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Posts posted by Just1Voice

  1. My personal solution to drinking is - Don't drink! If you added up all the beers I've had in the 7 years I've been here, the case would still be about one fourth empty. In fact, thinking about it now, it's probably been a good 10 months or so since I had one. I'd much rather have a good iced coffee, or iced lemon tea, than a beer. I realize that alcohol can be an addiction, but remember, it was the alcoholic who ALLOWED it to become an addiction.

  2. I have no idea as to how much truth this is, or how much validity there is to it, but according to my wife, who is active on various Thai web boards, the "rumor" is that after Suthep boasted about how he and the General had planned the coup for a long time, not only was he told to shut up by the General, but received an envelope from the General that didn't contain money, or a note, but just a single bullet. It was that was what brought about his "sudden decision" to go into the monk hood.

    Take it as you will.

  3. That is when he will start another protest and get more people killed. He likes to do things like that.

    It's pretty clear to anyone with an IQ over 50 that virtually all the people MURDERED during the protests were killed by UDD thugs getting paid a few thousand baht by their own government to go out and do it. And under that dictatorship (proved by the amnesty bill), only one guy could give that order.

    Your hypocrisy and lies make me sick. Go get yourself some ethics.

    By your statements, it appears you totally missed the COURT RULING that clearly stated the majority of protesters were killed by the ARMY. Kinda blows holes in your theory.

  4. In reality, Payuth and Co. don't give a damn about the international opinion. This particular coup was held for one reason, and one reason only, and it's all "internal" and has to do with the control of power after a certain event happens. I don't know if it's okay to mention it, but if you look for Andrew McGregor on the net, you'll find some very informative, and well written articles concerning the coup. He has nailed it on the head. Until that event happens, and the power struggle is finally settled, everything else, including their bitching over the EU and FAA is merely window dressing.

  5. There are things about living in the U.S. that I love.

    There are things about living in the U.S. that I hate.

    There are things about living in Thailand that I love.

    There are things about living in Thailand that I hate.

    There were things about my first wife of 28 years that I loved.

    There were things about my first wife of 28 years that I hated.

    There are things about my Thai wife of 7 years that I love.

    There are things about my Thai wife of 7 years that I hate.

    I was a U.S. Marine for 20 years. Self esteem is not an issue for me.

    I like people to like me, but if they don't, so be it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

    Why do I live in Thailand? I like it here better than other places I've been, for a number of reasons. One is that I've actually met more friendly Thai than I did Americans, who are all so wrapped up in their personal problems, they have forgotten how to be truly friendly.

  6. attachicon.gifjtj.JPG

    I recommend to do this if you want peace and quiet from utter ridiculous comments.

    Great idea!........... Now for the rest of the Glee club!

    Have you seen this......http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run

    posted just 10 minutes ago......

    The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

    The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

    He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

    Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

    Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested.

    Yeah, then he got replaced with another Top Cop, and suddenly everything changed. Talk about Bull Manure!

  7. The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

    He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

    Clearly you have no concept of business practices. First, Trump has never PERSONALLY gone bankrupt. Try to grasp that if you can. Second, it's a well known and established business procedure to file for bankruptcy for a company. . Many times a business is taken over, then deliberately "bankrupted". This allows the creditors to be paid some of what they are owed, and allows employees to keep their jobs. If you're going to comment on things, please have the decency to have some idea of what you are talking about. If you don't, you only make yourself look foolish.

    Now, now. There's no need to get personal just because I am pointing out some unpleasant truths. Saying that the Donald never PERSONALLY went bankrupt and using that as an argument is disingenuous...at best. If he'd been the oracle that some of you see him as he/his company wouldn't have gone bankrupt in the first place. Please try to grasp that if you can...coffee1.gif

    Perhaps you should refer to your own post - "...I'm sure the majority of the American population prefer a business man that has not gone bankrupt - several times."

    You are talking about an individual, not businesses. Please show me, and others, where Trump has every gone bankrupt? You can't, because Trump has never gone bankrupt. He has used bankruptcy on some of his businesses, as have many other before him, and as will many others after him. As I stated, it's a well known, and widely used, business practice.

    To me he is not any kind of "oracle" as you put it. I didn't even say if I liked the man or not, so your assumptions that I do again highlight your ignorance of the subject matter. It's clear you don't like him, and that's your prerogative, but whether it's Trump, McCain, Hillary or anyone else, before you make comments about them, please have your facts straight.

  8. The democrats must be rubbing their hands in glee over this since it really shows the desperation of the republicans that such a joke of a person actually is in the running for the GOP nomination.

    He said of McCain that he preferred war heroes that had not been captured. OK, but I'm sure that the majority of the American population prefer a businessman that has not gone bankrupt - several times...coffee1.gif

    Clearly you have no concept of business practices. First, Trump has never PERSONALLY gone bankrupt. Try to grasp that if you can. Second, it's a well known and established business procedure to file for bankruptcy for a company. . Many times a business is taken over, then deliberately "bankrupted". This allows the creditors to be paid some of what they are owed, and allows employees to keep their jobs. If you're going to comment on things, please have the decency to have some idea of what you are talking about. If you don't, you only make yourself look foolish.

  9. The cop says that David appears in a visibly drunken state. Seriously? I've watched every video that's available, and in NONE of them does David appear anything even resembling a "drunken state".

    Not only that, but if I'm not mistaken, the autopsy report on him stated that he had virtually NO SIGNS of alcohol consumption.

    Kinda makes you wonder about the state of mind of the cop.

  10. This ignorant woman brought this all on herself with her belligerent and defiant attitude. Not to mention her ignorance in how to deal with police. A real upstanding citizen here:

    Court records show Bland had several encounters with police in both Illinois and Texas over the past decade, including repeated traffic stops and two arrests for drunk driving, one of which was later dismissed.

    She was also charged twice with possession of a small amount of marijuana. A 2009 case was dismissed, but she pleaded guilty last year to the other charge and was sentenced to 30 days in jail.

    A decade earlier, in June 2004, Bland was charged with one count of retail theft of less than $150 in Elmhurst, Illinois. She pleaded guilty and was fined.

    She was an accident in the making.

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