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Everything posted by JulesMad

  1. Why do we never hear about 'peaceful shooting incident'?!?
  2. Pretty normal problem; I know whole hill tribe villages who are all born on 1st of January...
  3. You CAN drink alcohol 24 hours a day, if that is what you want...
  4. "Popular Russian Occupied Buildings" are mostly found in Ukraine...
  5. What is going on with the Spaniards? Murder on Koh Samui, as well on Koh PhaNgan... 2 murders in 1 day, both Spaniards
  6. I am talking about Service, Prices and User-friendliness! Who cares about the owner if the service is <deleted>?!?
  7. Booking dot com is so much better than Agoda; only problems with Agoda..... Never use them again, EVER!
  8. I am ALWAYS potentially moving to ...... (any nice place) ????
  9. You don't know anything about Buddha and/or Buddhism!
  10. Only 81 of the 25 million delivery riders is not much at all, I would have thought a much higher number...
  11. Better be a buffoon than a massive orange idiot ????
  12. usa never (again)!!!
  13. That's just what they should do in usa, but trigger-happy republicans want to continue shooting...
  14. Absolutely! Not everybody can do it, bar-stool-tigers most likely can not ????
  15. ...which he is ???? It is also a perfect photo to use as target practice, in the toilet or on the wall (or wherever!) ????
  16. They will though....
  17. Why? Is your name 'trimp' or something like that? He also shouts all the time: "My ......... are the best" and it is all total BS ????
  18. The amount of bad Karma that you generated (for yourself!) is unbelievable. Karma means action. You consider yourself as the one who has to bring 'karma' to others; that is not Karma, but childish revenge... You don't know anything about Thailand and Buddhism. You have no idea whatsoever what Karma means. Just rest assured, Karma will get you, in this life or the next ????
  19. Things like this happen when you take FaceBook serious. And as only dumb and/or stupid people do wheelies (on or off FaceBook), the result is enough proof...
  20. Throw the Russians out of every country and do NOT allow them in!!! (PS I know that money is the most important thing in Thailand)
  21. So if he gets 14 years, how much is/should trump getting?!? 14,000 years? trump probably bribes his way out, but he deserves so much more...
  22. Death penalty, immediate execution after 2nd time in the wrong, will educate people very quickly. I know, it is a bit harsh, but think of all the advantages such as fewer people, cars and motorbikes on the road (and in general); hardly any accidents (stupid people die first!); roads in very good condition; a lot less people to feed... Negative effects: small (most incomplete) families, huge drop in car/motorbike sales, and rise in gun-related fights
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