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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. For that price I think you need to move further East. There are quite a few places near Train Station (Suphanich for example) in that price range or less with good internet. Plenty of parking for motorbikes, straight run down to Nawarat, plenty of songtaews going from station to city proper...you can even walk it if you like. Short run further East to Makro/Shopping Centre on superhighway. Shorter run back West gets you to San Pakoy markets...little bit more to Rimping. There are some "Thai" places a lot closer to Nawarat bridge (east of Ping) that are cheaper again but not that impressive. Very hard to get into them as much sought after by Thais working in CM. For less than the price you are quoting I had a 2 storey shop house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms on Kong Sai Rd for a few years so am familiar with area

  2. Never been there but as mentioned looks very nice.

    As I recall Wang Tan had different Projects. Is this the case? If so which Project are the photos from. Is there much difference amongst the Projects.

    Please excuse the flurry of questions but your photos have prompted me to make a visit.

  3. Have helped unpack and pack up again for several months in late 2011 through peak season for sister in law. Never approached by anyone and by no means the only farang "helping". Did not sell or talk with any customers at all. As far as getting the stall itself sister in law got it purely by word of mouth. At the time cost of stall was 32000 baht (including goods) and rent was 3000 baht per month (obvioulsy will vary by location). The governing body as it were had little do with it as far as I saw though could be wrong, one individual sold to another individual and second individual commenced paying rent. I understand that it is a differnt set up for Saturday and Sunday walking streets.

  4. I'll go for a good measure of personal insight. Whatever you are doing, right or wrong be truthful to yourself why you are doing it.

    Don't be a prat and rationalise to yourself that you are here because of culture, food, or are a baht millionaire. Know why you are here, what keeps you here, and why you want to be here. False rationalising takes a lot of effort, is unsustainable,and does not make you happy.

    Put simply if you have to false rationalise that you are happy...you are not happy.

    Next for me is options. By that I mean that if you continue to be here because you cannot survive emotionally, financially, socially in your home country that is not a good thing. If you are a social misifit at home in my experience you will not do well here in the long run. Admittedly for a certain group in Thailand you may become more handsum on arrival (now remember insight!) I know more than a few people who sold up everything, or cut family and friends off, quit very goodjobs on bad terms, or otherwise burn't their bridges and remain here (unhappily) because they cannot for pride, finances. or other reasons go home. There is a big difference between running to Thailand verses running away from your home country. Don't burn bridges.

    Last have some financial accumen....be money wise ...get your finances right...build in contingencies (inflation,currency rates, delays in funds access)...and as a radical concept not only live within your means but have the discipline to save here as well. Thats what got a lot here and will make your stay here more enjoyable and sustainable. Living week to week financially is not living and is stressful.

  5. I may be talking heresy here but perhaps bring a collapsible travel guitar. They have improved remarkably in last few years, plug in ear muffs and you can practice away to your hearts content and no complaints over noise from neighbors etc. My brother got me one a few years ago after he was sold on them after a discussion and play with some guy having his own world session in an airport departure lounge. Buy a good one in states and use it for years.

  6. Would only work if physically separate from roads. Then would only have to share with m/c &


    Make an interesting ride home on a tuktuk as well.

    Soi dogs everywhere are salivating in expectation.

    Surely there are far better things for the city to spend money on, health, education, dare I say policing.

    It seems a bit indulgent to outlay any significant amount of money without addressing other issues first......especially when I presume major use would be for...tourists I would have thought....and only the fitter ones at that when it becomes an obstacle course/raceway. We need more head injuries and broken limbs in Ram,.

    Most self respecting12 year old Thais are riding motorcyles (sans helmet) to school (with siblings)...and exercise? the ones I know will ride a motor 100 metres to a 7/11.

    Labor you say is cheap....but what about the land costs....they would be significant. It would be a round about route through officials fringe land so they could charge a premium......and then put condos on the edges.

    Not something I would be in favour of ...and more likely to be in the against grouping.

  7. Thanks for all the information. It's good to hear some people release the little guys for merit.

    I can't say I'm not sickened that some people could cook any living, feeling creature alive, culture or not. There are many humane ways to kill food, and I can't comprehend how somebody could boil something alive without thinking of the pain and suffering of that creature.

    I'm actually with you on that one and have voiced my disapproval.

    Having said that I become a laughing stock for my wife when my elderly western father comes who will routinely drown or boil crayfish alive, boil live prawns, and break the neck or hatchet a chicken.

    For me its not necessarily a cultural thing...its an animal cruelty issue. Its on that basis that a lot of western restaurants no longer boil crays (but freeze).

    Also seeing an animal as food rather than as an animal. With my father I think this is a generational issue...he simply sees it as food that is there for him to use and hence has no issue with shark attacks for example(sharks see us as potential food)...

    Culture wise my wife is horrified at the smell and use of butter?

  8. i'll wait for the sledges...but a very good range(but pricey) at Shiniwatra Thai Silk. Web site is easy enuff to find has maps and lots of other info.

    icon.gifShowroom Sankapang

    145/1-2 Chiangmai-Sankampang Rd., K.M.7, Sankampang, Chiangmai,
    Thailand Tel: 053-338053-5 fax: 053-338475


    18/1 HuayKaew Rd., A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50300. Thailand
    Tel: 053-223264, 053-217618 Fax 053-221180

    Kad Dara Dhavi

    51/4 Chiang Mai - Sankampaeng Road Moo 1 T. Tasala A.
    Muang, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand

  9. Sanom Krumeuang wrote a book on Thai superstitions (Boran Oo bai) which included that you should not eat turtles as you will grow up to be bow legged and walk slow.

    The ethnic Chinese of the north are still Thai and have very different traditions/superstitions and dare I say food. Turtle soup is a Chinese delicacy, My ethnic Thai neighbours take a dim view of some cooking in our abode, and indeed wifey takes a very dim view of most western food......but eat turtle she does (as do her sister/cousins etc) and she buys them from Warrot.

  10. Why did you say that? They are sold as pets or release to make merit!

    Wifey uses them for eating, cooked alive in boiling water and then the shell taken off and gutted. Flesh cut up and used in soups/curry. Buys them from Warrot in alley near 7/11 next to a Gold Shop.

    I can accept that some may use them for merit,most if you wish, but not all.

    The terrapins are in plastic bowls next to bowls of live eels, frogs, fish, crabs etc. Terrapins are not standalone items. Might I suggest that not all of the eels, frogs, crabs, and fish are released for merit or taken home as pets.

    They are not sold next to goldfish, puppies, kittens or canaries.

    To think they are not eaten at all is like my second marriage, "a triumph of hope over experience"

    I do not eat them, but they are certainly cooked and ate in our house.

  11. Honestly who gives a rats arse....I get far more concerned at shirtless drunken yobs.public drinking at Loy Kratong.

    Having more or less gays visible does'nt affect anyone any more than having more left handers, blondes, vegetarians or chess players visible......

    More gays traveling in packs on bikes or gay Chinese traveling in packs on bikes....that MAY be an issue.

    I'll worry about it when being gay becomes a compulsory requirement for a retirement visa.

    In the mean time... to one and all.......bottoms up.drunk.gif

  12. I would go for the no if you are 70 and in poorer health, or indeed "larger framed" for some of the caves.

    You will be ok for entrance and initial part but its not all flat and wide..... steps are not uniform and some steepish and narrow ascents with no hand support and footholds to step up rather than steps per se (cane would be no good either i think).

    Lighting is not that flash either to plant foot well(lantern on tour when I went there last year) ....I would'nt want a less physically able person to take a tumble there....its solid everywhere.

    I'd take my dear old Dad to the first two or three chambers but after that I would be a bit worried, he's in very good nick but they don't mend well.

    Very good experience if you can go though.

    They were charging t more for Farang for "electricity for lights"...apparently we use more light.

    • Like 1
  13. Maybe fit but not protect thumbsup.gif

    Have not found a good one in a large size with any range. There is a motor cross type shop in Panthip that has quality stuff and SOMETIMES has large/x-large but for the price might as well order/buy one at home with bigger range..

    If you get a good one (here or overseas) get a lock as well....it will get lifted in some places.

    If you want a cheap one (full or open face) there is a helmet shop opposite Surriwong book shop that has a sizeable range and that's where I can always get x-large.

  14. I had to look at their web site before for address in CR.

    Presume this is the right place for you?

    Has addresses for CM and Lamphun as follows

    Chiangmai Province Office of Labour Protection and Welfare

    Address : Provincial Hall the second floor, Shotana Road, Chang Pauk District, Amphoe Muang, 50300

    Website : http://www.chiangmai.labour.go.th

    0 5389 0472-3

    0 5311 2720


    Lamphun Province Office of Labour Protection and Welfare

    Address : Ministerial Labour Office Centre, the third floor, Chiangmai-Lompang Road, Amphoe Muang, Lamphun Province 51000

    0 5353 7703-4
    Might want to give them a ring though as these addresses off English translation site and sometimes Govt sites are a bit slack on updating.
  15. Wow stopping by Europe. Did you know that Europe is NOT a country. Gosh wife and mom I can't get over i

    Op....Look at the picture.


    ...and naming the photo Matrix! giggle.gif Nuff said.

    Please don't take his comments to heart, a lot of good advice so far but for me I would be examining any aspect of moving if you only here for a year and you and children have settled where you are (as you seem to be with food next door). Any move "outwards" may be offset by increased travel costs or time. I know time is "free' but there are better ways to spend it...and travel with children can be problematic with heat/sleep/irritability etc.

    I think you are doing really good so far and ought to be commended for that. Maybe given limited time here, age of children, you are doing the best you can...stressing over this will take away from the quality time with children or happiness with CM generally. If you have to cut expenses then you have to move. If its only a desire to reduce (and not a necessity) let it ride and enjoy yourself.

    ps....I love street food but even I have moved up from the 30 baht dishes.....just a little more and you get a heap better quality,often better venues, and better selection of dishes.

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