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Posts posted by wasaskater

  1. 'VisasPlus'

    It is too bad you didn't see this question until #65...you could have answered the question at #2...since you(and some others) know exactly were Timbos & Honey's are.

    I personally have not seen any unpleasant incidents here relating to the resturants...I have owned the shops downstairs for well over 3 years. We only opened the restaurant less than 6 months. We were open for a short time last high season, offering one one dish a day. But had to close due to time constrants of managing 30 rental units. The only unpleasant things I have seen have had nothing to food/drinks...just personal relationship issues.

    This complex has over 3000 units...even though they are at max. only half full...there are more than enough customers to go around.

  2. Was it closed around 6:00 PM today?

    It looked like it when I did a drive by.

    We were open. We closed the door and turned on the aircon around 4pm...just not enough breeze. Some people love the aircon...I am one of them. But as per requests we added 3 tables outside...for those who enjoy the breeze.

  3. .

    It would be nice to hear some reports on the food and dining experiences from people who have actually eaten at both places as opposed to continuing the various "mysteries" of the mystery restaurants . . . licklips.gif


    I agree SurfRider. People should not judge a resturant if they have never been to said resturant. I have never eaten at Lee & Don's Restaurant. I have eaten at Timbos and like I said, they made a good breakfast for us.

    If the food and the prices are good people will travel for it. Also don't let the shut door fool you...we keep it closed...because we keep the air on.

  4. Pass by this "restaurant" and eat next door.

    We have just updated our hours. We are open Mon - Sat from 11am till Midnight. We are sometimes closed to replish stock...usually 4-6 pm.

    Timbos is a fixture in our condo...and have great breakfasts too. They also now offer taxi and bike rentals too....if interested.

  5. "We are in Rimhat Jomtien Beach Condos S2 Building 1st Floor in Rm 4"

    Thanks for posting your comments in this thread. When the thread first started, it seems that some people didn't even know where Jomtien Beach Condos were located. Since your location is off-the-beaten-path-- it would be helpful to have a map as opposed to the very vague Google GPS coordinates. Especially since there are five large buildings on the property -- it's doubtful that many people know which one is "S2". For people using Baht-Bus transport and having to walk onto the property, a specific map would be very useful.

    Two other Jomtien restaurants that I'm aware of were off the main roads and had the same problem. Below is a map that one of them came up with. If you posted a similar well-drawn map on your Facebook page, it would be much easier for people to find Thai-Texan.

    at google maps...when you enter +12° 53' 22.85", +100° 52' 43.57

    it pulls up our exact location. It also allows you zoom in and out on the satellite photos... and get directions from your location.

    Although you do have to sound things out ie:

    Chom Thian 5 is = to Jomtien Soi 5...which is were Thai Immigration is.

    Our complex is right on Jomtien Beach Rd. Right across from the beach.

    I will start working on a map as soon as I can though.

  6. Speaking as somebody born and raised in West Texas, the photos look fine and the food looks good.

    The only exception is nobody in Texas eats baked beans with breakfast. jap.gif

    Yes, the addition of Baked Beans...was a request by many of the British Customers.

    I will begin work on the map as soon as I can, we are doing Fajitas tonight, so I have to get to work on those at the moment.

  7. We are a small Mom and Daughter Cafe/Bistro located right off Jomtien Beach Road. Our food is flavourful Texas Style Food with Thai Ingredients.

    I would say calling the food "Texas Style" most certainly is meant to convey a definite connection to Texas food.

    Also as a note: We offer Thai Food as many of the girlfriends requested such. Texas food to us is not just Mex...Texas food to us is anything you can find at a Pappas. Which is BBQ...Seafood...Mex...Steak...ect.

    • Like 1
  8. .

    I learned the association with Texas to the restaurant's name. The owners and chefs are two Thai ladies (mother and daughter) who lived in Texas for 25 years-- thus "Thai Texan". No relation to Texas food.

    Much like Tequila Reef doesn't serve reefs and La Bocca probably doesn't serve Boccas. I hope this revelation doesn't short-circuit the comprehension capabilities of the self-professed T-V food critic(s) . . . smile.png


    Yes you are correct...that was how the name was decided...we also do real estate. We are not racist...we just happened to be Thai and from Texas...we do not judge anyone but their heritage...but by who they are.

    Our menu is constantly changing by demand...just ask.

    If you are still looking to find us...type this into google.com maps...(+12° 53' 22.85", +100° 52' 43.57)

    We are in Rimhat Jomtien Beach Condos S2 Building 1st Floor in Rm 4.

    • Like 1
  9. Not sure I would agree with paying undesirables as 'guards' as these people have already shown a propensity to violence and it could be seen as an act of aggression with a bad outcome. Persuading them to move may be the only answer to this problem. Is it possible to arrange for some sort of infestation that would not spread to your property? Evil I know, but it might work.

    Sorry for not posting sooner.

    I just wanted to share somethings I learned.

    1. They do not need a reason to not like you...if they don't they don't. Trust me we asked!

    2. They may get away with a crime...but it doesn't mean if you do the same thing...you won't be punished. It is wrong...if not worse...since we should know better.

    3. The got away with their crimes...because they were only charged as a first time offence each time. The names were misspelled...so the computer could not connect the two.

    4. The Thai Man is gone...the day he was suppose to see the police to accept/deny his charges...he went into the hospital. The day he was suppose to get out...he "died". Whether he is really dead or not I do not know...but about 2 weeks after it happened...I have noticed a big change in my daughters personality.

    5. We are still blamed for his death...and even though he may not be dead...his partner has moved on to someone new...3 days later...and we are learning to move on too!

    6. Hiring someone is not always best...the whole bigger better deal.

    7. It is so nice to see my daughter laugh and smile again.

    Thank you everyone for your advice!!!!

  10. not sure why...but my post was deleted...someone asked where they could take their client for dinner and drinks. LEGALLY you can get alcohol anywhere in Thailand, if they give it to you. They just can not charge you for it. Yes I know it is a loss in alcohol sales...but you get more customers in the long run. Honey's Coffee Shop in Rimhat Jomtien Complex...good food and drinks.

  11. yes...still the same people...and they have enlisted others to get involved. I do not know any lawyers here, and was warned to be careful. We have closed up shop for a couple months...doubt anyone would want into a community like this. I expect it will only get worse since low season is upon us...and they have to make more money to keep up their current lifestyle.

  12. I don't see how any hair treatment can last a year? Hair grows. Mine lasts about 4 months or so using non sulfur based shampoos and not washing my hair every day.

    Getting ready to do mine again (hot sweaty and humid season is upon us) so will report back if its the same as last year.

    Yes you are correct...they said she would have to go back when the new hair grows out...since it would be untreated.

    We brought our own Shisedo...and so they said it would only be 500B. She is half Thai...so I guess that was why it was so much cheaper. So after a couple weeks her hair started to get wavy again. We were not sure so we thought maybe her shampoo/conditioner was doing it. So we went to the place where we bought the chemicals...and they said there was no need for a "special shampoo". Although they did say there was no way that it should be doing that already. So we went back to the Salon and asked if they could tells what shampoo to use.

    Well even they told us there was no special shampoo, but asked me to come back the next day and bring back the left over chemicals. So we did...turns out when the girl went in the back she switched out thegood stuff for the cheap stuff. They redid the whole treatment again. She waited a week and a half to wash it...just to be safe....and it is still straight.

    Forgot to mention...they did not charge for the 2nd treatment...and would not accept any tip for it...they just would like to keep us as customers. We will return, and recommend friends. I think it is not very often that you will find an honest bus. person here.

  13. the time before that we were eating a bowl of soup with 2 friends...and he came out and told us to 5hut up 8itch...this was @ around 5 pm. This started my daughter up...who never used to curse...with the you can not tell us to 5hut up! to which he replied yes I can because you are both 8itches & %hores. That is a typical situation. Like I said we used to just ignore them...but once we got the cameras, my daughter would tell him to stop/defend herself...and that was when he got violent.

  14. Boo you are correct...except that it is a Thai Man and His Farang husband...who are my neighbors.

    I am Thai...but have lived overseas so long, that most people consider me a Farang now. I have gone to the police and made the daily reports...but they seem scared to make case report.

    I have witnesses, but they are Farang, so I am worried they may have visa problems if they are asked to testify. I also have video/audio evidence. I never pushed to go to court until I did, because I did not want it to be a he said, she said thing.

    I really have no idea why they do not like us(this was not until Aug of last year).

    The only thing I can think of...is that they were trying to sell this room for the owner for 2 yrs, I did not know that when I bought it. Anyways we saw a for sale by owner sign, and it was the same price as an empty shell, so we bought it for my Mom who was dying of stomach cancer(wheelchair bound).

    However, it was 3 months after we bought it at a birthday party that he came up to us...drunk I might add,..and said he did not care what anyone else thought, he did not like us. We left the party right then. We do not drink, not that we are against that, but we just don't. So I do not think it is that. I do not have any problems with Gay Men...their body their choice. It couldn't be about Nationality, since my Husband is of the same...and they have tried to do anything to him...yet. They only other thing I can think of is that we are western thinking Thai women. Although, my daughter thinks maybe we know something we shouldn't, but don't know it...we are really at a loss. Although the other people have joined in when it went to court...which I think happened because we were weaker, than them...we did let it go for a year and a half(I bought my own sec. cameras by then).

    I posted it here because as Thai Farang women, you all might understand my point of view better..than a Thai or Western Man would.

    I kind of thought if I knew the exact law...if there was one...that it would get the police to make a case report...I do not know.

    They keep asking us to let it go...but they keep doing it. I do not want to wait for they to finally kill us!

    This last time when they called the police(threatening military police)...saying they could get us kicked out/deported...and a man with a gun showed up...and come to find out he was not from the Tourist, Jomtien, or Pattaya police...she came to the conculsion that he wasn't a real cop...and locked herself in her room.

    Thank you for your Input/Help Boo and SBK!

  15. My Daughter had this done today(shiseido). She says she loves it. It is suppose to last for one year, or until her hair grows out...whichever comes first. They told her to wait 3 days before she washed it, but did not mention anything about special shampoos. Watsons and nonsulfur based is that correct?

  16. ok...

    1st off I ask that you please do not be offended with the way I ask these questions...I am trying to keep it as simple as possible.

    - this has been going on for about 2 yrs.

    - I am not interested in moving at this time.(He just wants us to leave...which as a western woman is completely wrong to me)

    - I am Thai, but my Daughter is a Dual National

    - We have both been verbally assualted by a Thai National and his Farang Sig. Other.

    - My Daughter was physically assualted by the Thai National

    - We finally stopped giving them chances, and went to court.

    - We were not present @ the court(we were never told) and they were charged Thai (2yr probation and 500 baht fine) Farang(1yr probation and fine)

    - I never got to speak with the Prosecutor or the Judge

    - These attacks are unprovoked, and typically seems like He(Thai) has been drinking .

    * What I would like to know is what to do from here?

    He has continued with the verbal assualts, slander etc.

    *Is there any laws that can stop him, like when he prevents me from entering or leaving me home?

    *Is there any such thing as a restraining order here?

    Like I said earlier we are not interested in moving...I can not understand why the abuser gets to kick the victim out of the house when the abuser is the criminal.

    Thank you all again for your help!

    PS: I was told by a policeman not to let my husband try to stop them, because as a farang he could be deported. The Thai Man's Husband is a farang...so why can he do it?

  17. This turkey is an habitual terrorist and admittedly so - so why 4 years, and 1,000 Baht? Yet a verbal attack on people in Thailand registers up to 18+years. Is loss of face more dangerous than a gun toting bomber? I will never understand Thai judicial. If a foreigner walked around with guns - he would get more than 10 years. angry.gif

    I am not being sarcastic but what Thai Law says Yet a verbal attack on people in Thailand registers up to 18+years. What exactly has to be said?

  18. [

    Did you sign a contract.. have a car on your name.. if not.. don't worry.

    No just bought this condo almost 2 years ago...but apparently...whoever he is...stopped make payments on a toyota...and now is getting speed tickets on his Honda. Do I have to notify the court, or can they put a lien against the condo?

  19. 1 word.. Compete !!

    Even in the non Free market, one with work permits, taxes, restrictions and a FAR higher cost of operating.. Visitors are still using non Thais ?? The concerned Thais should try to analyze why that is.. Take a long look in the mirror and wonder why a Russian can operate at a lower cost for a better service than a Thai is able to, given the huge disadvantage that the non Thai faces in every aspect of business.

    Well, that is the problem. The Russians are using people without the proper licenses, without paying taxes, etc., so they are undercutting even the Thai, who still have their expenses to stay legal, let alone legal foreign businesses, who are paying even more.

    Dead on...it is not just the Russians though. I still have to get all my licenses, and pay my taxes...as a Thai. One of the shops down the block owns his(Canadian) bar though his "Wife's" name. The very same wife who is learning to read and write...THAI...and is just now learning how to use a calculator. Who do you think the accountant is? Cleaning tables, taking orders, renting out condos, sell businesses...openly. He was just bragging how he(through his Wife) paid only 2 baht in taxes last year! That is just one example!

  20. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this, but I was told that (Thai property owner), Thailand has laws relating to rental deposits, number of months rent which can be demanded, etc. He said that the security/damage deposit could not exceed 1 months rent. Now he was talking about a non furnished house and that may have a bearing on what he passed on. Some people seem to want the customer to feel they are at the mercy of the property owner, but there does seem to be protection guidelines in place for both parties.

    I didn't know that! We have just done what the locals did, but tried to make it fair for both sides.

    Do you know where I can find a copy of the Thai rental laws? Thanks!

  21. I do realestate in Pattaya...

    We do one months rent in advance and one month sec. deposit. If you stay more than 6 months then you put 2 months sec. deposit, and one month rent. If you are getting a discounted rate then we require payment in full...or you could lose your deposit if you break the contract. We return the sec. deposit right at checkout...after we ALL read the meters for water and electric. We do the govt rate...by the bill and pro rate it.

    We try to be fair...and do get a lot of customers because of it.

    However the fact that I was out of rooms caused me to rent some additional rooms for other condo owners. We paid them in advance...and then sublease them. However here is the problem. I rented a condo for 2 months from a Thai Owner...we paid him in full until Jan 17, 2011. Four days after we moved in he decieded to kick us out. He brought police and all. I couldn't believe it. Even with my contract/reciept...he still did it. I still haven't gotten the 2 months advance payment back...and am at a loss at what to do about it.

    If your gut is saying something is fishy...and would say find another place.

    By the way I did file a police report that says he did not refund my money, and that HE broke the contract.

  22. I am leaving Thailand tomorrow after 4 years. It has been damaging to my international reputation. Whenever I tell people I reside in Bangkok, people start giggling. I have lived in other Asian countries and nobody would associate my residency there as something sinister. It has been affecting my business. Goodbye.

    Sorry to hear that. I hope things are better where ever you end up. I feel your pain. My landlord kicked me out(someone else is going to pay him more), even though I have paid rent in full Nov. 18 till Jan 17, 2011. And no he still has not paid me back the money I paid him!

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