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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. It is true that it would not be that hard for him to do it himself but if he doesn't mind paying the service fees I would suggest Starvisa which is just down the side street from the U.S. Consulate. I have used them on several occasions for family members and some of my friends have used them as well. They always did a good job and do it the right way for us, no shortcuts all only the legal way. But like I said, you pay for that service.

    Many thanks will forward that one...He certainly wants it done legal, no under the counter deals, and needs a reputable third party to do it to keep arms length from work so Starvisa sounds good.

  2. Can anyone clarify whether a person can provide salary slips and/or government tax declarations as evidence of funds for a Retirement visa.

    I can't see why this would be a problem given other income sources accepted as evidence but the concept of being in receipt of salary while "retired" might not rest well.

    Situation is former work colleague over 50 that has enough paid leave to take some 18 months off work and wants to stay here for extended periods of 3 months followed by a actual retirement in LOS. Other visa options not as attractive, via visa runs and multiple applications, visits to immigration etc so Retirement option seems best. He can supply pay slips, employment contract, evidence of leave being granted by employer, tax declarations for previous years etc.

  3. Can anybody suggest a good agent/lawyer please.

    I have a former work colleague arriving here on a VOA, He wants to convert his VOA to a Non Immigrant O and then to a Retirement extension and later multiple entry.

    He is flying into CM at short notice from some offshore work (no near Thai consulate or embassy) direct rather than via home country and hence no time to organise Non Immigrant O before arriving.

    I know this is a cumbersome way of doing it....but also know that it can be done.

    He can technically do it himself but for reasons related to his work needs to be at arms length to the lodgement and processing.

    Anybody have a name/contact/business that might be able to do this is Chiang Mai specifically?

  4. Am 100% with VIBE and cheeryble on this one.

    One thing I did wonder however is is if the inheritor is also the executor of the will whether that could in theory extend the minimum/maximum periods to sell the property. There is as I understand no time limits on execution of wills in Thailand and I did ponder that if there was no one contesting then there was no urgent or immediate catalyst for actual execution of the will or indeed property transfer.

    All this other worry on the will validity and Thai law seems a bit paranoid. Thailand must be really really dangerous as wills are never contested in the west :)

    Apologies to the OP.......we have moved a tad away from buidling a house in Sansai.

    • Like 1
  5. Goodbye Hello Dolly hello Northern John.

    You might be right. If he starts defending the Duke's at each and every opportunity, we will be sure. tongue.png

    Northernjohn would also have to be on speed to triple his daily posting rate to get near Hello Dolly.....probably 6 times to make up for time lost and under performance to date..

    • Like 1
  6. Never quite got the point of banning on TV as have seen posters banned and come back right away with a different nick. Maybe TV has a reasonable use policy smile.png

    Never had a problem with his posts myself...some interesting some I skimmed over.

    As far as Hellodolly is concerned he was certainly a prolific poster to the point where I wondered how he sustained that level of activity while still functioning in wider society.

    As another posted mentioned, hopefully he has found in CM something more personally rewarding or validating that continuous posting on TV.

    I do find it sad when some posters are banned or hounded away and still very visible in the real community. I always liked Ian Forbes posts...and going back further Kevin of the great TRL free water saga of 2009(?)

  7. There are quite a few countries that let you keep dual or more nationalities if they acquired through birth. Where those same countries have issues is when you ACTIVELY seek out the nationality of another country and thereby swear and oath or affirmation of loyalty.

    Back to the OP...I do know a few Burmese/Chinese (ethnicity) children that have managed to go to government school. There are lots of Thais that do not have official birth certificates (or ID's) and obtain same after completing schooling (with letter from school) and good work of village headman and local abbot.

    My wife's sister is in her 40's, born in Chiang Rai and has no ID and is still saving money for a blood test match with my wife (who has ID, both have no birth cert). Sister went through a government school here...as did her children (two then went on to school at Chedi Luang for three years and obtain letters to help with citizenship/ID acquisition)

  8. 20 Baht at night for across town does seem a bit tight for me (or 60 baht for all). Especially considering if you were going to Dukes to feed three, you would normally drop a bundle on that and not bat an eyelid. The fare would be what maybe 2 or 3% maybe a bit more or less with drinks etc.

    I will grant you that if he wanted a 1000baht he should have at least worn a mask and had a hand gun to get your moneys worth.

    I actually like the songtows...catch a few a week never a problem, tell where and then if they are going ask price and start the discussion (accepting around town and day time 20 is the go). If I travel with my wife on a long or irrefular route she makes me hide out of sight .....she only does this for songtows ....and tragically now I always shuffle off to the darkest spot and make myself smaller before being asked......honest sad.png

  9. You might be better of going to a market sale then and picking up a cheap rice burner. If you do not want to lay out much money at least with a Jap bike it's easier to get parts whereas with something a bit more exotic/expensive you will usually have to order in. I'd also be careful of some of the customized cool and stylish bikes going cheap. Lots have no books and hence unregistered. Getting a bastardised chopper registered here can be expensive and traumatic...hence they have no registration

    • Like 1
  10. You could try Ray's if it is still operating (has been about two years since I went there and may have closed or moved on) was in Changphuak.

    He had some really really old stuff as in 50 years old when I was there last (had a great BSA and Norton when I was there) Have a look at the photos on his web site..is this what you mean?

    Web page is still up at


  11. I think you can have broad acceptance that all red shirts are PT, it is by no means conclusive that all PT are red shirts. If the red shirts reduce numbers that does not translate totally to less support for the PT. Yingluck (to me) remains incredibly popular in CM. AV/Suthep not so.Yingluck visits here freely and generates a lot of support and attention. For the Dems it remains a bit of a no go zone.

    I can't see how any activity of late has reduced support for the PT (as opposed to red shirts). Chinks in the red shirts yes..in the PT no....and certainly not chinks wide enough to make people vote Dem. The situation is too polarized all round with absolutes. I can't see where there is a big swing voter category that both sides can pick up in the middle ground...and the parties themselves do not try to appeal to any middle constituency,

    Really it's no better than unquestioning lifelong family support to a football team.....kinda sad way to run a country and has produced these endless cycles rather than any real progress.

    • Like 1
  12. Well its very thoughtful of the U.S. Embassy issuing advice to its citizens.

    The British Embassy obviously doesn't give a stuff about us.....and other embassies likewise about the safety of their citizens.

    Then again are the US blowing things out of proportion.?

    I think the British government care it's just that it has not reached a point where even at a random risk level it is likely to affect UK nationals.

    I always remember the Home Secreatry coming up with that wonderful term in Northern Ireland, that would come to be part of the daily warnings.....that there was an "acceptable level of violence". We have not reached that stage yet.

    As Winnie pointe out far more risk with drunk drivers (and driving), Pattaya sky diving, Downtown Inn, Full Moon parties, New Years...and the dreaded and upcomming ...Songkran.

  13. THere are heaps of ways to defacto own land....legally. The rolling 30 year lease (which I accept has never been tested but hey I will be dead for second renewal). Also if you have a wife be named as her executor with a correct will you can let estate roll on for a few years and when selling have SOME say where funds are disbursed (50% of something is better than a hundred percent of nothing). I think going the dummy company is the only really iffy one now.

  14. Now that is one dumb and insulting farang.

    Although I am pretty sure this wasn't the work of a 'Foreigner'

    Not only Farang loose money when they need to close for elections you know.

    It's from a fluent Italian speaker/writer if you look at the twitter link. or her tumblr pages and not a bar owner either it seems....just one persons reporting of commentary on election (mark 3? subsection coup 28 subject to change without notice).

    I wouldn't mind if its was a bit more expansive but incisive political comments on a twitter limit is a struggle. Has even less relevance if you have no horse in the race and no say in the outcome. No problems with informed or opinionated commentary but this was a waste of bandwidth.

    Some people just shouldn't be given passports smile.png The whole twitter feed seems a bit shallow/touristy to me. Guess that inability to get a cheap Chang one day really can spoil your holiday. Italy might just ave had more governments than Thailand since the war smile.png hardly a shining example pot kettle black

    • Like 1
  15. Well your off to a good start with that price on the land.

    Given that this iis your 4th? house and that Top as an architect is doing a very good job each time I'm just curious do you build these because you enjoy the whole process of build and design process, or to live in yourself and then move on, or as places to sell?

    Looking forward to the pictures...thanks

  16. One thing I will say: I am disturbed to see Chiang Mai lowering itself to the level of Pattaya and showing intrusive and unwarranted pictures of dead people.

    Sad to see the rubber neckers have moved in, CM never used to be like that.

    You were cautioned you did not have to look. I guess that means you have joined the rubber neckers.

    Personally I was more disturbed about the tragic death of a young woman that seems to have had some difficulties rather than the pictures.

    It is a indeed a bit sad when people are more disturbed about a photo than a person, CM never used to be like that.

    Mods...any chance this could be closed off as my original query has been answered and we have drifting into unnecessary speculation and moralising.

  17. OP;

    Why did you post this.....then ask everyone to be sensitive and make only factual comments.

    You are as bad as a paparazzi looking for sensationalism.

    Its not an unusual story when all said and done.

    Ease up cowboy.

    I posted this because I was disturbed at what I thought was the movement of this young lady from the intersection to the alleyway. That has been cleared up by another post and thanks for that.

    I asked for the sensitive aspect (and did not name the young lady) as I recall where family members have come across Thaivisa threads in relation to recently deceased family members and there have been some not very nice comments and some armchair detective work, neither of which I wanted to promote associated with a name.

    I am sorry if I find this a tragedy (more so after finding the young lady in difficulties the day before) rather than "not an unusual story" which in itself would be cold comfort to the family.

    .I wanted clarity and fact, not your opinion....Next time I'll type slower for you......

  18. Firstly the link below has some graphic and disturbing pictures and please keep this in mind if you view.

    Secondly it contains details regarding the tragic death of a female UK citizen. I have not named the person (details are on the link) but have always been mindful that when loved one search the internet by name they may not want to stumble across a thread that experience shows in the the past has deteriorated into consipracy theories, innuendo, and become insensitive to say the least..

    With that in mind I would ask that some sensitivity be given with comments, that they are factual, and that the deceased person is not referred to by name.

    Having said that this is the link


    By my poor Thai it would seem that alcohol was a significant fcator (better Thai readers please chip in).

    What I am slightly mortified about is that it appears to be the same person in the intersection as the alleyway. Perhaps the person made it to the alleyway themselves. I do not know. I just don't like the way the person has been placed in the alley (assuming its the same person). As a side I do note (my observations only) the lack of reverence generally shown to deceased Tourists than Thais. At least this one didnot have the Iphone crowd.

    Can anyone thrown any factual and sensitive light on this tragedy?

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