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Posts posted by pisico

  1. Kilgore Trout

    (Quote) Not unusual, when you speak only a few words of Thai they love it; "geng maak" "pood Thai chat," but when you actually speak and understand Thai with fluency very few Thais will approve, much less congratulate your efforts.

    I highly doubt this lady can actually speak Thai fluently, just my 2 cents.... . (End of quote)

    So true!

    Not only I heard it from vendors, maids and some acquaintances: they do not like it when a Farang can understand them, much less speak Thai.

    Some good people will react surprised and some, as you well said, congratulate you.

    It is a veiled manifestation of Xenophobia. Not that they only want to take advantage of the Farang financially. They feel we are usurping something that should always be of their sole domain.

  2. Abhisit is a man of honor, integrity and dignity. Unfortunately these are qualities which don't win elections in Thailand. Thaksin on the other hand possesses various other 'qualities' which have assured his victory. Sad state of affairs.

    It shoud say Abhisit won't stand a chance against Yingluck!:lol:

    Smart man after all: he knows when to throw the towel.

    On the other hand Suthep...

  3. <Contents of post previously deleted> jap.gif

    Any basis in your post Newbie?

    Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

    Is this your own opinion?

    I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

    An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

    OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

    What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

    How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

    How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

    True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

    Is this an exam question?

    It sure is structured that way.

    But then again, from the quality and relevance of argument, I doubt you are a teacher.

    Can you abound on the items I enumerated instead of turning into an ad hominem rebuttal?

  4. An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

    OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

    What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

    How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

    How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

    True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

    I'll bet that's not all you hear.

    Yes, I hear lame excuses of sore losers.

    Abhisit, the elite of Democrats and the army lost because they thought that Bangkok was Thailand.

    I want to hear the praises for Suthep's edifying deeds under his boss Abhisit.

    Today he said that if the Reds take over most of Thailand there is going to be chaos... Or something to that effect. What a sore loser!

    Hello! in the elections you were sent a loud message Khun Suthep: we do not like what your boss and you stand for. Bye!

    Reality check:

    Nothing said in this forum will change the outcome of the elections. If people feel like venting, it's OK, may they do so lest they turn blue to punish me.

    The sore losers should wait until the new administration gets going to capitalize on the mistakes that inevitably will be made. Then they will be fair game.

  5. Good riddance Abhisit. You will NOT be missed. jap.gif

    Any basis in your post Newbie?

    Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

    Is this your own opinion?

    I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

    An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

    OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

    What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

    How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

    How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

    True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

  6. Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

    Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

    OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

    What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

    How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

  7. Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

    It would be good to know the long list of his accomplishments in those two years: no excuses or blaming others please!

    Even if there isn't one, I reckon it matters not to those who have a crush on Abhisit. He was great!

  8. It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

    Bygone era? Not in the minds and hearts of the elite and the holier-than-thou minds of many here.

    The army backed elite lost because they forgot that Bangkok is not Thailand.

  9. Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

    That is the bottom line & that is why the Thai's voted the way they did.

    Thais voted that way because the elite and the army forgot that Bangkok is not Thailand.

  10. A review of his case sounds fair to me.

    Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

    - Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

    - Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

    - Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

    These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

    Never mind your logic based of facts. Those who "own the truth" and are wannabee aspiring members of the "I want to be part of the elite because I feel like one" will question your wisdom and ultimately nail you to the cross.

    How dare you bring to the fore factual information about the clique that hanged Thaksin.

    You naughty boy!

  11. When we are old, nearing death, and thinking back to what we did with our lives, how highly do you think we will rate the activity "arguing with strangers on internet forums" on the overall life experiences scale? It's a sunny day. :)

    The depth of your philosophical words will be ignored by the petty minds of most. Some will appreciate them but not all.

    Then again, if that would be the most significant moment in a person's life ("arguing with strangers on internet forums" ) what does that tell you about the mental habitat of those arguing, sometimes insulting and turning a dialogue into an ad hominem diatribe?

  12. The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

    It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

    Fully agree. The Heading: Prove you are not a puppet is biased, immature and shows a pernicious attitude therein.

    Geriatrickid, I applaud your input.

    But careful! Being fair and balanced is not something that wannabee elitists would react to graciously.

    They cannot see the elephant in the middle of the road not even after crashing into it.

  13. Funny how Liberals, Democrats and Progressives want to change the rules depending on whether they favor their dysfunctional fanatical beliefs or not.


    There is a white elephant in the middle of the road and if they do not want to see it they will say: What white elephant? Not even after they crash against the massive fact of reality will they accept it as such.

    It should be a comfort to all in Thailand (whether Thais, expats or sexpats) that Constitutional law will be adhered to in this and any case.

    If he is entitled to immunity, so be it! Grow up and live with it!

  14. Your words do not address the other side of the coin: Will Abhisit and Suthep be punished for causing 92 deaths of Thais when ordering the army to fire with live ammunition on mostly unarmed civilians? There is a plethora of graphic evidence to this effect and only scanty evidence that the Men in Black had a critical mass of members equal to the army. It was disproportional use of force. Even people inside temples were injured and killed. Investigations? Trials to bring to justice the perpetrators? The assassination of General Se Dang, was it done by an independent contractor? The area was saturated by police and the army and yet, this sole marksman sneaked in and out of the area without being detected. Has everyone forgotten? It is really sad that people exclusively focus on Thaksin's crimes. Who has hands not tainted with blood in this sad chapter of Thai history? Democrats? Red shirts? Army?

    Writing rubbish in large font doesn't make it any truer you know. I'm sure a psychiatrist could tell us why you feel the need to do it.

    Obviously you are not addressing the thread. You are just spewing invective; only God knows why. Doubtful that you know it. Your non-sequitur and ad hominem response reflects the extent of your cortical capacity. Why don't try instead to address the issue?

  15. It convinced me that all Thais had had enough of the political wrangling that

    has gnawed at the country since the coup in 2006.

    Not to be negative but is this person actually Thai? It's kind of a Westerner mistake to begin with the coup. History shows that Thaksin himself called another election in 2006 to avoid a parliamentary debate on his sale of ShinCorp following the outrage over the way in which the law had been changed the day before to allow the tax-free sale. This sparked the constitutional crisis of mid-2006 where Thailand had no government and Thanksin was self-appointed 'caretaker-PM'. Then there was the coup.

    history shows that thaksin called another election in 2006 period. the rest has already been forgotten and what remains is that thaksin is a champion of democracy who was ousted by a military coup.

    now that the red shirts are in power, they are going to make sure Thai history records the May 2010 Bangkok rampage as a "fight for democracy by the people" and that "the military crushed the 'legitimate movement' with heavy tactics causing almost a hundred casualties". and let's not forget that they are going to whitewash thaksin and his actions. in the end it will all pass as 'an honest mistake'. or even worse, that all he did was legal and misinterpreted by 'the elite' and 'the military'.

    we are in for a long and uncomfortable ride.

    Personally I hope you are wrong as to the future. I am reasonably sure you hope so also.

    The original article was written with a sincere hope that peace will return to Thailand.

    How ever he did say that the people did not want the disharmony that the last five years haver brought.m There only choice was to vote for Thaksin.

    He paid them for it and all though Thailand has a long roaed to go in the education field they are smart enough to know that if he dosen't get his way he will continue to disrupt the legitamate government in all of it's endeavors to help Thailand.

    One other line he posted and I will copy it exact it his words not mine.

    "any amnesty for former leader Thaksin Shinawatra should be delayed"

    delayed in other words lets let him go free from punishment for his crimes and the ones he has yet to answer for just not do it today.

    Your words do not address the other side of the coin: Will Abhisit and Suthep be punished for causing 92 deaths of Thais when ordering the army to fire with live ammunition on mostly unarmed civilians? There is a plethora of graphic evidence to this effect and only scanty evidence that the Men in Black had a critical mass of members equal to the army. It was disproportional use of force. Even people inside temples were injured and killed. Investigations? Trials to bring to justice the perpetrators? The assassination of General Se Dang, was it done by an independent contractor? The area was saturated by police and the army and yet, this sole marksman sneaked in and out of the area without being detected. Has everyone forgotten? It is really sad that people exclusively focus on Thaksin's crimes. Who has hands not tainted with blood in this sad chapter of Thai history? Democrats? Red shirts? Army?

  16. Spoken from the heart with hope and faith.

    No one should post a negative reply here

    We all want to see Thailand go forward with peace

    Lovely sentiments

    Just one little problem. For those whose knowledge of Thai geography is not so good, Khao Phra Viharn is in Si Sa Ket ,not Buriram , about 160 kilometres away. Buriram hosts The Prasat Ta Muen group of 3 and Phanom Rung.

    Yes, Prasat Phanom Ruing is in Buriram and it is dedicated to Shiva, a goddess in the Hindu pantheon. However, even if once upon a time it was part of Cambodia, this country has accepted that now it is part of Thailand.

    For those who are not aware of historical facts, Angkor Wat was a city estate, the capital of the Khmer kingdom of 1million people, at the time when London was a a sleepy little city of barely 50,000 people. Thais invaded and ransacked Angkor Wat repeatedly and Khmers, tired of being raided moved their capital to the margins of the Tonle Sap-Mekong rivers where the current capital Phnom Penh stands.

  17. Do I detect sour grapes in statements such as?


    "Appointing red-shirt leaders like Natthawut Saikua as ministers - figures whose role in the bloody crisis last year remains unclear - would be very stupid, as it goes against the party's pledge for reconciliation." end of quote

    Will it be OK to have Abhisit and Suthep play a role at Ministry level during Yingluck's administration? They are now the elite, minority opposition that played the most important role in the "bloody crisis", as this "letter" labels, the events of 2010 in which 92 people died.

    It would be better to accept the reality of who the majority of Thais want as their leaders. The losing elitist crowd should stop (after losing the elections) trying to set the path that Yingluck's administration should follow. You lost, they won! Good for them!

  18. Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????

    Before the Coup D'etat, what was Abhisit's experience in politics? Inquiring minds want to know: was he ever elected to office at any level by constituents?

  19. Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

    It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

    Democracy died with the coup d'etat. There was a democratic solution then if Thaksin was perceived to be evil. That was the solution implemented today by the vast majority of the Thais. Yet, those, the "uneducated" masses, are disparaged in this forum as being blithering fools who do not realize how foolish they are. That is exactly what Democracy is: at least a majority of 50% plus one, to dominate the minority. In this election, the "educated" minority in power was booted out of office. The elite rule of British born Abhisit has ended... for now?

  20. 1. Why in the world are you attempting to use a travel agent in Cambodia to book a ticket from the US to Bangkok?

    2. Why is he flying to Bangkok if he is moving to Cambodia? Eva air, among others, fly to Phnom Penh from the US without going through Bangkok. There are no visa hassles or onward ticket hassles for Cambodia. He can get a business visa at the Phnom Penh airport and extend it for a year the next day. He can then visit Thailand as often as he wants.

    It just seems to me that you are making this so much harder than it needs to be.

    I can confirm the above. I have done it.

  21. <br />
    <br />There is no way I will ever put money into Thai assets, because I think it's inevitable that a government will find an excuse one day to seize it in the name of nationalism.<br />Dodgy people, dodgy institutions, dodgy laws, dodgy governments and politicians = foreigner beware.<br />
    <br /><br />Same here! I would never buy land in this country. I've looked into that "nominee" system that lawyers claim is totally legit, but it seem suspect to me. You'd just be setting yourself up for disaster where you could potentially loose everything, unless you have millions of dollars stashed away off-shore somewhere.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Americans can buy land, up to a Rai of land, and have full ownership in their names by virtue of the Amity Treaty.

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