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Posts posted by goodheartman

  1. So I am an farang if I get sick from drinking or any other related sickness like smoking can I ask my Thai family to support me too?

    i really dont think many of you understand thai culture.

    what good is a farang for if he dont pay, he might as well be thai :):D:D .

    if farang is sick from drinking he can ask family for help, they wont help but it wont affect daily living.

    if farang dont give it WILL affect his daily living.

  2. go alfredo! you sure give good advise!


    you must like me very much, everywhere I post you respond to me. GOODHEART thanks!

    By the way, yes, I have always some spare wheels in my trunk, you never know when you have a flat relationship,

    one lady is usualy not enough for a man.

    But -Goodheartman- after you give your short 1-2 liners to everybodys thoughts,

    tell us where your Allmighty wisdom comes from, what your story?

    Only reading books and give advises from there?

    Let us read it, how to make everything good and right, same you are doing it.

    You think its appropriate to wait with bad intentions, until somebody is opening up

    and give them than your sour wisdom and short liners?

    Who are you?

    Just a hidden sniper without a face and courage!?

    i have no story. just enjoy los for the fun of it. ill leave all the nonsense to yall!

    mr alfredo, do you know any poster who is full of nonsense and gives a whole lotta nonsense advise? :D:):D


  3. Well I remember that me and a one of my best mates went away to pattaya with two of our giks (rather than a regular girlfriend). We rented a villa with a couple of bedrooms and a private pool. We went out to dinner and cllubbing and returned back to our villa at 2.00am.

    Now the girls had prepared candles round the pool and dressed up as angels (bikini bottoms wings etc) - I just dont think that sort of thing happens from your regular girl non-thai girl. In neither case were they paid (although we paid the expenses) and in both cases they thanked us for having one of the best times in their lives.

    About a year later I got an email from the girl saying it is was perhaps the best experience of her life. And at the end of the day all we had done was be there.

    When girls can act like that it is hardly surprising that we fall them. Unofrtunately she turned out to be a psycho bitch but that is another story......

    David Brent... :)

    No disrespect a completely honest question here but if you didn't pay them, what did they do that for then if you don't mind me asking & are you insinuating you don't pay your " Giks " because if you are you'd be a liar ???

    he prolly forgot he paid them or that they wanted to become mia nois or soemthing like that....................lol. people make it sound like thai girls r the stoopidest things on earth sometimes.

  4. There is something that I must add to my above post.

    There are a lot of 70/80 year old Farangs, that pick up a 17-20 year old beauty, fall desperately in love and build the girl and himself, the house that dreams are made from. Now then, the builder, which the Thai girl ' has heard is good', is in a lot of cases part of the family circle, and the plans which the Farang has put in has already been scrutinised by her family and altered accordingly to more suit their needs. I'm not saying this happens in all cases, but certainly a great deal more where the 'handsome man' is 60 or more years older than his bride to be.

    i hope you joking sir!

    60 years age difference! whats does a geezer need w a new house :):D:D:D

  5. you a good man sir. you will go far in the village! keep up the good work!

    now if op built the house, bought cars,gold, gave big sin sood, set up business for wife, he wouldnt be in his predicament would he? oops he did.................and he still up a crrek wo a paddle.

  6. Why Us Farang Fall For Those Beautiful Thai Woman?

    The evidence on the ground is that very few do.

    this is very funny............more so becoz its coming from a stick in the wood kind of guy :):D:D .

    the girls are downright miss boyle like............ :D:D .

    on 2nd thought miss boyle could teach thai girls a thing or 2 about beauty :D:D:D , the ones that marry farangs, mind you!

  7. Class, to me:

    -- takes responsibility for own actions

    -- accomplished but modest about it

    -- considerate of others feelings, quick to share credit with others

    -- a generous personality with no room for petty hatreds

    A good example: Barack Obama

    wot? class man but we need more than class in a president.usa will be in debt till hel_l freezes over. thailand will need to rescue us.

  8. It seems there are two kinds of people (expat) in Thailand : people who get fined, overcharged for everything and people who enjoy a normal life.

    What kinds of advise you (the lucky ones) can give to the less fortunate guys, that people will stop taking advantage of them ? And, more generally speaking, how to enjoy life in Thaliand.

    Well I have lived in Thailand 10years now. About half the time in Bangkok. For the first few years I really enjoyed my life. Then I found myself going out all the time spending tons of money. Feeling badly about money I've spent on nothing. (Had enough money to live fine) Dating the wrong women. It started taking a toll. I started to hate life here. Finally I found a perfect women. (not a bar girl or working girl) She owned 2 big internet and gaming cafes in Nontaburi. I actually met her while I was at her cafe. We lived together for a while in Bangkok, life was good and we opened another cafe together then we both started hating life in Bangkok. It got back to the same old ways. She was from Rayong and so we both decided to move to Rayong and that made the biggest difference of my life in Thailand. I have been so much more happy since I left Bangkok. I've stopped spending money stupidly (drinking etc) I built a house and this totally changed my life. I have been happily married for 4 years and we have sold all our businesses in Bangkok and reopened them in Rayong. This was the restart I needed otherwise I probably would of left this country a long time ago. Things I would recommend that will make your life happier from experience here is:

    1. Don't have long Relationships with working/bar girls. 95% of the time it works out badly and the break up will be a horror in your life.

    2. Date a girl thats not in the bar business your life will be 10000 times happier. Educated and has her own money is important otherwise after a while you won't enjoy life with her much.

    3. If you can learn Thai, you life will totally change here.

    4. Live in Bangkok a short time, I found as soon as I left Bangkok it made my life was 1000000% better and I wished I did it sooner. I know some people have to work there but there is work outside of Bangkok too.

    5. If you can travel back to your country once a year do it, I'm always happier when I come back to Thailand.

    6. Treat Thais with respect even if they don't respect you. If you smile and are friendly they usually will be the same back to you. Some things you just have to put up with when it comes to Thai people and if you can put up with it you will have a happier life here. If you let it bother you, you will have a stressed life and start to hate it here.

    7. Get a car. You will be shocked at how different life will be.

    8. For me, I stopped going to bars, I use to enjoy it but since I stopped going I have been much more happy.

    9. As far as getting over charged, I still do. I get my wife to buy things sometimes I don't even show my face. Alot of times price goes up when they see me. So get a good thai women the over charging will stop.

    10. Learn the culture and local ways. You will understand Thais and be much happier.

    11. If you live in Bangkok try and get out of the city as much as you can, it will help.

    I have to say I'm a really happy Expat in Thailand but wasen't always like that. Took sometime (years!) to learn what to do and not to do here. Hope this helps a bit. Cheers

    sounds all goodie too shoes.

    but i thiunk all the opposites occur. :):D:D

    95% choose girl from bar to get involved with.

    most cannot learn thai(me included)

    fix top 2 many more would be happier. though i think one can be happy wo speaking thai.

  9. wait how old are you ?

    Look at it this way .

    is a good start -

    but you got to judge if youw ant to spend your time with this girl , if you just want a sexual relationship , make it clear .

    if youw ant a seriously one , i suggest you hold on to your dick and skip the sex and watch a few days .

    -- just be very clear and simple .

    - thing can go good and bad both way ..

    just be who you are . don't lie to yoruself or her , that would be a good start

    Haven't seen you about for some time Ta too too, but you have given some sound advice here.

    Take care, Chiang Mai hasn't been the same sine you left :)

    no offense to ta times 2 but what good advice has he given? a girl wants money to get naked. ta want it to evolve to full grown love between man and hooker.

    ta is full of i dont know what!

    "ta is full of i dont know what!"

    And that is exactly the point, you really don't know shyt.

    Not surprising really for someone who made his first post less than 5 days ago :D

    "taa too too" has been one of the most genuine posters on TV for a very long time as a great many persons will attest.

    he does sound genuine all right.

    but come on this is a hooker thread if ever i saw one.

    its not a boy meets poor thai girl and fall in love thread!

  10. wait how old are you ?

    Look at it this way .

    is a good start -

    but you got to judge if youw ant to spend your time with this girl , if you just want a sexual relationship , make it clear .

    if youw ant a seriously one , i suggest you hold on to your dick and skip the sex and watch a few days .

    -- just be very clear and simple .

    - thing can go good and bad both way ..

    just be who you are . don't lie to yoruself or her , that would be a good start

    Haven't seen you about for some time Ta too too, but you have given some sound advice here.

    Take care, Chiang Mai hasn't been the same sine you left :)

    no offense to ta times 2 but what good advice has he given? a girl wants money to get naked. ta want it to evolve to full grown love between man and hooker.

    ta is full of i dont know what!

  11. racial profiling is very apropro here.

    i bet one could accurate ly profile the avg man who has a pattayua gf.

    most i bet would be wealthy by thai standards but just just avg to lower classwhere they come from.

    rich wealthy dude dont hang out in pattaya...........for christ sake.


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