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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. On 11/10/2018 at 9:05 AM, adammike said:

    Chang was supposedly banned in Canada because they couldn't get the alcohol content right,seems a 6% may contain up to 11% alcohol, people were getting busted for DUI after one bottle.Not sure if it's true but I can't drink the stuff after 6 bottles I am ill for a few days, age takes it's toll.


    This is true. I was in Nakhon Sawan, which is near the brewery, and I met a couple of Austrians who said they were working at the brewery because there were production problems. I asked what this meant and they said random audits of the beer showed alcohol as low as 3% and as high as 14%. This explained an incident the previous month when my wife had to carry me home from a restaurant as I was completely drunk after drinking just 2 bottles of Chang Classic. The original Chang at 6+% was ideal for drinking over ice but the 5% beers just get diluted too much for my taste.


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  2. 15 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    "Over there" is "Europe" presumably.


    1. You would be much better changing your Thai Baht at Super Rich in Pratu Nam, Bangkok. You will certainly get a far better rate than at the airport.


    2. If more than the equivalent of $20,000 (around €17,500) you must declare it to Thai Customs.


    3. You will need to declare anything over €10,000 entering the EU.


    4. The consequences are they will certainly ask you where it came from.

    There is a Super Rich kiosk at the airport in the basement where you catch the train.


  3. 22 hours ago, rott said:

    So is it possible to have a.fatty liver or scarred liver and still have SGOT, SGPT and Alk.phos blood tests showing normal?

    Unfortunately, a fatty liver and even a scarred liver can often give normal or only slightly raised GOT (AST) GPT(ALT) levels and people with Hepatitis C often give persistent normal serum ALT levels. However, usually these levels are raised when tested and a further test after three weeks abstinence from alcohol will reveal whether further investigation is required. Only an ultrasound or CAT scan can diagnose a fatty liver and a biopsy is required for accurate Cirrhosis diagnosis. Many over the counter and prescription drugs put our Liver and Kidneys under stress so try and be aware that as we age our old organs are not so strong as they used to be.



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  4. 5 hours ago, Tanoshi said:


    The letter should state it was a foreign transaction.

    The code in the Passbook will show as FTT (Foreign Transfer Transaction)


    When doing a conversion to a Non O, as in the OP's case, WU and Transferwise pay funds locally, which is not proof of an FET.


    If the OP opened an account with Bangkok Bank, and as he's from the UK, I'd suggest he transfers through the London branch of Bangkok Bank. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-UK-to-Thailand-via-London-Branch


    Thereafter use Transferwise.

    Bangkok Bank in London charged £25 last time I checked whereas his Halifax Bank charge £20 and he can send straight to his Thai bank in sterling and get a better rate than Bangkok Bank in London.

  5. On 9/17/2018 at 3:48 AM, Tracyb said:

    Transferwise, I think, requires that you have a bank account in Thailand into which they will deposit Thai baht.  If you have such an account here, Transferwise offers good service.  You should check them out and set everything up with them before you head over here to LOS. The Transferwise transactions also take a few days to complete, depending on how you get to them the funds you want them to convert and send.  The ATM method is the quickest and if your DEBIT CARD bank has no international transaction fees it may offer you the best exchange rate, by a small margin, as opposed to Transferwise.  


    If if you have a Visa or MasterCard DEBIT CARD from a home bank that charges no international transaction fee, you can get 25,000 to 30,000 Thai baht (depending on the bank and depending on your daily limit for withdrawals from your home bank ) from an ATM with about a 220 Thai baht fee on this  end.  They add the fee to the amount of funds they take from your home bank.  Be sure to always, ALWAYS decline the conversion rate offers by the bank on this end.  Choose the “Proceed without conversion” option on the ATM screen.  You will get a much better exchange rate from MasterCard or Visa.  The Thai bank conversion rate is significantly lower than these.  If your bank charges an international transaction fee, well, your bank will take that from your account.  Try to get a debit card from a Bank without international transaction fees.  Try to AVOID using a CREDIT CARD for ATM withdrawals as your bank will charge you interest, probably from the first day they forward the money to you via the ATM.  


    Bring some cash with you so you can convert to Thai baht when you get here....  Don’t convert at the airport, tho.  Better rates offered in town at various locations.


    Best of luck!

    If you go down to the low level at the airport where the train departs there are many good exchange booths now, including Super Rich (the best).

  6. 14 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

    There was the great Asian recession in 97 for one


    I remember  I was in bkk shortly after, wandering around all the deserted skyscrapers in the city centre because they didn't even take the time to board them up and anyone could walk in 


    Homeless people sleeping, kids playing, drug addicts etc


    It was a bit surreal 

    That was a Governmental currency collapse which caused a massive recession it's not a banking collapse. As I said I've seen many recessions but only one banking crash where governments had to bail out banks.

  7. 22 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Me too, drunk and depressed. Can't see any point in living any more (which isn't the same as thinking of killing myself).

    Being sober just allows me more time to think about being unhappy, so I get up and do 2-3 hours of something strenuous outside followed by lunch and 4 hours drinking gives me 7 hours of a depression-free day. Add to that 2 hours of reading or watching TV, 2 hours of shopping and food prep, collecting the kid from school, and 9 hours sleeping, makes for a decent day.

    (That probably sounds crazy but it works for me)


    Try to get out more during the day.

    There are many ppl reading your post who can empathize but what you're doing is self-medicating with alcohol and unfortunately, many of us do this. The trouble is that alcohol and recreational drugs only alleviate the symptoms temporarily and when they wear off the symptoms are worse which is why you often read that alcohol is a depressant. If you can convince yourself to visit a medical professional you may be prescribed medication to treat the underlying cause of your depression and this, together with some therapy/lifestyle changes can massively improve your life. Hope this helps.

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  8. 5 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

    To repel mosquitos:

    lemongrass + Citronella essential oil mixed with either coconut or sunflower oil.


    You Lemon Eucalyptus is also good to mix in.



    The above products are only mildly effective. Deet and Picaridin are the only really effective repellents. Not sure Picaridin is available in SE Asia. However, you should not use Deet on children but there is a product made by Avon called 'skin so soft' which is an oil based moisturizer. This is safe and very effective as a repellent as the oil sits on your skin which the insects don't like as they cannot stand still. This moisturizer is perfumed so you will smell like a Ho's handbag but that's a small price to pay ? 

    The mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that we emit from our lungs and skin so if your body emits a lot you will get bitten more - hence some people get bitten more than others.

    As a general rule, most insects are attracted to light which makes your home a magnet. It has now been discovered that many insects cannot see yellow light very well, which is not on their spectrum, so use yellow bulbs outside your home and they will fly on to the next bright light. Yellow bulbs are available in HomePro, Mr DIY etc.

    As mentioned before the smoking coils are very effective - I use them all the time. However, some restaurants I visit have strong low fans pointing under the table which also keep the mozzies away while you eat and keeps you cool too.


    ps Skin So Soft is also available in the USA with an added repellent, so you can poison yourself and smell like a Ho's handbag all at the same time. ?

  9. 2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    It seems to me that both sides have sort of agreed that EU nationals already living in the UK and British nationals already living in one of the other member states on the actual day will be allowed to remain; though they may have to apply for residence which they don't at the moment.


    What happens after Brexit is still unknown; worst case scenario is that you will have to apply for a Spanish settlement visa of some sort and meet the requirements, and pay, for that.

    I think moving there before the 29th March would be the prudent thing to do. Although the UK has stated that any EU national living and working legally in the UK would be allowed to remain the EU has not made that promise yet, but it is widely expected to do so. It has nothing to do with Boris by the way as he resigned.

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  10. 9 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    In June I had to get a new UK Passport as I thought I had lost the old one, but hadn't (doh). Got new one in Liverpool in ONE DAY. But re-entered Thailand on the old one as it had my re-entry Visa and Extension in it. There is no way the Thai Immigration, or other foreign computer know that my old UK passport was cancelled. Got all my stamps transferred to new one. No worries. Obviously I should not enter UK on my old one, but would they stop me?

    No, they wouldn't stop you. The criteria for entering your own country is to prove you are a citizen of that country and you can do this with an expired, lost/found passport. You would not be able to use the self-service portals and, in the UK, the Border Agency Officer would cut off the corner of your cancelled passport so it can be easily identified as cancelled. My wife entered Thailand on her expired passport a couple of years ago without any issue. The airline also accepted the expired passport as evidence that she did not need a visa for her 6 week visit.

  11. On 8/18/2018 at 7:56 AM, Scottjouro said:

    Why would teaching English be considered beneficial to the country when English is not even an official languge in Thailand,

    if you say trade benefits then Chinese would certainly be benefical  as a language as that is the future

    English is the international business language. I work for a German company with interests in over 100 countries, including Thailand, and all intercountry meetings and business is carried out in English.

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