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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. All jellyfish have tentacles & venom therein, that is their method of acquiring food & defence.

    The stinging caused by contact with them depends totally on the type & time of year

    From the common Moon jellyfish to the Virulent Box of Oz they all have VENOM

    Cortisonal ointment, vinegar etc only relieve the pain not the consequences of the venomous application of the tentacles. Even with tentacles ripped from the fish they still keep applying venom through the stinging.

    In children the skin can be totally show a 'whipped' type of wound & in older adults can cause asphyxsia from mild to fatal.

    Growing up on the Gold Coast of Queensland , I speak with first hand knowledge.

    Be careful folks,if your heart , lungs etc aren't the best it doesn't take much to induce a collapse

  2. Well after 25 years of visiting Patts,it happened. Just escorting my wife on Moo 6 near Nth Pattaya Road about 1735hrs yesterday & she had a minor surgery at BPH we were returning by foot to Diana gardens.

    A motorcyclist went past did a uturn ahead of us & rode at us & tried to snatch my neck chain.

    I had one hand on my wife as she was still a little woozy & her bag in my left hand, I must have looked a 'soft' target.

    However, after training for many decades my instincts reacted & he rode off very unsteadily with a very sore upper arm & shoulder. {Empi-Elbow Technique) Unfortunately, I was impeded with the handbag etc . otherwise I could have got a much better Technique delivered.

    By the way, I was wearing a button up shirt & no chain visible, I have reason to suspect it was a 'local' who had seen me at the BPH or Diana Gardens where it has been visible.

    Last time I had an attempt on my person was in Rio near the Copa, much more satisfying ,got to deliver a full set of knuckles between the eyes & in a side street in Brisbane (Valley) broke the idiots arm & his mates jaw.(was not wearing any jewellery just wanted my cash in both instances)

    Last time I take a shortcut in a lane , I usually lecture all my friends about exactly that


    Who are you trying to kid? Just admit it you hit him with your handbag. Empi elbow technique :lol:

    Only cause I couldn't get out of my High Heels quick enough


  3. Pattaya has always been a "value" destination. Your budget goes further here and most people like a bargain.

    Pattaya going up market? Hmmm, if I want "quality" I can think of other places with cleaner water. But, for the money, Pattaya is a good deal.

    Then there are the babes :D

    You are correct Pattaya is a 'value' destination. The ability to purchase a house in USA in a decent area for the price of a Car also makes it a 'value' destination.(at the moment)

    Pattaya was & always will have the 'rep' of cheap & readily available sex....'upmarket ??????? look around at the 'new Indian tourism' influx. I have seen at least 3 attempts at different places of underpaying & leaving without paying for food & drink & last week in Bangkok was amazed , I thought I was in Chennai not Patpong.

    Ex pat Retirees I met in Penang & KL seem much more content with the fact they can own property & not have the 'Police State' mentality of annual immigration checks etc. but some others I met in Bali in Sanur are happiest there. Personal taste as with everything in life

    We are keeping an open mind as we still have 18months to go to decide where to put down our final home purchase

  4. Well after 25 years of visiting Patts,it happened. Just escorting my wife on Moo 6 near Nth Pattaya Road about 1735hrs yesterday & she had a minor surgery at BPH we were returning by foot to Diana gardens.

    A motorcyclist went past did a uturn ahead of us & rode at us & tried to snatch my neck chain.

    I had one hand on my wife as she was still a little woozy & her bag in my left hand, I must have looked a 'soft' target.

    However, after training for many decades my instincts reacted & he rode off very unsteadily with a very sore upper arm & shoulder. {Empi-Elbow Technique) Unfortunately, I was impeded with the handbag etc . otherwise I could have got a much better Technique delivered.

    By the way, I was wearing a button up shirt & no chain visible, I have reason to suspect it was a 'local' who had seen me at the BPH or Diana Gardens where it has been visible.

    Last time I had an attempt on my person was in Rio near the Copa, much more satisfying ,got to deliver a full set of knuckles between the eyes & in a side street in Brisbane (Valley) broke the idiots arm & his mates jaw.(was not wearing any jewellery just wanted my cash in both instances)

    Last time I take a shortcut in a lane , I usually lecture all my friends about exactly that


  5. Well , back in Patts , made some inquiries & had it confirmed.

    Unfortunately Dr.Thun has been taken very ill

    Life can be so dam_n unfair.


  6. :jap: Living in Pattaya / Thailand is like everywhere else , be prudent in your personal security & home as you would anywhere else.

    I have just got back to Patts & it is great to catch up with friends & acquaintenances that live here from Oz , UK , USA , Holland & local etc.

    Everywhere has pitfalls , but it is your own decision. We retire in June 2012 & Pattaya is in the top 3 of our locations to settle.

    Is Thailand dangerous ?? YES if you are idiotic enough to do things here you wouldn't do at home.


  7. With all the Publicity about the Jet Ski scams , even on the Net & News ( I have seen it in the USA & Australia) even British sailors threatened with a rifle,(if I remember correctly) I am flabbergasted why anyone would even think of renting a Jet Ski in Thailand.

    It has got to be a money spinner for someone . I will have a walk down there next week when we get back & would bet it is the same as last year when we left.

    I guess the targets have changed to the Indians


  8. The only "western" country ,that can afford to holiday overseas, is Australia. This year , they are not coming to Thailand. They are going on Mass to Bali.

    LOL. They're always going enmass to Bali because of it's close proximity and they feel at home drinking with all the other Aussies.

    To say that Australians aren't feeling the pinch is just not true. Times are hard for them too.

    You're a bit out of touch. OZ was only slightly impacted by the global downturn. the aussie $ broke parity with the US $, homeowners in oz have seen their home values rocket higher, unemployment is only around 5% (3-4% is considered full employment).basically, compared to an American, an Aussie is about 40% wealthier now than before the crisis in 2008. resource based economy.... now, if China's bubble pops and they go into the shitter, oz will get a taste of it, not before.

    I agree , really out of touch , especially in Western Australia where the unemployment rate is much lower than the National %. Bali is closer by air , much cheaper for most things excluding decent Wine & the last time we blew there for a couple of weeks to relax a New 4 Star Hotel offered incredibly good rates in Seminyak & then to Sanur , almost everyone we met was from Europe , Holland,Germany, etc. & a smattering of Americans. Down in Kuta , it would probably be mostly Aussies ,but , the main reason most I have asked ,is that its quicker & cheaper by Air to Bali than Pattaya & Patts still suffers the "Sex Tourist" destination tag. If China stops buying Coal,Iron Ore, & the Euros stop buying Diamonds & Gold & everyone else stops buying Bauxite,Uranium etc, then Oz could be in trouble. The LAPD new Fleet of Cars is coming from Australia by the way. The only problem with all the $$$ success in OZ is that domestically it is becoming expensive to live.

  9. We changed our minds about buying a house in Pattaya in 2008

    1. Because there is no genuine title ownership to Farang & Condos don't appeal to us.

    2. I felt the constant visits to Immigration was 'Police State' like.

    3. I don't believe there is any 'value guide' that is dependable in Thailand.

    So , we have the best of all , we kept our unencumbered Resort property in Perth, just bought a "Bargain" priced house in Las Vegas (Farangs can purchase outright & OWN property in USA) & lease or long term Hotel it in Penang & Patts. when there.

    If we moved to Patts to stay permanent , one would have to reconsider.

  10. I don't want to sound cynical , but have you seen the Traffic Wardens in Makati & at lights in the Philippines ???

    If they think you are a target you have to give them their 'T' money to either cross or drive through a set of lights. Late at night in a nice vehicle alone you are gone.

    How long before they twig in Patts , that it is another revenue stream for them ???

    NO , that wouldn't happen would it ??


  11. In USA,UK,Oz you would have 7 days to produce docs & License.

    You are in Thailand , that is their way , chalk it up to experience , a BAD one , & I empathise , but I agree with Tokay , even if you were to win any part of this you would lose & that would be a sure Bet.

    :jap: .

  12. This thread is almost identical to one well over a year ago I am sure this all sounds very familiar about Fair Property & even the person who got ripped on Electricity.

    If I am wrong , I stand corrected

  13. Ive eaten "english style" F&C both here and in England......... all bland <deleted> compared to what is served up back home in OZ.

    Nothing like sitting around Port Arthur enjoying kangaroo brains mixed with flour and water and then fried in emu fat. :rolleyes:

    You're thinking of the OZ Politicians not real OZ people :lol:

  14. We will be back in Patts in a week & a half & my wife was going to see Dr.Thun at BPH for a minor eyelid surgery as she & I have met him & last Month we were told he was on a months leave . Now as we are about to arrive they now tell us he is on another Months sick leave>> That is a lot of "sick" for a healthy Doctor.

    The Hospital is very secretive & I was wondering if anyone knows what is happening.

    We really like him as a person as well & my wife is a little concerned for his health.

    Thanks for any info. & please no comedic drivel.

  15. I use foreign currency all the time because of the 7/12 months a year we are on the road. (USD,Ringitt,AUD,BAHT,Dong,etc.)

    My personal observation is that the Thai Government is keeping the Baht floating high with a false inflation against USD because of exports etc as the Chinese are in fact devaluing their currency 'Yuan' against it because of their giant imports.

    I am not an expert , just an end user & since the crash in Thailand some years ago they have made a few 'adjustments' ,

    Since the world 'crash ' in 2008 so have many Countries , but right now buying property in the USA is Bargain Basement time & the Bank Chiefs are still getting their $$Mil + bonuses. Luv it. Ireland,Greece etc are 'Broke' if you believe what you read

    Any how just an observation. No debt , No worries

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