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Posts posted by timinchina

  1. Can any one tell me what this language is Please ...? :)

    Wiec pobralem, przy instalacji pyta o klucz, poradzilem z tym sobie, natomiast problemem okazlo sie to ze windows nie instaluje sie poprawnie: Przy koncu instalacji nie moze odnalezc kilkudziesieciu plikow...



  2. My Thai wife and I are going to relocate permanently to Thailand in the next couple of months.

    All up we will have about 3.5 million baht to set ourselves up, but no other income.

    It would be highly unlikely I would find work in my profession so I would need to find some way of producing a steady income.

    My plan is to just do nothing for 6 or so months and just keep my ear to the ground and research any business opportunities that may arise.

    I would like to hear some success stories from other TV members that have been in a similar situation. Come to think of it, give me the bad ones too.

    Thanks in advance

    first ,how old are you? if your not going to get a pension of some sort soon ,i dont wish to be a wet blanket but three and a half million wont last to many years ,and it will not be easy to find a well paid job,if you have a child the expenses keep rising .

    best of luck ,but !!!

    oh and dont buy a bar.

    I am 47, no pension coming up for me. :)

    A bar is out of the question but surely other business opertunities are out there!

    I have no intention of just sitting around doing nothing untill the money runs out.

    My wife and I live very cheap in Thailand, we cook at home and we don't drink or smoke. We spent 6 months there about 3 years ago and we lived very comforatble on about 25k per/mth, including rent and running a car.

    I am a commissioning manager working in construction. I very much doubt they would hire a farang for this job.

    I sense another English teacher hitting the Bangkok labour market!(Obviously disregarding the spelling of comfortable!)

  3. Whatever anybody says on here or anywhere else,he will go down in the history books of music as one of the greatest performers of all time,love him or hate him,that won't change.

    He was at his peak when I was a schoolboy growing up so I will certainly always remember him,he seemed to have lost his way towards the end but his planned comeback tour with 50 dates at the Wembley Arena was to change all that,shame he never got the chance.

    R.I.P. Michael,you will be missed by millions. :)

  4. So, you're a daytrader, which means you're not a swing or position trader and certainly not all three. Some people are.

    No contradiction. Charts of different time intervals need to be in synch to put on more than one type of trade in the same direction. The advantage of being in your daytrade may end in hours, but it doesn't mean you want to lose your position. Ya follow?

    Do you know what options are?Would you like me to explain the full Greeks to you?(Deltas,Gammas,Thetas,Vegas and Rho)

    :D One imagines your TV page open in one window and Wikipedia open in the other. :D

    It's pretty much a moot point anyway,call them swings,daytrades or whatever you like,it's patently obvious your "friend",if you're not the same poster,WAS placing 3 identical trades,all sells in the same direction.You're hardly going to fool a seasoned forex broker into thinking otherwise now are you,even though you seem to be trying your level best! :)

    Why not take it from a professional trader,these are very basic trading errors,we have them pinned up on the training section noticeboard of our trading floor for our new starters!

    You claim to have been trading for 15 years yet you don't know this,I find this very hard to believe!

    Maybe you should use Wikipedia more yourself and you may be able to spell trading strategies that you claim are impossible to utilise more readily! :D

    Unfortunately my friend,it's not going to teach you to trade the Foreign Exchange!

    As I stated before,put enough investment clowns like you together and you'll have a money-losing circus...you could probably qualify as the ringmaster! :D

  5. So, you're a daytrader, which means you're not a swing or position trader and certainly not all three. Some people are.

    No contradiction. Charts of different time intervals need to be in synch to put on more than one type of trade in the same direction. The advantage of being in your daytrade may end in hours, but it doesn't mean you want to lose your position. Ya follow?

    Do you know what options are?Would you like me to explain the full Greeks to you?(Deltas,Gammas,Thetas,Vegas and Rho)

  6. Why not borrow a petrol can from the grieving daughter to fill up the mower with,then burn the shed down using it with her fingerprints all over it,accuse her of arson and collect the insurance money on the shed and all the tools and mower that were in there at the time.

    She'll have plenty of time to reflect on the error of her ways in the Bangkok Hilton and she'll never ask for her family's belongings back again! :)

  7. Where's the strategy in 3 trades all in the same direction?I'd really like to know! :)

    Don't know what Harmonica is up to but I've held "position" , "swing" and daytrades all in the same vehicle, in the same direction simultaneously. It's not unusual at all.

    It doesn't matter what you're trading,placing 3 positions in the same direction no matter for how long is pointless and just bad trading strategy.Can you not understand that if you call it wrong you are just multiplying your losses,surely that's obvious isn't it?

    You must be trading in very small amounts or you would be sustaining huge losses with a strategy like that,you do understand margins and margin calls I take it?

    What sort of leverage are you using?

    No it's not. Sure I understand you could lose more if you're wrong. That's why it doesn't happen often. Many things need to synch up to put on that trade. You don't use stop losses? I do.

    I understand margin very well, that's why in 15 years I've never had a margin call. You're a broker you say? C'mon, really?

    Hmm,bit of a contradiction going on here and you're questioning if I'm a broker? :D

    I use stop losses when I go home at night,should I leave a position open,which is very rarely.

  8. Incredible post.

    You are such a macho man, how can any woman resist you, that's when you are not busy typing on this forum about how great you are, I read back your posts,. your actually pitiful, your women must be very poor and needing your pension money.

    Why on earth would you post such things if it's true ? Pls tell me.

    Stroking your own ego to strangers on an anonymous internet forum ? Sad or not ?

    Let's hope it is just his ego he's stroking! :)

  9. Where's the strategy in 3 trades all in the same direction?I'd really like to know! :)

    Don't know what Harmonica is up to but I've held "position" , "swing" and daytrades all in the same vehicle, in the same direction simultaneously. It's not unusual at all.

    It doesn't matter what you're trading,placing 3 positions in the same direction no matter for how long is pointless and just bad trading strategy.Can you not understand that if you call it wrong you are just multiplying your losses,surely that's obvious isn't it?

    You must be trading in very small amounts or you would be sustaining huge losses with a strategy like that,you do understand margins and margin calls I take it?

    What sort of leverage are you using?

  10. The last World Cup was watched by 2 Billion people,a third of the planet,what's the viewing figures for the Superbowl?

    American football - Rugby for girlie men in Spandex and shoulder pads!

    Baseball - Played by little girls in schools around Britain and called Rounders!

    Basketball - Freakishly tall men running up and down a wooden court for x hours/minutes!

    The Beautiful game 1 - Rubbish American sports 0!

  11. Timinchina,

    so you are a broker since 10 years but dont know order types and their properties? How many murder attempts from your clients did you survive so far? :D

    I trade futures and options in currencies and crude oil,sometimes gold and silver and don't know anyone that uses conditional orders to trade,it's just for amateurs as I said.When a client gives me money if he tries to tell me how to trade the account,he is no longer a client!

    Doesn't change the other poor trading advice being given out on here though,does it?

    Well, Harmonica did an excellent trade there when shorting Gold even if you don't understand the strategy behind while we haven't seen anything from your side except critizism so far, isn't it?

    If your idea of "an excellent trade" is 3 positions (sell orders) in the same direction and closing one out $1.10 cents before the other 2 trading gold there really is no hope for you,what sort of figures are you dealing in and how much do you hope to make on such a trade/trades?

    You're not serious are you? :)

  12. Russia also proposed crude oil being bought and sold in Euros a while back,instead of the petrodollar,guess which currency crude is now bought and sold in...errrmmm,the US Dollar of course! :D

    Yes but didn't Saddam switch & was making a increase of income ?

    With the approval of the UN........ :D

    Then we went in & hunted his butt down & hung it. Timing eh :D





    There's a lesson to be learned there somewhere...not quite sure what it is though! :)

  13. Timinchina,

    so you are a broker since 10 years but dont know order types and their properties? How many murder attempts from your clients did you survive so far? :)

    I trade futures and options in currencies and crude oil,sometimes gold and silver and don't know anyone that uses conditional orders to trade,it's just for amateurs as I said.When a client gives me money if he tries to tell me how to trade the account,he is no longer a client!

    Doesn't change the other poor trading advice being given out on here though,does it?

  14. So, supposedly, we have an evil Thai women that poisoned her farang boyfriend, not just any boyfriend, but a world champion kickboxer ! according to the OP.

    Yet when asked to provide a link to this world champions downfall, it is not forthcoming , when a google search is done, it produces nothing but a story on ThaiVisa.

    Could it be possible that this story is totally made up ?

    I challenge the OP to tell me who the World Champion Kickboxer was/is, or at least his nationality so further research can be done.

    Somehow, I doubt very much we will hear any more about the issue.

    Someone has already mentioed Crohn's disease on here and if that was the case I would imagine it would be very easy to poison the individual.

    I used to work with an American colleague who had Crohn's and the description he gave of living with it daily was pretty awful.

    As for World Kickboxing champion,I believe the OP probably said he was a contender in his weight for a World MUAY THAI title,these titles are nowhere near as widely recognised or marketed to the general public as,say,a World Boxing Title so it's entirely possible that the story is accurate.However,I don't intend to pass judgement one way or the other.

  15. Russia Makes the First Call for the Monetization of Gold

    Russia is proposing the inclusion of the ruble, yuan and gold as a part of a revised basket of currencies to form the valuation of the IMF's special drawing rights seen as the coming new alternative global reserve currency, reported AP.

    continued at http://seekingalpha.com/article/143662-rus...ization-of-gold

    Russia also proposed crude oil being bought and sold in Euros a while back,instead of the petrodollar,guess which currency crude is now bought and sold in...errrmmm,the US Dollar of course! :)

  16. Just flicked through a page of the so-called "experts" on here and here's what I found,now this stuff really is GOLD! :D


    Actually gold is an excellent conductor and is widely used in electronics. There is lower demand for electronics and hence less demand for gold now. As soon as the consumer price index is adjusted to reflect lower prices of houses, you'll be able to buy more gold with less dollars. Right now gold is artificially kept high by people dumping currencies and looking for safe-havens. As soon as they find a new safe-haven, they'll dump gold and prices will come down. I'd be looking to pick up gold at the bottom and when the CPI is lowered. Just guessing here, but the lowest I've ever seen gold is $400/oz so at that price-point or near there would be a good time to buy.

    Gordon Brown sold off 395 tonnes of the U.K.'s gold reserves as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 17 auctions between July 1999 and March 2002.The average price achieved in those disposals was $275.6,making a loss of about US$9 billion,which makes you less than 7 years old!

    Remember, gold is always a gamble. If somebody makes a big find and floods the market with cheap gold, you're screwed. If many mines runs dry you could be sitting on a very valuable asset.

    It's not happened in the last 5,000 years,so why now?

    Sunbelt Asia:

    Cramer says "We're on the verge of something that could take down America, and the world, and change your life forever. All wealth gone. People fighting in the streets. Governments overthrown. Money worthless."


    Please do your own due dilgence. This is NOT investment advice.

    Cramer is the host of "Mad Money," a weekday program on CNBC on which the animated hedge fund millionaire darts around his set, shouting investment advice and punctuating market talk with many a jubilant "Boo-yah."

    Since the shocking collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns, Cramer has taken serious heat for comments he made on his March 11 show.

    He told viewers: "Don't move your money from Bear! That's just being silly! Don't be silly!"

    Cramer and CNBC have defended his statements, arguing that Cramer's assertions on the bank were in reference to a viewer's question on Bear Stearns' liquidity, not its stock prices.

    CNBC spokesman Brian Steel said that on the Friday before Bear's meltdown, Cramer presciently called the bank's stock worthless. Cramer could not be reached for direct comment.

    "I think that anybody who has a fundamental understanding about capital markets knows the distinction between [a] question about stocks and liquidity," Steel said.


    I've known ALOT of traders. Among them I've only know 2 who could utilize Eliot Waves in a predictive way to make money. One of those two is dead and the other made 6,410% returns last year. Eliot Waves are a great way to look back at what happened in the past, and even that count will be subjective and differ from the next guys. That said, if you're going to utilize this tool, only use what you have generated from your own effort. No surer way to penury than followinng someone elses EW count. Just ask any former Eliot Wave International subscriber.

    Obviously NOT that many traders then,Elliott Wave Theory(maybe you should learn to spell it before commenting on it!)states that the 3rd "motive" or upwards wave,actually the 5th wave in the cycle as 2 and 4 are "corrective" or downwards waves,will be the longest and the highest,not exactly rocket science is it?

    Difficult to trade,I think not! :)

    Put all 3 of these investment clowns together and you'd have a money-losing circus! :D

  17. I love some Thai beer, so don't know what's wrong with you guys? And I come from the land of Heineken, so I know what's good beer.

    :D You must be joking. Heineken is filtrated water from some obscure Amsterdam canal. Actual beer are made in UK, Belgium, Germany or Czech republic. But hey, don't be sad you guys still have some good looking girls and some nice windmills.

    BTW I'm from Sweden so I know everything about explosives, pharmaceuticals, mobile phones, boring cars and sharing media illegally. :)

    Let's not leave the Irish out,love them or hate them(the beers/stouts that is,not the Irish!)Guinness and Kilkenny are also 2 of my favourites...guess I've got a lot! :D:D

  18. Keep the good food rolling....

    Will be in Bangkok next week and hoping to check out some japanese restaurants in Sukhumvit.

    Any recommendations?

    J Avenue,Sukhumvit 55,Thoglor is where all the movie stars go,so I've been told,there's lots of very good Japanese restaurants there.

    I've been to Nanohana,sashimi and sake excellent but a little bit pricey,I paid around 4,000 baht for two people but that was ordering a huge amount of food!

    I can't remember the dish but one of them came encased in ice with a little hammer to break it,my lady friend ordered it,very novel! :D

    Here's their website:


    Typo! :)

  19. I have used a Thai lawyer for 20 years and he is excellent. I trust him 100% and he is not only an excellent lawyer but a true friend. A seasoned court lawyer who has won most of his cases,speaks fluent English and is liked by all who use him. Very popular with expats and companies. I believe licenced Thai lawyers are prohibited from advertising. I may be wrong. But law firms that offer legal services like a retail outlets are not. Good lawyers have no need to advertise. They are recommended. Maybe I was lucky but my Thai lawyer is a real gem.

    Your previous post said 8 years,thankyou Mr Winai! :)

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