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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 1 hour ago, SantiSuk said:

    Have been using curcumin gels from iHerb for a couple of years now.


    Looks like I need to find another supplier or maybe even a domestic supplier. I tried to order some more today and noticed this message about delivery.


    "Customs Information


    Due to Thailand customs currently preventing importing of our products, we have currently suspended shipping orders to Thailand with DHL Express or UPS International. We are currently working with customs to determine what we can do to get our packages to be allowed entry into your country."

    I know of a company that can make the Lipo gels for you if you wanted to go into business.  I used to be in that business (but not in Thailand), and it was profitable too, but closed it down when crypto started out performing working for a living.



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  2. If it weren't for the restrictions we have as foreigners, I'd be happy to donate a few hours of my time each day/week to cleaning up.  It could be a social community without going into a bar and getting pished, and a little gentle exercise also.  

    Remember that not all this waste is from Thailand, and will constantly be coming in from the sea.  If only people could see the value in it rather than seeing waste.  I'd love to have an operation recycling all this free 'solidified oil' (plastics)  Authorities are getting in the way rather than assisting though.

    "Hey Gov't! I'll invest in factories and hiring the 'know how' and clean your beaches, and in return you leave me and mine alone.  Deal?"
    "How much you pay me?" ????

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  3. Can you vape in a mushroom zone?

    Sometimes I feel like a mushroom ... but people keep me in the dark and keep setting fire to me.

    But more seriously, is it about only mushrooms, as I thought it was about preparing for rice planting.  I thought up a solution for the rice that one day I intended to implement (if I could get a work permit anywhere near the farming industry), but if it's mainly about burning the bush around surrounding areas then it's back to the drawing board.

    I'd like to know the actual issue that incentivises the burning so I can noodle the issue for solutions.  What's your take?

  4. As a European, he could have gotten health care here for 20K baht which would cover him for the first 500K baht, at which point Medivac back to your home country.  It only applies to countries with health care as standard, but for that price, and no need of a health check and no age limit, it seems a small price to pay.

    Worked out well for me (well, considering) when I broke an arm and now full of Titanium.  Still have to pay for non admit bills yourself though (eg. walk in antibiotics, dental etc).


  5. 17 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    It's in a farangs nature to moan and complain. We're taught to stand up and criticise/complain. Where as Thai are taught the opposite. Each to their own. My missus worked in an hotel, no she wasn't, and she said Indians/Pakistani were by far the worst offenders.

    Sometimes communication is opposite, then you get a curve ball and realise it's tangential instead.

    An enormous source of frustration for me, and told to 'ccccalm ddsoown'.  I think I'm fairly mellow - very actually, and wonder if I'm secretly in the Trueman Show and being tested to see what buttons to press.


    Had a melee of them yesterday, the most basic things (up they do down, change Manu to Menu (2 hour job and I say give me the chalk and a damp cloth and I'll do it myself, and even that they forget and go eat  ....etc) and wanted to break something.  I didn't of course, but I went for a walk as I don't like to keep that stuff inside me more than the seconds it takes to move it away from people before letting it out.

  6. 11 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    I'm sure there are posters still confused why the letter from their pen pal in 1962 hasn't arrived yet.

    If it's any consolation the people using modern 

    communications now will not recognise their world in twenty ears.

    The dissemination per one million people over time is an interesting Google search. Up until the invention of the printing press it wa fairly stable. Since then the curve has gone logarithmic.

    Unfortunately knowledge gets shared as the same rate as bullshit.

    I sent a message in a bottle as a teenager circa 1986.  No return to sender though.

    You sound like the kind of dude I could really enjoy a conversation with.  If you're ever in Udon then you have an invite to our restaurant on my tab.


  7. If you gotta pee you gotta pee.  Not sure what the appropriate solution is.  Saw it in England too when trying to find a quiet place, only to see a woman squatting for the very same reason.


    In defence I saw a Thai male 'chak wow' right across the road from our place, where there were ostriches, peacocks and deer.  Not sure which one he had his eye one.


    It's only the human animal that gets this kind of judgement.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Date Masamune said:

    Why ? One Phuket liking guy told me sun sand seafood and snatch not necessarily in that order he explained his method for Thai success is he does not drive and refuses to study Thai.  When I suggested my opinion the country is more interesting if you understand the culture and language he told me he pays "no attention anymore" as it is better to ignore and "anybody worth talking to speaks English". What a negative attitude!

    I don't drive hardly at all anymore (got my girl a decent car instead...though she calls the Tuk Tuk for me instead lol), although I'm about to shell out for a large car.  My missus won't want to drive it, but all my mates will.  

    The language thing it seems to me to be split down the middle.  A common thing I see/read about is those that learn and then say "don't learn it, it'll drive you insane when you realise what they're talking about".  I listen myself even though my Thai is not so good, but to me all it appears to be is "have you eaten yet? Did you shower yet? Are you working today? Let's go eat".

    If you replace "eat" with "beer" then you're a bad farang.  Lady, you started it!

  9. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I never tried drugs. Why? Because maybe I would like it. So it's better not to get used to it.


    Reading the news from all over the world everyday I am not surprised that lots of people can handle it better if they are filled up with drugs.

    Same here.  Two things spring to mind that I've never tried because I know I would destroy myself.  Cocaine and Big Bikes.

    Both look like a lot of fun, but there's that threshold between being meek and mild, then turning into a junkie (adrenalin or otherwise).  Even on mountain bikes and snowboards I was always the one that would push it just a little further, even though I'm usually one of the quieter more anxious people in other settings.

  10. 4 hours ago, HLover said:

    Really? I never noticed.????????????????

    I would be considered a Brit (not so fond of the idea myself but...)  I think they're angry about people coming and getting benefits without contribution more than anything.

    Imagine here, you arrive with nothing, ask for a house and social security, health, and nobody can call a spade a spade.  Would you not at least be "rather miffed"?

    My sister who is still over there and likely always will be, when looking for a school for her kid, said "I've nothing particularly against other cultures here, but when you go to look at a school and realise that he would be the *only* English white kid, you've got to draw the line somewhere".  I thought she was joking, but it turns out that she was not, he (would have) been the only one.  They got an additional crushing mortgage and moved for the schooling.  Schooling though is a topic I won't get into as I'd be wittering on all week.

    Move that marker on the battle map Charlie, we've lost another strategic sector on home ground.

    As for people complaining about here (ignoring the 2 week wife with house and car stories) it seems to me a fair chunk of it is about visas and reporting, and not so much about Thai culture, as it's .... well  it's their culture, and we shouldn't be imposing on what they value, even if in the quiet hours you mention that it doesn't make sense to you.

    With my missus she'll say something like "I have to ...something something.... big Buddha"
    "You want to come with me?"

    And that's the whole of the conversation.  I don't agree with it but I don't enforce my views, I just swerve it.  If it makes her happy, she's nice to be around.


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  11. Hmm, if I understand your question correctly then I'd say no.

    I'll make this next bit up, but I know at least some of it applies to myself:

    I lived in UK, worked hard, had Friday nights out, and maybe a soft Sunday, then worked some more.  I never had issues with substance abuse (even now I think I'm moderate, but every opinion is different).

    I come here and what can I do?  I see lot's of pretty, exotic (or that's how it looked at the time) think it's an adventure, then eventually talk to farang and hear stories and get jaded.  I try to show that it's different (yeah we've all heard that one by now), and I'm trying so hard to accommodate, and if I don't accommodate I'm isolated.  I think I want to give them the gift of missing me (or maybe they won't at all, but I wouldn't be here to know anyhow)....but if I do that I'm not coming back, and I want them to see the writing on the wall before that happens.  Pay for this, that, "I never got a letter back, more fool me...", money money, plastic Bhuddism/Anamism, you don't understand Thai, how many Thais help farang?  50/50?  80/20 99/1 - I'm not that bothered so long as I'm happy... I mean that's all that I really want - for me and mine to be happy (and that includes my farang friends who are few, but much more solid than most other farang I've met, and even Thais which I kind of accept, but they're not the ones that rip me off, it's the farangs that do that).  No matter, I can regenerate and excel again.

    I just pasted the text to see the rat model and how a connected group has no need of substances really (even if they partake sometimes - it's not a need, just an enjoyable excursion sometimes).

    In short, I think all of us have it all really really wrong and it needs some input and discussion before taking a stance.

    [Edit]:  I feel like I'm living in an empty cage sometimes.  Not always, but for sure sometimes.  Meaning, Understanding.  Scrap that they just want my achievement tokens without achieving.


  12. 15 minutes ago, dcnx said:

    I have zero love for Thais, Thai culture, or Thainess. I came for business and opportunity. 


    This is is my last year and I can’t wait to leave. Made a lot of money over the years and now it’s time to take that money and retire somewhere nice and sane. I actually feel sorry for those of you who are too old to leave or are stuck here. Good luck to you. 

    I'm not stuck here for anything like my missus (as much as I love her), because if she won't join me that's her answer.  The dogs don't get a say, and that is a biggie.  Even human babies have some say (and eventually taxes). 

    In my case, income moves with me as it doesn't come from here, however small or decent it may be. 

    I don't subscribe too much to Thai anything really.  I've done my time here and ready to move (13 years in a couple of weeks time).  If single then I wouldn't be here already, but "no person left behind" and all that (unless they want to).

    Like many, other Asian countries and Latin America are becoming much more appealing these days...


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  13. First:  Admin, if you want to move this topic, then I apologise as it's the first time I've created a topic and was overwhelmed with the options.
    Second:  These are not my words, I'm just pasting for information, we can discuss later if anyone is interested.

    So here goes:


    Get a rat and put it in a cage and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks. So there you go. It’s our theory of addiction.

    Bruce comes along in the ’70s and said, “Well, hang on a minute. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It’s got nothing to do. Let’s try this a little bit differently.” So Bruce built Rat Park, and Rat Park is like heaven for rats. Everything your rat about town could want, it’s got in Rat Park. It’s got lovely food. It’s got sex. It’s got loads of other rats to be friends with. It’s got loads of colored balls. Everything your rat could want. And they’ve got both the water bottles. They’ve got the drugged water and the normal water. But here’s the fascinating thing. In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use any of it. None of them ever overdose. None of them ever use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction. There’s a really interesting human example I’ll tell you about in a minute, but what Bruce says shows that both the right-wing and left-wing theories of addiction are wrong. So the right-wing theory is it’s a moral failing, you’re a hedonist, you party too hard. The left-wing theory is it takes you over, your brain is hijacked. Bruce says it’s not your morality, it’s not your brain; it’s your cage. Addiction is largely an adaptation to your environment.

    We’ve created a society where significant numbers of our fellow citizens cannot bear to be present in their lives without being drugged, right? We’ve created a hyperconsumerist, hyperindividualist, isolated world that is, for a lot of people, much more like that first cage than it is like the bonded, connected cages that we need.

    The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. And our whole society, the engine of our society, is geared towards making us connect with things not people. If you are not a good consumer capitalist citizen, if you’re spending your time bonding with the people around you and not buying stuff—in fact, we are trained from a very young age to focus our hopes and our dreams and our ambitions on things we can buy and consume. And drug addiction is really a subset of that.
    ~ Johann Hari

    So, can any farang see this behaviour in themselves?  I know I can.  Lack of stimulation.


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  14. 19 hours ago, Titan1962 said:

    Won’t be long and you will be paying per kg in body weight.

    looks like us fat bastards better start that vegan diet.????

    Wondered for a long time why they don't charge by the Kg.  I mean Person + Luggage, so they can't be accused of discrimination.  A 50Kg person taking 50Kg luggage could be the same as a 100Kg person with no luggage.  Adjust the trim and away we go.

    Over simplification of course, but a system could be designed to handle that with the inevitable exceptions.

  15. Dang, and I was hoping to steal a Thai job in the rice field, basket weaving or be a migrant construction employee.


    But seriously, for many the money is not the issue, but the field in which they earn it.  It's a rather limited list.  Better to say what they're not allowed to do (nothing that threatens natively born peoples well being).

    I for one don't really work anymore (and not in this country anyhow), but I would like to be allowed to help my S/O in her restaurant sometimes, maybe just changing a draught keg, cleaning the lines or fixing the POS system etc.

    [EDIT] I just had a look at investment visa, wondering if that might be a way if you brought a significant chunk of cash into the nation, but again it assumes you're working for a company.  I'd just like peace of mind that I could help out a little here or there (not necessarily in a paid capacity), but on first glance even that only seems to only be 3 months.

    Guess I'll just have to stick with the 5 year pay for nothing in particular visa and sit on my ass not vaping.

  16. 1 hour ago, ebean001 said:

    I am from USA...that should explain why I think Thai ladies are so beautiful.

    Ditto for UK.

    Last week I was at a local hangout/bookstore/food place, and not drinking on this occasion.  Just me, a bottle of water, and people watching at the 7-Eleven across the road.

    It was almost more enjoyable than getting pished! (but my girl was helping out her friend working there and I didn't have any 'sneaky sunglasses' with me).

    If I could live this life 1000 times over I might get bored after perhaps the eight or nine hundredth time.  Have to say though, as I get older I'm just as happy to look and imagine, whereas even a decade ago I was rampant and seeing how many times I could clock up another score (with GF, not butterfly) before one or both of us were really 'Thor' ("I'm Thor", "You're Thor?", "Well, ... It hurts").

    Mental viagra with added bromine - there's a market opportunity I swear.  It would be a marriage saver Lol.

    Familiarity breeds .... er, brats?

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