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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 3 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

    and possibly no happy ending ever if the staff have not been vaccinated and you catch it from them.

    If they are vaccinated you still catch it from them.  In fact they can still catch it too, it's just that their immune system has had time to learn to fight back because it's been injected with a disabled punch doll version of the virus via a vaccine.


    I wish people would just think for a minute...they have 1440 chances every single day.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  2. ...and, while I'm on a rant, does anyone realise that an N95 mask is 95% of particulates protection? (dust, sand, cement, spittle etc).  It does not protect the eyes, it does not protect the ears.  Why no boom boom ban?


    There are over 20,000 variants of the flu since recording began.  What makes the half dozen or so we have this season any different?

    • Like 2
  3. I have a wonderful girl.  Only two issues; she thinks female, she thinks Thai herd.  Aside from those two minor nuances she's amazing.  She's actually saved my life at least one time for sure, and possibly twice.  Only way I can get her attention though is to cause a squabble, otherwise she's too busy doing 'stuff'.  Yak Yak is soooo not my thing though.


  4. There are some scary roads around there.  Never thought I'd ever write this, but I think they made a good decision.

    The only other good thing I've ever seen is how they levy price on fuel for stability.  Approx same price today as it was when I got here nearly 15 years ago.

    If they want a new law they should use their cameras to make sure riders and drivers look for oncoming traffic at junctions.

    • Confused 1
    • If they want more Tourists and Exports, then they could print more Baht and join the others in a race to the bottom.
    • If they used one of the (at least) 16 pre-existing treatments for other issues and repurpose them, they could hand them out on arrival and ditch the quarantine.
    • Visas are ridiculous.  Simplify and reduce cost. "We want your money, but we want to make it difficult, expensive, a Pain in the A, and maybe we won't let you renew more than 6 months of the year (just to be sure you can't spend here).  When the quarantive is over you can send some of your people to Cambodia to learn how to copy how they approach visas.
    • And <deleted> let people buy land!  Limit the Rai per person if you are concerned about a takeover.

    5G scares me. Reminds me of involuntarily sticking your head in a microwave and there's nowhere to run to get away from it. Why not use more fibre cable and stick with 4G which has a longer range?

  5. 14 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Nope, don't like the Thai beers at all.  Never drink Singha, Leo, Chang or any of the other local rubbish.  I drink a lot of beer but prefer paying for decent stuff.  Don't mind paying 280 baht for a pint of Hoegaarden, Stella or other Belgian beer, I just don't want to pay the same for 330ml of a flowery or fruity concoction.  Not for me and I find most people who are in to that are pretentious and snobby.  

    So why don't you tell me what the online sales figures are for Singha & co as you seem to know so much.  The "big boys" own 94% of the market, the Craft market is around 1%, so who hurts most financially from an online ban?  The big boys lose the most revenue by far and won't take that easily.  Remember people saying the same about the alcohol ban during Covid?  It was orchestrated by the big boys to run the small guys out of business.  Nonsense.  It was the big boys campaigning to have that overturned and it will be just the same now.

    If the big boys see a genuine threat they will generally just buy them.  Heineken own close to 100 craft beer brands and no one knows, they just quietly bought them up. They don't run to the government to ban something that will hurt them more.

    Again, this ban is borne of stupidity, nothing more.  Stop looking for conspiracies.


    There is a restaurant in Udon that has (at last count) 89 different beers, mostly Belgian.  I can do an 'in person' purchase for you (especially since we own it.  TBH I'd try Sivilaii or Mahanakorn.  330ml are 90 and 115 baht respectively.  It says Thai beer but technically it is Vietnamese.  I prefer the latter but most people prefer the former.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Wouldn't it be great if Thailand would have real grassroot movement from (relative) poor people for poor people?

    At last I had enough from Billionaires who claim they only work in politics to make life better for the poor...

    "politics" - interesting term for military and government, neither of which colour I like - it's like the same thing but wearing a tie instead.  The guy in the video I've never seen before, but first impression is likable.

  7. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Another neverending story. Move on children! A little bit longer with this story and it might be time to created super toys like Baby Elon and Baby Unsworth.


    Then there is the failing cute factor, of course.

    Do you mean move on pedo's? ???? Of course, pedo doesn't necessarily mean what many assume it to be.  There was a pediatrician in UK some time back had bricks through his window because people misunderstood his job.

  8. 6 hours ago, overherebc said:

    I just call them pineapple when farang is used to me.



    I used to joke in my single days with the word Guava.  I too don't like the word farang as it sounds like a bastardisation of being French, and although French is fine, to me it implies that in the world are Thais and non Thais, and with the French history in this area of Asia, I kind of feel like I'm being grouped as if "are you black or white, muslin or christian" etc, as if it's a binary/boolean outcome.  I say I'm Paul, and if you insist on a category then it's caucasian.


  9. 12 hours ago, keith101 said:

    Personally I find large boobs very unattractive and ones of this size downright ugly but that's just my opinion . 

    Me too.  I love the trim natural well formed beautiful .... I don't care about size ...at all (and they think you're BS'ing them) ... maybe one of the reasons I've never admitted to myself why I love being here, even if just to look.  Then they go add silicone, tattoos, piercings, BS or whatever edge they think they can get without realising that nature makes things perfectly already.


  10. Felt the 6:51am in Udon, but not the first one.  Just a couple of seconds and just a bit of window rattle.  Did make me wonder whether to leave the building, but thought I'd wait until something bigger was on its way.  Nothing after that.  Didn't think the north was considered an quake zone.  Learn something every day.  No damage that I'm aware of.

  11. Speaking English is one thing, but thinking in the way of a western culture would also be important if the goal is to improve competitive edge 'over there'.

    I'm really trying hard to speak natural English with my wife and slap my own wrist when I fall back into using their version 'my sister she go do air' (My sister is going to have to stay at home from 3pm as she's getting air conditioning installed') - made that up, but everyone here will get the gist.

    Get better at Thai for our job, or better at English for their part.

    Then there are the accents ... OMG last time I had to go to BKK I felt like I'd just got off the boat (being an Isaan guy).

    • Haha 1
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