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Posts posted by wasaskater

  1. Just wanted to give you guys an update. I have not heard from them since my last email...which told them to pick a date or I would consider it canceled...so I guess they do not want it. I did go to the police and confirmed I was in the right(same ones who came when she falsely called)...and the told me that I was free and clear to sell or rent it out. So now I have a tenant...and I hope that this crap never happens again!

  2. yes the condo had the letter done the same day I asked for it...but refused to give it to us...because the bylaws say it takes 7 days. Similar to a budget surplus I guess? The building manager is only here two days a week....so maybe that is part of it. HOA must be paid one year in advance, and due to privacy rules, it doesn't always do that much good...if the owner is not being honest. We once bought a condo that owed a years worth of HOA the next day...the owner told us that they had paid a year in advance...lol!

    So far I have not heard back from them...but who knows, what they are going to do next. Thanks everyone!

  3. That is what I was always told...if you agree to buy something you put a deposit down, so the "owner" can not sell it to someone else. If you did not buy it...you lost the deposit. The sad thing is I am in the hole 400,000 baht because I was expecting them to buy the condo, and put money down to buy another condo!

    According to the condos bylaws, in order to transfer, you must have a clear of debit letter, or you can not transfer.

    I am a female person, and do not want a confortation, and I hate limbo. I feel I have been very fair, and they are trying to scam me. Everytime the cops call, they make it seems like I don't want to close. Which couldn't be father from the truth! At this point, I figure I should just send them the same email that I sent them before.

    1. They notify me 7 days before they want to close by email(closing must be within August).

    2. They lose the deposit in full.

    Sound fair?

  4. another tip...when you get the coffee/tea etc... in the plastic cup...pick the cup a few down...since the owner has mostly likely drank out of the first one. I saw this in central too. Was going to mention this to their next customer...but she...lol...asked for the 3rd cup down...so I guess this is common huh?

  5. I will not use their names, since I assume it is against forum rules. Please do not be offended since I use nationality to tell them apart!

    Back in April of this year a German(boyfriend)/Thai(girlfriend) couple came to look at my condo. They both liked it but he did not want to pay 1.4 million for it. A week later they come back, and ask to look at it again. He says he was willing to pay 1.2 million...but in Thai the girlfriend says she will pay the extra 200,000. So we agree to sign the contracts the next day. When they return they bring 3 other Thai people with them. One man and two women(on turns out to be her sister). The contracts are done in Thai, and are filled out by her sister(the contract says we will close in the month of August, so i can rent out the room till then). While we are filling out the contract the German goes and gets a massage...odd huh...I did not think about it at the time. Anyways, the sister fills out the contract for 1.4 million and the girlfriend, and the sister all sign as witness.(he did not obviously). Then they fill out a contract that says 1.2 million, and he comes back and signs it, with his girlfriend. I make copies of all the contracts and give them to the sister...and they in return give me a contract deposit. Since we dod not know when the are closing I ask that they give me 7 days notice so I can get the clear of debit letter, along with my email. It is getting dark by this point, and they ask if they can spend the night in the room. So I said sure ok...one night right?! In the morning, I find they have moved furniture, nailed pictures in the wall etc, broke dishes, etc. I tell them that all personal items have to go, until they buy the condo. No problem, they understand, see you in August.

    Well I get a phone call in June...Hi we want to close sometime in July...what! I have a tenant already, when? Not sure, well email me with a date. No email.

    July 19 @ 6pm they show up wanting to close...no phone call no notice nothing. Then they want to close Tuesday morning! I explain it takes 7 days to get a clear of debit letter. They say they want to stay in the condo till they close...learning from the prior mistake I say no, and tell them they can stay in the room once the have closed on the condo. I turn in the letter, and it is actually done in less than 7 days, but Monday & Tuesday are a holidays. In the meantime I have been emailing them trying to confirm Wed. as a closing date, but get no response. Then on Sunday they drop by the office and say they do not want to close...and they want their deposit back! What!!!!!

    I tell them if they cancel the contract they do not get their deposit back, so just pick a closing date. Whatever they choose, to put it in writing in email, and for them to give me 7 days notice for closing in August, or cancelation.

    So far I have not heard anything back from them, except 1. they want to close on Thursday afternoon , and 2. they want to cancel...in that order. Thursday rolls around and they are a no show, and I assume they are canceled.

    Then friday the police show up!!! I tell them the same thing thing, they close or they lose the deposit...simple. Ok fine, no problem.

    Then today I get a call from another police officer, and then a "Lawyer", I tell them the same thing, pick a closing date or lose your deposit!

    I thought it would be simple, they pick a closing date, and show up with the money, and I provide my chanote, and the clear of debit letter.

    Anyone else have a situation like this? Any advice?

    Sorry for all the typos!

  6. Thought someone hald built a new condo building in from of your house and instead see images of used condoms.

    Thanks for that.

    It might actually have been nice if they built condos in front...good for my shop.

    However, now you know how I feel! Although I did not realize I had typed condos instead of Condoms on purpose.

  7. As a short reply to everyone.

    Last year at the halfway point on s1 and s2...the condo made a motorcycle parking area...supposly because a drunk person hit one motorcycle and caused a domino effect.

    They could not be thrown out of a moving vehicle...it would have had to been a parked motorcycle.

    Considering the sec. guard would not touch them...I doubt they were drugs...plus I doubt that they would have made it to morning considering they were thrown between 3 and 6am...and we discovered at 8am. In addition the police I am sure would have been to happy to take them off my hands it they were.

    Yes either these were thrown by unruly teenagers...or extremely immature adults. I imagine it took sometime to do...so this person(s) must have had a lot of freetime on their hands...the bar(s)...must have missed them.

  8. Since I am a female...I wanted to know what other females would do in this situation. Thank you for the ideas. This is front of my little shop 1st floor in the S2 building. It has a sidwalk area in front everyone walks down....of the Rimhat Jomtien Beach condo. There is 5 buildings which all together equal about 3000 rooms. There is a lamp post directly across from my shop, and lights over head. I was going to buy a camera...however the condo does have their own cameras, and security gaurds...only 3 doors down. If it was teenagers...it must have been one hel_l of a party...there were about 25 of them. It happened sometime between 3am and 6am...I only discovered it at 8am...but the security left it there for little kids to pick up!

  9. I have a small shop that has a small mini mart...and 10 rental rooms. This is what I wake up to. There are security cameras...24 hours security guards. The won't allow the police...are we not allowed to live in peace in our own homes?!




  10. For our condos in Pattaya we require one months deposit for 6 months or less. Two months for 7 months or more. You can pay in any currency...seeing as you probably don't want to take Thai baht back home. We read the water and utilities when you check in, and then again at check out. You pay the water and electric in Thai Baht...and right after we give you the deposit back...unless of course the tv is missing etc. The way we figure it...if we are fair...you will come back and refer friends.

  11. It is terrible, whether she jumped, accidentally fell or was helped I doubt there will be any evidence to decide whether it was murder, a tragic accident or suicide.

    what horrifies me is it appears she landed at the back of S1 or S2, this as I understand is a children's play area, there likely to be children playing near by but she could have landed on anyone passing by.

    The playground is at the end of s2 near the parking garage. She landed right in the middle of S1.

  12. Let Numchai fix the problem and pay a little more.

    I once purchased an LG unit from Lotus, they do not have their own fitters so a team of contracted cowboys came out and did the job. One problem after another with it, fingerprints all over the wall, poor cable run and eventually no gas in it after a couple of months.

    Called Numchai the first thing they spotted was the pipes were aluminum insted of copper and they had developed holes letting the gas out, they replaced them with copper and cleaned up the sloppy cabling.

    So now I would never think of buying an aircon from anywhere but Numchai.

    Thanks...I wasn't sure if they worked on units purchased somewhere else...now I know. The guys that came out here did use copper...but like you said "Cowboys"...they seemed to have a lot of trouble measuring and cutting the pipe around corners and such. PS: Do you remeber how much the charged to look...

    Thanks everyone for the advice!

  13. from what the installer said...he wants me to buy a machine to pump the water out...and cut holes in the new tray ceilings. I would also have to pay to clean it up and patch the holes. He won't name a price...which worries me. I was thinking of calling a place like NUMCHAI...but would that void the warrenty. Not that it is doing any good right now.

    Also I have noticed that at some point of them shoving things under the unit...it is now leaning away from the pipe. Should I contact an LG service center?

    Correction the company is Carrier...but they sold me LG units.

  14. Hello,

    Sorry if this is in the wrong spot!

    I started renovating a condo a little less than a year ago...and bought 2 brand new airconditioners from a LG Dealer on Sukumvit Rd. About 3 weeks ago we finally finished the rooms...and turned on the air. One unit works perfect. The other leaks water out of the unit. I called the company...and they came the next day, and told me that the drain pipe was installed at an incline...but due to the holidays the contractor who installed it was in BKK. Since then we have made appointments and they keep canceling last minute. Any advice? I still have my original copys...etc.

    Thanks in Advance!

  15. R & R can mean: Rest and Relaxation...Rest and Recreation...Rest and Recuperation.

    Also it is the Phuket Gazette that is calling it R & R...not the US Navy...no Quotes.

    It would be nice if they would crackdown year round against all criminals...Thai or Farang...gay or straight.

    But things could be much worse.

  16. oh well, we all live and learn...

    I would just pay the 10K (and ask for alittle time if that is what is needed)....

    (that's Baht right?---wow I wish my bills were so reasonable)

    LOL...Would you like to pay mine too? Yes it is Thai Baht.

    I seriously haven't learned anything from this...except that maybe Thai people are always looking for a way to scam you...instead of trying to find honest money.

    I guess I am most upset that they make everyone else pay for a full year or they can not sell...but this lady and husband somehow got off without paying at all...or the office pocketed the money.

    They refuse to give anytime...if no money...they will cut off water and electric...and I will have to pay to have them reinstalled...I am currently renovating those rooms...and had to put down 20K...as a security deposit. The condo charges 200 baht a day when you use outside contrators. If you use in house you don't have to pay. No deposit either(but they charge double what I was quoted). They have made at least 10 K off one of my rooms(People signed in to work on my room...but went to someonelse's) and I know of 3 other people who have work being down on their rooms right now too. Sorry off topic.

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