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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Do they still have the wall of death motorcycle ride? Only thing worth seeing when I last went, over 10 years ago. The rest was the usual market stalls & such, & far too loud speakers blasting different sounds from all directions (surprise, surprise w00t.gif )

    They had a place that was like a large barrel on end that you went up stairs to look down at motorcycles riding round on the side....thats about the closest thing I saw there if that's what you mean.

    Some of the kiddie rides are potential death traps, and also they have cleverly got rid of the big train and replaced it with several smaller so the trains get to play dodgem with pedestrians a lot easier and more frequent. Other than that only other death related seems to be if tiy are a yabba dealing Burmese gang member.

    Noise from speakers....yes we have noise speakers....lots of noise speakers...from personal experience it also gives a challenge to trying to hear people on the phone when you drift apart....apparently when I say to kids "stay the <deleted> here and I will be back" the noise from speakers distorts this as "go play hide and seek and when I try to ring you make sure you are near a speaker so cannot either a.) here call, or b.) tell me accurately (I like to dream of getting accurate directions) where you are". Hence my first post on kiddie control.

  2. Went last night and last year. Only thing I can agree with Oscar2 about is that it is almost identiccal. Lots of food, displays, dancing, sideshows, train rides etc. Always packed so if you have a few kids you need to keep a close eye on them or if they are older have a pre-arranged meeting point for later. Its nothing spectacular but to me no way as grim as Oscar2 portrays...saw no fights or gangs (this time or last time). Its a harmless way to spend a few hours with younger kids. I would be more concerned with taking the elderly or infirm, the ground is slippery and uneven in lots of areas and the crowd makes it diffult to move through as a group. Its not a must see event by any means but kids will like it (pre-school to teenagers).

    each year at least one or two Burmese gang members is stabbed by a rival gang member at the winter fair. yaabaa and ice is openly sold/traded. definitely not for young children.

    There were hundreds if not thousands) of primary and pre-school children in family groups there at sideshows, riding on questionable ferris wheels, train rides, sideshow games, and a fairly good petting zoo......all enjoying themselves. The only danger I saw for kids was eating food, going on rides, and then a bit of projectile vomit. It's packed with people enjoying theselves and some go night after night. Its suprising to me that so few people drink there and how little trouble there is(unless presumably you are a yabba dealing Burmese gang member) all other demographics seem ok. It's a fair and its definately for families with and without children. As said biggest risk for all "other" demographics is navigating through crowd on uneven ground. Its a cheap night out...give it a go.

    Perhaps some other posts and views would assist OP as we are miles apart.

  3. Went last night and last year. Only thing I can agree with Oscar2 about is that it is almost identiccal. Lots of food, displays, dancing, sideshows, train rides etc. Always packed so if you have a few kids you need to keep a close eye on them or if they are older have a pre-arranged meeting point for later. Its nothing spectacular but to me no way as grim as Oscar2 portrays...saw no fights or gangs (this time or last time). Its a harmless way to spend a few hours with younger kids. I would be more concerned with taking the elderly or infirm, the ground is slippery and uneven in lots of areas and the crowd makes it diffult to move through as a group. Its not a must see event by any means but kids will like it (pre-school to teenagers).

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  4. Just a quick question. Were their passports written on at all next to the visa stamp? Two English friends of mine have just come back from a run and both have had a Number 1 in pen and then circled placed next to the visa stamp (saw it myself). They could not get an adequate explanation at the border given huge numbers being processed during this holiday period. Both got thirty days but are worried that the writing is a quick an easy visual of your border runs and that they could come a cropper later on.

  5. Looking for a place to buy good quality Muay Thai sorts, presuming that those sold at the Night, Anusaarn, Walking street, markets etc are not the best of quality(?).

    Not for myself dear readers....My 20 something year old son whom I dreamt with his (inherited) good looks and fine tenor voice would play Number 10 for Wales has taken up MMA (primarily for fitness more than competition) and asked me to send him some. Barbaric as this turn of events may be I consle myself with some element of pride in that he is apparently reasonably good at it, and, he has at least not taken up league.

    So ....are the "market" ones any different, is it better to buy from a Muay Thai gym (if so which one or ones), is there a place than can make custom (as far as colours or without Thai script or with customised graphics)?

    Name of gyms, directions, phone numbers, recomendations or suggestions are all welcome...thanks

  6. Thank you one and all..

    Had a long conversation with wife and we ended up with size 6 UK being same or similar to her other known size as 39 European (that was the bit that helped).

    Did learn something in exercise. I was sent a picture of her Converse runners which showed size 4 on the sole. Apparently most Converse Chuck Taylors are unisex and the size on the sole is different by two sizes as to what will be on the inside tag (for a men's size). This photo of the most recent purchase initially caused no end of confusion for me but a handy sports store nearby explained difference and actually looked up on internet to show me.

    Just to add a bit more confusion...Ugg Boots apparently can have their own sizing so they had a you beaut converter.

    LaraC thanks for the reassuring message , and NIcky2012 using chart at shops Aus size 7 comes up at pretty much the same info as LaraC (size 6 UK and what I thought/hoped) (except the European sizing on chart also showed 39).....and the Chuck taylor size 4...they do not even seem to have a US size 4 (presumably a US brand? assuming they are not Thai knock offs))on the scale for adults.

    Anyhow...its a done deal now and a lesson learnt for the future...a.) do not attempt to buy shoes without wife ever without thororough research and foot template.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi

    Quick question please. I know in Thailand I usually buy Size 6 shoes for my wife.

    I have had to do a quick trip back to Oz and while I have been away, and with the cold snap in the North, my wife, after many many many years of scathing and generally offensive comments about them , has developed a clandestine love for my ugg boots. and asked me to buy some anklets for pottering round the house and garden (as she has clearly stated would not be seen dead in them outside the property). Apparently you can have function over fashion and good taste but only within confines of residential property.

    Now the question dear readers, generally speaking is size 6 referred to in Thailand, a UK size 6 or a USA size 6.

    Have asked my wife but no luck deciphering Roman characters and vanity prevents the wearing of optical wear to read small print anyway.

    A size 6 in the UK, is a size 8 1/2 in USA, and a size 7 in Oz (http://www.shoesizes.co/) so I its all over the place.

    She is a small framed woman, under 50 kilos and I am pretty sure the Thai size corresponds with UK (a size 6 in USA is a size 3 1/2 in UK and that does seem a tad small).

    Can any body please excuse my bad taste in footwear and suggest whether a Thai size 6 is UK or USA?

    Thanks...and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

    image_146.jpgSheepskin Ugg, the offending artcile

  8. Please anyone chip in quickly if I am wrong here.

    As I recall you could only get a 5 year licencse AFTER your first year license had expired and not before.

    That was certainly the case with my first one in CM. I went down to Dept as I would not be here for three months after expiry and was told no problems come back after, I did, and true enough no problems.

    As a side, have said it before and will say it again, the lady who looks after the Farang license is an absolute gem with the patience of a Saint, would that all Thai offices, and even Licensing Centres in Farangland were staffed by such people.

  9. Their web site is a hell of an improvement on old one...and many more properties listed. Many however did seem to be cut and paste photos from other sites (including forum sponsors).

    Always found them a tad expensive compared to others for same properties, (and as a given travelling round and asking the odd person is always cheaper again)...but if they have solved you housing issues, and done a good job by you all power to them.

    Any how...if nothing else, and in relation to the new updated web site being a work under progress I did get a little chuckle at this in the "Announcement" section :

    1.ChiangMaiHOUSE new version

    Chiangmaihouse.com New Version is developing. Some sections will be finished in next coup...

    Read more
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  10. I do know a 32 year old Thai professional, a medical researcher who studied in the States. Hiso family with perfect Bangkok Thai, lover of international cuisine and after discussing your post he sees you as an intersting and challlenging person with whom he could discuss some of the great issues for western society and yet still be Thai in his own way. In this case his own way includes a recently surgically enhanced rack but for the mean time retains a desire to urinate in the standing position. Before exploring the opportunity you present he wanted some indication as to your welcoming what he termed "the best of both worlds", and whether you played wide receiver in college.

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  11. Certainly having a wall around is common be it built up or semi rural areas. It would not be a big deterrant as they are easy enough to get over and once you are over have the added benefit of obstructing passing folk from viewing what is going on.

    I would not think that breaking and entering is such a big deal myself. Laptops, cameras and phones are always opportunistic targets for getting in and out, but for serious money who would knock over a house? If anything yabba related crime gets more money,

    Anyhow I don't personally think this is a security or paranoia issue.

    I do think that Thais do like to physically see (and for others to see) what is theirs. Security of title ownership is nice anywhere but for a Thai female land and boundaries (to me) take on an extra level of value/importance. To me she is marking out and securing her future (financial) security.

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  12. Have ate there quite a few times after dropping in at Panthip Plaza or Surriwong Bookshop and always had a good meal without fail. Had a work gig overseas for a few months and have not been in for a while . As I recall it was up for sale by the owner (Rudi?) but did not see much movement. Rudi was also helpful in directing me to a good seamstress for work clothes smile.png

    ps full agreement with Ulysses....good quantity and pricing, the food is ok....but what you get for what you pay is a bargain as well as a reasonable variety in one joint.

  13. Sure its not because we are coming into the peak holiday season. Most airlines increase quite a bit from 1 November. I know a friend of mine delayed his flight on Singapore Airlines by one day over festive period and there was a 450USD saving. Tiger have done the same over Christmas plus their only real competition for a direct flight is Silkair and cant recall them ever having really big savings. If you can play with dates and route I have always found Airasia cheapest but not quickest.

  14. I'll start off by stating that I am not entirely sure why I am starting this topic. It is perhaps motivated by disgust, frustration, or as a public service, or amazement, or as embarrasment for the agents,cringe factor for westerners, but in the end leans heavily to incredulity.

    I have been looking at moving to a larger property in Doi Saket (over 5 rai). Did the usual searches of internet sites (both English and Thai) to gain an idea of what the absolute delusional top price would be before starting off for a general cruise round the area for the much cheaper, recent and comprehensive signs on fences/walls/houses in the area method.

    One property took my interest, recently advertiseed on the internet by western CM locally owned/operated real estate agents had the exact same property (land size, house size, house features, district and photos...so certain the same) advertised on one site for 12 0000 baht and on another site at 9 300 000 baht.

    So straight of before any discussion we have a 2 700 000 baht difference!. That is essentially another house or another good condo!

    Putting aside the actual price how does an agent justify an almost 30% differential in price. Don't they check competitors and adjust the price if they see that one (or several) agents have the same property at a dramatically different price or is it a case of chancing it that a potential purchaser just checks one site? Do they work out that below a certain price it is not worth their effort or return? Is this a case of a business model based in the belief/hope/fact that potential purchasers don't compare? Is it that there is a sucker born every minute, if so what does that say of the professionalism/ethics/integrity/reputation or desire for repeat business. Have they become "Thai" with dual pricing?

    In a country where everything is negotiable why would you start of with such an obvious ridiculous difference. The top price does not put me off...but being treated or suspected of being a mug does. Would not even ring the top price agent when they are so contemptuous but will ring the other if my own efforts for a comparable property fall short or on inspection my interest in the advertised property is confirmed.

    In the end incredulity won out. Nothing short of blatant predatory practices focussing on an innocent, unfamiliar, or trusting prospective purchaser going through a significant decision with different laws and different language.

    There is no significant value adding with using an agent in CM (lawyer being different)...better to do youself and let wife/children get commission,

    Do it yourself, buy or rent..search and find (public service announcement component of post)......rant over.angry.gif


  15. Funnily enough I went there last Saturday and nothing, zip, nil, nada. Went the right time and came back about an hour later and still nada. I thought perhaps it had moved on.

    Following Sunday went down shortly after it would have usually closed and there was some evidence of it being held, small piles of discarded rubbish etc.

    On Saturday there did seem to be some function on in the school proper so maybe it was a one off non event. Certainly one of the best to me in CM as a flea market anway.

  16. We seem to have digressed a tad beyond Chiang Mai when we start having disertations on the effectiveness of medicines or the evils of multi national companies and on and on..

    Perhaps one should stop a local Thai and ask if they too hanker for the good old days of rampant HIV, unsustainable birth control, malaria, high infant mortality rates, polio, untreatable malaria etc. No doubt they get a warm glow fondly recalling the needless suffering and death of loved ones.

    Interesting article in nameless paper today that suggests that Thai INDUSTRY would suffer as a main producer of IP breach medications.....bad Thai capitalists.

    This is the first of many hurdles for Thailand in not to distant future with ASEAN. Thailand is a land of subsidies and soon will have to compete not with the evil West but with their near neighbours and they are simply not ready.

    This started off about a "relatively" (by Thai and international standards) low key protests about ALL IP being taken off discussions. Fortunately protesters I saw had thei Iphones, Samsung Galaxy Tabs and Nikon cameras to record this forgettable protest. I am all for Pharma and Agro products being taken off FTA but not all IP or copy right or patent material.

    Locally I would have thought the ever popular yabba is the most harmful drug to self, family, community and nation. Protest about that by all means.....please.

    Then again TIT....if IP for pharma is kept on perhaps Thailand can seek IP on the local product,

  17. Thailand lobbyists want ALL intellectual property off any FTA agreement not just Pharma and Agro products. Anybody know if IP extends beyond software to say items frequently sold in CM markets... LV bags, Rayban sunglasses,49er baseball hats, coke merchandise, dvd's, Billabong T shirts, Victorinox pen knifes, adidas sandals, nike performance footwear, MU team shirts, assorted parfums, Zippy lighters, Tag watch......possibly anything on Night Market with exception of those bloody wooden frogs (they are Thai Intellectual Property).

    Methinks not so simple as say just HIV medication in Africa. African nations respected some IP provisions and copy or patent rights but did ask or require Pharma be excluded.

    Not all developing nations seek to take ALL IP off.....but Thailand does

  18. Like the topic says. As for travel quality sound not so much of an issue. Any ideas people? Have checked a few places with no joy. Don't really want to order as would like to try for fit/sound. Really want a travel not just a cheapo acoustic i can pick up anywhere and dump. Clear directions gets you bonus points. Thanks.

  19. Never had a problem with the taxis, set price and off you go.

    Until last night!

    Delayed flight from Singapore and with the yellow cabs on strike the Silver cabs wanted 300 baht to go to Wat Ket. This is WAY over normal. Truth be known i would have tipped that much at 1.30am but if they want to rob me at the get go the least they could do is give me the full show with a mask and gun.

    Told them ever so politely to shovel sand up their collective arse, rang a tuk tuk guy i know came and picked me up and home for less than half.

    Dare i say the money is not the issue, have no problem with farang pricing or double pricing but this was straight out capitalizing on a strike and the misfortune of delayed passengers.

    A day ago i would have defended these guys as always had top and fair price service.....now parasites off their own. I will take the tuk from now on no problems it was an easy ride and once you have a relationship with a few drivers never had a problem calling one up.

    Vultures pure and simple....with the emphasis on simple.

  20. Shop house is pretty much walking around taking down some numbers of signs on doors and then getting a Thai to do the phoning price wise. As far as the cheap rentals they are there but they are packed. I went through oodles of them trying to find a place near where I then was for sister in law. Suphanich near train station has a few places for rent in that bracket. Also could try places on Thung Hotel Road (D'Town Inn is about that price for a long term rent and has good internet and a fair few Farangs and usually has openings now.....not to be confused with teh now demolished Downtown Inn aka Hotel California). Trouble is a lot of these places are down side sois and not visible from main street.

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