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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. I have been directly involved in Investigations of the 'Nigerian Scam'

    BUT I had Victims records and statements.

    Let me see ??? We have Nigerian Visa Overstay and NO Victims ??

    So this is about Visa Overstays . Correct ??

    Sorry , used to dealing in Factual Evidence not peripheal hearsay stories .

    Not saying there isn'r fire where there is Smoke , BUT, let''s not Draw a Long String to a short Bow


  2. Opportunistic Crime is Not exclusive to Pattaya.

    Rape is one of the Most prevalent opportunistic crimes and will always be when Lone women are in this type of situation

    My Lady would NEVER go off by herself to look at Land on a Motorbike Taxi, because she has a great deal of Travel Sense and been with me on operational Postings. BUT when I first met her she was not as Careful when Travelling

    I cringe on some of my Travels when I see some situations people place themselves in.

    Hope the Victim is OK and one can only hope that the Forensics will lead to the arrest of the offender.

    As to the Punishment. ??


  3. I am still bewildered how these incidents make Headline News in Patts.

    The Pickpocketers are rife in certain areas of most Tourist countries. Even at a Station in Dubai I overheard people being warned by Security & Police of Pickpockets in the Area of Gold Souk

    Nothing in any papers though.

    Normal event at large gatherings in Oz, USA, Hong Kong, Paris, Amsterdam, etc where we travelled last year.

    Warning signs in many areas of Europe BUT not a Headline anywhere.

    Oh well, BUT , well done to Police. Wonder how long before He/She is back on the Street ??


  4. OK we have a Boxer who needs TWO knives to fight attacking a Food seller who doesn't sell Drugs in Walking Street , the Designated 'Safe' Tourist area

    You couln't make this up if you tried .

    On the serious side though, glad there wasn't a more serious injury.

    It is also another small incident that demonstrates the true value of the Drug Trade. Slowly killing and poisoning millions world wide and injuring and killing Innocent bystanders in its wake.

    Sometimes I wish there was some idiot declaring a Fatwah on High end Drug Sources. I guess the $$$$ involved will never allow that to happen.


  5. Two differing reports and two very different circumstances.


    Let's see ?? I am a Mother with a Handicapped son with a Mental age of 12. Hmmmmmm !!!! . Let's see what would be a good vacation ???


    I know off to Thailand ALONE with 4,000.00 British pounds and his own passport & Phone , I will check on his Condition in 7 months or so IF I get a call.


    Think I got that part right.


    Now he is back home he wasn't scammed , beaten or robbed by a female or anyone else  whose voice  asked for Money from Mum on HIS phone apparently it was the Thai Guards.


    The Brit Embassy didn't bother checking once he had been bought to their attention......Hmmmmmmmmmm!! although that sounds about right almost as bad as the Australian embassy.


    Gets Interestringer and Interestringer


    The scenarios are Endless !



  6. Did they flip a Coin to decide which shop out of the several dozen doing exactly the same thing.???

    Must be a Grant of Funds due from the USA & Australia to combat the sale of Fake goods. Need a bit of a show for the media and relative ambassadors.

    Check the paper for dates each year...........Obviously a 'Crackdown' is needed.


  7. Do not criticize the Thai Police .

    That is what got him charged and convicted, absolutely no way this was a mistake.

    Hope he gets a very well paid Book out of it.

    Ah Thailand ! Corrupt one day Coup the next. No wonder it is the ' Land of Smiles'

    As Lord Acton said "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"

    I believe Paedophiles deserve the worst but to be convicted without any proof is even more of a crime.


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