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    Hang Dong

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  1. I just think baseball scores which is handy coz I know nothing about baseball
  2. I've always iamgined what it would be like if I lived in one of those stations during wimter. Looks like back in 1982 smoking regs were more relaxed I would hate to have to go outside at minus forty to have a fag
  3. no rainer John Carpenter. Yeah Kurt;s there as well (no spoilers)
  4. Worse thing is the reseacher is continually changing shape so they don't know what he looks anymore 🙂 ("John Carpenter "The Thing" anyone?)
  5. So what - who cares? My blood sugar level is fine. I don't obesess with every medical fad that comes along every few years - this is bad - no it's good - no it's bad again.
  6. "low-fat" milk is higher in carbs than"normal" milk. Carbs are the enemy not fat, as least according to the latest medical fad.
  7. Just reading the headline 9and not reading the article) I thought this must be from the telegraph. It's such a pain being right all the time
  8. Eaxactly. large cash deposits into a bank account are a red flag and should be investigated.
  9. He was SIXTY-TWO! That's not old - that's the new middle-age
  10. PLEASE this is the plot for transtlantic tunnel hurrah by Harry Harrison a brilliant author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_Through_the_Deeps
  11. Well it DID change colour - it was bright blue then went a dingy brown - thanks! Bigger then the geckos I see in the house..... Yep but like I said it turned brown - thanks!
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