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Posts posted by kennalder

  1. In your post you said he was going to give you the cash so that means you will be in Thailand and be able to open an account at which time he can transfer the money from his account to yours and then you can deal withe the withdraw of funds.:whistling:

    Correct, but do you think it is necessary for me to open an account simply for this purpose? I don't live in Thailand and don't plan to return until a holiday maybe in 2 years time. I could open an account, withdraw the money and then close the account if I know he would have problems withdrawing, but it seems like a lot of extra work when I may face the same challenges in withdrawing?

    I would have responded quicker, but for some reason my monitor was full of red flags! Too much trouble to open an account?

    The cash is for you and needs to be withdrawn 2 years before you return here? All I can say is bring some spending money with you.

    I know, it's none of my business, but if you want ANY of your money when you get here, send it to me. PM me and I will send you my wiring instructions.

  2. ..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

    Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

    Yes, and if she has daughters they are probably prostitutes on one level or another--perfectly acceptable, so long as Mum is getting some of the money. Strange place at times.

  3. This evening I pulled out of the Panthip Plaza parking lot and as I approached Chang Klan and Sridornchai at the red light, a tuk tuk pulled up along-side me. I looked over and the driver was a farang. He was perhaps in his late 60's with long gray/white hair pulled back into a pony tail, wearing horn-rimmed glasses. He looked like quite a character.

    Well the Polar ice is melting, maybe Santa is looking for new digs. If he has been here more than a week or two I'm sure the reindeer have been eaten already, so a Tuk Tuk makes sense.

  4. The premier told the prince that Thailand wanted to send more skilled workers in the food and spa industries to Britain, but that British immigration regulations are quite strict.

    Was anyone left standing after he said this? Surely everyone was ROFL-ing. Anyone who wasn't, soon was when Prince Andrew replied: "I will allow all Thais with legitimate degrees to come teach the Thai language in English schools!"

  5. Just as there is a list of occupations non-Thais cannot hold, perhaps there should be a list that Thais cannot hold, without help from a Farang.

    Let's start with translating news stories into English. This one is an obvious example, but what about all the other ones that "almost" got it right?

    Really, as it stands it is pointless reading any of this stuff and Thai Visa is doing a disservice posting any of it in its raw form.

    You guys don't get it.

    Thai Visa Forum is trying to help the foreigners who have English comprehension ability to learn what the Thais are saying so when the foreigner is driving a motor vehicle s/he can decipher what the road signs are trying to tell the foreign driver.

    I.e. Look around Pattaya at the intersections were left turn on red is permitted. Now that is all the sign has to say:


    Simple isn't it, not so for the Thais who concoct these signs.

    Apparently we do. Thanks for the vindication, whether you realize it or not.

    Have a Thai/Farang team translate accurately and this thread would have lasted about 10 posts.

    Of course the more post/readers, the more advertising. I guess confusion is good for someone.

  6. Just as there is a list of occupations non-Thais cannot hold, perhaps there should be a list that Thais cannot hold, without help from a Farang.

    Let's start with translating news stories into English. This one is an obvious example, but what about all the other ones that "almost" got it right?

    Really, as it stands it is pointless reading any of this stuff and Thai Visa is doing a disservice posting any of it in its raw form.

  7. I think if I was investigating there are 3 question I want to know:

    1. was the car hot wired?

    2. Where are/were the keys used to drive the car to the police station?

    3 when, how many, who is going to resign?


    1. It is now!

    2. In the station of course.

    3. Maybe a couple of transfers. (Go easy on them, it is their first offence today.)

  8. It will take a few weeks to move the money around.

    In a sense you are both correct, but I cannot see that it is logical or inevitable that UK branches of Spanish banks will be allowed to grab the funds of UK or offshore clients.

    This is like saying that everyone who has money in the Abbey UK will lose it if they dont move it. That's millions of people.

    On the money websites, the Irish banks are at the top for offering good rates, even though there has been a bailout and Ireland is a mess.

    Yes, maybe I need a financial advisor. Nobody has explained the mechanics. I have about 100,000 pounds in the banks mentioned.


    Offering high interest rates on deposits is not a sign of strength, on the contrary, it is a sign of weakness. If they have to offer high rates, it is because no one wants to put their money with them at lower rates. If you really want to sleep at night, find several banks that are strong and offering lower rates, then spread it around among them. I would be leery of bonds. Many US cities are on the verge of bankruptcy making muni bonds suspect. If it starts and in my opinion, it is almost inevitable, interest rates will go sky high across the board and the value of all bonds will go way down. Even if you can hold to maturity you might get paid back with near worthless inflated currencies. Probably a good idea to have some in Gold and Silver. In a crisis Silver will probably go up a bigger percentage than Gold, but it is not as easy to carry around.

  9. "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

    In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

    The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

    Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

    She means that when it is your birthday she will bake you a cake and make you happy, mak mak. (Actually probably will if everything is going smoothly.)

    To get back to the original question. I don't think Thai women are any more vain than women anywhere in the world. They may have a different way of showing their vanity, which may accentuate the point for us. But lets face it, probably 95% of the good looking people in the world are vain--women or men!

  10. "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

    In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

    The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

    Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

    She means that when it is your birthday she will bake you a cake and make you happy, mak mak. (Actually probably will if everything is going smoothly.)

  11. Well. Mr Kenalder, You sound like a very bitter person. My original post said nothing about two tier pricing. In fact, it lamented that people here who have less money are being forced to pay higher prices. At the same time Microsoft complains about piracy, they inadvertently encourage it. I assume you're living in Thailand. I wonder why you continue to live someplace where you feel everyone hates you? It must be a miserable existence.

    Yes, I live here in Chiang Mai and had another fantastic day today. I certainly don't think everyone hates me. I can love it and still recognize the inequalities that exist. You see I live more of a Thai existence than a Farang existence. I don't buy expensive toys so I don't have to worry about who is ripping off whom. You wanted to blame the companies, I don't think that is the case. They surely want to be as competitive as possible. I think it is import duties that are to blame. Look at things like cheese & wine. It's not like they have thriving local industries to protect. But a $5.00 bottle of wine in the Bay Area, costs $20.00 here. No doubt a "Farang tax". Live like a Thai, pay like a Thai is my motto. I love it! I cannot imagine living any place else.

  12. because the products u mention is in the category of not-necessery, or luxury item which is target on customers that can afford to buy it, and for the majority if they cant afford it ,it wont make them die.

    if u see my point :)

    Yup, if the biggest user is Farang, then import taxes go up. How do you think they built all the roads, bridges, airports? Because Thais pay so much income tax? LO f'kn L.

    We are financing this country. While they hate us, they can't afford to kick us out. Just the way it is.

    Better hope they remain stupid, because if they ever don't need us they will have us on the other side of a border quicker than you can say "Bug Off"

    Best hope we have is they continue to think they can do it all. They will keep making inferior crap. They will continue to ban Farangs from working most jobs, and thereby injecting new and better ideas into the system.

    They will continue to need our money. So long as we spend more per capita than the average we are a net asset to the country.

    Make no mistake, we pay dearly for everything we get. From girlfriends to wives to cheese, beer and golf.

    Many things have a two tier pay system.

    Can you imagine a sign in the US that says "whites" $10.00, "Asians" $300.00? The ACLU would be all over it and rightly so.

    Maybe the government here is looking after us without knowing it. Keep them dumb, uneducated, poor and on the farm.

    That equates to cheap prices.

    Done (for now)

  13. I'd like to remind posters that slagging off thai women or thai people in general is not acceptable on thaivisa so keep it nice. ;)

    I'd like to submit, that perhaps this is the wrong policy. If Thais were less concerned about losing face and more willing to accept criticism, they might just benefit in the long run.

    I have lost face and been criticized all my life. I think I am better off for it. Just a thought.

  14. OP

    What do you think the 'rip-off' cost you in hard baht?, at the 1 baht per dollar difference.

    about 10 baht. however, i have to work for my money.

    You got my vote....Better this 10 baht in your pocket versus Sizzler's. Plus, I'm glad you brought up the DCC subject, if for nothing else, to remind myself to watch out for this "another hand in your pocket" transaction method when using a home country credit card in another country.

    I agree, it's not the 10 Baht, it is the principle .

    I agree too, but if 10 baht is the issue, go to a Thai place and pay with cash. If we all continue to patronize places like this, they will continue to milk us.

  15. None of them wanted to say who ordered the attempted abduction? The threat of a good arse leathering session seems to make all the drug dealers squeal, what is wrong with doing that in this case? Property developer probably knows who ordered it, a few bob to the BIB and case solved

    This is the first case that I have read about where a "confession" was not forthcoming within hours.

    Obviously we do not have all the facts, but I smell more than one rat.

  16. Of course PTP are squeaky clean and its mentor Thaksin can do no wrong after stealing billions from Thailand and his own red shirt supporters who are too thick to understand. So let's go muck raking and publish a book. To do the same for the Thai Rak party or even this present PTP and the present leadership of reds, you would need to create a fully blown library on corrupt practices to house the number of books they would fill. rolleyes.gif

    Your point is well taken, but someone has to expose corruption before it can be reigned in.

    The beauty of it is, if enough people become aware of corruption, then the group that exposed it will be held to a little higher standard.

    Baby steps...

  17. It's really too bad she didn't run out for help when he showed up drunk.

    Very sad for the children.

    Agree on the children part.....but.

    Running for help does not always work here.

    A friend of mine had a dispute in a bar about how many beers he drank. He was escorted outside and the bouncer pulled a gun on him.

    He called the guys bluff and jumped in his truck and sped off, causing an accident in the process. Rather than stop and risk being shot to death, he went home got his wife (Thai) and went to report the incident .

    When he told the police about the gun, they asked him if he had been wounded. No he hadn't. So NO PROBLEM.

    "Just don't go back there."

    My take is:

    Being threatened or being in a dangerous situation counts for nothing. You have to be seriously injured or dead before the cops will get off their donkeys (euphemism). Often that is too late.

    I say the woman did the smart thing.

    I just wonder who "placed the knife on the bed", and when and why.

    As per usual reporting here leaves out many important details.

  18. Do you want to stay inside the moat? If not how far are you prepared to travel each time you want to go to the likes of the Irish Pub?

    I stayed here for about 9 months.


    It is about 2km from the NE corner of the moat. It is clean as a whistle and very reasonable. When I was there it was around 6k a month. They also rent by the day and that rate was around 500 per day.

    The woman (Tim) that manages it is fantastic and extremely honest.

    When I had a motorcycle spill she insisted on driving me to the hospital, and stayed there for well over an hour, got my meds and drove me home.

    When I decided to leave for larger quarters she found a house for me. I just moved out of that house and she came over the day I moved to translate for me and made sure I got my deposit back. I did not ask her for that help and I don't even know who told her I was moving. I was waiting on some help with one large suitcase, and she said put it in my car, I will take it for you. Outstanding!

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