the topic but it has me absolutely baffled how one can make a statement like that.

    As the O.P and though I agree with you maybe this is off-topic.

    Why not start a new thread..........Chiang rai schools/ Universities.

  9. There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//

    Communithai Magazines first issue will be out in the beginning of August distributing 5000 copies of which 3000 copies will be distributed throughout Chiangrai. This is a free Magazine supported by Local Business.

    The first issue will feature the top 10 Restaurants in Chiangrai, Local NGO's and what there doing. A few funny articles like my Thai wife?, information on Tap Sap 600 english words used by Thai and intesting fact on and or about Chiangrai.

    Communithai Magazine is interested in personal stories about your experiences in Chiangrai and articles promoting the wounderful life style Chiangrai has to offer.

    The Magazine is Non Political and not a platform for Religion! it if a lifestyles Magazine for Chiangrai.

    Communithai is also developing a local Community Center in Bandu Chiangrai to better serve the Expat community. Soon to offer DVD Exchange, Book Exchange, Teaching Material exchange and more. We feel that there are many Expats living in Chiangrai that have a lot to offer fellow expats, but due to lack of any media or information system they cannot share there knowledge.

    Communithai is also preparing to launch it's web based community portal that will help bring people together.

    So you asked what is Communithai Magazine about? Well it's about Chiangrai and all the wounderful people and the Business Community.

    Thank you

    Thank you for the explanation, pity it took so long.

    Some good ideas there but do you know that Bandu is not even in Chiang Rai city and for most foreigners it will be too far.

    Imagine going to Bandu to get a DVD or a book, I don't think so.

    Anyhow,good luck. I think everyone would like to see it up and running.

  10. Hi I missed the boat a little on this one and haven't been able to spot any recently, does anyone know where I can buy a 60 baht note commemorating the King's 60th ascension? Ideally in the Sukhumvit or Silom area.

    I'm assuming they are not priced at 60 baht, what is the going rate?



    The original price was 100 baht, the balance of the money going to some good cause.

    A few days later they were on the market for 200 baht, so god knows what they are going for now.

  11. What's the situation as far as internet speed, reliability, and cost in and around CR?



    (Note: Mumbojumbo....I've been searching like a crazyman for "gym chiang rai", "gym chiangrai", gym cr".....but I don't see much. I'm guessing there's a reason for that.... :o

    On the other hand, the lannarealty site is a winner! I think I just spent an hour drooling over homes that I can't afford. :D )

    Hi.Can't tell you a lot about gyms, the local sports club has one and a kind of home made one in the stadium. I also think some of the local hotels have some sort of gym.

    As for accomodation, I would strongly advice you to stay in a guest house/hotel for a while before commiting yourself to anything.

    The internet speed is good, fairly reliable and cost for broadband 256/128,start at about 6oo baht plus tax .

    Welcome to Chiang Rai.

  12. Tried out the new night bazaar in Bandoo last night.

    Terrible selection of food, nice music and setting but nobody there.

    Left and went back to the original in Chiang Rai. The food is ok there but when we arrived, we had as usual, great difficulty getting a seat.

    Eventually someone left and we got a table. But what a mess, sea shells all over the place, beer bottles, plates and fish bones under the table.

    The waitress cleaned the table with the dirtiest rag I ever saw. I asked her to clean under the table but she said it wasn't her job and walked away.

    Where do you complain? nowhere.

  13. We must also hope that the money they received from Chiangrai business owners will end up in the form of a printed advertisement, as they surely promised everyone...

    Balls on Jerry, I think you see the light clearly. I heard the proposed introduction is not Aug 1 now, because they don't have enough advertisers?? Then when is it.??? You people need to explain more. :o

    I agree completely and think that a commercial magazine would be hard pushed to make money.

    I would like to see a voluntary community newsletter, nothing too fancy in the beginning, building up to a Chiang Rai magazineor newspaper.

    We have lots of local writers, we can ask the local tourist police about current events and slowly we would get the advertisers on board.

    I would ask a local Thai paper to get involved in printing and maybe distribution, keeping costs to a minimum maybe only getting a page or two in a Thai newspaper in the beginning.

    There is a Thai newspaper office near my home, but I don't even know the name of it.

  14. A must see for the first time visitor to Chiangrai is our infamous Chainsaw Museum. :o

    Museum is only in virtual realty mode as yet but I'm sure Thaivisa members will be the first to know when it is opened officially by our great liberator Limbo.

    Chiang Rai joke.

    B.t.w welcome to Chiang Rai temperance sociey.

    I am confident you will have a wonderful time here and if you have a query or need a drinking buddy(coke), just give us a call on Thaivisa and we'll be there.

  15. But please don't bully us or delete our words and we will be most respectful and follow the rules

    really, don't see much evidence so far. There is no bullying tayto. I think the explainations have been quite clear. Making an issue over nothing is getting your little section noticed. So pat yourselves on the back for that.


  16. We have been told that a thread has to me moved to a completely different

    subject to save band-width or whatever

    exactly the same post actually but in another section. What exactly is the point of opening these posts mumbojumbo? YOU seem to be the instigator of the closed posts as you have been told several times the reason why & also that discussion of moderation issues are not allowed.

    I suggest you take your own advice;

    Back to CR, Let us sleep again please.

    Mumbojumbo is walking on thin ice and maybe he'll join the biggest group in Thaivisa, the former banned members. Don't worry mumbojumbo, you'll be in good company.

    I am wondering am I breaking any rules by saying this.

    As mumbojumbo says, we are a loving, peaceful lot here in Chiang Rai and all members are most welcome to call in and see us sometimes and even make a nice comment or suggestion.

    But please don't bully us or delete our words and we will be most respectful and follow the rules.

    and please come back Limbo.

  17. OK OK.. so Mai Sot is in Tak province, and not Chiang Rai province (as per the news bulletin).

    Unfortunately, ThaiVisa does not have a Tak sub-forum.

    So do you CR Forum locals want me to move this subject to the CM forum instead? ... or leave it in your backyard?

    Up to you... :o

    Its about 180 km closer to Chiang Mai so it would probably be more appropriate there.

    Probably better to delete it, I'm sure Chiang Mai people aren't too interested in either.

  18. closed/redirected/reopened/disappeared/restarted/closed/

    A "Super Moderator" visited our small forum recently and created havoc to one of our threads. This"SM" has a bio that states he was born in 1907. TV should retire people before they reach this golden of an age. Our moderator is doing a good job here, and doesn't need outside geriatric interference. Just a thought. :o

    He not only created havoc but did so with a sarcastic attitude and a disparaging remark about our forum. We don't seem to have many problems unless a super moderator interferes unnecessarily.

    :D:D Mymechew

    Shut your mouth, don't disagree or your barred. Follow my rules or get out and don't complain.

    If you have a complaint don't publicise it, send it to me and I will ignore it.

    God/ Allah has spoken.

    Come on Limbo, where are you?

    Maybe he's barred too

  19. I have been doing 5 visa run to Maesai border up in north Thailand and never ever been told to show money(10000 baht for 30 days) for re-entry. Today I did my 6thVisarun and this time I was required to show them 10000 baht in cash. So just be aware of the game! :o

    No game here.

    Adequetly posted here nearly a year ago, with signs in Engish posted at the immigration booth.

    You may be required to show 10,000 baht on tourist visa or 20,000 baht for non immigrant visa and families.

    I have done this run many times but only required to show money once.

  20. Department of Highways inspect fractures along Thai-Burma Friendship Bridge

    The Thai and Burmese Department of Highways have conducted an inspection of fracture points along the Thai-Burma Friendship Bridge in Mae Sot District of Chiang Rai Province, which may prove hazardous to heavy motor traffic.

    Mr. Wacchara Thangcham (วัชระ แตงฉ่ำ), the Director of the 2nd Tak Roadway Division, in cooperation with authorities from Burma, conducted an inspection of large fracture points of approximately five centimeters each along the Thai-Burma Friendship Bridge. The fractures are abnormal lines along the bridge and it is expected that they occurred from water currents of the Meuy (เมย) River.

    Mr. Wacchara stated that dangers may occur if heavy vehicles used the bridge, and authorities are advising that motorists exercise extreme caution when passing through. The Department of Highways has sent roadway experts to inspect the bridge's condition and repair it.

    Mr. Wacchara added that the fractures are the result of almost ten years of usage since the bridges inception in 1997.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 19 July 2006

    Lots of funny things going on in Chiang Rai at the moment, between hatchet men and gremlins on the loose but Mai Sot bridge to Burma, moving to Chiang Rai?

    Come on, I don't believe it.

  21. Chain saws are very tightly controlled with licence required from my understanding so you probably have more chance for a gun licence than for a chain saw.

    If you go to the clock tower and turn right, you will find a nice shop opposite the big market.

  22. Wondering what prices might be for 10 to 20 rai quite close to CR, within 10 miles or so. I realize it depends on the type of land, view, close to main road etc but just ballpark estimates would be great.

    Chang35baht is spot on.

    Over the last few years in Chiang Rai all areas where farangs live have shot up in price.

    Recently I went to look at a nice 1 rai site about 2km from city centre and they're looking for 1,500.00 baht, reason being because some idiot of a farang paid over a million for the neighbouring site. Good luck to him.

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