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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. The original idea of Pattaya & Thailand in general was that they were places to holiday/retire to because of the economic advantage of the 'Home' country wherever that may be. Similar to Spain , Bali , Mexico etc. BUT Pattaya & Thailand in general have become the place where 'Greed is GOOD' & ironically most of it commenced by Farang ripping off their own countrymen & still are.

    Now it is inherent within the system from the Traffic stop Brown Shirt to the Media Mogul Volunteer & many other places beckon .

    An observation & regretful situation


  2. post-81660-1242143524.gif

    BUT the $900.00 the Aussies get is even been paid to Backpackers who worked & filed Tax returns 07/08 . Lass in England was Interviewed by Oz paper last week. Don't think that will help the Oz economy but it helped her savings in the UK.

  3. Left Patts after a few months watched the deval of my $ against the Baht. The prices go up as well & back home I find that I am spending less , but dining out more & haven't had a suicide from any high rises here at all for the Month I have been back . Heading to Malaysia next week , very cheap Air fare & Hotel is a bit over half what I paid in Patts , could not get any answers about the 'Free' rooms in Pattaya when I mailed. Notice some real estate prices coming down to reality almost though. Couldn't buy last time. Maybe next year.The only thing cheaper than here in Pattaya was Bananas , there may be other goods , but what I was interested in cost more in Pattaya than here & more than it did a few months before when I was there earlier.


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