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Posts posted by 2Na

  1. I just want to blow off some steam.

    about a year ago, I used ThaiVisa classifieds to post my attractive (shameless self promotion) condo for rent, 2 days after, the phone never stops calling, closed a good deal after a few days only.

    This year, I try to post my condo, here and in Craiglist, and nothing.

    First I mark it off to the situation, but later I recalled that last year the situation was not looking so good in this country either, so I go to see my post, perhaps I put the wrong pictures or misspelled some words.

    I could not find my post, it was berried below so many posts from real estate agents.

    They just rape the classifieds, loading 10-50 posts in a row, and burring my condo.

    Can anyone recommend another classified site? perhaps PM it to me so it won't succumb to the condo spammers again?


    a frustrated condo owner.

  2. Hello all,

    Not trying to push my my own vacant condo here (but PM and emails will be gladly answered), I was wondering what happens with all the people who have lost their houses to the floods, where do they sleep now?

    Is there a place in Bangkok which offers short term stays at decent prices or do they over charge for a monthly basis?

    How to handle this situation?

    Still take 2 month's worth deposit?

    Give them an option to prolong their contract?

    Ideas will be appreciated.

  3. Hi all,

    A short rant, I own a business in Thailand for the last 3 years.

    Now, a new competitor had arise, using my brand name (and company name), only with one change, my company name finish with Thailand (so does the domain name), and they just cut it to Thai.

    Now he goes and publish himself by misleading my customers.

    Is there a law against this in Thailand?

    Thank you very much.

  4. We have now created a separate Marriage and divorce forum branch located here:


    Perhaps it would be possible to also edit the sub-title of this forum?

    Now it is Family and children

    Marriage, family & children, and divorce in Thailand.

    If you can change it into : "Raising kids in Thailand" that would be great.

    That will also mean that all legal custody questions will go to the marriage/divorce/(and custody matters) should go into this forum as well.

    Thank you very much for your quick action :)


  5. Hey, I knew I was not alone!

    I think because the forums are mixed, people will not want to post here.

    I mean, no disrespect to anyone, but why would you want to bring your baby and baby related issues into a dark place which talks about kid kidnapping, divorce, etc

    I am sure that a new forum dedicated only to raising kids in Thailand will create great traffic for you, and also, Thaivisa can sell more ads, to baby related shops, not just lawyers.. so here is the business side of things.

    Thank you very much

  6. Hi,

    I would like to say that I am a happily married guy (well, most of the time, you know...), and I have kids also.

    I don't understand why when I wish to read stuff related to raising kids in Thailand, I need to browse through all the divorce related topics.

    I believe that I am not the only one that find this disrupting.

    Is it possible to get this forum split into 2 different forums? one to raising kids and the other to marriage problems?

    Thank you very much


  7. First, let me ask the mods not to transfer this to the insurance forum, as I believe it is a family matter.

    I am looking to insure my kids, can you - mothers and fathers, please let me know what insurance you provide your babies with?

    Also, what kind of coverage is it?

    I my self am looking for something that has OPD coverage in it.

  8. Hey Yankee99,

    I don't think you are right about the twin package price.

    It should cost you about 80,000thb for this package - afaik

    In BNH it would cost you 85,000thb, we just gave birth there for our twins, had minor complications, the bill went up to 120 for the babies, and 60 for the mother.

    all the best!.

    In my case. We go to the clinic once a month for vitamins, exam and ultra sound 600baht. The same doctor at the clinic works at bkk-pattaya and banglamung hospital.....At bkk a c-section for twins cost 40,000baht for everything. At banglamung it is less then half that price. Now I was/am also concerned about pre-,mature birth. If your wife is thai she can apply for a card that pays for the majority of the treatment. It would be in the goverment hospital but you can pay for your private doctor separately. I know you are asking about insurance but this is just another option you might want to investigate.........

  9. try to sell it on Thai visa classifieds?

    but you bring up a good idea which I did not thought about. thank you.

    I trust your joking; I pity the person who would trust their baby's healthy to an online classifieds.

    I was, but what's the difference between buying a sealed box online than from any store, any where around the world?

    In my country, there was a big story a few years ago, about a certain retail outlet that changed used to cheat their customers about the expire date of some products.

    I don't mind buying online baby stuff, I bought 2 beds, which are also quite important to the health of my children.

    Of course I will check who the seller is and what is the story, but, I don't see a problem with buying the milk online (maybe from more respected websites than ThaiVisa?)

  10. I wouldn't buy formula in bulk (at least not more than a few of the 3 bag boxes) because you never know how long the babies are going to be able to drink that specific brand.

    Let's say they start crapping 8 times a day and doctor tells you to start using a lactose-free brand; what you gonna do with the years supply of the other stuff in the cupboard?

    try to sell it on Thai visa classifieds?

    but you bring up a good idea which I did not thought about. thank you.

  11. Thank you for the reply, I guessed I was not the only one out there.

    Unfortunately, I cannot produce breastmilk, if I could, I would fill up tanks of it, but I am the father, so I can be forgiven.

    My wife does breastfeed, but it is very hard to do both, esp. at start while the amount is insufficient.

    My wife takes Mutillium, which is the the trade name for Domperidone , and she sees an increase on the milk amount.

    What about diapers, that cannot be bought in bulk as well?

    Time for a groupon kind of website to pickup the glove and get us crowd discounts for baby needs?

    As for your idea of having milk from other women, does that milk get pasteurized? does those women go through medical tests?

    I see their good will in this, but I am not sure about the health risks that it can bring, don't you think?

  12. Hi all,

    Don't call me stingy, but if I am already going to buy the formula milk, then why not check if there is a way to shave off the price a little?

    Is there a way to buy it bulk?

    or coupons or something like that?

    now we are just looking at what they like, either enfalac or isomilk, but open to suggestions.


  13. For the last 2 months or so I've been working out at Pushing Limitz.

    I was very skeptical when they told me over the phone that my body cannot withstand more than 20 minutes of their work out.

    so, with a mission to save my ego, I went for a free trial session.

    After less than 3 minutes I was down on the floor, trying to breath.

    Today, after almost 2 months, and a big body transformation, I can testify that they got a the right system for me.

    1. no class is like the other.

    2. you always got a trainer keeping an eye on you.

    3. the entire workout is only 20 minutes (very intense minutes)

    4. you don't need to stand in line in order to exercise (like at a certain gym chain)

    5. the trainers are extremely knowledgeable, nice and helpful.

    6. the cost is ridiculously cheap.

    7. you get results.

    About the results, at the first weeks I lost a few KG, but after that I stopped losing weight and started to get firm.

    You know those old shirts that you can't wear anymore and your wife use as pajamas? I can wear them now :)

    so here is their website: <snip>

    Really recommended.

  14. Thank you all for replying.

    As I've said, I'm not interested in beauty enhancements, at least not at the moment.

    I am looking to modify for speed and acceleration, mainly because I used to ride a 650 ER6n, so I feel the absence of power much more than the people who drive scooters or smaller bikes.

    Anyway, thank you for your suggestions, the price for the J costa seems way too much in my view, but perhaps someone had experience with using the original variator?

    Or perhaps know of a complete mod. kit?

  15. Hi all,

    I recently got my self one of those nice little PCX bikes, great and comfortable, not to mention quite!

    I do find some things that can be better, like:

    1. Breaks

    2. Acceleration

    3. Top speed

    I know there are people selling Variators from different makers, or doing different mods, I wish to find one or two reliable shops that do it in central Bangkok, preferably near Sathorn area, but really anywhere will be fine.


    Also, as a minor topic, does anyone knows the costs of transferring the registration of a bike from one city to the other?


  16. You were right to flash that icon in my face, I should have searched for it.

    But actually, this is the first time I ever heard of something like that is needed for breaks, then I've googled it and found out that it's also needed for cars and everything else with a break pad.

    So I'm sure going to try and do that now, I hope it's not too late though.

    As for the "bite", I have no problem with it, the breaks break nicely, especially since I'm not a driving too fast (90% of my driving time is home-office-home), but the it just shameful to break at 10 KpH and squeak like rusty old pad-thai stand.

    Have you taken the time to bed in the new pads properly??? Stock pads don't have great bite, but they're not terrible either. If you want pads with more bite I recommend EBC HH sintered pads. Ride On! T

    What do you mean bed in the pads?

    How does one "break in" break pads (besides breaking)?


    While I'm tempted to say google_it_noob.png here's a short lesson on how to bed in new brake pads:

    New brake pads need to be bedded in before they will give maximum stopping power.

    Depending on the type of pad it usually takes a fair bit of temperature to get the pads bedded in properly.

    Just find a big stretch of empty road where you can get going at a good clip (no need for high speed- just make sure there's no one behind you!) and then brake hard until you're almost stopped but DO NOT stop.

    Brake forcefully but don't brake so hard that your ABS activates. Repeat a few times until the discs are nice and hot and your pads will bed in nicely and give you maximum stopping power.

    A strong smell from the brakes, and even some smoke is normal when bedding in new pads.

    If the pads aren't broken in properly, the pads will not give you 100% stopping power! They will be lousy when cold, may be noisy and may dust like hell.

    After the break-in, there should be a slight blue tint and a light gray film on the rotor face.

    The blue tint tells you the rotor has reached break-in temperature and the gray film is pad material starting to transfer onto the rotor face.

    This is what you are looking for. The best braking occurs when there is an even layer of of pad material deposited across the rotors.

    This minimizes squealing, increases braking torque, and maximizes pad and rotor life.

    Hope this helps!

    Tony :jap:

  17. Have you taken the time to bed in the new pads properly??? Stock pads don't have great bite, but they're not terrible either. If you want pads with more bite I recommend EBC HH sintered pads. Ride On! T

    What do you mean bed in the pads?

    How does one "break in" break pads (besides breaking)?


  18. Hi all,

    I changed my break pads at the Kawa-Rama 9 center, but after a while, I'm getting lots of squeeks and eeks coming from the front brake.

    After through washing, and repeated loud squeeking, I was suggested that perhaps I got the "not so good quality" break pads.

    I wish to get new ones, I don't mind ordering online or driving around Bangkok to get them.

    If anyone got recommendations, or suffer from the same issue, do tell.

  19. I use True for calls to the UK and they advertise a rate using 006 of 1 baht a minute, Clear line and the costs seem to be the same as advertised

    But the OP is about calls from UK to Thailand so dialling 006 isn't going to work.

    Thank you PattayaParent, but who cares about OPs these days anyway ;)

  20. use Ture landline or mobile press 006 before the country code than ur UK mumber u want to call.

    cost about 4 B for land line call and about 6 to mobile no# (actually can use with any countries)

    cheap and the signal pretty good.

    And how much your dear ones will pay if they are in the UK and wants to use their "009"?

    It might be better for them to use that free UK number service that I just recommended, no?

  21. How much per minute is it to call the "UK" number?

    This really depends on your package in the UK.

    Basically you will get a o2 number, so all rates will be calculated according to that.

    It will always be cheaper then to call from the UK to Thailand via international calls services.

    (to clarify: the UK number will be used for people from the UK to call to your Thai number, and not for you to call that number from Thailand)

  22. I wish to recommend a new service, that will attache a UK local number to your Thai cellular/land line.

    Your family and friends (and probably customers) can save money on their international calls and you don't have to sit next to a computer with headphones and microphone like a call center operator :rolleyes:

    You can register through this website: http://www.free-number.com

    It can be applied on Chinese numbers also.

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