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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. I know you say you intend to stay here, and if you bring it all to Thailand you'll have no issues, but if THB for some reason decided to slide against another currency, then capital controls limit how much you can take out of the country per year.

    Would you be interested in putting some in a property to rent out (condo perhaps)?  I've never dealt with property here, but see many offers where they offer you a guaranteed monthly return and someone else deals with the details, and looks a lot better than bank interest.  That said, the prices are usually inflated, so I'd be curious if I could get a property manager on a better priced place (In UK I had a handful of houses and this worked great, but my sister in another part of the country had incidentals almost every month, as if they had a tick list they went through for excuses).

    A bit of precious metals sounds like a reasonable choice, and can easily be converted to cash at short notice.  I would say crypto, but if you're at the stage where you're prepared to take less returns in order to lower risk then perhaps that's not appropriate in your particular situation.  Maybe buy 1BTC or something as an outside gamble.  I do believe they'll be worth several hundred thousand dollars within 5 years.

    Money in the bank struggles to keep pace with inflation, and some financial products are not available to foreigners.


    As for quick access to cash, I would factor whether I had health insurance or wanted to take my chances.  I always did the latter, but after a couple of broken bones I got insurance for 20K baht per year (available to Europeans, or any country where they have something like the NHS in case they have to Medivac you home, which keeps the premiums way down for the big ticket issues.


  2. 17 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

    Some people post like they haven't lost their virginity yet and have anger issues with those who have... ???? 

    What the flipping flip?!?!  That was like a T-Boned interpretation of an inside out swimming experience in a pale shade of blue, but ... with more dimensions.

    I'm saying this:

    You observe something, you form an opinion, you project that back on them, people cheer lead your smarts, then you don't like someone making an observation so make vapour responses.

    For what?

    The guy has an opinion.  It's not going to ruin anyone's day.

    (and Mr mirror man, let us know when you lose your virginity and are no longer angry).

  3. 23 hours ago, neeray said:

    Call it whatever you like. I whipped off that response to your filth in a rush. It was more in response to your post #876.

    But here:

    Besides pig talk, your comments are,








    Immature locker room talk, as follows: "Also tried a Benin African woman once and almost lost my mind. The inside of her was much hotter temperature than average. She made quick work of my steamed sausage" is OTT and childish. No need to describe your sexual conquests in such graphic detail. It just comes across as braggadocio.


    Thaivisa has quite a mix of people, mostly men, some women. Speaking only for the male side, my observation is that many members are gentlemen who would be disgusted by your filthy, degrading rating and description of women the world over. You bring shame to us who treat women with respect, not just as a fruck as they are to you.


    You describe yourself as a "realist". I see you as a Don Juan wannabe, probably a major wonker and fantasizer.


    Having stated your age earlier as 30, you bring disgrace to all millennials. And you bring disgrace to all foreigners when (and if) in Thailand (you).


    Since you enjoy rating women so much, I think you aught to return to Benin, if you were ever really there, and soak your "sausage" with each and every whore that will allow you to try them out, then find a related porn site where filth talk like yours is acceptable and embraced. Brag and fantasize all you want.


    Dream on !

    Please be aware that your interpretations of another, are more a reflection of yourself and not them.  You're telling him what he was thinking.  Don't be surprised if you get some pushback.


    • Thanks 1
  4. The name on my debit card (BKK) is "BE 1ST VALUED MEMBER".  Never has it ever caused an issue either here or internationally.  It's just not part of their Authorisation protocol.


    The 16 Digit number is seeded so you can know if it's Visa/Mastercard/Other, and the CVV is critical.  Other than that, "if computer says yes" then it will proceed.


    Having the ID card of the perp is a major embarrassment to the story.  He obviously knows this person, but that's not really relevant to the theft.


    I feel like I'm talking like a broken record when whining on about why people don't use cryptocurrencies.  Maybe in a year or two we might see 7Eleven being a little more Avant Garde (but 10 years later).

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/2/2019 at 8:23 PM, bkk6060 said:

    Yes, which is something I would rather not see.

    Elephant flaps are not appealing.

    I like elephant flaps (beef curtains).  I like anything that is female to be prominent and not CGI'd or photoshopped out on the front of a magazine.  If you ever look on youtube with (primarily Japanese, but also other Asian regions) were they have eye, hair, jowls tighteners, tooth overlays etc, and the do a transformation from omg 'n' 'o' no, to wow, is that really possible? then you can see the fakery (they look like Anime cartoons), and want to take them for a swim to see if it's all water proof.  Asians with blue or green eyes look great, until you take a second and realise the lie - you're not interacting with a person, but a pre A.I. organic robot.

    So so many beautiful people, all natural, and I wonder how they get the mental distortion to want to Orange-utan their hair, piece, tattoo, whiten, silicone etc.

    I saw a young girl on our street yesterday morning when the dogs demanded that it was walk time about 5:15am (not even light yet, "and you missie are not the alpha"), but eventually I do what blokes do and comply.  This girl was incredibly pretty, lean, had something about her (way too young for my fat western ass and my wedding ring, but I was just looking).  She was so shy, and our little pup really wanted to meet her, taking me for a walk as much as she could pull the leash.  She was scared of the pup (she can't bite really, it's a rat on stilts), but she smiled that nervous smile.

    The point being, this is not an old blokes daydream, it's that she didn't have fashion braces, silicone, hair colour change, impolite clothing and she was very unsure of herself, which was truly beautiful.  I guess I'll see her in 5 years somewhere in summertime, when her elders have told her how it should be done, and she'll be just another broken commodity.

    How I wish I'd got here at 18 with resources and met someone that was similar to the above, but as they say "too soon old, too late smart".


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. If you pay by direct debit then receipt is not an issue, as you have all the evidence needed.  DD is not easy to explain here, but it's just as possible as in most countries.  My Landlord (LandLady in my case) never ever makes issues, and has always been a stand up character.

    In the above case (and for disclosure I haven't read the full article), it seems that a nothing burger turned into a 'thing' with no good for either party.  Probably an apology, misunderstanding, a wai and a bunch of finger pointers showing where the plane leaves would be a probable outcome.

  7. My girl suggested we get married so I could get a visa (just an office job).  I declined.  I don't want Gov't or religion interfering in our personal relationship.  It's also a lot kerfuffle if taking that route.  If finances allow then pretty much all other routes would be preferable, but if money is tight, and perhaps if you need a dependency visa, then it's not really nasty, just a pain proving yourself year after year, like other people know about your relationship because they have pictures of you together with a native vouching for you.

    People don't seem to have an issue with us not being married (not that I'd be listening to them).  I provide very good security for her, and she takes very good care of me.  That's enough for them.  I do call her 'wife' socially, but faen when talking to officials, and I do wear the ring on finger, so to all intents and purposes we're married imnsho.


    Also wrt assets I have her on my recipients list (though I can change that at any time - not that I believe for a second that she'd stiff me, but then again we all get into deals thinking we're making the best decision).  I can guarantee you I'll never face an acrimonious divorce however, due to non marriage.  Her house, her car, I paid.  No clawback terms (even though I think she would want me to in that circumstance) and my own assets aren't anything to do with Thailand - I just bring in what is needed, and not too much more.

    • Like 2
  8. Our two dogs were trying to have a go in the middle of the street, were naked, don't pay taxes and don't have work permits, valid passports, visa, valid health insurance, and have never done a 90 day report.  They are also cashless, don't have a bank account with sufficient reserves.  As a consequence of they are not worth targeting by officials.


    Or... They don't like that women are being done out of a job by foreign women who enjoy providing female enjoyment without baht payment.


    I don't think this comment was worth the time it took to write it, and I'm sure the article took a lot longer.  What's the M.O of any of these parties?




  9. Just now, Cadbury said:

    TAT could turn this to their advantage by issuing "Smiley" LOS (Land of Smog) face masks to all inbound tourists. They could keep them as a memento of the occasion of their visit to Thailand. 

    Smiley LOS  face mask.jpg

    France is about to ban face masks (presumably under the guise of face recognition - which is not necessary these days - sunglasses can though, but there are other unspoken reasons that would make more sense for their action).  Maybe if they put some tech in there to establish that the mask belongs to the wearer then recognition would not hinder genuine want for face covering.

    Still, if the real issue is smog then that's a different story, and should be approached in an entirely different way.

  10. Couple of questions:

    Drones: 50 x 10Kg of water with some Molasses.  What was the outcome?  Drones are limited to 90 metres in height, but I'm told the dust is in the clouds?  What's the Sq/Km of Bangkok for 500Kg of water?


    Burn off:  What's the purpose?  Is it to clear the land, put stuff back into the soil or something else?  There's plenty of minerals in the soil, it's just a bit brackish.  Filtering that and creating something to feed the soil and also getting a lot of table salt for another market at the same time would seem like a better idea.  Also the fibres from the rice would make an excellent building material if approached properly.


  11. I asked my missus (she's the one with the looks) to say hello to a UK friend on a video call last night.  Today she said he looks younger than you.  I said that's because he is a lot younger than me (we don't all only talk to people of the same age you know!).  His missus is 13 years older than him, western, and the bread winner.  I commented on that with my missus and the conversation came to a screeching halt Lol.  Not sure why. [ahem].

  12. I'd pick up 1 baht if there weren't 'too' many people watching (I'm shy), especially since I know the driver wouldn't take too kindly to being offered 9 baht (cheap charlie if you do or do not).  I mentioned to my S/O some years ago about how much money I'd found walking (since it's classless form of transport and you can earn instead of spend) into the city (a 500, 10, and several 1's).


    Later in the conversation I asked what she really wanted in life.  She held her hand out (as they do) and said "1 million baht".  So I asked her how many baht in 1 million baht, and she did not know the answer.  There's your problem love, right there.  Can't define yer goals.


    Years pass, and I've got a woman (same one) that hates to spend, but loves to shop (result, house full of 'carp').  I don't know what the opposite of a gold digger is, but yeah that.  She still has all her gold, her car, her bike, money (she only spends mine) house will be next (I say 'her' house as I want something altogether different, though she's welcome to stay ???? ).


    If I say "hey, I made xyz on a deal in 7 mins, how d'you like DEM apples?", and she's entirely unimpressed.  Food, Aircon, dogs and a notion of 'security' and she's chirping all day long.

    I still can't find a contractor to install the silo with a world domination rocket in the middle of an island, so plans are on hold.  I explained my plans, but she was busy dribbling at a picture of som tam on facebook and said 'urgh urgh' (PaiBoon, I want my money back, it doesn't understand my wife..."but then again...who does? (BladeRunner)..

    I'll post the best pic out of 1000 to show my friends in England that I'm living the life... or I'll go get a bar stool and be a grumpy old man.

    The point of this post?  Like you, I guess there isn't really one, but I'm holiday/retired out and need a project.


    I do enjoy my job (I say Job because it's makes me sound important and needed, but I retired a while back I think, not sure there was a date exactly, just moved onto different interests), but more like a hobby, that pays, and not in this country though I don't leave here for more than a day a year usually.  I plant 'systems' (ohhh!) elsewhere that do 'stuff', which converts to bread on'th table.  Maybe I could be a social do good'er and be the pied piper (if I had a pipe, and if I could play, and if knew of some rats...but apart from that...), there are enough rats, which I could run into a klong, except I'm pretty sure they can swim.  I'll start with pied and see what happens.  Beer by the pool starts at 2pm, but by then I might be talking rubbish, oh, err...

  13. 17 hours ago, madmen said:
    On 1/24/2019 at 2:39 AM, Senseo said:
    I wonder if a skinny man that became fat due to medication, could develop into having abnormally high biological hunger stimulating hormones. I hope not. I came from 63kg to 78kg in a very short amount of time. I got a few marks similar to some women have that gave birth due to rapid expansion of the stomach. (I'm a guy). I have been skinny my entire life until last year. I stopped the medication a few months ago but this fat doesn't want to go away. All this fat stays around my stomach, like a beer belly. In the past i could eat anything i want. I could eat all the lovely sugary foods without gaining one pound without exercise. Even though i don't eat much now, i don't seem to lose weight.. I don't lose any pounds with cutting sugary foods in my diet. It only stays stable.. I really feel for fat people now. It's a huge struggle. Fat people know they're fat. At least me and it annoys the shit out of me every day. 

    Getting older sucks. I could fast for 5 days and actually not shift a single gram.

    Leptin (and it's counterpart Ghrelin) are the satiety and hunger hormones.


    I have a friend that had a kidney removed, and ever since then he piled on weight, and even severe caloric restriction won't budge any fat, not even temporarily.  He's convinced there's a connection.


    There is a device called the "Modius" which claims to cause weight loss by impulses to the brain.  It is fairly expensive, and doesn't seem so compelling to me, but it does suggest there's a signalling event there too.

    If I were trying to lose weight via calories, I'd either go Keto, or stop eating entirely (tolerate the first couple of days of hunger) then not eat again until my body told me it was hungry, at which point I'd gently resume calories.  That way you can speed metabolism and preserve lean mass.  Calorie 'restriction' is poor science.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    All that lovely smelly pubic hair  have a function! Anyone know?

    Yeah pheromones.  And to be more sure you are less likely to be kiddy fiddling, fake ID's being a second hurdle.  Facial wrinkles aren't always a good indicator of age here until much later in life.

    • Thanks 1
  15. So if you have 1 week to go, and they delay you for 2-3 weeks, does that mean you get overstay?


    Could that not also cause the system to PNG people for too many offences?


    If it doesn't, won't that mean people abuse the system and book later to get longer than 60+30 days for example.


    I hated paying for the visas for 5 years renewable (the poorly named 'Elite'), but I was so done with all this messing about after so many years.  It was against the grain for me, but compared to being cattle, if someone can afford it, then the above is well forgotten history.

    • Like 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, oruaM said:

    get a hairless one, there's plenty of them .. don't ever think you can change a Thai girl, this is third world, femininity is more like an innate gift here, not something grown into them by exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

    A lot of people think that shaving encourages more hair.  I suspect it's more about the sharper ends on the hair after shaving.  No matter, plucking or waxing would mean that when hair returns it would initially be more vellous and feel natural.

  17. Last time I went to my origin country, which was more than a decade ago, in the 3 weeks I was there I saw just One girl that I thought was attractive.  I've never been that good at hooking up with girls I'm attracted to back there (though had hordes of those that I wasn't ???? ).  There's not a chance I could have got a look in, and none of the others were interesting to me either (I'm just talking about looks here, not what their character is made of).  I was in good physical shape and earning very well.


    Over here, when younger I was in demand, but they couldn't know I had no money or prospects.  Now I'm older and don't get the attention of 'non professional' workers, but have an awesome partner that I had to work really hard for 6 months to win her over to giving me a chance.  She made a good choice (even if I do say so myself), as she's wanting for nothing now (apart from me to drink a little less at the weekend perhaps).

    I still like to look at eye candy though, and I've reached that stage where a lot of them now appear to me almost like kids, and I'd be embarrassed to be associated with them publically as a team.  That's nothing bad about them, but clearly don't want to be in the 'dad syndrome'.

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