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Posts posted by wasaskater

  1. (a) in that circumstance, it would have been prudent (as a condition of closing) to obtain from the seller, the receipt issued by the CJP confirming payment of the annual fee or at the very least to ask the seller to cause the condo manager to issue a letter to you confirming due payment of the common area fees up to May 31, 2010...

    (b ) yes, I confirmed with the buyers that they did get the TV...

    (c ) if the developer still owns unsold units, they (the developer) would be obligated to pay the common area fees for those units...

    (d) are the common area fees paid (in your condo building) by the year? (not quarterly or monthly)...if so , check the exact wording of the debt free letter...if the invoice for the annual charge was billed to the old owner (as of June 1) and the debt free letter confirmed that it was paid (as of June 2) you may have a compelling argument against the CJP manager ....

    Thank you for all of your help...this has been a definate learn as you go...for me!

    a) I thought to ask for an invoice...no good now...we assumed if they recieved a debt free letter...that when it would be sold it would be debt free...opps.

    :) I now put cap locks on the door. You had a good broker!

    c) basically the JPM owns units...and also rents out units for others and takes commission(10 - 20 %). he also sells units...3 - 5% commission plus any extra they can add to the price.

    d) Supposely we can pay by the month...but we have to pay more...and it is a hassle to pay monthly. The debt free letter only states that the room is debt free...and the letter is good for 7 days from the time it was signed. JPM has basically told me that if the computer says there is no debt on the May 31st...then he writes a letter saying there was no debt to the Land and House. I guess he is blaming the computer.

  2. the "debt-free" letter issued by the condo juristic person manager only confirms the absence of debts up to the date of transfer of the condo title deed......it does not confirm that the condo common fees were paid a year in advance....

    if you wanted to check/confirm whether the old owner paid the common area fees a year in advance, you could have checked with the condo manager (before transferring the title deed and paying all the transfer fees)....but that is hindsight now....

    condos usually give you some leeway to pay, so I dont think the 7 day deadline is that hard (before interest accrues)....

    (re the stereo, I had a similar situation but the other way around...I sold a condo of mine on Saladaeng and left the very large TV in the living room as a gift to the young Thai newlywed couple who bought the condo....I told them (thru the broker) when they closed at the Land Office and they were thrilled...)

    The sad thing is I did ask the juristic person manager and he said he could not release the information(privacy of the Condo Owners).

    That was very nice of you...I hope they got it...and not the broker! It seems quite common here for the previous owner/broker to clean out here...and the security doesn't do anything to stop it.

    I know the condo owns quite a few units...and I almost wonder if they have to pay HOA.

    If they didn't pay for a year and lied to me no problem...But I know that when a friend of mine sold their unit earlier this year...they would not let her pay by the month...they had to pay the whole year. They told her that she could ask the buyers to the rest. Now we can pay by the month..or so we have been told. So I guess I feel like the condo was paid at least a months worth.

    The thing is that it was not debt free...since the HOA was due on 1 of june and we transfered on the 2 of june. If they had told me(JPM) when the hoa was due...I would not be in this situation. Someone clearly lied...I just don't know if it was the JPM or the previous owners.

  3. I all ready bought the condo...the transfer was made...I paid for it...but I have just recieved notice(Sept.) from the condominium that we as the new owners owe HOA. The previous owners told us that they paid the HOA until June 2010. (Which was why we paid all the transfer fees) According to the condo...the hoa expired on June 1st. We purchased on the 2nd of June. I was provided a clear of debit letter good until June 3rd 2009...so how could we owe HOA. Could the condo maybe pocketed the money?

  4. yes I have a blue book...I had to go to city hall to get it...I got the deed at land and house. The clear of debit letter according to our condo must be requested 7 days prior to transfer...it is good 7 days after it is issued...to prevent people from transfering their condo without paying there hoa, electric, and water. It did not work in this case since the hoa expired on the 1st of June...and we purchased on the 2nd of june!

  5. It's up to them, they are totally unregulated and usually unqualified.

    An acquaintance in Pattaya was one of these wide boys, he used to ask the vendor what they would accept and make an agreement for that price. He would then market the property himself at an inflated figure and pocket the difference. Sometimes he'd get lucky and make upwards of 20%, sometimes he'd make nothing. Very dodgy geezer.

    yup...thats right...we have quite of few guys do that here. They do it on the rental units too...if they even pay you if they rent it out.

  6. Hello,

    I bought a condo back in June 2, 2009...and did all the paperwork...including the Clear of Debt letter. The transfer went fine...except the previous owner's husband took the stereo system while we and his wife were at the Land & House...even though they said everything stayed.

    I was just notified that we owe for the home owner's fee...(June 1, 2009 - May 31, 2010). The previous owners told us that the Home Owner's fee had been paid a year in advance...thats why we agreed to pay all the closing costs.

    Since she provided a clear of debit letter... we assumed that it had been paid.

    My question is do I have to pay the 10+ K? I know it is not that much to some...but for me and with only 7 days notice...it is tight for me! Who is responsible...do I need to talk to the previous owners(Japanese/Thai) or is the condo responsible?

  7. I understand why the Red Shirts are upset...I would too. However all these disruptions of power need to stop...as someone mentioned..."United We Stand...Divided We Fall". I do not agree what the yellow shirts did was right...far from it. I also do not agree to what the Reds did in BKK(which was just as bad.) You had to be in Pattaya to really see and know what happened. I think what has happened is equvilate to....

    If a majority of Americans voted the Republican Party into power...only for the Republicans to convert to being Democrat...and electing a Democratic President. I would be hopping mad too...but there is not a thing I could do about it...except write/call my elected representative...and not vote them into power the next time around.

    I do believe there could not be a peaceful demostration...especially when you feel like you are being attacked. Is there still a ban on large groups gathering in one place? Just my 2 cents.

  8. My Congrats on 20 years...but I have to disagree...some Thais do celebrate birthdays and such...we(including my parents) would always make a cake and food for coworkers on our birthdays...go out to eat etc...in fact it seems like we are always celebrating something.

  9. Thank you again everyone...as an update...the condo has put an electric wire on the side of the building...not sure what for..but I think it is for a camera. My cousin lives in northern Thailand(runs a printshop) so is unable to physically come. She wants us to just leave and go there...but I feel like it is not fair that they can keep getting away with this.

  10. sorry but what is a troll...actually nevermind.....I did not just join 6 days ago.

    The condo has said they were going to install a camera...but has yet to do anything. The majority of residents here are foreigners...and have visas to worry about(and Thai girls friends...who will care for them when they leave to go back to work). Advice I am looking for is a way to make them stop...but not cause harm. I do believe in Karma. We haven't been physically harmed...yet. Thank you everyone again!

  11. Sorry for not posting all the info. I did go to the police(made a report/did not ask them to actually come...backlash?) We took pictures...etc. We talked to the condo...but they can or will not do anything...cameras are pointing the wrong way...and their signs would also block any camera angle....it is a small entrance so I can not find anything to attach my own cameras to.

    By the way my daughter is not young she is in her 20s...we are very close.

    The previous owner was my Mom. Before that a realtor...same as next door(they also offer visa runs etc.).

  12. Wow wasaskater..at first i was going to suggest not even thinking about why they are doing this, but just leave. Then i thought, might be worth a quick think as to why they are doing this. One reason is that they are just absolutely insane and to get the hel_l out of there. But the other thing to consider, is although their behaviour is barbaric, is there anything you could have done to provoke such a negative reaction? I dont know if you are Thai or Farang. Maybe they resent your presence? The only reason i ask if there is anything you could have done to make your neighbours dislike you, is because if you move, a similar problem may follow you. Think carefully about that one, as its possible you did something to offend without even realising (again, still no excuse for the treatment they give you either way!)

    Either way, I would recommend leaving. Fast! Forget the deposit/Bond if necessary. Just look for a new place where you can keep your sanity.

    I was thinking about living...except I already own the place...we have never had any problems with any of our neighbors...in any place we have lived. I am a Thai/Farang...both of us are females. The couple next door are guys...one Thai and his boyfriend is British. This is a condo...and when my Mother passed she left us her condo(1st floor), and her rooms upstairs. I feel like I shouldn't have to sell out. (one of the things in her will was I could not sell her rooms to the guys next door...so I assume this was an on going issue, that she just didn't talk about.) They have threatened physical harm, but I do not know if they will follow through. Thanks again for your advice.

  13. My Daughter and I moved to Thailand, after the death of my Mother. As of recently my daughter and I have been verbally abused by the neighbors. They litter items like eggs, condoms, and urine on our back door etc. Is there anything that we can do?! From what we gather...it is why the original owners left.

  14. Thaksin was a politician and a businessman...I have met him briefly on a couple of times...and he was pleasant and helpful on those occasions. I believe there would be no red party if Thaksin did not exist...I also believe that the red party is not any worse than the yellow. I do not agree with the way each one went about it....and most of all not the blue. If you do not like Thaskin because of the way he made his money...then you shouldn't like any politican in the Thai government...and I have met quite a few of them. Money/power may not have been their only goal...but favors for family and friends were the norm...including but not limited to school scholarships...citzenship...visas...all expense vacations. For those of you who have to do visa runs all the time...tell me how it is fair for them to be born and raised overseas, and get citizenship because one of their parents is Thai...oh, and their parents were born overseas and got their citzenship because they were Thai. For those who are trying to get a visa for your Thai girlfriend/wife...how is it fair that these Government officials can leave at anytime? So do I dislike Thaksin for what he has done...no...if anything I wish I could have been strong enough to do the same...when I was threatened with harm. Sorry for all the typos.

  15. I live in a condo that does not allow anyone to have pets...but they do let strays in..at the last meeting I suggested that they spay and neuter them to keep the population down(they said it is against Buddhism to do so.)...but they said the were going to round them up and pay the wat to take care of them...which is expensive.

    What my question is...does anyone know what our legal responsiblity is...if someone gets bitten...will the co-owners be responsible if we get sued?

  16. In my building the Juristic person, who also owns more than 50% of the units, just goes ahead and completes work (such as pool renovation) then presents each owner with a bill, which is probably padded. The proper accounting is not shown. There is no Resident Committee. This person is well connected, very rich etc. What are my options? Do I just pay up? Do I ask for proper accounting before I pay (which won't be presented, then what?) Would it be worthwhile going to a lawyer? Thoughts please, thanks.

    Why isn't your pool maintence fees included in your common area fees/HOA fee?

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