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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. 14 hours ago, gmac said:

    An earlier post mentioned having to take 2 people, presumably at least one being Thai, with you to confirm that you are actually married and living together.  If this is the case I would would think it rather difficult to get said witnesses to visit immigration with you if you live way out in the sticks as I do.

    I have read posts on here of people in a similar position to you who took a couple of villager neigbours with their ID cards and bought them lunch on the way back as a thank you - doesn't sound like a big deal.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    I think a lot of people who come to Thailand leave there brain in the departure lounge of there home country.

    I used to know the Thai saying for this which translates to exactly your post. Normal Thai people think Farangs leave their brains at the airport. Paying Sin Sod to marry a prostitute, unmarried mother etc and then thinking they're responsible for her entire extended family paying and off their debts. There is also another Thai saying about how bar girls are trained how to empty a Farang's ATM. Suddenly her motorbike is stolen and they can't come and see you, her mother is in hospital and they can't pay the bill, the buffalo is ill/dead. The list of tearful phone calls is endless but unfortunately men's brains are controlled by their dick ????????????

    • Like 2
  3. 36 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

    B J not pushing back saying he didn’t do ANYTHING.........no one likes to be guilty until proven innocent

    My thoughts exactly. He's probably been told to toe the line and he'll survive in one form or another. Prayut is keeping him on a short leash (you keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer) so he must be scared of him doing or saying something. Maybe the political groups trying to make up a coalition government had asked him to head up the Police, which would make him a dangerous political enemy of Prayut.

  4. This is not odd as it happens when your CMOS battery backup has failed and you suffer a power outage or simply turn it off. The CMOS saves the date and time in the BIOS so if it fails the BIOS reverts to its birthday (the time it was first activated). Your web browsers then can not verify security certificates because the date and time mismatch. Get a new battery and carry on. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Simple answer.  We do not want to take our savings which we have worked for decades to accumulate or our retired income and place it in a bank in a country that has a lack of complete deposit insurance; a country in which bank personnel  raid accounts and steal money; and a banking system that on the surface seems secure but is not.


    You want to learn about banks in Thailand Google the name Rakesh Saxena and Bangkok Bank of Commerce or Finance One.


    No one has any  angst against showing real documentation that one meets the requirements of 800K or 65K per month. Most of us have it.  I can show my Social Security Statement and  Military  VA pension and back it up  with  an extract of my US Bank Account which shows the exact amount deposited  each month and even the ATM receipts.  I don't need or want a Thai Bank Account nor does anyone else- this is the 21st Century.


    As far as the 800K or 400K  - one should be able to show the amount  in their foreign bank account OR Thai Bank Account. The rules should say prove the income or deposits - in today's  digital community- I can get 100K each day from my bank in the US if I need it.


    As far as the marriage extension- when one marries and brings their Thai wife to America (which I did previously) the process was to file an affidavit of support and prove one has the equivalent of $24,000 either in a bank (anywhere); a job with a verified income stream plus assets such as a house or other all adding up to the needed amount.  One entering the US my wife gets full rights and access to everything I can get.


    In Thailand, if I extend my stay under marriage- my wifes income doesn't count; the millions invested in cars and a home asset doesn't count. I get no rights that a Thai citizen gets and I have to pay inflated prices for medical care and other  things.


    This is hardly reciprocity or fair treatment.  We are not asking for anything extra that our own country does not provide for a Thai spouse or even anyone emigrating to our home country.


    I enjoy Thailand and I have no issues with the Thai people but I am very disappointed  that the Thai Government cannot see the difference between law abiding  retirees and/or  married people who never break the law and  criminals who enter on visa exempt or tourist visa and set up sham businesses; scams etc all with the help of -local people .


    While I will abide by the regulations- I will not place  800K in a Tha bank- I will transfer 65K in each month and  live with the aggravation until more reasonable minds  see the folly of what is currently being done.

    The UK Government have very similar rules to the USA as far as foreign spouses are concerned and the same rules apply to male or female foreign spouses. I can perhaps understand the reason for rules for retirees in Thailand but those of us who are married to a Thai citizen are treated almost the same as retirees. My wife is considerably wealthy but none of her wealth is taken into account as far as my status is concerned. I have enough finances to comply with current rules when I retire next year but It all just makes me feel like an unwanted farang

  6. On 3/23/2019 at 1:52 AM, giddyup said:

    A local repair shop took it away, cleaned all the internals, replaced necessary parts, now working perfectly again. total cost 900 baht.

    That's what we did when our Samsung went wrong - the local repair guys were very cheap. However, in the UK my Bosch washer is still going strong after 19yrs. It survived one long term GF and one wife plus 4 kids. I'm thinking about shipping it to Thailand ????

  7. 2 hours ago, JimGant said:

    Yeah, being overly conservative, I saved way more money than I'll ever need -- and that covers any contingency, including long term care. But, it's hard to break old habits, so I still find myself wasting time, looking for nitnoy discounts or promotions. What a waste. At least I now afford myself business class when I travel abroad.


    I love the bumper sticker on an RV I saw traveling across the States: "We're spending our children's inheritance." Or, the goal in life: The first check you ever bounce is the one to the undertaker.


    I'm a Ski'er Spending Kids Inheritance ????

  8. 19 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    A few years ago when the late King was ill I went to pay my respects at Sirijaj Hospital. I walked around the grounds for a while and observed numerous Thais also paying their respect at the statue of his father in the grounds. After about an hour I decided to take a short cut through the public side of the hospital as it was a hot day and I thought it would be a cooler way to get back to the boat. The sight I saw was one of the most shocking I have ever seen - the corridor was lined with emergency patients on trolleys with crying and concerned family members around virtually each one. They must have been upwards of 30 patients - some of them no doubt dying from heart attacks or strokes or some such emergency. The fear and anxiety was etched on each face and a couple of doctors and nurses were running around almost in a panic deciding which one to treat first. I left the place in tears I have never seen so much suffering and fear in one place, sheltered life I have lived. 

    Your story surprises me as I've had many experiences of public hospitals over the last 20 years and have never seen scenes as you describe. The main wards can be busy and uncomfortable but everyone was attended to. My A&E experience have been the same. My 180 bht medical checkup for renewing my driving licence last year was a breeze. No appointment and only 10 minute wait.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, kamahele said:

    No evidence of a crime and the death ruled accidental. While it looks curious, we should wait for actual evidence before concluding there was a murder committed.

    Read the article, second paragraph 'British police in South Yorkshire who reopened the case said last year that they are treating it as a murder inquiry.' Now they wouldn't be treating it as a murder enquiry if there wasn't any evidence.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/16/2019 at 6:47 AM, jinners said:

    Hi, I made this journey a few months ago and asked the same. I was advised that Chumpon is the best bet for a halfway lay over. This is what we chose to do. Found a couple of clean inexpensive hotels for an overnight each way. Had a look around but didn't seem to be much to stay for other than the rest and drive break. Good luck, check out Booking.com or some other accommodation search.

    We stayed in Chumphon before getting the ferry to death island and I agree not much to see but the pies are really good in the Farang Bar.

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