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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. 'Failing' that's a Normal occurrence on all these types of things in Pattaya isn't it??

    I loved the Pedestrian Crossings when they first were introduced and the first vehicle through the RED Lights was a Police car.

    There should be a 'CRACKDOWN' they always work ........................555

    No Pointing either , well done. Because there is NOTHING to point at except Ineptitude......Ho Hum


  2. O K , so when we get to Victim Number 6 the Police 'will RUSH to Detect.' (My Caps)

    Morality of the Victim has NO bearing on the Crime by the way.

    So I Finally know why there is No Rush about the Jet Ski Scams and others because there are More than 6 Victims , therefore there is no 'Rush to Detect' or stop them.

    After all these years I Finally figured it out.

    I'm so embarrassed that I train Detectives and couldn't grasp it sooner ( Naughty Rim - Not a Point anywhere)


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