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Posts posted by babuhavas

  1. of when the season is gone they won't be in thailand right?

    and after that,there won't be any accidents in pattaya right?

    the problem is nationality or the riders?

    What I see is Arabs (mostly) driving like Arabs. Having worked in many Arab countrys I can tell you the problem is Arab drivers. Sorry I mean camel jockeys :D

    btw i am none of them,many people are not used to this heavy bikes,and when they are in pattaya they go wild and want to freekout,accidents in pattaya will never stop.

    Are you sure Babu :) The reason i indicate there nationalitys is to warn any potential victims. It is much easyer to avoid nutters if you can spot them. Lets not become PC as this is a serious matter

    ok sir

    your topic,you decide


  2. of when the season is gone they won't be in thailand right?

    and after that,there won't be any accidents in pattaya right?

    the problem is nationality or the riders?

    What I see is Arabs (mostly) driving like Arabs. Having worked in many Arab countrys I can tell you the problem is Arab drivers. Sorry I mean camel jockeys :)

    btw i am none of them,many people are not used to this heavy bikes,and when they are in pattaya they go wild and want to freekout,accidents in pattaya will never stop.

  3. fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

    Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

  4. but what other options do you have?we are not in west,

    lets put it this way for chinese- 50% of the thingsin this world are lucky and rest 50% of the things are unlucky

    for thai-50% of the things are polite and rest 50% are impolite

    for them its just black or white...gray dose not exist

  5. congutatulations :)

    well i would suggest that let it go how it is going,i can understand you are worriedand its a very normal thing,but these are her relatives and friends who are visiting her,so she dont wont to be impolite or spoil relation with them,ofcorse rest is an issue but visirot will stop after few days.....

  6. if i were in your shoes,i will ignore this thing,go to condo management and report that somthing is happning at next door,i have nothing to do with it,so in case somthing serious happens i am not responsible or answerable to anyone.

  7. hey bro i have been smoking for 13 years im 25 now, smoking is apart of my life now, i want to quit cuase 30 a day is cuasing me now after 13 years to use a asma pump in the morning, im going to follow your steps and what not, and im going to report daily on this so that others can see how i feel cuase i am addicted i have smoked over 6 packets in 1 day at a time ,and was rush to hospital all my spit turned to yellow hardened jelly and had to be sucked out, and omg it stinks im 25 people say im a 70 year old man, the smell of my room sticks on the walls and clothing and stuff , anycase il be totally honest , this will be day 1 )7:05 am

    same me i am 25 too ,smoke 20 a day,lets start this today,i will also try,

  8. I'm not a flight attendant.

    For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

    I don't know how they do it. Having flown alot over the years, if I was left in charge of a flight, there would probably be 10-50% less passengers alive at the end of each flight.....they should build in injector seats for these idiots so they can be catapulted over the indian ocean or where ever they play up.

    Inconsiderate travellers really erk me :) WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

    rant over

    Actually, I agree with you. I would just add -- Inconsiderate flight attendants really erk me :D WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

    I'd like there to be a little balance that there is inconsiderate behavior on both sides.

    I can see your the type of passengers who expects us to treat you better than you treat us. Personally I do my job and do a darn good job. It's neither glamourous or exciting and is very tiring after finishing a 8 day trip. Luckily every flight is different with different passengers so we can put up with most any kind of unpleasantness for one flight sector. I've been flying for over 20 years and I still put a real smile on my face when I meet passengers and constantly give extra service to those who are pleasant.

    That said, please let us know when you will be flying again (and what airline) so that I can call in sick for the flight or warn my friends. You must be real pleasant to have on board.

    As several posters said. If you are friendly we will also be friendly. If you are curt we will be curt right back. Making a small joke as one poster mentioned about "the bar being open" goes along way.

    you seriously think that passengers are on board to notice you guys,we are on board because we have to reach somwhere thats it pal.

    i fly every month since 9 years i dont think i noticed anyof the crew members,

  9. dint payed sin sod,but bared wedding expence alone 300000 baht,ofcorse they promiced to share it half,but so far dint got anything,its been 2 years already now.

    wife not earning so baring all the expences alone and somtimes give 10k or 20k to her family and yearly gift about 20k.

    and still the in laws says to my wife that she married to a poor guy,and even she thinks the same.

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