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Posts posted by goodheartman

  1. Here I am married for almost two months, ready to go back today to the USA for 3 weeks and my wife just gave me the sick cow story. One of her dads baby cows is sick and they need money to give it medical attention.

    I thought this only happens to Farang suckers who dont live here and are in telecommunication relationships but I was wrong. I guess all the money I have given her and her family doesnt mean anything. They are trying to get every nickel out of me before I go back to the USA.

    Needless to say I am not giving her or her family any more money. I already paid sin sid and 3 bahts gold two months ago.

    For a culture as polite as the Thais seem to have, they have alot of nerve and are rude in many other respects.

    I'm sorry, but I feel I have to burst a few bubbles of the hypocrites that have ridiculled ' rideswing'. From the years I've lived in Thailand I would say that about 75% of farangs, that I know, are getting creamed off by their Thai wives. I don't see that I live in a 'enclave'. Put that in relation to the amount of bad posts on this thread then I would say there's a lot more posters like 'rideswing' that don't know. I include myself in that as one never knows until..........

    The guys I know that are getting 'creamed off', either don't know, or are in denile, because to face up to it means returning home to be ridiculled by friends who said "we told you so". In my opinion 'rideswing', credit to you for being open and 'wanke_rs' that belittled you.

    many say they dont masterbate but they do.

    same concept with farang giving money to support thai family. many say they dont but they do. THEY HAVE TOO! or theyd be shunned by the village people.

    some say farangs are treated by rock stars, my contention is they are as long as they spend like one :o:D:D

  2. on a downer........can someone tell me what the future holds for these 2 young uns.

    Good point. A Thai is going nowhere fast unless they have a Masters degree. I hope the father can afford this. There's a luk krueng tuk tuk driver in Chiang Mai. The farang father must have been a total tosser.


    Until now my sons had the best life in theire villages and they live in houses I financed (mostly) they go in private school and Kindergarten. The future, who knows the future?

    I see many couple, Thaimothers and Falangfathers in Isaan and whole Thailand with mixed children,

    but the negative thinking from -Loaded- and -goodheartman- do not come in my mind.

    I think positive and you should ask your questions the women, the mothers, not only in Thailand but also in Europe and elsewhere.

    What will be later?

    How many women get pregnant for short sighted gain? That does not only happen in Thailand!


    What a joke!

    Maybe you tell a little more about your life, when you always have to give so good? advises.

    Where does that perfect right and wrong knowledge come from, from books?

    Please learn when to stop!! You've made appalling life choices in the past which has resulted in (I've lost track!) five children without their father?

    Instead of learning by your mistakes, you're thinking "I see many couple, Thaimothers and Falangfathers in Isaan and whole Thailand with mixed children" and thinking - hey, it's OK, I can do it all again because this time (unlike the previous times :D ) I'm really in love.

    As for the comment "How many women get pregnant for short sighted gain? That does not only happen in Thailand!" No, it doesn't - although its far more common here!

    Please, please don't think about bringing yet another child of yours into the world. :D

    can you write clearer sir. i think alfREdo may take this as a compliment :D:o

  3. I thank everyone for their useful replies. In about a month my wifes sis comes back from BKK, her command of english is better than the wifes regarding these sorts of issues, so I will wait till then and then talk to her and try and get something done.

    language barrier explains alot! i bet he dont know half of what s going on.

  4. Hm nice poilte response there!!

    My wife who lives in Bangkok takes care of our small business there and cannot really afford to leave it for any length of time so she would be unable to come to the UK and get a UK passport etc. I can't go there full time as I am under 50 and dont have enough CASH (plenty of assets) to stay there permanently. So for the next few years we have to stay apart quite a lot. I would appreciate a visa that lets me come and go a bit more easily although the Non O is quite good at the moment unless they start messing about with that one. I really think they should do some type of visa for foreigners married to Thais after 5 years of marriage too and can prove a relationsip really exists. Currently I come over twice a year for 2-3 months per time and have done this now for about 3 years.

    Although my wife has been here to the UK and liked it she really didnt like the cold one bit, its also not easy for her to get a visa to do this, a UK passport would be great for her to travel freely but we just cant manage it with the business. I think you need to stay n the UK about 2 years etc although i did read it could be done over a few years visits accruing time here? Still no good option for us at the moment.

    I see if a farang woman marries a Thai man life is much easier for her??

    Yes it is much easier for female Farang who is married to a Thai man and want to live in Thailand, as she and her Thai husband do not need show any income for her to get a Visa based on being married to a Thai unlike male farangs.

    Additionaly she can go straight on the house registration papers and can bypass the PR process and apply for a Thai passport after 5 years.

    The Thai immigration rules and laws are NOT the same as those for farang males.

    almost a moot point here. not many western females want to lower their stNDARD OF LIVING BY MARRYING THAI!

    of course there are 1000s of exceptions. I KNOW I KNOW. ALL HIDING IN THAI CAVES,

  5. So I am in good company with my 5 sons from 3 woman.

    i feel really bad for your boys. the thai ones!

    statistically speaking they gonna end up like pops! so avg. it out between the 2 the y going to have 10 kids from 6 womans.


  6. My wife mentioned she is the same as someone from burma, said the best she can hope to do is work in a bar if she is lucky with absolutely no education thats the best she will get it seems. Once her grandma cops it i think she will be homeless.

    she can move in with you !

  7. -Sabum-

    Yes, illiterate and crazy, but nobody is perfect.


    I not qualfied to give advice, you write.

    I think, -as been there and done that-, I very much qualified to write about that what I know,

    it seems more likely that you are not qulified to write here, just falling from the tree in that forum

    and maybe never have been in Asia. Yes sir?

    By the way, you read, write but not all comes to your brain.

    I have 3 boys from 2 GF here in TH (I wrote that) and 2 more boys with a Ex GF in Austria.

    I not order one of the childs to be made, but when a woman want to get pregnant she will get.

    So, maybe ask them what they had been thinking-they wanted to catch a falang with a "good heart", (the same happened in my home country)

    and not only one same you, who gives himself this, in reality -I am sure completely unfitting name,

    you are that kind of guy who only thinks for himself and NOBODY else!

    I take care my children, what problem do you have with children from other people,

    go back in the whole where you come from one or two days ago!

    No, better go to hel_l, there are already some of your friends who breeth now hot air,

    before they, same you wrote hot, thin air sentences into that otherwise and normaly good forum!


    You know what happens when you make love?

    That is the act you make so woman get pregnant,

    when you now only make shorttimes or are such an a.....le that woman do not want to have a child with you, or when you do not f...

    So how should you get children?

    I am so a nice guy, that everybody wants children from me.

    Bob Marley died with 36 or 38 and had 13 children from I think 9 wifes and GF.

    Clint Easwood has 6 or 7 children from 5 or 6 wifes, GF, similar the black guy from 'Miami Vice"

    So I am in good company with my 5 sons from 3 woman.


    You mean 4.000.- Baht in the month she will make in the US if she gets a job? What kind of job is that? Is there a 0 missing, not?

    quite the comedian sir!

    and yes i dont think you are qualified to give advice to good people! and please stop ordering kids!

  8. Rideswings, you have done a majestic job in your long reply, you have choices to make im sure, I havent heard the "house burned down" story yet, but that could have been a "cassino debt" card playing for big money is rife here in Issan, specially if there is a falang in the background, Best to do as you say as a test, get her over to the states and get her working, then she will know what it is like to send money every month to mum & Dad, and that you are not a bottomless pit of cash,

    Good Luck, Lickey..

    you think this girl is cut out for working in usa....... :o:D:D .

  9. Thanks for all the replies everyone. I have decided that I will not give any more money to her family, but I also decided that any money my wife earns from a job can go to them. She will probably earn around 4,000 baht per month after she finds a job, and her parents will have that much more to live on per month. I was also indirectly asked if I could help send her sister to university, I replied that her sister can get a job and pay for college herself.

    I confess to "building her up" and buying many new things and spending alot of money on her and her family. But my mom told me the same thing one of the posters did, if you build someone up like that, its not fair to just stop. It might not be fair, but its better to do it now before my money runs out.

    I worked my way through school while taking a full courseload, her sister can do the same. Maybe I have had it with my own generosity. I am guilty.

    Thanks again for the advice and humor.

    another one bites the dust! so sad!

    you didnt build her up sir. she saw a live one(meaning you a chump) and took advantage of the situation.

    and you still want her...................GOD HELP US ALL!

    ALTHOUGH los is more fun w guys like these around :o:D:D

  10. Is this business for a thai girl? if it is good god. What is it with thai girls and thinking they can run a business. Im assuming this is a special kind of thai girl of course.

    Uhm, no. My wife would be a part of my business but we would have someone else running it.

    to even have a snowballs chance in hel_l your wife has to run it! no way you can make it paying others to run it.

  11. -rideswings-

    Your age, her age? Thank you.

    Anyway, if you love her, give the relationship a chance, try to talk to her, that you have to be on the brakes with the spending-the whole world is on the brakes!

    If she is reasonable and likes-loves you also, she will try to understand. If not, she has to suck another body.

    I know what I am talking about, I am the typical butterfly and to keep the mia luang (one child together) quiet, I gave her money, borrowed it to her, short before she left me she took a big loan on the car I had purchased, which was in her name (6 years ago, i had only a Tourist Visa).

    Will I get some money back? Not easy!

    The mia neu, (upgraded herself to mia luang) bought a leasing car, paid 1 year leasing herself in the front and ment to me,

    if you not pay than in a year the monthly installments, I go back to bar and will look for the money there.

    I have two young children with her, so I pay?

    Ting tong are they and ting tong are we, many of us and I!

    2 kids with a girl from the bar?

    I dont you think you qualified to give advice sir :o:D:D .

    on a downer........can someone tell me what the future holds for these 2 young uns.

    ps will you people stop with the talk to the girl try to understand them nonsense. go by their actions!

  12. Theres a difference in touching prepuberty girls and those that are post puberty! Its thai culture they are touchy people. Every time i go to a certain bar the wait staff touches me hoping to get a tip, little do they know i dont like them touching me and will avoid them if at all possible.

  13. My two daughters are younger and wherever we go they will get a lot of attention. What annoys me is that it is only because of their skin colour……this is racism and I hate it. How will they be treated at school when they're older? I'm guessing if they go to Thai school, they will be treated quite differently from the other Thai kids – and I'm guessing the extra attention will lead to jealousy from the other kids.

    Back to the topic I find it hard not to be annoyed when someone steps in front of me when I'm carrying my baby and asks if they can 'um noi'.

    I just ignore and walk off.

    I would feel like a t_at if I did that to a Thai mum or dad and their kid

    Then send them to school back in farang-land. There is no way my kids are going to a Thai school unless it is very exclusive and has been vetted educationally.

    Being pretty is thailand is a curse!

  14. I do the same thing I do when ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING touches my kid. It just depends on the person and the circumstance. WTH dose the person's nationality have to do with it? If they were white or (insert favorite nationality here) would it make a difference????

    I bet if an African man touched the girl the pa would explode!

  15. if you cant trust your wife enough to put assets in her name, i pity you.

    It's not so much the wife in isolation, it's the potential extended family responsibilities that lead me to be prudent.

    On the general front, life here is fine if you follow this advice from a fellow poster: "Mind your own business and don't be greedy."

    call a spade a spade sir. YOU WOrried you got a golddigger on your hands. You people ar in so much denial its hilarious.

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