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Posts posted by timinchina

  1. Samui man has appeared more recently. :)

    Ive never heard of this species, what are its traits?

    Bangkok expat man is certainly thriving these days.

    He's about 43, thinks his secretary GF who is 17 years younger then him that he met at Spicy or similar knocking joint is a cut above as she's never been a working girl and that she's with him for his still youthful looks and the fact hes a bit of a jack the lad, as after reinventing himself this is exactly what he is.

    .....this pasty looking creature who looks extremely withdrawn whilst wearing tired looking office attire often uses his WP as a false sense of self worth, justification for being here and superiority over us, in his eyes, lesser species.

    Seems you've stumbled across this graceless creature aswell, was it in his native surroundings of "The Londoner" or the "The Dubliner" or similar sterile pub, they do often leave the pack and go out alone to the beer bars surrounding Nana Plaza to mate with the indigenous folk, but this process is always hidden from his colleagues and friends as it would make him look like a mere Earthling from Farangland.

    Fellow anthropologists have also observed that Pattaya Man will defend his territory vigorously,sometimes even leaving the relative safety of "Walking Street" to do so.

    This of course happens only rarely,as Pattaya Man prefers to remain in his element,clutching a bottle of Heineken in one hand whilst conducting mating rituals involving winking at the nearest ladyboy and recounting tales of past glories in Ye Olde Dog and Duck back in Dagenham.

    Pattaya Man will count every beer and sweat stain on his vest as a tale in itself and sometimes when the village elders meet to compare such markings,a coherent and even believable story is witnessed.

    Of course,this will happen only very occasionally and as such has been named "Halley's Comet Night",due to the similar time spans existing between such rare occurences(every 75-76 years.)

  2. I used to live in Madeira and Portugal,I suggest you keep your idiotic comments to yourself as it's obvious you have no clue of either History OR Geography as Madeira IS Portuguese!

    Apart from your imbecilic and insulting personal comments, I actually lived and taught in Portugal for eight years, and I do know something of Portuguese history. As I tried to subtly point out - too subtly as it transpires - Madeira is only part of Portugal on the Political map and not geographically. Now go figure why it is that the ridiculously bad cartoon of Ronaldo is both inappropriate and inaccurate. Or do I have to spell it out to you , v-e-r-y --- s-l-o-w-l-y. Nincompoop. :)

    You're calling me imbecilic when your inference was that Madeira was not part of Portugal.You seem to lack the capacity to read the name above the post of the offending picture,if you had you'd realise it's not me and you call yourself a teacher,I presume,of English...words fail me! :D

    Quite possibly the most moronic poster on this forum! :D

  3. I have met a young, attractive, university educated, traditional thai girl, visiting family in the UK. Really can't fault the girl at all. Love being with her. We wish to get to know each other better, but she returns to Thailand shortly. After discussion. it has been suggested that the best way may be to get engaged in thailand with ceremony, but without marriage. Then she can live with me (Separate bedrooms) and study for a time, in the UK, during which time we can see how relationships develop. Dowrys in the family, I know to have been in the region of 1 million Baht and it has been suggested that her's should be more. I do not have the lower figure, but it is certainly more obtainable than anything higher. Can anybody please advise me as to what to possibly expect? Is dowry payable on engagement only, as opposed to marriage? What is the family likely to expect from me?

    Great 1st post.... :)

  4. An air of superiority pervades the OP's observations, I suggest he spend less time judging others and more time re-evaluating his own shortcomings.

    Your diatribe reveals more than a modicum of jealousy related to our recent findings...it is no more than can be expected from such as yourself.

  5. On all my trips to LOS I had avoided Pattaya up until now,heeding all warnings of how terrible it was there but this time I decided that I had to see for myself...and this is what I found...

    I booked into a very nice hotel called Jomtien Palm Beach,it had huge rooms and was full of holidaying Russian couples.My friend and I booked separate but adjoining rooms,the swimming pool on the front terrace was absolutely enormous.

    We found some very nice restaurants along the promenade at Jomtien beach,good food and reasonably priced.Along Walking Street we discovered even better seafood,the Lobster House became a firm favourite of ours,excellent Thermidor and a fine selection of red wines from around the World to accompany.

    But something wasn't quite right,there was something in our midst that didn't add up but we couldn't quite put our finger on it.Then we realised we were not alone,walking among us,hardly sparing us a second glance was...

    PATTAYA MAN!!! :)

    It was a once in a lifetime chance to study this rare breed up close and in all his glory,an opportunity we couldn't pass up...

    His head was shaven and bereft of all traces of hair,he was above 50 years of age.His clothes were of the fake sportswear variety,think Nike and Adidas.His shorts were elasticated at the waistband and on his feet were flip-flops or thongs as some like to call them,of the cheap,market stall variety.

    A shy and retiring creature,he was seldom seen alone but more usually in the company of a not too pretty,not too young,jaded-looking bargirl!

    Obviously a direct descendent of Neanderthal Man and Homo Erectus[sic] :D ,it was indeed a rare treat to see this genus,once thought extinct,for myself and my colleague,worth all those hours of travelling.The Royal Anthropological Society would scarcely believe it,luckily we had bought photographic evedence with us to prove our claim to be a genuine one...

  6. But I know nothing of Madeira's History nor Geography,do I...half-wit! :)

    As opposed to the no-wit who began this boring debate with his sick, bad taste joke.

    Shall we move on - i think we should.


    Cant Del Barça

    Tot el camp

    És un clam

    Som la gent blaugrana

    Tant se val d'on venim

    Si del sud o del nord

    Ara estem d'acord estem d'acord

    Una bandera ens agermana.

    Blaugrana al vent

    Un crit valent

    Tenim un nom que el sap tothom

    Barça, Barça, Barça !



    Tots units fem força

    Són molts anys plens d'afanys

    Són molts gols que hem cridat.

    I s'ha demostrat s'ha demostrat

    Que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer.

    Blaugrana al vent

    Un crit valent

    Tenim un nom que el sap tothom

    Barça, Barça, Barça !

    Visca el Barça!!! :D

  7. But he's not actually a Porkandcheezer.

    He's from Funchal in Madeira which IS Portugal

    You really don't know your geography (or history) do you. Madeira is 540 miles away from Portugal. Being controlled by Portugal doesn't attach it as if by an umbilical cord you know.

    I used to live in Madeira and Portugal,I suggest you keep your idiotic comments to yourself as it's obvious you have no clue of either History OR Geography as Madeira IS Portuguese! :)

    If you believe otherwise,enlighten us all as to which part of the World Madeira belongs to...Morrocco?Algeria? :D

    Did you know that Madeira means "Wood" in Portuguese,as it was covered in forests when they first landed?

    Do you know what a "Levada" is?

    Did you know that Câmara de Lobos was one of Winston Churchill's favourite places?(even though it's a dump!)

    Have you heard of Reid's Hotel,one of the best hotels in the World?

    But I know nothing of Madeira's History nor Geography,do I...half-wit! :D

  8. Thanks everyone for the replies,I will be checking out a few of these suggestions,the Indian Hut,Mrs Balbirs and Hazara seem the favourites so far. :D

    As for the misery guts telling me how different "Indian" curries are to those in Birmingham.I was eating Prawn Puris and Crab Bhajis for breakfast in Mapuca market,Goa over 20 years ago,before you even knew where India was,so don't presume you know everything about everyone! :)

  9. The Buddha would not have approved of working girls. He was not a sex man - despite raising a son and being an absent father for many years.

    One of the Buddha's most devoted followers was a courtesan whom he never criticized. He seemed more concerned about men who spend a lot of time with "harlots." :)

    In Christianity Mary Magdalene was also said to be a "Working girl"!

  10. Probably the same argument goes on between the Spainards and their former colonial subjects in the Americas. Do the Castilian Spanish speakers in Spain have the same accent as Mexicans or Argentines? Better yet, who cares :D

    Is this a serious question?Of course they don't! :)

    The South Americans are the "Usted"-ers,as in Usted/Ustedes,very formal terms for You(singular)and You(plural)that have all but died out in Spain to be replaced with Tu and Vosotros.

    Incidentally,there's 4 different languages spoken in Spain:Castellano,Catalan,Vasco y Gallego.

  11. The reason you should prefer the comma before and/or in a serial is to avoid grouping confusion.

    For example: "Dave had to choose between pepperoni, vegetarian, ham and pineapple, and seafood, when he was in charge of pizza day."

    The comma before the 'and' removes all doubt and causes no problems and there is no benefit to its omission.

    No,you just use "or"! :)

  12. Sometimes i speak nid noi pidgeon englsih to thais who havent got good command of English,but not with my my thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good english,khmer and some chinese.

    Sometimes I speak a little pidgeon English to Thais who haven't got good command of English,but not with my (my) Thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good English,Khmer and some Chinese.

    I can see why !! .. :D

    You forgot a comma after the word Khmer and one blank space before the word, Teachermark.



    You shouldn't use a comma before "but" either Teacher :D Mark!

    I take it you're a woodwork teacher?

  13. So if it is not the banks responsibility, then in theory, someone who works for a bank could just clean house and steal money from everyones account and the bank would have no liability?

    That just doesn't seem right to me. It is too flawed.

    The whole thing stinks,no bank will give money to an unidentified individual...I'm sorry,it's an inside job! :)

  14. It happenned to me once and it was because i used a computer with key logging software on it in bangkok , they got all my details and used my account to make international money transfers, so you have to be carefull now I wont do any bank transfers online unless I use my own PC and I always use norton internet security software to safegaurd against keyloggers and viruses etc.

    Most decent banks now use security devices that generate a series of random numbers to get around this problem,although it's not advisable to use shared computers for banking purposes if it can be avoided.

  15. This gives rise to another subject which is closely related: Electronic money transfers. I use them and so my friend's email with an attached discussion of a court decision rendered in a case involving a foreign wire transfer from a bank in Canada to Switzerland that did not get get deposited was of interest to me. Apaprently, if a bank can show that followed it's instructions (swift documentation etc.),the bank that sends the money is not liable. In this case the money went from one reputable bank to another but was not deposited. I don't know how it got lost. The Swiss bank denied liability as well, saying that it never arrived.

    So, here's my question to the Thai banking experts; In the OP's case, if there was a "mysterious disappearance" what is the bank's liability? In the case of a wire transfer that is not deposited. what is the bank's liability, if the claimant can show that the money was indeed sent? I rely on electronic banking so, what the heck am I supposed to do?

    This is nonsense,if a bank sends the money and it doesn't hit the account,they will put a trace on the wire to find out where it is.

    Most of the time it will be sitting in a suspense account at the correspondent bank waiting for additional details of the beneficiary but it WILL sit there until it's traced,when it will be credited to the correct account.

    No bank will lose money electronically,it's just not possible!

  16. From the African American point of view.

    When he is doing well: He is the first African-American president!

    If he messes it up: Who the hel_l is that half-white guy?

    (Credit, Wanda Sykes)

    :) Yep I guess that will be true

    Chris Rock's stand up routine before the elections was better:

    "That President Bush,he done f****d up sooo bad as President,next one gonna be a woman or a black man,that's how much he f****d up!"

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