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Posts posted by ChouDoufu

  1. 18 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    I think you are being easily misinformed with fake news,


    the science is not unanimous on covid, as it should (science is about questioning, not unanimous answer),  there is only interpretation of the science by "experts", so they all have different opinions. Trump chose not to follow the "official" one, and he is perfectly entitled to that, he takes the "political" decision, not science or the experts. And he was right. You or others might not agree with his decision, but it's irrelevant.


    The Chinese are having a third wave, so is South Korea and Thailand. There is no stopping to it. You can't take officially what the Chinese are saying, they lied for months about their numbers, and now you want to believe them that they have everything "in control"? they don't, hence why nobody can enter or leave the country, unless they have a very good reason.


    have you been hitting the epock times again?  falun gong trump supporting talking points.


    no third (not even a second!) wave in china.  there's really been very little here since the massive outbreak in wuhan.  over the past months there have been a few minor clusters, mostly associated with border crossings with russia and north korea.  in case of local transmissions, they lock down a district or entire city and mass-test the entire population to nip it in the bud.


    here in hainan (population 12 million), we've had 170 cases since the beginning, with 6 deaths.  life has completely returned to normal, even the cinemas are open.  the virus is something we read about, happening in far-off locations.


    nobody can leave?  might have something to do with the virus raging uncontrolled in some countries, most international travel shut down, and very limited air travel.  STV's and SETV's are available at thai consulates here in china, and some travel to thailand has already commenced....for those willing to jump through the hoops and pay for two weeks of quarantine, with quarantine required again upon return.  group tours are currently not permitted, but individual travel is available to countries that are issuing visas.

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  2. to be fair, trump did NOT call the virus itself a hoax, but rather the democratic claims that his regime was botching the response.


    1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

    During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."


    of course, after over 300000 dead americans, mainly due to the regime's non-response, turns out the criticism was indeed fair and balanced.

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  3. 11 hours ago, meechai said:


    Some yes....all no

    But I am saying ....as I stated....will be interesting to see full picture in relation to previous years available soon


    monthly/daily/weekly stats of deaths broken down by cause, sex, race, occupation.........are available for free online.  most can be found regularly updated, so shirley you can find something of interest.  no need to wait until the year is officially ended, we can look at the first eight months.


    how 'bout you google it, post some charts and graphs, provide some links.  we've already got 300K excess deaths thru the beginning of october, with about 2/3 due to the covids.  if the covids is killing off folks that would have died anyways, we shouldn't be seeing such a huge excess death figure.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, meechai said:


    Yes it is a big number almost half of the 2017 average number for daily deaths listed by CDC



    Don't get me wrong yes it is a serious illness....but really the way the MSM (& others) sensationalizes it for political reason is pretty bad.

    It will be interesting from a statistical point of view to see the numbers next year


    Because as the attributed to C19 tally went up the tally for the usual respiratory related deaths will be way down & it will be interesting to see the final "overall" tally


    are you suggesting that covid is simply killing folks that would'a died from some other cause anyways?  more of these, less of those, overall a wash?  that might have been conceivable back in march when we had a mere couple dozen data points. now, though....


    "Overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths have occurred in the United States from late January through October 3, 2020, with two thirds of these attributed to COVID-19."






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  5. 3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    I'm not advocating, but merely observing that at the current rate of infection herd immunity will be reached way before the vaccine roll out has produced sufficient numbers to protect the nation. It's ironic, it's sad..... yes of course.


    assuming the rates stay the same, assuming "the" vaccine is rolled out according to schedule.  but factor in the coming spikes from xmas and new years superspreader events and the rates could go hyperballistic.


    just bar napkin math says we could have another half a million dead...without a vaccine....by the time we reach "herd immunity" assuming it is at all possible. 


    it is what it is.



  6. 9 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    AFAIK, none of Trump's kids have been crack addicts, impregnated a stripper, or slept with their brother's widow.  That's about the only "business" that Hunter excels at.


    But, and this is a big but, the Trump kids were all involved in their family's PRIVATE business, not merely riding their father's name and public service. 


    maybe hunter's an old testament guy.  deuteronomy offers interesting life lessons.

    brothers wives, prostitutes, getting stoned......it's all in there.

  7. 4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    At the current rate of infection USA could have herd immunity in a few months without a vaccine.  I'm not sure that's something to be proud of but at least they'll be free of the problem by the middle of next year, maybe earlier. A staggering infection figure today and that's just the ones detected.  


    and at the current rate of deaths, more than 3000 daily.....

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  8. 2 hours ago, guru said:

    I asked the Pharmacist if I can take 3 Blackmore capsules to get close to 2g but she says no as the label says take only 2 for a reason.


    what reason, other than that's what was printed on the store brand labels?  real trained pharmacist?

    boots carries (on the interwebs) 650mg and 1000mg strength versions.  for reasons.


    both come with warning "Consumption of more than 3000 mg per day of added Plant Sterols should be avoided."


    i've been using simvastatin for two decades with no side effects.  various brands, in thailand took bestatin, 15-30 mg/day depending on results of latest test.

  9. 18 hours ago, Marabou said:

    This is just to clarify the whole "is it 45 days entry or 45 days extension" for the visa exempt option:

    "As one of the Countries listed for Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival, U.S. Passport Holders are not required to obtain a visa when entering Thailand for tourism purposes and will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 30 days on each visit (In process of being extended to 45 days by the government of Thailand) or 15-day stays if arriving by land-crossing"

    100% clear it's 45 days entry they're looking at doing (or possibly have already done). Nothing to do with extensions.


    ummm.....isn't this a bit out of date?  i believe land crossings are closed for foreigners now, but wasn't the permit increased to 30 days for certain nationalities including americans some years ago?


    (not arguing the 45 days....just noting embassy websites aren't always the best source for current information.)


    U.S. Passport Holders are not required to obtain a visa when entering Thailand for tourism purposes and will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period not exceeding 30 days on each visit (In process of being extended to 45 days by the government of Thailand) or 15-day stays if arriving by land-crossing"



  10. 4 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    The thing to remember about the postal system, is not weight but volume.


    Mail systems don't, unlike the DHL, Fedex's and UPS's deal with large packages, regardless of weight


    not a problem.


    you buy the largest boxes sold by the post office.  when filled with clothing and random stuff the lady will need (chili peppers and green curry sauce).....should not exceed 15kg although they will ship at least up to 20kg.  perhaps more, would have to ask.  when i move between china and thailand, i use the postal boxes, usually sending 4-6 boxes each weighing 12-15kg.


    any larger or heavier and the boxes become difficult to handle and run the risk of sides splitting open during transit.

  11. check with thai post.


    last time i sent boxes to the us, SAL was about 700 for the first kg, then 250 for each additional kg.  up to a max of about 30kg/box.  if surface is available, that should be about 1/3 cheaper.


    personal items/used clothing - even if new (remove price tags) - should not be hit with customs fees.  declare a reasonable amount per box, maybe $75 or so.



  12. 18 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Great news. America's sworn enemies are happy that President Trump may be having a 4 year break. I mean who doesn't want China, Russia and Iran to be happy. So long as the media personalities are happy too, that's important. Does Joe have any more of those pallets? The Iranians liked that didn't they. Trump never sent any pallets did he? I wonder that is why they didn't like him?


     Enjoy the next 4 years Iran, China and other rogue authoritarian regimes. This is your time to grow your influence and power.


    returning their own money, on pallets or not, is much preferable to trump's signing over $33 billion in taxpayer funds to a rogue apartheid regime responsible for much of the misery and chaos in the middle east today.


    AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Iran cash story oft-told, still bogus



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  13. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    When applying for a non-o visa at immigration you first get a 90 day permit to stay and then during the last 30 days of the 90 days you would apply for a one year extension of say based upon retirement.

    Most embassies and official consulate require proof of the 40/400k medical insurance to a apply for a single entry non-o visa that will allow a 90 day entry. It is the same insurance required for a OA visa application.

    (see https://longstay.tgia.org/home/companiesoa ).

    To avoid the insurance entering visa exempt or with a single entry tourist visa and then applying for the non-o visa at immigration is the best option.


    yes, but in order to enter thailand, along with the tourist visa, a COE from the embassy is required, which in turn requires the 40/400 medical insurance.


    at least for now.  is that correct?  or is the minimum 100K + covid cover acceptable for the tourist visa and/or visa exempt entry?

  14. 3 hours ago, cmarshall said:


    You are missing the point.  "Personnel is policy."  Biden will indeed not interfere in DoJ investigations or prosecutions.  However, he will appoint the Attorney General.  He knows as well as you and I do which candidates for that job will want to prosecute Trump and which will decide that it's better for democracy not to.  Therefore, Biden will decide whether there will be such prosecutions or not.  If he were to pick a career prosecutor like your favorite candidate, Preet Bharara, that means Biden is deciding to prosecute Trump.  If, on the other hand, he picks a politician, particularly one who has never been a prosecutor, like the latest name bandied about, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, then there will not be a criminal prosecution of Trump by the DoJ.


    Seems like it shouldn't be necessary to spell it out in such detail.  


    that does not follow, if the selected individual follows the evidence and prosecutes accordingly.


    why, i 'member....and it seems like just last week.....people were sayin' the supreme court would rule in favor of trump's batsoup crazy filings.  i mean, trump personally selected three justices, and i've heard "personnel is policy."  he knew as well as you and i and the kraken which candidates for those positions would rule in favor of his tinfoil underpants conspiracies or would rule in accordance with the law.  therefore, trump actually decided the election results.


    too much detail?

  15. 47 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Its one thing defending your own property or being an official policeman. 


    He was a vigilante.


    Thats illegal.


    Its funny that people that say they support law and order also support vigilantes.


    i dunno.  it's not all black&white.  i suppose the individual had been consuming a steady diet of fox news, following reports of protests turning violent, looting and burning of businesses, and police ordered to stand down and give the protesters space to protest.  seems the idea was to dress up in camo and carry a rifle, stand in front of the businesses looking intimidating to prevent looting.  not super smart, but it's not like he was dressing up like batman, pummeling criminals into submission and dragging them to the police station, vigilante-style.  more like mall-cop on steroids.


    i'm not sure exactly what happened, but some clever folks on the opposing side got the bright idea to chase an armed man-boy down the street and attack him.  at that point, regardless of the original intent of the exercise, he was trying to escape but had no choice other than to defend himself.  had he not, we'd surely be ridiculing him for allowing himself to be disarmed and shot with his own weapon, serves him right, y'know.


    he may face some penalties due to age or crossing state lines with a weapon, i'm obviously not a lawyer, but am confident the shooting charges will be dropped under self-defense.

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