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Posts posted by WarpSpeed

  1. Without reading this entire thread

    Suggest you do before commenting ...... or you are also going to end up sounding like a self righteous prick ...... not a flame, just a bit of advice.

    I guess your not one of those who can easily comprehend the gist of a threads content without slowly and meticulously combing over every word. I on the other hand am not one of those types, in a thread such as this it is easy to read enough to get a flavor of the direction of where the thread is headed and reading 34 pages of repetitive tripe to confirm that is not necessary for me, you have at it though..

    How very hypocritical of you I must say, the only self righteous pricks here seem to be those making judgments on this person with out having a single clue of his real character or life behind the scenes but that is typical pack mentality... not flaming though, just a bit of advice.. :D:)

    I'm extremely shocked that since the real subject of this topic has not responded that, in it's frustration the pack is beginning to turn towards me since I don't share nor advocate your disdain for this individual based on one persons perception and description. Not possible for me to do in reality since I don't know him personally as I suspect none of you also do not (at least none of the numbers of responses I've read).. :D:D

    All too often people make rash judgments about a persons character based on someone else's limited perspective of them without making their own assessment.. It's that Thai train of thought, guilty until proven innocent..

  2. OP, While I agree his behavior is childish, rude and disrespectful, and not excusing it your actions are just causing as much commotion as his childish antics as well you are also causing this cafe to potentially lose a long time faithful customer who has probably spent more money with them than you have or probably will in the future as well..

    The guy is probably stressed all day and has few simple pleasures, one of which is starting off his stressful day with a simple favored stool location or as another poster mentioned maybe even OCD and then he has to deal with some self righteous expat retiree (even worse if your not full time) who has just as little consideration as he does, I don't see how your actions should be applauded anymore than his. While he may be an arrogant bully who probably deals with likewise expats all day long you are an inconsiderate antagonist with no less childish behavior IMO... Your "winding him up" as you put it, is every bit as rude and childish and does not elevate you like you think it does...

    Is this our guy?

    Why the incrimination's? Is it because I dare to differ and not to jump on the bashing bandwagon and take a more pragmatic and compassionate point of view?? :) Without reading this entire thread of <deleted> I noticed at least one other poster at the top of the page take the same tact as me, is he your guy?

  3. OP, While I agree his behavior is childish, rude and disrespectful, and not excusing it your actions are just causing as much commotion as his childish antics as well you are also causing this cafe to potentially lose a long time faithful customer who has probably spent more money with them than you have or probably will in the future as well..

    The guy is probably stressed all day and has few simple pleasures, one of which is starting off his stressful day with a simple favored stool location or as another poster mentioned maybe even OCD and then he has to deal with some self righteous expat retiree (even worse if your not full time) who has just as little consideration as he does, I don't see how your actions should be applauded anymore than his. While he may be an arrogant bully who probably deals with likewise expats all day long you are an inconsiderate antagonist with no less childish behavior IMO... Your "winding him up" as you put it, is every bit as rude and childish and does not elevate you like you think it does...

  4. Greetings all,

    I'm new to TV but not Thailand> Bangkok is just so big and you can spend months trying to find the simplest things in terms of hardware and the like that might be on the little street next to you, but in this case I need to know of any bulk hardware stores close to Don Muang? So I'm taking a short cut hopefully..

    More specifically I seek a 10mm reverse thread nut also known as "left hand", or counter thread etc. to repair the fan on my vacuum cleaner. Yeah I know go to the manufacturer and all that but TIT and we already did that with model numbers etc. and they just brought us a new fan that requires this nut where our last one didn't have one and the new one does. As usual their answer was a run around and the techs we spoke to were clueless in every sense even including not knowing their own product and what a counter thread was, we even had one out to our house and he still didn't understand with the example right in front of him.....Kept telling us we could get anywhere, but I know better it is more rare than that, and when I showed him a 10mm right hand thread that's what he thought we needed in spite of seeing the actual threaded shaft..

    Unlike some have suggested just buying a new vacuum, ridiculous, since this is a top model wet/dry vacuum and has nothing what so ever wrong with it once this is repaired it has years of use left, heck I haven't even had to replace the filter yet! So I'm not going to trash a perfectly good vacuum for the sake of expediency..

    I'm really not interested in large retail stores such as Home Pro, I know about those, I heard of one called Bangkok hardware which has several branches out of Bangkok such as Phuket but I am not familiar with their branch in Bangkok and no way to contact.. any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I would prefer my child to be taught by an irishman than an american. Just look at how the americans have changed the english language and the spelling. There is American english and there is english. I want my child to learn english not american

    Over the years I've had dozens of Thais remark that my spoken English is far more understandable than others from UK, Oz, NZ or Ireland.

    "R"s are not evil. It's OK to pronounce them.

    "U"s are overused. Delete them when they add nothing.

    English is capitalized when referring to the language. Youf today don't know noffin.

    Yep, that's been my take too...heard it plenty of times..

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