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Posts posted by timinchina

  1. I would prefer my child to be taught by an irishman than an american. Just look at how the americans have changed the english language and the spelling. There is American english and there is english. I want my child to learn english not american

    Over the years I've had dozens of Thais remark that my spoken English is far more understandable than others from UK, Oz, NZ or Ireland.

    "R"s are not evil. It's OK to pronounce them.

    "U"s are overused. Delete them when they add nothing.

    English is capitalized when referring to the language. Youf today don't know noffin.

    That is just like saying your thai is better that that os a thai. My son had an American english teacher pulled him away from the american real fast so did a number of other parents he was soon dismissed from the school as he was teaching the american version and not correct english..

    Dam_n good show too old chap,better to sit him down in the new class and teach him the Queen's English mind...

  2. Bloody ridiculous seeing a couple married a few years and him speaking pidgin and usually not Thai

    Couldn't agree with you more. I am married to a Vietnamese but it is the same thing over here: expatriates married to local ladies speaking pidgin are total gits IMHO and one has to wonder how they can have any meaningful relationship at all.

    So you speak Vietnamese?!? :)

  3. Now I realise this is subjective and that everyone will have their own opinion so please,no squabbling! :)

    I've found that around the Nana skytrain there seems to be a lot of good ones,I think it's called the Himali Cha Cha or something like that but I was in there last week and the food was excellent.

    I'm originally from Birmingham so I do know a thing or two about curries! :D

  4. Reading TV one would think that girls are only interested in money. Some guys obviously think it is their looks or tool that attract them. What should the girls checklist be for selecting a farang guy? Girls don't be shy.


    Not interested....as for dating or lifetime partner

    Or rather haven't meet one who is interesting enough to have enjoyable 2 ways conversation at the corner of my rai..... :D

    I don't think by having a farang gene would make him "automatically" better or more desirable than "many" of the local sweet boys.

    As for me generally.....great education along with great persoanalities can go along way.

    Make me laugh and I can overlook the no being hansum or white enough thingy.

    If I want a farang one, most likely I will have more choices back in their farang land, but then again I don't like flying,....so I will have to stick with my ever-caring and loving Thong-aek for now.

    Oh I'm sure there are some diamonds among the mud,

    but as for others.....Don't flatter or over-estimated yourself....whenever you are in thailand.

    I can't really speak for others tho.....Not all thai girls are the same, of course

    Honestly here :D

    Same same... :)

  5. Can he be taken by the nose like a kwai

    Does he answer to the name "Khun ATM"

    Has any man gone to Thailand for any other purpose other than women (or man) - lets say 2% have to be generous. If not for easy abailability of companionship shall we call it most of you would be in Soain or Mexico and not Asia

    If you think Thai girls treat you like an ATM,try taking a Latina/Spanish girl out for a while!

    I lived in Barcelona for 5 years before I came first to China,then to Thailand

    The Catalans are the most unfriendly,insular people I have ever met in my life.I have a friend who is English,married to a Catalan doctor,his son is half-Catalan and he's lived there for 9 years.How many Catalan friends does he have...zero!

    People don't understand the culture difference between Spanish and English at all,if you have a Spanish girlfriend anywhere in Spain,she will be called a "puta" (whore) by a lot of local people simply for dating a foreigner.I speak Spanish and have lived there for many,many years but I'm still "extranjero" (foreigner) wherever I go.

    I lived in Bali,Indonesia just before the bomb went off there,I fell in love with South-East Asia then,I've taken various trips around Vietnam,Cambodia,Thailand etc.& decided Thailand has the best food and most fun nightlife for a single guy like myself,I work as a financial advisor and just think the locals are very friendly and polite in an old fashioned sort of way.

    I didn't come here for the girls,just for the lifestyle,if I meet a nice girl here,so be it but I can tell you there is a lot more stigma attached to mixed relationships here than the rest of South-East Asia,so it's unlikely I will,although one should never say never! :)

  6. Most of the Thai women I know are married to Thai men and have been so for many years.

    Most of the single Thai girls I know aren't interested in a farang because they don't need to marry for money and don't want people to assume they are bargirls because they are with a farang man.

    The one Thai woman I know well with a farang husband could have had her pick of men but actually fell in love with this guy. Shocking but true. She didn't marry him for his money or his ability to take care of her (she has more than him and is perfectly capable of taking care of herself) but married him because she loved him.

    So, I guess, I couldn't really give you the checklist of what some Thai women are looking for when they are looking for a farang man. Sorry.

    Absolutely shocking that real life actually exists in Thailand...who'd have though it? :)

  7. I'm very indifferent to people, aloof, perhaps somewhat but it is not intentional. I was a Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist monk for 10 years in the cold and isolated mountains of China. I tend to stay in my own head thinking about how much I don't know about life, the universe and everything as Douglas Adams so eloquently put it. I generally stand back and let the universe do as it will without comparing or judging, I am non-dualistic and don't have to see black to understand white nor do I have to say they are opposite or different to understand them, they just are. What I do see is people, plain and simple just people same species as me. A frog does not ask "are you from the north or the south of the pond or did you come from the pond on the other side of the forest?"

    As far as the name "Jungian" goes, as Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", don't look to deeply into it. I enjoy Carl Jung's work and writing, then again I enjoy Shakespeare and Star Trek but I suppose "Spock" would have been just as an agreeable name as "Jungian" or "Othello" a name is just that something to distinguish one thing from another, to put everything neatly in a box so we feel that the universe has order and we have labeled it all and categorized it.

    Deep man, deep.

    I bow before you, recognizing an experienced old soul when I see one *snigger*

    I seriously think, both of you guys need a doctor :D

    I am a doctor

    And I'm a Dutchman's uncle... :)

  8. Now others use headphones for not getting attention to boost their ego by not getting involved with others. Actually a sad sign how helpless some are. Western education teaches to be better than the other. This behaviour is just one side effect.

    Fact of the matter is that I AM better than the most of you, and posts in this forum seems to indicate it on a repeating pattern. Now would I want to be greeting you in the street?

    There is a saying amongst my friends, that 90% of the world population are idiots. So we stick to our group of people we have already confirmed isn't. Easy.


    Would that be 90% of your friends?

  9. I'm not sure I ever acknowledged a "farang" in the United States when they walked past me and I lived in Chinatown, Philadelphia. I tend to also not to acknowledged Thais, Chinese, Japanese, or people of African decent who pass by me. I consider my self "color blind" I don't care what color your skin is, actually I tend not to notice.

    No offense intended, but I find this highly unlikely (that you don't notice, not that you don't care). It is human nature to notice the differences between one's self and others. That doesn't necessarily mean that it leads to animosity, but the noticing part is pretty much automatic. For someone who chose the name Jungian, I am surprised at this claim.

    I went the the US Consulate the other day to renew my passport and I spoke to quite a few of my fellow Americans waiting in line, we didn't exchange any vital information about who we are, why we are in Thailand or even where we are from in the USA, we weren't being hostile, just minding our own business (yes, Americans are capable of minding our own business, it's our government that isn't). I also do not assume just because someone is Caucasian they speak English, I have on many occasions had people come up to me and speak German it's kind of funny (I am of German decent though). Anyway if you see me on the street and strike up a conversation in a language I speak I'll be happy to talk to you, give you directions if I can or whatever.

    I doubt you are the kind of person that the OP is describing. Actual indifference is quite a bit different from active avoidance. You sound like an affable, if somewhat aloof person (from the tone of your post), but not arrogant.

    I'm very indifferent to people, aloof, perhaps somewhat but it is not intentional. I was a Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist monk for 10 years in the cold and isolated mountains of China. I tend to stay in my own head thinking about how much I don't know about life, the universe and everything as Douglas Adams so eloquently put it. I generally stand back and let the universe do as it will without comparing or judging, I am non-dualistic and don't have to see black to understand white nor do I have to say they are opposite or different to understand them, they just are. What I do see is people, plain and simple just people same species as me. A frog does not ask "are you from the north or the south of the pond or did you come from the pond on the other side of the forest?"

    As far as the name "Jungian" goes, as Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", don't look to deeply into it. I enjoy Carl Jung's work and writing, then again I enjoy Shakespeare and Star Trek but I suppose "Spock" would have been just as an agreeable name as "Jungian" or "Othello" a name is just that something to distinguish one thing from another, to put everything neatly in a box so we feel that the universe has order and we have labeled it all and categorized it.

    Keep taking the tablets... :)

  10. Maybe the O.P. can pretend that he's a CEO for a company,then he may not feel so inclined to rouse a rabble of peasants with pitchforks heading for the castle walls...petty jealousy and professional envy,that is what we're dicussing here aren't we...or have I got something wrong? :)

    Well I'm just glad I'm not more successful in business than the O.P. or the same fate might befall me...hold on...I see a crowd of rather unwashed looking serfs gathering outside my local Starbucks...what could this mean... :D

  11. oh please enough with the warm beer you are making me sick. Only the english drink thier beer warm. A good beer is served icy cold and do not even think about putting ice in the glass that's a thai thing. Only us Aussie really know how to dring beer.
    oh please enough with the warm beer you are making me sick. Only the english drink thier beer warm. A good beer is served icy cold and do not even think about putting ice in the glass that's a thai thing. Only us Aussie really know how to dring beer.
    :):D:D I do agree with that one

    Rubbish (in the nicest possible way! :D )!! You mob wouldn't know a decent beer if it upped and wacked you in the face!! All you lot sup is piss weak lager!

    Middle of winter, pissing down sleet, hail or snow outside, standing in a classic old London pub, downing copious pints of room temperature Old Speckled Hen, Bishops Finger, London Pride, Green King etcetera...... you lager quaffers don't know you're born!! :D

    Theakston's Old Peculier happens to be my favourite tipple! :D

  12. I find there are alot of Thai boys around that will start talking to me, but many of them are the ones that hunt for white girls (rasta bar boys, trekking guides with good english). I think it is like the single white guys here that get followed by Thai girls seeking money who don't know how to find a nice girl. I don't want to be notch on a belt. I like excitement, but I think I will take my time finding the nice ones. After a couple mo.'s here I am finally meeting nice, intelligent people.

    Mojitos? :)

  13. I've met this lovely girl in a bar in PatPong and we've been together for 2 weeks now,she says that she loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me.

    I can't open a bank account here in Thailand without a lot of paperwork so she's suggested I just transfer it all from England to her account by International Bank Transfer.

    I think that's very reasonable of her and just goes to show why she's the truly caring and loving person I fell for all those weeks back.

    Just wanted to ask people on here if they think I'm doing the right thing or not.

  14. Was he pushing drugs in Thailand? Men In Brown need to follow-up on his connections in Thailand. How was he funding 18 months of living expenses in Thailand? Are his connections still at it?
    He wasn't 'pushing' in Thailand .-- he had a good business there until a woman got hold of him and started to blackmail him. He lost his business and ended up on 'trumped up' charges because she thought he had more money than he really had. He had his passport taken away so he couldn't leave and went through unimaginable conditions because he could not 'pay off' this woman. She thought he had family who would bail him out but he didn't. He eventually got his passport back after months of living rough in the jungle and begging for rice and getting no help at all from previous 'friends'. He never did anything wrong in Thailand except fall for a woman who lied to get what she could. The Court even new that she was lying and told her to drop the charges...but all this took months to happen...and he paid a high price.

    Can we assume that you're also a drug-dealing scumbag too then? :)

  15. Dead cat bounce? Traders snorting low grade coke? A bi polar reaction to depression?

    What is for sure is that there is no sound economic reason for this ' recovery ' except cheap sentiment and an idiotic belief among the British that because they want everything to get better it will.

    Electra , i read your anti-British post with interest. I am no fan of the British Police State (formally known throughout history as the United Kingdom) but i must disagree with you on your economic comments. There is no doubt that in Britain we are in a mess , but so is the US and so is Europe (dreadful figures out of Germany last week) and so is Japan (terrible figures released today GDP MINUS 15% !!).

    All the currency commentators this last week have remarked on how the most undervalued currency at present is the GBP , especially in relation to the Dollar and Euro.

    So i would bet that as this year goes on we shall see a continued rise against these currencies (and thus against the THB as well)

    You can run Britain down as much as you want , and i certainly do in many respects, but you cannot get away from the fact that we are and always will be an economic power with a currency that will rise as well as fall. Its fallen far too far since last summer and will now rise ... just wait and see.. i'm right

    How an American can talk about "Dead Cat Bounces" is just laughable,the whole World was calling the greenback the "American Peso" 18 months ago when it hit US$1.61 against the Euro!

    Do you not even understand that the credit crunch started in the American sub-prime mortgage markets with dim-witted brokers lending money to clients with the acronym "Ninjas",which stands for No Income,No Jobs or Assets.

    They then wrapped up that toxic debt in complicated financial instruments and sold it on to the rest of Europe.

    The pound was also trading at about 2.12 against the US Peso,if I remember correctly,I suggest you remove your head from your ass and accept the facts! :)

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