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Posts posted by nisakiman

  1. And luckily, people are now actively pursuing these charlatans. Around 30,000 scientists now plan to sue Al Gore for fraud, including the guy who founded the Weather Channel. It's taken a while, but the global warming scammers are a busted flush, and their sheep-like followers will have to find some new "scare" on which to focus their dim-bulb attention.

    Yeah. Like the new "threat" of global COOLING... LOL.

    It shows how desperate the BOLs have become........the are afraid we might actually move away from our current Stone Age Fossil Fuel Energy System.

    Of course, that is the last thing BIG OIL wants.

    JR, I've repeated ad nauseum that your much castigated BIG OIL in fact invests massive amounts of money in research into alternative energy sources, but because that doesn't fit in with your pet theory, you have totally ignored what I pointed out. So perhaps you should have a look at this, and this and this.

    Not that it will change your mind, I'm sure. You seem unable to absorb any information that contradicts your total commitment to the religion of AGW.

  2. Try this site. It provides live streaming, and you can watch just about any match you like. You'll have to download a few streaming software programs, but they're small. The site explains what you need to do. I live in Greece, and my Thai wife is a Man U fanatic. This is the only way she gets to see all the matches! :)

    You need a few of the streaming programs, as they all vary in quality on any particular day, so you have to sift through them to find the best.

  3. The OP starts a post, 4000 others chime in and the OP is never heard from again?

    So who exactly are you given all this free advice to or did you not realize the OP has never returned?

    The OP is probably to busy making trips down to his local western union.

    It has to be a troll, honestly can anyone be that stupid? 200,000 baht for spending 10 days with a girl, 20,000 baht a day.... :)


    Yes, that's certainly a lot more than I ever paid! :D

  4. I think they are bloody awful things.

    The light is terrible, they aren't instant, they cost a lot to buy, they look horrible, they use far more energy to produce than incandescant bulbs, they contain toxic mercury (yes h90, I know it's not much, but when you multiply it by millions, then you start to talk hazardous), and worst of all, they are being foisted on us here in EU by the powers-that-be all in the name of bloody global warming.... :)

  5. How sad that the OP had the opinion that he thinks people will think he sounds Racist, when it just so happens that the people that are probably trying to scam him are Black... :D

    If they was White or Thai, the thought would never have even entered his head but as soon as he realises he will be mentioning Black Men in his Post, he thinks he has to make excuses & imply that he " knows " his Post will sound racist..

    How sad that society is made to feel this way..

    The same thought occurred to me. Bloody PC brigade. Things have come to a pretty pass when you can't even call a spade a spade.

    (Oops! :) )

  6. Al Gore [Now] Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming!



    I'm amazed he actually admitted the fact. I particularly liked this

    We also highlighted how the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has direct ties to both Al Gore and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a mechanism for profit and social engineering. Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of CCX.

    (Note the "profit and social engineering".)

    And this

    In another indictment of Gore’s accuracy in warning about climate change, he has now virtually abandoned scientific “facts” in favor of characterizing his Inconvenient Truth presentation in the context of a religious sermon.

    Still think the science is settled, JR?

    The grounds upon which you base your belief become ever shakier. Looks like they will soon open and swallow you up.

    I would suggest you get to grips with some real science rather than what you read in the "Daily Rag". Your argument might then have a bit more validity.

  7. I remember saying to my wife once, in the early days, that I wish i'd met her 15 years ago. She gave me a quizzical look and said; 'but I would've only been 10 years old'.

    Gave me a very sobering perspective when asked to pine for the past. That being said I would agree that the biggest change has been from the level of arrogance and entitlement from a newer generation of folks who want to bring their cultural values with them, instead of respecting those of their host nation.

    As long as the somtam recipe doesn't change, it's still a good place to be.


    Yes, when I told my wife that I first travelled in Thailand in 1971 we had a laugh because she would have been only a year old then!

    Going back that far, yes of course Thailand has changed since then, but so has everywhere. I was young then, and Thailand seemed to me like paradise. I fell in love with the place, and I've never really fallen out of love with it. Yes there are minor irritations now, but that's also universal. I don't think it's become any less desirable as a place to live. The only thing that would concern me if I was a newbie looking to move to Thailand is the volatility of the current political situation.

  8. Is this a marriage proposal or a business deal?

    I must say I find the whole concept of sin sod a bit strange, not to mention outlandish in some instances I read about. At the end of the day it's up to you h1lander. But personally I would resist the demands for big bucks.

    My wife's family didn't ask for/demand anything, but it was suggested I offer 100,000 baht as a face saver. (I didn't have a clue what the form was, so I just did what my wife suggested) So I fronted the 100,000, plus we bought (I think) 5 baht of gold.

    The gold went back to the shop (less 10% handling), and the 100,000 was quietly handed back to my wife a few days after the marriage.

    I have to say that although I was prepared to make the offer of the 100,000, I felt good that it was returned to my wife, not so much for the money itself, but more because it made me know that I wasn't being taken for a ride.

    As I understand it, it's not unusual at all for the sin sod to be returned to the couple after the marriage. The main thing is for the money to be seen to be given. It's all about face.

    Ask your girlfriend it you will get any/all of the money back afterwards. If she says no, then consider the situation even more carefully that you no doubt are already.

  9. ok off topic where do all these blankets go each year, for the last 3 years during chiang mai bike week we bring 3 vigo loads of blankets to the same towns, and each year same people, more blankes... were talking like 1500+ blankets in the last 3 years, somebodys got em .... multiply that by the hundreds if not thousands of other people that do the same each year.... maybe they sell them back to the guys we buy em from.... maybe the "elite" are suckering the poor hill people out of blankets each year ?

    Didn't you know? They all end up in a giant repository in the sky, along with ballpoint pens, odd socks, disposable lighters and that fresh pack of AA batteries you just bought....

  10. This is just in - "Gulf of Thailand will not see rising level even if all the world's ice melts. The heavy presence of mercurial pollutants in the area creates a physical barrier to rising sea levels. However, this will cause havoc to shipping as the boundary between the Gulf and other areas of the world's oceans will face a cliff of seawater up to a hundred feet high. This is a natural phenomenon that had occurred a few thousand years ago in the Red Sea."


  11. 1) The petrochemical industry has existed for some years now, and we have all benefitted.

    Where do you think you would be now, JR, without the petrochemical industry? You would be stuck in some backwater (presumably) Texas hick town without a pot to piss in, going to work on a donkey. There would be no cars, no air travel, no internet, no television, no phones, no nothing. You would't be enjoying a (relatively) luxury lifestyle in Thailand - indeed, you probably would never have heard of the place. You'd be grubbing in the earth to fill your belly.

    Appealing scenario? Not to me.

    2) Big government is in it's embryonic form at the moment, but have no doubt, if they can fool enough people about this global warming / climate change charade for long enough, then they will pick up the ball and be off running - you think big government exists now? You ain't seen nothing yet sunshine.

    3) The variables you have touched on are just that - variables. They have been with us for millennia. Temperatures have fluctuated, CO2 levels have fluctuated, sea levels have fluctuated... What makes you think that the fluctuations we've seen over the past century are any different from those of previous centuries?

    4) The petrochemical industry (what you amusingly refer to as BIG OIL) is one of the biggest investors in alternative energy sources. They have to be, as they know that the supplies of economically recoverable crude are finite, and as global industries they need to be in a position to move smoothly on to the next energy source, whatever that may be. The big oil companies aren't run by brainless idiots, JR. They are big businesses, and it pays them to stay ahead of the game.

    5) I cannot rcollect anyone, anywhere on this thread suggesting that it would be a bad idea to develop a decentralised, inexpensive and environmentally friendly energy system. Personally, I think it would be wonderful to have such a system, and I'm hoping it will be available in my lifetime. In the meantime however, we have what we have.

    6) You seem to have missed the point entirely here, JR. You see, what the sackcloth and ashes climate-change brigade want to see is a return to stoneage technology. They want to tax people out of their cars (remember the donkey?), tax people out of the skies, make us read by candlelight, eat cabbage and soyabeans.... I could go on.

    You think this is advance?

    No JR, you can sit in your house in an exotic location, enjoying all the benefits of cheap and available power. You can hurl imprecations at the industries that make it possible for you to be where you are and to do what you do, but the fact remains that without the oil industry, you would have nothing.

    People like you cost this world so much money- money that could be put to good use alleviating poverty in Africa and elsewhere.

    Bloody timewasters...

  12. I didn't know if it was a hoax or not that the system at CRU had been hacked, but this seems to confirm it. I note that the BBC, as a fully paid up member of the climate-change brigade doesn't mention the content of the hacked emails, but we all know what they contain. No doubt JR will tell us that this is all a conspiracy fomented by BIG OIL, but those of us that actually lend some thought to this subject will know that the AGW bandwagon has been dealt a serious blow. The content of the hacked emails merely confirms what many of us already knew was the case.

    But just for the record, JR, tell us how and why this exposee has been engineered by BIG OIL to discredit the AGW fandango.

  13. JR, you really do yourself no favours with this repetetive BIG OIL stuff. It's just lunatic fringe conspiracy theory. Nobody is taking you seriously mate.

    You seem unable to grasp that if scientific opinion is very much divided on AGW, then the science is not settled.

    You seem to think that only those climate experts who agree with your blinkered view of AGW should be listened to, and the huge numbers of climate scientists who dispute the current orthodoxy are wrong.

    On what premise do you base this assumption?

    Some time earlier in this thread, I posted a link for you, but you obviously didn't look at it, so I shall post it again, in the hope that you look at it this time.


    And no, it's not a BIG OIL website, it's the website of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

    I know it doesn't support your pet theory, but JR, sometimes we have to be grown-up about these things, and accept that there are other valid opinions.

  14. JR is right.

    "Human-induced" global warming is a LIE foisted on the public as a means to impose the globalists' dream of world govt by means of global taxation of CO2 usage. But, it's ludicrous! CO2 is not the culprit. We could actually benefit from MORE CO2, to stimulate plant growth, which in turn means more food. But, I digress.

    It turns out that water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas. And what generates more water vapor? It's heat from the sun. And what generates varying amounts of heat from the sun? It's sunspots (which create magnetic looping structures that heat the corona to millions of degrees). More sunspots, more heat. Fewer (or virtually none at all, like we're witnessing now) less heat, and therefore a cooling trend (like we're witnessing now).

    But where do the varying amounts of CO2 come from? By far, the biggest source is not from human activity at all but from THE OCEANS. But there's an 800 year lag. So, the increase we're still witnessing now is due to heating that occurred in the past (large bodies of water like the oceans take a long time to heat up and cool down). So, the pseudo-scientist politicians like Al Gore have it all wrong. Humans are merely innocent bystanders in a much larger process (a cycle, actually) that is controlled by the sun.

    I recommend everyone watch the excellent British documentary by Channel 4 that aired a few years ago that explains all this via interviews with ACTUAL climatologists who explain what their data show. It's called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and is excellent.

    Here is a direct link to the video in its entirety and I HIGHLY recommend everybody watch it if you haven't already. It really puts the miscreant "human-induced global warming" advocates in their place! :


    You are of course completely correct that climate changes are driven primarily by sunspot activity, ballzafire. But you won't convince the likes of JR to look at the situation rationally.

    The biggest restriction is the one BIG OIL is imposing on your ability to move away from emotion to reason........to think independently and clearly.

    Your belief system is dominated by what BIG OIL wants you to think.

    That is the "conspiracy" that you are not seeing.

    Your belief system makes a "debate" impossible. You are in a mental prison (no freedom there at all).

    That is why you have nothing to say and keep posting pseudo-scientific pap over and over again.

    Failing an intelligent response, all you can do is project onto the other camp your own faulty belief system (I don't think you understand that you are doing this, but it is crystal clear to most readers).

    One more time: Your side lost the scientific debate a long time ago.......the scientific debate is over..........responsible scientists and political leaders are focusing on what to do about the problem.

    If you see what I mean.

    A closed mind.

    Note the "the scientific debate is over". That after saying "Your belief system makes a "debate" impossible".

    No, JR, it is you who have a "belief system". It is you with whom it is impossible to debate. All you do is repeat the mantra of "BIG OIL".

    I, and most people sceptical of the outlandish claims made about anthropogenic climate change would be prepared to accept the concept of AGW if the hard evidence was there to convince us. We don't have a "belief system". We have an open mind, as any real scientist has. However, the hard evidence is distinctly lacking. All there is is conjecture, computer models programmed to produce predictable results and a good deal of difference of opinion amongst the people who are supposed to be the experts. Hardly a sound reason for bankrupting the world in pursuit of a chimera.

  15. OK James... That did it...

    OF COURSE NOT.... Nastiest habit in the world... Bad for the smoker's health, and everyone around them...

    If people want to ruin their own health (as long as they're paying for it, and the public isn't), that's their business. But public smokers affect the health of everyone around them. And you know that, of course.

    And to the poster above who suggested people who don't like the smoke should go outside to the patio.... are you joking?? That's where the smokers are SUPPOSED to sit.... not indoors, as they are allowed to do, in violation of the law, at the Soi 8 pub.

    The problem, as illustrated by the OP in this post, is that some people going into places like the Soi 8 Pub (other than the smoking brigade, to use a favorite term here) don't necessarily know that it's an illegal haven for smokers. They're just going for a meal or a drink. And then once inside, they're assaulted by unwanted and unpleasant smoke...

    Same issue pointed out in another thread recently, by another person, who went to the Huntsman Pub for their buffet and was seated on the right side. That person was a non smoker, and then had smokers come and sit where he was eating mid-meal. He had no clue their room supposedly has a non smoking area on the left side, when the staff, without asking or telling, seated him on the right side.

    And comparing the lax enforcement of BKK's smoking law, in some locations, to the other laws that don't get enforced is a non-starter.... If someone wants to go and buy a lady at one of the bars, it's two consenting adults and no one else is harmed. If some idiot wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and ends up getting injured, it's their harm and no one else. Smoking is hardly the same thing.

    Don't get me started. The second-hand smoke bullshit is on a par with global warming for it's lack of scientific foundation. It's zealotry, no more, no less.

    The only objection to establishments that allow smoking is that you don't like the smell, and you think that everybody should think like you.

    To hel_l with the wishes and opinions of those who enjoy smoking.

    Personally, I can't stand the smell of a lot of aftershaves. (Do you wear aftershave?) It makes me want to vomit, particularly when guys put too much on. Same with women's perfumes. However, I don't try to ban them. Banning things is for the killjoy puritans of this world. I prefer a live-and-let-live approach.

    Try a little tolerance. It doesn't really hurt. You never know, you might even get used to giving others the respect they give you...

  16. Having skimmed through this thread, it seems to me to be much ado about nothing.

    Firstly, as LaoPo points out, the story was in a downmarket tabloid and not touched by the serious press, so there is probably only a shred of truth in it.

    Secondly, as has been also pointed out, it is highly unlikely that any teacher with even half a brain would expose him/herself to the obvious ramifications of that kind of an exposee.

    And thirdly, and most pertinantly, so what?

    Does anyone really think that 16 - 18 year olds would be corrupted by seeing a live sex show? I took my own 18 yr old daughter to Patpong loads of times. Not to see the "ping-pong" shows, but just for fun. She loved it! We had a great laugh! It's a jumping place! In fact if she'd had her way, we would have gone to those upstairs "ping-pong" shows! :D And I might well have taken her, were it not for the flashing neon "RIP-OFF" signs that seemed to float around the heads of all the hustlers. :)

  17. Of course because when the filter is run 400,000 Mr A candidates appear before Mr B.......so he never really enters the race......


    That's why there should be no discrimination in health matters.

    And who is to be the arbiter, and what might their political agenda be?

    A slippery slope...

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