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Posts posted by purplehaze

  1. Also does anyone know of a room near the Thai Consulate in Vientiene that is on the cheap side?

    Try the La-Ong Dao hotel not sure how much but very basic rooms,about 5 mins walk from the conulate.Come out of the hotel turn left about 400m walk and take 2nd turn on the right,should be able to see the Thai flag from the main road.

    Be warned it has a few ladies of the night that operate from the back of the hotel if thats a plus or minus for you. :)

  2. I think the age of 30 is somewhat off. After 50 has been reported as the age that start going bonkers. If you can make it thru the initial phase, its reported that by 80, they return to that oversexed, want to please, yes mode.

    Thats a long time to keep youself alive never mind bashing the bishop. :)

  3. Sorry .. Thai TV News is far better than FOX or BBC (and possibly CNN)

    Al Jazeera is fairly decent.

    Yeah your right.I mean look at the amount of international awards for reporting they have won over the years.

    Always first on the scene at any flashpoint or incident.If it dosen't involve the price of rice or good news they have no interest in the flat world outside it's border.You'll say they have the best dramas next

  4. My kids are at Lanna and this month we have been asked to pay a 10,000 Baht deposit per child in order to secure their places for next term (starts August). As the least expensive international school in town it is getting heavily subscribed (and is the destination of choice for those parents I know pulling out of Prem).

    On first impression it looks as if it could do with a lick of paint and maintenace on the outside,looks way too grubby.

    Maybe thats why the Union Jack is flying upside down in the distress position.Should be included in the curriculum


  5. Toughen the visa requirements and enforce the current visa laws with zero tolerance. This should get rid of alot of foreigners that I dislike. Perhaps it is time to impose the same education, wealth and skill requirements that countries like the USA, Canada, Australia etc. impose on those that seek residency visas.


    and this weeks free yellow shirt to the elitist <deleted> of the month goes to....................


  6. Cant be arsed? work it out. Icant spleen feed you. Bet you like your cocnunt before your tuk tuk. I am the rus wal

    just seen your silly post mr lost. Please subscribe to your sign off platititude. In Thai I guess they would say KNEE AP.

    Also im sure theyd also say absentem laedit cum ebrio qui litigat

    Just to clarify my

    Mate is riding in the epic mountain bike race. Thought Id mention it. He and his partner represent Thailand. Althougn they are both BRITISH

    GOT it.

    Get back to your day of doing nothing at ALL of you. If anyones doing anything slightly interesting today, please respond.

    Just helped the kids make a cheese cake if that counts,now I'm going back to doing

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