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Posts posted by nisakiman

  1. Cost of living index (the lower the number, the more expensive) Thailand 69, Italy 58. This would mean that Italy is only roughly 19% more expensive than Thailand.

    Hard to believe: sure it is easy to spend a lot of money in Thailand, but if you want to you can spend very little: rent a 3000 Baht per month house, eat 30 Baht meals. Add 19% : 75 Euro house in Italy? Maybe in a poor rural area..... But a meal for 0,75 Euro?? Even if it is the Italian equivalent for khao moo khawp/rice with crispy pork?

    Think also of things like the price for gasoline, clothing and so on. Wondering how they made their price indexes.

    Yes, I'd agree with that. Italy is pretty bloody expensive! I live in Greece, which is cheaper in some ways than Italy, but still waaaay more expensive than Thailand.

    What Greece really has going for it (apart from the obvious) is the almost non-existent crime levels. Where I live, the only time there is any crime is in August, when the place is full of Italians on holiday! Otherwise, it just doesn't happen. People park in town where they are blocking someone in, so they leave the keys in the ignition, so the blockee can move their car to get out! And I'm talking brand new motors, not old bangers. I never lock my car - in summer I leave all the windows open for cooling. If I try to pay for deisel with a 500 euro note, they tell me to come back and pay tomorrow when I've got change...

    But I expect I will retire to LOS - the cost of living is really so much lower than Europe. (And I love it, all the negative comments here on TV notwithstanding!) Don't know about South and Central America - never been there, but from what I read, it's not the safest of areas. I have to say, I've never felt threatened in Thailand. People are, for the most part, very pleasant, very helpful, and very polite. I would certainly feel safer walking the streets of Bangkok late at night than I would feel if I were in London. Yes, I would definitely rate Thailand much higher up the scale than 18 or 19 whatever it was.

  2. From my experience many of the farangs with this attitude found Thailand late in life and well after their sell-by-date. If you start off young, are not unpleasant to look at, posses a roguish charm and a knack for mimicking the manners of those around you, then money is not a major factor. Money only comes into play when other salable attributes are lacking.

    For an old farang, you will be like a gold mine for Thai girls, and that's it.

    For a young farang, you will be like a new toy for Thai girls. They will show you around like a new toy, the same way that you show your new BMW to your neighbor, and that's it. Believe me.

    And if they don't want you to cheat, it means they don't want to loose a new toy which can be transformed into a gold mine in the future.

    A good Thai girls will never marry a farang, you know it?

    When you walk with a Thai girl on the street or in the mall, people will look at you like a clown walking with a hooker.

    Sorry if I am too straight. :D

    Not only are you too straight, you are also too wrong.

    A good Thai girl will never marry a farang? What utter <deleted>. There must be thousands of "good" Thai girls who have married farang. And as for the stereotype of the old farang and the much younger girl marrying him only for his money, yes, of course it happens, but it's not always the case.

    I'm an "old farang", and I have a wife 22 years my junior. However, I'm a carpenter just about making a living in Greece, and with no capital left since my divorce several years ago. My (Thai) wife however is a fully qualified accountant, and in BKK was working as an accounts manager, earning (in Thai terms) very good money. We married a few years ago, and she moved to Greece with me, where we have since been living in (somewhat broke) marital bliss. :) And no, she's not ugly, the very opposite in fact! :D

    But to get back on topic, Firstly, I have no desire to stray, as I have all I need from the relationship I have, and secondly, if I did have an outside affair which my wife found out about, I think she would cut my balls off! :D

    So, no, my wife would not tolerate my having another woman in any way, shape or form.

  3. Breakingnews

    2 drug traffickers executed

    Published on August 24, 2009

    Two drug traffickers on death row received lethal injections yesterday evening.


    Excellent News! :)

    your have no luck you cold callous basterd

    If you were the father of a kid addicted to drugs you would be also pleased with the news instead of iinsulting others.

    All the "hang 'em high" brigade seem to be of the opinion that the dealers / traffikers are completely to blame for the woes of the young (and old) people who find themselves dependant on heroin, meth, whatever.

    However, I seriously doubt that any of these users were compelled, against their will, to start taking drugs. If there was no market, there would be no dealers. It's like blaming the shops who sell whiskey for the problems of alcoholism. We all have a choice as to what poison we choose to put (or not put) in our bodies.

    To repeat, if there were no market for whiskey, there would be no whiskey sellers. If there were no market for drugs, there would be no drug sellers.

    Supply and demand.

  4. Yessiree Bob! One day I must get meself a big fat pipe, fire it up, see what is so darned endearing about the whacky weed y'all love so much - NOT!!!!!

    Yes, very big on bombast, bravado and machismo.

    I bet you swagger when you walk down the street, wishing you were allowed to strap on the hardware like John Wayne in the Westerns so you could blow away all the scumbags who get in your way....

    Killing people that have broken the law serves no useful purpose. It doesn't stop people from commiting crimes. It is merely revenge; a barbaric reaction by people who aren't intelligent, or civilized enough to know any better.

    And your point is..?????

  5. That is two times in two replies ya mention crack!! You have no other input other than crack! Clearly you have a strong psychological disposition towards chemical dependency.

    Perhaps check yourself in at the local hospital or at least join up with AA - I am sure they can help you "If two people say your face is green - go look in the mirror" - Ming Dynasty.

    I also know that a bunch of soccer thugs - probably the same lot who caused Sheffield - went to Holland - killed scores there too. Clearly another Dutch ''crowd'' control error

    Unfortunately, I met one of your lads some while back in Pattaya - he was on a 10 day visit to Thailand - a soccer hooligan - no passport - a straight in&out travel doc. P2P

    I was with a couple buddies from UKSF- Special Air Service and spoke with the perp at length. He was pretty messed up inside - childlike without the mob he normally traveled with

    In the UK he wears a bracelet 24/7 He was not checked in at the same UKSF hotel by coincidence. One wonders how many are wandering our public places, unencumbered?!

    Again - so as we dont all vear off on some silly tangent - this is about discipline - lack thereof - the massive destruction wrought on our society - not whether whiskey is a drug or no.

    It is the judicious use thereof - how ill equipped most of society is to handle same - ergo the legal machinery that is setup in place to protect us.

    So - do we pull the trigger on a couple or introduce draconian freedom busting sanctions on all?! Bring the syringe Amigo - my turn.

    Plus - it is the law - ya dont like it - get out or check into the Hilton - its free for guys like you.

    To be able to slant the facts of what happened during the collapsing of a standing section during a football game to be murder outright, one has to be sucking rather hard on the crack-pipe.

    Yes, very big on bombast, bravado and machismo.

    I bet you swagger when you walk down the street, wishing you were allowed to strap on the hardware like John Wayne in the Westerns so you could blow away all the scumbags who get in your way....

    Killing people that have broken the law serves no useful purpose. It doesn't stop people from commiting crimes. It is merely revenge; a barbaric reaction by people who aren't intelligent, or civilized enough to know any better.

  6. I've been following this case since I first saw the thread some months ago. I have to admit that I didn't think that I would see justice being done, despite the overwhelming evidence against the three.

    I am really pleased for Mary-Jane and Richard that the result was as good as it was. Life without parole is a just reward for such cold-hearted infamy.

    As others before me have said, it won't bring back your brother, but at least now you won't have the added pain of knowing that the perpetrators are enjoying their ill-gotten gains at his expense.

    If the attendant publicity prevents another chancer from trying the same thing, then all the effort and persistance you've shown will have been more than worth it.

    Good luck to both of you in the future. I hope this horrible experience will fade soon, and allow you to return to a normal existence.

  7. Who the <deleted> do you people think you are? God?

    Christ, there are some neanderthal life forms who post on here....

    I don't believe in God & I hate criminal sympathisers. :)

    You don't have to be a criminal sympathiser to realise that the old testament "eye for an eye" is simply a barbaric refuge for the intellectually challenged.

    Hang on an Eye for an eye ,thatll be in that fictional book the Bible with that fictional God that some think they are?

    Yes, that's the one.

    It seems to me (and I speak as an atheist), that some people could do with a dose of compassionate christianity, as they seem to have lost any sense of humanity. (If indeed they ever possessed it).

    (Love the username, yabaaaa)

  8. Who the <deleted> do you people think you are? God?

    Christ, there are some neanderthal life forms who post on here....

    I don't believe in God & I hate criminal sympathisers. :)

    You don't have to be a criminal sympathiser to realise that the old testament "eye for an eye" is simply a barbaric refuge for the intellectually challenged.

  9. I wonder why they chose to execute convicted drug dealers rather than convicted murderers ?

    Hopefully, it will be the murderers turn next, in fact, they ought to expedite the deaths of all those on death row - once their appeals have failed of course.

    Who the <deleted> do you people think you are? God?

    Christ, there are some neanderthal life forms who post on here....

  10. Breakingnews

    2 drug traffickers executed

    Published on August 24, 2009

    Two drug traffickers on death row received lethal injections yesterday evening.


    Excellent News! :)

    Bet you wouldn't be so gung-ho about it if one of them was your son, no matter how culpable.

  11. Heroin is not very very addictive and does not ruin peoples' lives, guaranteed. Pharmaceutical heroin causes far less harm to the body than alcohol. The problem with heroin is its legal status.

    At the risk of being banned, no on better thoughts I will put some astrixes in, that is possibly the most idiotic w**k statement I have ever read on this entire site. Let us know when you come back from the Planet Lah Lah! you muppet.

    In fact, tigs, it is you who are being the muppet here.

    Have you any personal experience of this subject?

    No. Thought not.

    But I bet you read "The Daily Mail" or something, don't you...

    So of course, that makes you an expert, doesn't it....

    oshoshitzu is correct in stating that pharmaceutical heroin is less harmful, (in moderate, comparable doses) than alcohol. (Of course, anything will screw you up if indulged in to excess). As far as addictiveness is concerned, that is somewhat subjective. Some people will be much more vulnerable to addiction than others, as with tobacco. That it is addictive is a well established fact. However, as is pointed out, addictiveness notwithstanding, the main problem with heroin is it's illegality. Were it to be available through controlled channels, in a standard strength, pharmaceutically pure form at real market prices, it would no longer be the problem that it is now. It would merely be an issue on a par with alcoholism - something that society has to deal with, but not something that will create any major problems.

    No, in fact I overstate the problems of heroin addiction there, as it is less destabilising than alcoholism. A heroin addict, if given access to a steady, cheap and reliable supply of his drug of choice will live a full, productive and long life. The reason we have the desperado element of thieving junkies is simply down to the fact that we forbid them their preferred poison. Which is also quite likely why they got involved in it in the first place - fobidden fruit always tastes the sweetest. Particularly when you are young and rebellious.

    No, all the redneck tub-thumpers out there ( hang 'em high, prison's too good for 'em, they don't deserve to live, the scum, etc. etc. ) obviously haven't really thought about it, they're just repeating, parrot-fashion, what they've read in the "Daily Braindead".

  12. "They confessed they had smuggled marijuana bought from a neighbouring country."

    It is a sad reflection on Thailand that they are incapable of growing decent weed themselves.

    No shit...from the days when thai buddha stick ruled the world. The other joke was that they were attempting to ship it to the Netherlands..really..something fishy here.. :)

    I remember those days - brilliant weed. And back then everybody seemed to smoke it. I remember travelling slowly from BKK to the south in 1971, and everywhere I stopped, someone would offer me a bong. It was just normal.

  13. If you open a bank account you can transfer and get the TT rate which is better than the Notes rate! the rumor says you need a work permit to open an account but you don't. just check with the main branch if the side branch doesn't believe it. i got several accounts without a work permit, no laws changed or such liars, last one i opened 3 mths ago. they tell this story since 12 years at least, wonder when they ever send out a newsletter to their branches to inform... T.I.T

    Bit off topic, but I tried to open an account in several banks in BKK and was told I needed a work permit. Then I was in Hua Hin for a few days, and thought I'd try there, so went to my wife's bank (Bangkok Bank). The woman who was accounts manager told us the same thing. Then my wife got talking to her (my wife is an accountant, and they were talking shop), and lo and behold, forms were produced and filled in, a few thousand handed over to open the account, and I walked out with a bank book and Visa Electron. :)

  14. Only flown Thai from Perth and has been ok am giving Malaysian Air a chance cost was main reason with wife and chid now any comments on Malaysian Air?

    Flew with them KL to Adelaide a few years ago (prawn class) - no complaints at all. Good service, friendly staff, new plane. Memorably, on the return leg, just before departure, a little chap in a turban (Sikh) came and stood at the front of the cabin with a microphone, and proceeded to introduce himself as the Captain, told us about weather conditions, flight times etc., and suggested that we were moderate in our intake of alcohol due to it having a greater effect at high altitude! It both made me smile and gave me a great degree of confidence in the flight crew. So much more personal than the usual tannoy announcements from the flight deck.

    Flying Athens-BKK I normally use Gulf Air. Always good service, best prices, and as the Bahrain connection on the return leg is about 12 hours, they always provide a hotel, evening meal and breakfast (included in the ticket price). Last time around, we got a suite in a 4 star hotel with a bed the size of a football pitch. :D A couple of years ago, I went to check in at Athens, and was told to come back in an hour, as there was a delay on the incoming. When I returned to the desk, they told me there would be a four hour delay. As this meant I probably wouldn't make the connection in Bahrain to BKK, they offered me the choice of either an overnight stay in Bahrain, or a transfer to a Thai Airways direct flight leaving in an hour. As I say, always good service.

    Also like Emirates and Thai Airways, but Gulf tends to be cheaper.

    About 10 years ago, I flew LHR-BKK with Aeroflot..... :D . I don't know what people here have heard about them, but I can assure you that whatever you've heard, they are in fact much worse than that.... :)

  15. Basically what the Thai government is telling the foreigner (not a thai citizen)...

    Great post!

    As a farang, if you want to secure property in Thailand, here are a few suggestions;...


    More racism your GF comments. Her mother paid off for her ID did you know that or do you even care :) ....

    My ex-g/f was from Cambodia. Now she's Thai, thanks to dad's money under the table. :D

    I'd agree with that assessment.

    The first two posts you quote are probably the most level-headed and accurate I've read so far in this thread.

    The bottom line is that Thailand owes the falang nothing. Yer pays yer money, yer takes yer chances. It's a trade-off. You want to live in Thailand? This is the deal, take it or leave it. No, it's not fair, nor is it easy, but that's the way it is.

    There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

  16. I thought it was an hilarious story. :) I feel sorry for the guy, not so much for what he lost (which was bad enough), but for the shit he's going to get when he gets back. Inviting someone back to your hotel room? Hardly fits in with the islamic fundamentalist ethic, does it! However, it's understandable - some of those katoeys are good enough to fool anyone, kinked elbows notwithstanding! And if you're used to seeing women in a burkha, what chance have you got in Nana Plaza? Poor bugger. And re the language, when I was in Kabul in the late 60s, Pashtun was widely spoken, but the lingua franca was Dari, which is a dialect of Farsi.

  17. Seems like a very convoluted way to go about getting a US visa. Is there a reason why she might be refused? Does she have a profession? Any qualifications? Those are always plus points. Not sure whether other (unused) visas will be an advantage, but then I've never asked for a US visa. My gf (now wife) applied for, and got, on her own with no input from me a month tourist visa from the Greek embassy (I live in Greece) with no problems. (Schengen Visa). But she is a qualified accountant, and had verification from her employer of this..

  18. Further investigation revealed that King Power had built over the front of the entrances to many restrooms to get more retail space. Making money on the backs of poor bladder-bursting passengers who've just deplaned.

    Thanks for that interesting tidbit.

    Next time my stomach starts growling at Swampy, I'll just take a dump in a Prada handbag at King Power. :D

    Now that would make for some interesting CCTV footage! :)

  19. Not been to Cyprus, but I know people who go there a lot (on business), and I'm told that there has been rampant development, and not much of it nice...

    You could consider Greece itself - I've lived here for the last 6 years, and I love it. I live on the island of Corfu, which is essentially a tourist island which has also attracted a sizeable expat community, if that's what you're into (I'm not, personally). Being a tourist oriented island, it means that most people here speak English, which makes life a lot easier for non Greek speakers. (Although I do find I can achieve much more, and faster because I speak Greek, for instance marrying and obtaining a residency permit for my Thai wife with no problems.)

    The Island itself is one of the most beautiful in the Med, a real emerald isle, with long hot summers and cold(ish) winters. It can go down to zero sometimes! (Not too keen on that myself, being a hot weather person!) The tourist aspect of the island is restricted to certain areas, and a few minutes drive inland takes you to unspoiled Greece. In the summer (April to October) there are direct flights to Northern Europe (a bit over 3 hours to UK), in the winter you have to go via Athens (4 flights a dayfrom here to Athens).

    There are of course other islands (lots of them!) further south, but none so green or so cosmopolitan as this one.

    It's worth a thought. :)

  20. Shock! Prostitution in a so called civilized country... In the 21st century and even disguised as a "medical" premises...

    How can that happen...

    I always thought Sweden was one of the most liberal countries in the world. I have changed my thoughts.

    One of Europe's more socialist countries but once upon a time more free when it came to the sexual liberation during the flower power period.

    But then the female liberation was taken over by the leftist groups and pornography, sex or even the displaying of female bodies became a 'mans tools of oppression of women' (not sure how their stance on gay porn movies are :) ) and recently the criminalization of purchase of sex was enacted. They called it a 'morality law' and claims success even when the number of workers are on the increase and it moved from the street to hidden brothels and online.


    Same old same old. Make something illegal and it just moves underground and adds a lot more risk for all involved...

  21. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Assuming that as my wife and I have (demonstratively) been together for nearly three years, and married for the latter half of that period and as as such (presumably) would not be considered as a "marriage of convenience", to whom would we apply for the EEA family permit?

    Yes Eff1n2ret, my wife has been issued an official, legal Greek resident's permit, and the woman who dealt with us even pointed out that this permit gave my wife the right to work here in Greece.

    But I repeat. Who the hel_l issues these EEA family permits? Do I have to go to Brussels to apply?

    I shouldn't be asking these questions here, I should be googling them! (Sorry!) And then posting the answers I get!

    Thanks to all for the info posted so far. I will pursue this, and update this thread with any new data I come across.

    And if anyone has any other gems to add to this topic, I would be most interested to read them.

    Cheers all! :)

  22. This is the summary of the judgement.

    The provisions of the Treaty relating to the free movement of persons are intended to facilitate the pursuit by Community citizens of occupational activities of all kinds throughout the Community and preclude measures which might place Community citizens at a disadvantage when they wish to pursue an economic activity in the territory of another Member State. For that purpose, nationals of Member States have in particular the right, which they derive directly from Articles 48 and 52 of the Treaty, to enter and reside in the territory of other Member States in order to pursue an economic activity there as envisaged by those provisions.

    A national of a Member State might be deterred from leaving his country of origin in order to pursue an activity as an employed or self-employed person in the territory of another Member State if, on returning to the Member State of which he is a national in order to pursue an activity there as an employed or self-employed person, his conditions were not at least equivalent to those which he would enjoy under Community law in the territory of another Member State. He would in particular be deterred from so doing if his spouse and children were not also permitted to enter and reside in the territory of that State under conditions at least equivalent to those granted by Community law in the territory of another Member State.

    The fact that a national of a Member State enters and resides in the territory of that State by virtue of the rights attendant upon his nationality, without its being necessary for him to rely on his rights under Articles 48 and 52 of the Treaty, does not preclude him from relying on the latter rights when he takes up residence again in that Member State.

    Consequently, Article 52 of the Treaty and Directive 73/148 on the abolition of restrictions on movement and residence within the Community for nationals of Member States with regard to establishment and the provision of services must be construed as requiring a Member State to grant leave to enter and reside in its territory to the spouse, of whatever nationality, of a national of that State who has gone, with that spouse, to another Member State in order to work there as an employed person as envisaged by Article 48 of the Treaty and returns to establish himself or herself as envisaged by Article 52 of the Treaty in the territory of the State of which he or she is a national. The spouse must enjoy at least the same rights as would be granted to him or her under Community law if his or her spouse entered or resided in the territory of another Member State.

    Still not sure if it applies to my situation. I'll have to enquire further.

    If it does apply, however, it could open up a few more possibilities for those wanting to take their Thai wife to UK.

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